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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Daawo: Sawirada meydadka dagaaladii Sool-Joogta & goobihii lagu dagaalamay January 27, 2012 - Written by editor - Edited byeditor Warbaahinta waxaa u suurtagashay inay hesho sawirada deegaanka Sool-Joogta ee shaley dagaalada ba’ani ka dhaceen kuwaasi oo dhexmarey ciidamada Somaliland oo duulaan ku soo qaadey Buuhoodle iyo dadka deegaanka, waxaan sidoo kale helnay sawirada meydadkii ay ka careereen ciidamada Somaliland. Sawirada badankooda oo ah kuwa aad looga naxayo ayaa sababo dhanka anshaxa iyo dhawrista dareenka dadka aynan soo daabici karin, waxaanse idiin soo gudbinaynaa qaar ka mid ah sawiradaasi oo aan daahsaarnay iyo waliba goobaha lagu dagaalamay gaar ahaan deegaanka Sool-Joogta. DAAWO SAWIRADA Here http://allsbc.com/daawo-sawirada-meydadka-dagaaladii-sool-joogta-goobihii-lagu-dagaalamay/
  2. I give credit where credit is due
  3. Still the NO 1 city in Somalia
  4. burahadeer you cant even defeat a sub-clan of d fam...so thats obvious evidence if puntland gets involved or even ssc army your finished. Dude your fighting sub sub clan and ur not even winning. and if u did its still sub clan and the larger clan would beat if u saw 50,000 soldiers while yours is the same size as buhodle security guards
  5. I believe the best answer is for Puntland to end this nonsense in the north and the only way is to send in our superior army to destroy the somaliland forces all the way burco and hargeisa. We should fight once and fight hard and then sit down similar to the usc-ssdf in mudug we fought once and we fought hard and there has been no major war in mudug ever since. We need to stop thinking about peace because peace is relative in somalia, sure hundreds or even thousands may die if a war is declared but this can possibly save millions of life in the future. Bal firi dagaalki mudug 1000 oo qof ayaa ku dhintay lakin manta 93 illa 2012 nabad ayay ku seexdan and its saved thousands of lives over the years. This is my suggestion to Puntland get involved, quickly end this inferior rag-tag rebels in hargeisa with airpower, and superior ground forces. They will learn markas "bal shali waxa inaga dhintay kumanan lets not mess with them bay oranayan" lakin illa uu puntland is-oraneyo nabada hala ilaliyo weligeed waxa lagu jiray relative peace oo mar walbo xalada wuu is badeli kara. End this nonsense now farole
  6. Remember always Remember this can spill over to Puntland and if it does that when alot of people will see why we defeated aideed and his usc at height and prime in mudug!!! Today Puntland is equipped with an airforce of 6 helicopters that is armed, this can turn into a nasty war!!! Tanks, BMS, heavy and light trucks of all calibres, Aircraft Rocket Launchers, bullet proof technicals, Ford F350 re-armed with their turrets will roll down from puntland with support from aerial troopers in black hawks destroying enemy targets. Their will sea of bullets unseen in anything in waqoyi since the 80s and this time there is no usc to distract us into leaving and protecting hamar.
  7. Baarlamaanka Somaliland oo kulmi waayay Marqaan owgiis Xili uu maamulka Hargesya ku jiro marxalad adag oo ku saabsan midnimadooda oo qarka usaaran burbur iyo gobolada maamul goboleedyada ku dhawaaqay, Dagaal ay ku hayaan gobolada kasii baxaya maamulka ayaa marna la isu keeni waayay Xildhibaanada Somaliland qaadka ay cunaan awgii. Bishaan gudeheeda ayaa laba jeer waxaa baaqday kulan looga arinsan lahaa xaalada Deegaanka ka dib markii aysoo xaadireen in ka yar 15 xildhibaan, tiadaasoo ka hooseysa tirada shiri karta sida sharcigoodu dhigayo, maqanaanshaha Xildhibaanad ayaa sababta uguwayn noqotay Qaad(Jaad) ay maalin kasta cunaan oo usaamixi waayay inay shaqadooda gutaan. “Mid kamid ah Xildhibaanada oo la waraystay ayaa sheegey in Xildhibaanadu shaqadoodii gabeen xili dalku ku jiro Dagaal iyo kala qaybsanaan mana ahan wax loo dulqaadan karo, waa sida uu hadalka u yiriye” . Dhinaca kale waxaa maqnaansaha Xildhibaanada iyo inay iska qayilaan sabab looga dhigay Maamulka talada haya oo ay ku tilmaameen mid kaligii tashade ah oo aan wax talo ah ka maqlayn Xildhibaanada. Labadii kulan ee u dambeeyay ee la doonayay inay Xildhibaanada Somaliland yeeshaan ayaa ajandaha horyaala ahaa sidii laga yeelilahaa Gobolada sheegtey inay ka baxeen Maamulka Hargeysa kuna biireen Soomaaliweyn. Xigasho-Puntlandi.com
  8. What suprises me the most is the fact that somaliland is being defeated by citizen security guards. That means their militia training is below the avg abdi on the street who gets his gun, which is where the real shame comes. Somaliland does not have army, I wouldnt even call it a militia at best its rag-tag rebels. Kibrad ciidan malaha sidas darteed ayaa keenayso defeat by even avg citizen
  9. Carafat you can deny the history of North-East all you want but the fact of the matter is there is alot of history there and all somalis know and outsiders know!!! This was a civiliation that was trading with indian-tanzania-arab world, this a civilization that was writing a language script and your talking about the cultivation of HORSES? bal ii tus hal clan haysto sawir tarikhi ah iyago faras saran ma helaysid except saldanada bariga iyo darawishta tarikhda bay inagu jirta ma aha wax aanu hada baranay sida ADIGA oo kale
  10. That is a silly cabinet line up and not reflecting the realities on the ground but it does sure reflect the realities on SOL. I'll leave it at that
  11. I don't understand why SSC army is not going to las anod, somaliland is being defeated by citzens this is a weak and inferior militia
  12. The Buhoodle Neighborhood Citizens good on ya capture everything somaliland has and they will end having nothing at this rate
  13. Dagaalkii Buuhoodle oo laysku gabal dhacsaday iyo ciidamada deegaanka oo Gaadiid qabsaday [Daawo] Updated:- 6 hours ago| 20 Commnets Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee aan ka helnay degmada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn ayaa ku waramaya in dagaalkii galabta ka qarxay deegaanka Sool-joogto oo markii uu gabalku dhacay qaboobey ay ciidamada deegaanka Buuhoodle guulo ka gaareen. Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya in ciidamada Somaliland laga qabsaday gaari weyn Saanad u wadey iyo hal gaari oo kuwa dagaalka ah iyadoo mid kalena laga gubey. Dhanka ciidamada deegaanka Buuhoodle 3-qof ayaa la xaqiijiyey inay dhinteen 5-kalena uu dhaawac fududi soo gaaray lamase oga khasaaraha nafeed ee soo gaarey ciidamada Somaliland. Dagaalka ayaa bilowday kadib markii ay ciidamada Somaliland soo weerareen mileeshiyada deegaanka xilli ay ku sugnaayeen Sool-joogto oo masaafo 30-km ah ka durugsan degmada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn. Labada dhinac ayaa ku kala sugan goobihii ay kala joogeen xiligii uu gabalku dhacay, waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in dib mar kale dagaal uga dhex qarxo maadaama ay labada dhinacba abaabul ciidan wadaan. Horseed Media waxay halkan idiinku soo gudbineysaa Video muujinaya gaari nooca xamuulka qaada ah oo sanaad u wadey ciidamada Somaliland, kaasoo ay ciidamada deegaanka Buuhoodle dagaalkii galabta dhacay kusoo qabsadeen.
  14. Somalia. I cant help myself A 1993 study by Petroconsultants of Geneva concluded that Somalia has two of the most potentially interesting hydrocarbon-yielding basins in the entire region -- one in the central Mudugh region, the other in the Gulf of Aden. an estimated 40% of the world's offshore oil production comes from the Indian Ocean. The oil in Puntland is not just the bari-nugal-sool..But mudug also. Offshore oil red-sea and indian ocean blocks
  15. As we all know the people kidnapped recently in galmudug were there for de-mining project. That project has failed. The same project if carried out successfully results in this; UXO clearances in Bosaso. Unexploded devices BM21 Clearances in Bosaso APHE 100MM clearances in Bosaso. Used against tanks UXO Being sorted in calibres. Bosaso More bm missiles cleared. Bosaso Aircraft Rocket Launcher. Galkayo Result Safe zones for kids to play
  16. Somalia we have alot to be proud of. I am look at this a devastating blow to anti government elements
  17. Somalia I was about to but I am not repeating the same thing, I am showing farole in the driver seat pulling down the lever and kick-starting the new oil era of puntland
  18. Watch the 12:00 min mark and onwards where farole pulls the lever and starts the drill which is a devastating blow to the enemies of the government
  19. Somali PM is accused of handing out port assets to his native city bosaso MOGADISHU (Mareeg.com)- The prime Minster of the Somalia’s Transitional Federal government Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, was accused of ordering to take out Mogadishu’s ports assets to another port in Bosaso city of Puntland administration. According to a secret documents received by Shabelle Media station in Mogadishu, the prime Minster Mr. Ali has admitted businessmen from Puntland to take (Scrap Metal) possessed by the main dock of Mogadishu Somalia . This followed an increasing row between the general manager of Mogadishu harbor Sayid Ali Mo’allin Abdullah and the minister of ports and sea transport, Aden Abdullah Aden over signing the deal allowing Somali businessmen to take the assets from Mogadishu port to Bosaso harbor in Puntland state of Somalia.
  20. This is disgusting and i am sick of somali journalists making up news and then opening a word document with somalia government template and writing up junk thinking intelligent people will buy into that spew. The P.M is a patriot and doesnt care about regional politics
  21. This Garbage propaganda all over again C/wali oo lagu eedeeyay inuu bixinayo qalab ay leedahay Dekada Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Ra’iisul wasaaraha Xukuumadda KMG Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa lagu eedeeyay in uu amar ku bixiyay in ganacasato la siiyo biraha Dekada magaalada Muqdisho sida lagu sheegay war sir ah oo ay heshay Shabelle. Iyadoo maalmihii ugu dambeeyey ay soo ifbaxayeen khilaaf ba’an oo u dhaxeeya Maareeyaha guud ee Dekedda Muqdisho Sayid Cali Macalin Cabdulle iyo Wasiirka Dekeddaha iyo gaadiidka Badda Aadan Cabdullaahi Aadan ayaa waxaa soo shaac baxay sababta ka dambeysa khilaafkaan waxaana soo shaacbaxay Documenti uu Wasiirka Dekedduhu u saxiixay kooxo ganacsatado ah kuwaasi oo doonaya inay la wareegaan Biro lagu dhiso marsooyinka ay maaraakiibta kusoo xirtaan balse ay ugu magacdareen iskaraab ama (Scrap Metal). Maareeyaha Dekedda iyo kuxigeenadiisa ayaa ku adkeystay inaan la rarin Birahan oo faa’iido weyn u leh Dekedda iyo Qaranka Soomaaliyeed Wasiirka Dekeddaha iyo gaadiidka Badda ayaa 17-kii bishaan Janaayo 2012 waxa uu u saxiixay shirkadda Al-Shuwieb Star General Tradinga Company oo ay leeyihiin kooxo ganacsato ah inay qaataan Birahaasi dhex yaala mudadii 20-ka sano aheyd ee la soo dhaafay gudaha Dekedda Muqdisho iyo weliba Markab ku burburay xeebta Dekedda kaasi oo siday dhuxul, waxaana qiimaha lacageed ee Birahan lagu qiyaasay 5 Milyan oo Dollar. Sida ku xusan Documentiga sirta ah ee ay heshay shabelle ayaa warqada Wasiirka oo tixraaceysay warqad ka soo baxday taariikhdu markay aheyd 05-01-2012 xafiiska R/wasaaraha oo loogu ogolaanayay ganacsatadan inay qaadan karaan Birahaas, inkastoo aysan inoo suuragelin inaan helno warqadaas hore ee R/ wasaaraha uu qoray . Wasiirka Dekeddaha ayaa aad uga xumaaday sida ay shabelle xogta ku heshay is hortaaga Maareeyaha Dekeda uu ku sameeyay wuxuuna maanta wasiirku soo qoray warqad uu shaqada uga fariisinayo maareeyaha Dekedda Sayid Cali, inkastoo haddana uu dib uga laabtay markii culaysyo kale ay ku yimaadeen . Birahan lagu dhiso dekadaha ee dhex yaala Dekada weyn ee Muqdisho ayaa waxaa la xasuusan yahay xilligii uu Soomaaliya Madaxweynaha uu ka ahaa C/llaahi yuusuf Axmed in la isku dayey sidan oo kale in la siiyo ganacsato hasa yeeshee arinkaasi ay diidmo ka muujiyeen dad badan oo Muqdisho ku nool. Arrinta la yaabka leh ayaa ah in Ra’iisul wasaare Cabdiwali Max’ed Gaas oo ah nin Economist ah isla markaana balanqaaday inuu la dagaalamayo Musuqmaasuqa uu ogolaado qorsheyaal ceykan oo kale ah oo lagu dhacayo hanti Qaran. Hoos ka aqriso Documentic-ga. Aqriso oo la soco Shabelle.net Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya. NALA SOO XARIIR webmaster@shabelle.net
  22. Red Emperor and Range Resources confirm Puntland spudding -Update 17th Jan 2012, 12:51 pm The Shabeel-1 well is the first of two planned wells in the Dharoor Valley Red Emperor (LON:RMP; ASX:RMP) and Range Resources (LON:RRL; ASX:RRS) today confirmed that the first exploration well to be drilled in Puntland in Somalia for twenty years had been spudded. The Shabeel-1 well is the first of two planned wells in the Dharoor Valley, Puntland. Initial operations have also commenced on the second well Shabeel North-1 ahead of spudding, the companies said. Shares in both companies have nearly doubled since December as excitement has built ahead of today’s announcement. Red Emperor said today both prospects are very large fault blocks with internal most likely estimates of potential oil volumes of over 300 million barrels of recoverable oil. It has an option over the second well over which a decision will be made over the coming period, it added. Red Emperor and Range Resources each hold a 20 per cent working interest in the two licences that encompass the Dharoor and Nugaal valleys. Africa Oil owns a 45 per cent working interest through its shareholding in Horn Petroleum, which is also the operator. Red Emperor's Executive Director, Greg Bandy, said: "Red Emperor is delighted to announce to the market such a significant and historic achievement. We wish to firstly acknowledge and pay tribute to our joint venture partners for the years of hard work and toil that has led to this industry defining event.” Range Resources executive director Peter Landau added "We consider the spudding of the historic Shabeel-1 well a monumental achievement.” The Dharoor and Nugaal valleys cover nearly 36,000 square kilometres and have been assessed potentially to contain a combined 19 billion barrels of oil in place. Broker Old Park Capital said the Shabeel-1 well is expected to drill to a target depth of 3,800 metres and take approximately 90 days to complete. Shabeel-1 is targeting a large prospect estimated to contain over 300 mmbbls of oil on a 100% basis. As a pure exploration play, Red Emperor carries a high risk/reward profile compared to its partners, the broker added, but drilling success in Puntland is likely to generate huge upside to the current share price. For Range Resources, broker Panmure Gordon said the longer-term exploration upside of Range’s portfolio is illustrated by the un-risked NAV of 92p/share attributed to its interests in the Herrera Formation in Caribbean and the wider Georgian and Puntland acreage.
  23. MOGADISHU Jan 25 (Reuters) - An American and a Danish hostage have been rescued from Somali pirates after three months in captivity, a local security official and the aid group they work for said on Wednesday. "The Danish Refugee Council hereby confirms that Jessica Buchanan and Poul Hagen Thisted have been rescued earlier today during an operation in Somalia," the aid group said in a statement. Mohamed Hussein, a military official in Somalia's Galmudug region, told Reuters the hostages were freed after an operation involving U.S. military helicopters. (Reporting by Abdi Sheikh in Mogadishu and John Acher in Copenhagen; Editing by Richard Lough and Louise Ireland)
  24. Bile Maxamud Gabowsade Exclusive Opposition Brewing to Puntland Oil Drilling GSP Warns Drilling will Ignite Clan Warfare By MOHAMED BEERDHIGE 01/24/2012 Africa Oil Rig in Puntland Since Somalia's semi-autonomous region of Puntland began drilling for oil this month in conjunction with Africa Oil's Horn Petroleum Corporation, opposition is brewing among former Puntland officials who object to the way Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole is governing the region and warned the drilling will ignite clan warfare. In an effort to understand the reasons behind the conflict, Somalia Report interviewed Bile Mohamud Qabowsade, one of the board members of Somali Golaha Samatabixinta Puntland (GSP), a new opposition group established to oppose President Farole. Mr. Qabowsade served as Puntland’s Deputy Minister of Port and Fisheries and as a media advisor to former Puntland President Cadde Muse. Today he is the leading voice for those who are not satisfied with the way President Farole is handling this project, which could bring billions of dollars to the region. Thank you for giving us your time and the exclusive interview. You are member of GSP. Can you tell us about GSP? Thank you. Yes, I am one of the five board members of the GSP, which is similar to the Puntland Rescue Forum created by Puntland politicians to fight insecurity, lack of development, and clan fighting. Like them, we intend to make changes to Puntland. We are made up of 25 members, including our board. Who else is on the board of the GSP? We are mostly from Puntland, including Muse Ali Jama, the brother of Puntland's former president Jama Ali Jama. I can't tell you the other names for security reasons. Are you a political party? Not yet because there aren't any political parties in the region. It is our intention to become a political party, but according to Article 141 of our current constitution, political parties aren't allowed. We are against that article as well as the government led by Farole. You are criticizing currently government. What is your aim? Our aim is clear. We are working with our people to change Puntland through good and fair policies unlike the current Puntland administration which failed to gain people's hearts. What exactly does GSP intend to do? If we win the next election, we want to do the following: - We primarily want to develop links between the government and clan elders because clan elders are a primary source of conflict mediation. Right now they see the government as their enemy. - We also want to immediately implement a party based system to give every citizen a chance to work for his people; - We want to ban foreign armed companies from working in Puntland; - Our administration will be based consultancy, and not a dictatorship like the current one. What power do you have? It’s easy to have a power in your home, but GSP is not seeking to have a power or to be an armed opposition group. The only power we have are as civilians. We are running to get everyone their rights peacefully, not by guns or violence. How do you want to implement your policy? We are waiting for the next election. After the current administration’s period ends, then we want to begin to implement our aim, which is to initiate better policies, satisfy the citizens, and ease conflict. We don’t want to create violence in the region. There is another group in Karkaar region who want to create instability because they oppose the current administration’s way of managing oil drilling. We are not supporting any group that intends to create insecurity. We have supporters in Bosaso and Gardo, but they are not armed. Why are you opposite oil drilling in Puntland? We are not against oil drilling, but we do oppose the way it is being managed. Before drilling began, there should have been suitable policies to manage it. There are a lot of people not satisfied with Puntland’s behavior. We have to end that dispute instead of drilling oil. Now is not the time to do any drilling. First we have to enhance the security and mediate clan fighting in Puntland to take steps forward. The drilling is just going to make things worse. It will turn brewing clan fights into full on battles and clan warfare. Where do you think the oil revenues will end up? Thanks, very good question. I don’t think Farole will pocket oil revenues because no single Puntlander can make such decisions or take such action. Everything must pass through lawmakers and elders. Thank you.