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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Puntland Road Authority. Yearly Review. This is going to be interesting one, enjoy guys http://www.garoweonline.com/artman2/publish/Wararka_19/Waxqabadka_Wadooyinka_Puntland.shtml
  2. Abwaan, As somali citizen i am concerned that some cities in somalia are being missionized, its not qabil issue. I am flatly pointing the blame at bad leadership in those cities that has caused this to occur!!! I am not placing the blame on tribe, you are the one who is making assumptions and therefore appear to be tribally sick!!! All i am saying is i dont want those cities to becomes john and james of tommorow and its best something is done now. Were not talking about one or two christians here were talking about thousands because its 2% of the population of those cities
  3. So as you can see from the data, its not looking good for certain areas in Somalia who will probably be all missionised in 100 years. The christianity crusaders have established themselves in key cities and have succeeded in converting local population of people to john and james maxad ka sugaysa dadka meelahas ka yimi oo dibadda jogga they would be at least triple the rate of the ones inside the nation. Its shocking but their active missionaries inside somalian cities where a healthy christian population resides locally who could be your doctor, your teacher, your MP or even president. The only solution to have halal leader with proven track record where no missionaries are active or christian population that is 100% muslim and has the data to prove it should lead your cities into state of islam or else at the rate the missionaries are missionizing certain cities in somalia you could become christians in 100 years. Its because bad local leadership in those specific cities
  4. Puntland is free of missionaries and it better stay that way. Good on the puntland government
  5. Bibles translated fully in the following cities
  6. There is also active jesus films translated in somali available in the following cities
  7. It appears theirs no christian community in Somalia other then mogadishu, hargeisa, berbera and marka. Kismayo, qoryooley, and burco have no christian population. U need to zoom in and study the data and the rest of nation doesnt either
  8. uchi, pro-puntland? no I post on what I consider is important which tends to be more puntland due to family reasons but I also post regarding other regions now and then. This is a historic day the UNPOS has opened up shop in mogadishu and im certain others will follow suit. You do know a number of embassies are operating in Somalia also
  9. It appears to me their trying to replicate this in garowe but its failed due to terrible interior designing and sharif is trying to replicate this
  10. I really like the set up of sharif and cabinet I hope the presidential palace being built in garowe will take a leaf out of his book
  11. Xaaji, you've been responded to. Puntland controls pretty much 90% of its constitutional territory thats the reality. The only areas missing are north of las anod and thats it. Sanaag is under puntland's government from one side of erigavo all the way to bariga sanaag which is 85% of sanaag state. The reality on the ground I am familiar with Since I spoke to someone went recently to garowe december 2011, I know sxb waxa maqan keliya is parts of sool. Nothing else. Its 5 states and degmada buhoodle. Las anod if we wanted back its not somaliland stopping us but the local clans division we had a battle with somaliland and it was proven in battle we are braver and stronger and thats why sicid dheere said after kalshaale we can finish hargeisa clan in 2 days if he is given the green light!!!
  12. Why is the title of this room tolerated? This is an insult to a whole govt in laga dhigo beel tuulo isu timid oo kale. The admins need to monitor the topics and keep it constructive because Puntland is regional administration consisting of 5 regions and buhodle district. It has a 1600km coastline out of the 3300km coast line of somalia which is over half the nation's coastline. It is 1/3 of Somalia land-mass; As for its clan make up there is tribes from all around somalia who live there and work there and do business there and participate in its government. It is a progressive state that is in recovery and rebuilding mode and is listed in the U.N security indicators as a phase 3 reconstruction/recovery state. It Hosts International conferences ranging from home-led iniatives such as the somalia conference in garowe all the to somalia football cups and somali women national conferences. It has strong bi-lateral ties to many nations and participates in puntland based conferences and also somalia based conferences. I don't understand why people need to resort to name-calling and just call it what it is referred to nationally and internationally as PUNTLAND GOVERNMENT OF SOMALIA or dawlada puntland ee somalia and not mamul gobolleedka puntland ee somalia which translates as Puntland State of Somalia. T The constitution of Puntland updated our name since MAMUL GOBOLLEEDKA PUNTLAND makes it appear its only one state or Puntland State when in-fact it is more then 1 state and is 5 states and buhodle district as per pre-1991 boundaries and is 8 states post-1998 boundaries. Mamul gobolleedyada puntland wa la oran kare lakin mamul manahin which means administration were not Puntland administration of Somalia. War dawlad baynu nahay anagu mamulo ayaa na hos-timado sida galkayo-bosaso-garowe-qardho-qandala-bayla-jariban-eyl-badhan-ufayn who all have established administrations and there is going to others being established in the future. Marka call us what we are Puntland Government of Somalia and the constitution was ratified a long time ago to reflect the realities on the ground and passed in parliament.
  13. Press Releases Somalia:UN Special Representative moves to Mogadishu - first time in 17 years 24 Jan 24, 2012 - 2:17:41 AM United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) UN Special Representative moves to Mogadishu - first time in 17 years Mogadishu, 24 January 2012(PRESS RELEASE) – The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Ambassador Augustine P. Mahiga today moved the office of the SRSG back to Mogadishu after an absence of 17 years. Ambassador Mahiga, who was welcomed at the airport by Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, Somali Officials and foreign diplomats, said he was delighted that the UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) would now be working from the capital. “I sincerely hope that the arrival of the UN Political Office will mark the start of renewed hope for the future of Somalia,” said Ambassador Mahiga. “Being in Mogadishu will allow us to work far more closely with the Transitional Federal Institutions, the UN agencies and NGOs already based here, civil society and ordinary Somalis. We have much to do and we are eager to get straight to work.” The last SRSG to be based in Mogadishu, James Victor Gbeho of Ghana, who was with the UN Operations in Somalia II (UNOSOM II), left in early 1995. UNPOS was established shortly afterwards and was based in Nairobi. However UN staff remained in Somalia throughout the following years and at present six agencies have permanent staff in Mogadishu. After the airport welcome and the raising of the UN Flag, the SRSG proceeded to Villa Somalia to be officially welcomed by President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. The SRSG then travelled back to AMISOM Headquarters to meet the Deputy Force Commander, inspect a Guard of Honour and pay tribute to the remarkable sacrifice of both the AU forces and Somali Security Services in advancing the cause of peace. “Without the incredible efforts and sacrifice of the troops from Somalia and other African countries, we would not be here today,” said Ambassador Mahiga. He pledged to the Somalis that the UNPOS move to Somalia would herald the beginning of a new era of cooperation and political engagement as the transitional period draws to a close. The SRSG will spend Wednesday at Villa Somalia for discussions with his Somali interlocutors on resolving the ongoing Parliamentary crisis and will also meet the UN Country Team. “Now we are here working among you, I believe we will see significant progress on implementing priority tasks in the Roadmap to restore peace and stability to Somalia,” the SRSG said. _____________________ Public Information Office UN Political Office for Somalia (Nairobi, Kenya) Tel: +254 20 762 6898 / 6805 or +254739976888 / 733902020 Please visit: www.unpos.unmissions.org
  14. Xafiiska Siyaasada Qaramada Midoobay ee Somalia oo saakay Muqdisho laga furayo Updated:- 5 hours ago| 0 Commnets Mudo 21 sana ah kadib ayaa lagu wadaa maanta in Muqdisho laga furo xafiiska siyaasada Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya (UNPOS). Qaban qaabada furitaanka xafiiska UN-ka ee Soomaaliya ayaa si weyn uga socoto madaxtooyada, iyadoo ay kasoo qeybgali doonaan madaxda dowlada, wakiilo ka kala socda beesha caalamka iyo wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ugu qeybsan Soomaaliya. Lama oga halka laga furi doono, laakin warar la isla dhax marayo ayaa sheegaya in laga her gelin doono gudaha madaxtooyada, halka warar kalana ay sheegayaan in xarun loogaga dhisay gudaha xerada Xalane oo ah xarunta loogaga taliyo ciidanka AMISOM. Duqa magaalada Muqdisho, Maxamuud Axmed Nur Tarsan ayaa xaqiijiyey furitaanka xafiiska UNPOS, isaga oo ku tilmaamay guul. Tarsan wuxuu u mahad celiyey dalaka horay Muqdisho uga furtay safaaradaha, sida Turkiga, Jabuuti, Itoobiya, Sudan iyo Yemen, isaga oo ugu baaqay dalalka kale ee saaxibada la ah Soomaaliya in ay safaaradahooda ka furtaan caasimada. Horseed Media
  15. GAROOWE : Jaamacaddaha PSU iyo KIU oo hehiis wadagalay (Sawiro) January 23, 2012 11:47 am GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Garoowe:-Jaamacadda Puntland State University PSU ayaa heshiis ku saabsan Ardayda Jaamacadda dhamaysta ee qaata Bajularka ay Mastarka ku qaataan Jaamacada Kampala International University KIU si Online ah. M-waynaha Jaamacadda PSU Maxamuud Sheekh Xaamid ayaa waxa uu si faah-faahsan u sharaxay heshiiska labada Jaamacadood wadagaleen, waxaana uu sheegay In Jaamacadda KIU ay Shahaadada Mastarka bixinayso, Macaliyiinta iyo Casharadda bixinayso, oo ay u samaynayso u qareemid Jaamacadda PSU si ay uga mid noqoto Ururka Jaamacadaha Caalamiga ah, PUS ayuu sheegay in ay dhammaan agabka lagu shaqaqaynayo ee Maxaliga ah ay bixinayso, ayna dhaqaalaha maamulayso. Maxamed Adula M-waynaha Jaamacadda KIU ayaa waxa uu ammaan iyo bogaadin ujeediyay PSU gaar ahaan M-waynaha Jaamacadda PSU oo uu sheegay in uu dadaal badan u galaay sidii Jaamacaddu u ahaan lahayd mid heersare ah, waana taas buu yiri mida ay hadda ku gaartay in illaa Mastar ay ka baxdo Jaamacaddu, waxa uu i qoto-dheer uga sheekeeyay Aqoonyahano dhowr ah taariikhda ay ku leeyihiin Waxbarashada iyo muhiimadda ay leedahay Waxbarashaddu. Wasiirkuxigeenka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Puntland Maxamed Maxamuud Idiris ayaa ammaan u jeediyay Jaamacadda PSU iyo maamulkeeda waxaana uu sheegay in ay aad ugu faraxsan yahay xiriirka wanaagsan ee Jaamacadaha PSU iyo KIU, waxaana uu sheegay in ka Wasaarad ahaan ay soo dhawaynayaan ay cid kasta oo Waxbarashada wax ku kordhinaysa qalinba ha ahaadee. Baashi Cabdilaahi Maxamuud Aw-Cismaan oo sheegay in ay tahay xafladii ugu horaysay ee lagu casumo isaga oo Issim ah ayaa waxa uu soo dhaweeyay heshiiskan, waxaana uu xusay in uu Garoowe uu joogi jiray iyada ooa an lahayn dugsi hoose/dhexe iyo sare toona balse 3 Galaas oo kaliya ka jireen, maanta Jaamacaddo ka furan yihiin, waxaa uu sheegay in ay tahay wax wanaagsan. Madaxwaynaha PSU ayuu aad u ammaanay, waxaana uu sheegay in Aabihiis Allaha u naxariistee uu dadka baray Diinta Ilaamka oo ku sheegay Aakhiraawi isna uu dadka baray Cilmiga Maadiga ah oo ku sheegay Dunyaawi. Suldaan Saciid Maxamed Garaase, ayaa isna soo dhaweeyay heshiiskan, waxaana uu Alle uga baryay in uu noqdo mid taabo gala oo Ummadda waxtar u noqda. Puntlandpost.com Mr. Maxamuud Sheekh Xaamid M-waynaha Jaamacadda PSU Pro. Maxamed Adula M-waynaha Jaamacadda KIU Baashi Cabdilaahi Maxamuud Aw-Cismaan Suldaan Saciid Maamed Garaase
  16. Turkiga oo Puntland ugu deeqay dhisme masjid oo dhawaan laga hirgalin doona magaalada Garowe. Mon, 23 Jan 2012 07:00:48 -0500 am -05:00 -18000 Garowe, Janu, 23 - Dawladda Turiga ayaa dawladda Puntland ugu deeqday dhisme ballaaran oo masjid kaasi oo dhawaan laga dhisi-doono magaalada Garowe. Wasiirka caddaaladda Puntland C/kariin Shiikh Xassan ‘Ajaayo’ oo waraysi gaar ah siiyay radio Daljir ayaa shaaca ka qaaday intaan la bilaabin dhismaha masaajidka in dalka Turkiga gaar ahaan caasumadiisa Istabul tababaro lagu soo siin doono culumaa'udiin iyo qaar-kamida shaqaalaha wasaaradda caddaaladda Puntland, si ay fikir iyo aragti fiican uga heleen masaajid-ya Turkiga iyo habka looga faa'iidaysto. Wasiir Ajaayo, ayaa sheegay in masjidkaasi uu ka koob-naan doono dhismayaal kale duwan oo u kala baxaya, sida goobo lagu cibaadaysto, goobo lagu shiro, goobo wax-lagu akhristo, goobo jimicsi, goobo waxbarasho, iyo goobo meherado ah. Wasiirka cadaalada Puntland C/kariin Shiikh Xassan 'Ajaayo' ayaa tilmaamay in mashaariicda dhismayaasha masaajida uu yahay mid ay dawladda Turkigu ugu yaboohday guud ahaanba dalka Soomaaliya maamulada ka jira, balse arrintaasi ay kala tashanayso DFKS. Jamhuuriyadda islaamiga ah ee Turkigu waxaa ay lagu xasuustaa taariikhda dawlaha islaamka dhismayaasha masaajida, tusaale ahaan dhismaha masjidka Maka Al-mukarama ee barakaysan iyo dhismayaal qadiimiya oo masaajid kuwaasoo ay ka dhistay qaaradaha dunida. Diiwaanka Wararka Daljir Garowe.
  17. Ok guys thats enough now regarding the oil, lets wait till the drilling operation is completed
  18. Jacaylbaro;778072 wrote: ^ ^ ^ Bacaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac ..... Intellectually soundly defeated
  19. This year I am hopinh to see the laying of the foundation rock for 3 more towers all glass blocks. Preferrably Red Sea Trading, Qaran, Puntland Telecom who I think need to lift up their game, That will really boost our skyline if they locate it all in the downtown...have 6 solid glass towers along with the other existing towers will make our city no 1 in Somalia, I think we can do it. Invest in Bosaso,
  20. Man I cant wait for the iftin and golis glass towers to go up. Urban planning is critical so it impacts graciously on the skyline. If they put it both next to hotel safari along with the tawakal tower damnnnn it will look sick
  21. Jacaylbaro, Ransom this and that? your govt is collapsing. Vice president resigned, pro-govt protests in hargeisa was a low-turn out and even has silanyo worried. His holding huge meetings trying to save your region from total collapse. Awdal state was recognised by the tfg, Silanyo was threatened to have his funding cut if he didnt take part in somalia u.k conference as stakeholder, I would be more concerned about that then ransom paid. Then there is the SSC issue. Lol the whole world is seeing your region as a place that is collapsing and there is nowhere in somaliland where u can show $100 million being invested by foreign companies because noone has faith in you or ur region!!! Me I am the father of federalism, The father who got rid of 4.5 at 2016, The father who drafted that constitution(MY WAY) that will be sacred and upheld by any president of Somalia, I have oil drilling programs happpening with $2 trillion dollar profits just in two basins. I haven't even touched mudug basin or red sea, casayr and nugal offshore blocks nor the minerals. I am winning admit your losing or why else would dastuur.org say your leaders signed my constitution a u.n run website? Why else is silanyo going to the u.k conference as a stakeholder if his not apart of the nation? Even if you dont participate in Somalia it doesnt hurt me because I still win because I know you cannot drill any oil without exposing to your ppl that your still apart of somalia because u will have to sign over half of it to the TFG or they will ban anyone from drilling and thats if there is oil to begin with the lack of investments says otherwise. Bro you lose always becuz your bad politician
  22. Whats wrong with these guys. You cant just enter Puntland without the proper-paperwork. Go through the due process