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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. I believe it is oil-storage tanks and it looks identical to the oman based one..So Timur I am sorry brother but Those are not water tanks and I believe it storage system when oil is striked and will be exported straight away to yemen to inject funds into the government and also the companies. It could even be used oil-storage tankers to test the quality of oil that is retrieved, I don't know but those are oil tankers thats what I do know
  2. I doubt it is.. Nothing suggest according to data there is water-tank in Bosaso near the beach. There is water kiosks Water tanks look like this That looks nothing like this I am sorry but I have to disagree Timur, those are not water-tanks
  3. Dr_Osman

    Holy Crap!

    A similar issue happened in Bosaso recently Some locals thought it oil-tanker spilling oil into the sea that caused the fish to come out onto land, but the government's official response was a migration time for the fish leaving the strong monsoon winds in the red-sea. Which to be quite honest I think is load of hog-wash. Stuff like this occurs around the world and no 1 blame is always pollution in the sea
  4. Timur I am definitely a keep close-eye after my investigations I know where Puntland is going with this
  5. I think it is safe to say without even hearing any debate on the issue Puntland is planning for export to mukalla yemen initially untill cash-flow comes through and will invest it into infrastructure projects untill the big OIL companies come in upon commercial discovery and build the refineries, pipelines and dig other wells in the daror and nogal basins. The oil era has kicked off and puntland will develop with further foreign investors who will come lining up, some of whom have already started trying to beat the queue and then the diaspora intellectuals and business-men will all return and the PUNTLAND ENTERS A NEW AGE AND THE SOL COMMUNITY WILL OBSERVE DHAGAX DHIGIS AFTER DHAGAX DHIGIS ON A DAILY BASIS
  6. Guys thinks are moving ahead I think. Oil Tanks outside oman Verification http://outcomemag.com/news/2012/01/27/china-iran-sanctions-not-constructive/ Dont these look like oil tanks in Bosaso and Oman? The question remains is Bosaso setting up for exports already? please take into consideration the following from range resources In addition the hydrocarbon survey team scouted a possible pipeline route from the well locations in the Nogal Valley to Ely on the Indian Ocean coast. In March 2006 the MEPS structural geology team will be deployed into the Nogal Valley to map surface structures. This field team will be brought in after completing a mapping campaign in the Komombo Rift Basin in Egypt, followed by a visit to both the Jawf-Marib and Hadhramout rift valleys in Yemen – which are the locations of the majority of Yemen’s current production. In the event of one or more discoveries from any of these initial four wells, a small diameter pipeline between 50 and 150 kilometres in length will be put in place with a simple storage facility at the coast. A floating hose will be put in place to a mooring buoy with a rented storage tanker – with a shuttle tanker to transport crude initially to Mukalla in Yemen for off loading to the regular tankers that pick up Yemeni crude. In this way – even modest production from any discovery can be used to substantially fund further development out of cash flow Prospect A Open debate guys regarding one of the the biggest transformation project to happen in the Somali era
  7. is it me or are these oil tanks Bosaso oil tanks in the background Arab Oil-tanks Read the caption here for arab oil-tank http://outcomemag.com/news/2012/01/27/china-iran-sanctions-not-constructive/ They look very similar to me, open debate guys. Is Bosaso exporting oil or are they planning for it already?
  8. Nassir its well known the western media focuses on the IDPS of each cities and their camps, it doesnt show the locals
  9. Devastating news. I suggest the Ras Casayr traditional leader speaks to the clan and bring it to reality. 2 states or more voluntarily can become a regional authority if those two states are fall under the 1991 borders which comprised 18 state jurisdictions. That is what the constitution says. Complying states so far are Puntland-Galmudug-Somaliland. Emerging states that meet the criteria also are khatuumo(sool-sanaag), azania(juba-gedo) however non-complying states are awdal and ximan. Some people might be confused regarding the constitution how-ever after in-depth analysis it doesn't say you must control 2 states fully because that is not realistic as somalis all share and live within states however in order to become a regional authority, it says simply two states or more can willingly come together and form an administration. So you could literally have one city from 1 state and another city from another state and if you willingly come together you have met the constitutional requirements. How long will that last until its amended probably soon because of the crazy level amount of administrations declaring statehood. They might need to put in a check and balance and say 2 states or more where you the administration controls at least 50% of the both states and they may need to use a formula to work that out by basing it on recognised regional cities of that state as per the 1991 for example mudug; 1. Galkayo 2. Galdogob 3. Garacad 4. Hobyo 5. Harardheere this will be able to work out who owns the most cities in a state whoever does then the state goes to them, if its tied then two states can form from it. But this will need rational minds when negiotating ama maskax saliim because lets be honest who-ever owns the most regional cities in a state their reer badiyo folks will be double that in the interiors and is clear the states is there. As for the mudug case the state should go to Puntland since they control Galdgob-Garacad. While The Other guys control Hobyo and Harardheere. Its a tie. Then the decider is galkayo and you go back to the 4 districts it used to be under 1991 to see who owns the city and the state goes to puntland.
  10. yeah but its ironic that it came right after the p.m did a beach day out at lido beach, I will just put it to coincidence but there are other skeptics who would say otherwisse
  11. General Duke;781154 wrote: Beautiful. All we need is a night shot. I suspect it would light up similar to this
  12. Sidee Loogu Jimcaystay Xeebta Boosaaso [Daawo Sawirro]. Boosaaso[RBC Radio] Xeebta Boosaaso waxa ay kamid tahay goobaha loogu dalxiiska badanyahay Puntland sababtoo ah boqolaal dadweyne ah ayaa usoo tamashle taga maalin kasta oo Jimce ah. Inta badan dadka yimaada Xeebta magaalada Boosaaso ayaa ah kuwa siyaabo kala duwan uga faa’ideysta kuwa bada ayey kugaha u galaan oo wey ku dabaashaan,kuwa banaankeeda ayey kubad ku ciyaaraan laba laba kooxood iyaga oo ah iyo kuwa kale oo usoo daawasho taga. Farxada iyo Tamaashaadkii maanta oo Jimce ah ka socday ayey Raxanreeb.com leedahay Akhristayaasheeda dal iyo dibada nala wadaaga. Cismaan Turaabi RBC Radio Xafiiska Wararka Boosaaso
  13. One of those guys missing his head must of got hit by an RPG close-range. Cause a normal ak.47 cannot blow your head off
  14. Some real good shots of the daror-oil site
  15. Next time I suggest the ssc neighborhood watch aim for 50 dead and 150 wounded and 10 trucks captured and repeat the cycle and within a year or two somaliland wont have a militia
  16. Somaliland rag-tag rebels suffered heavy casualties. 30 + dead and 40-50 wounded, 2-3 armed trucks captured, and prisoners of wars and kicked out of buhodle. Good job SSC... on the ssc side 12 dead and 20-22 wounded...citizen victory over rag-tag rebels
  17. Hargeysa (RBC Radio) Isbitalka weyn ee magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa waxaa la soo gaarsiiyay tiro dhaawacyo ah oo ah askar ka tirsan ciidamada maamulka Soomaaliland, kuwaasi oo ku soo waxyeeloobay dagaalkii ka dhacay degmada Buucoodle ee u dhaxeeyay ciidamada Soomaaliland iyo ciidamada maamulka looga dhawaaqay degmada Taleex ee gobalka Sool. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in askarta ciidamada Soomaaliland ee lasoo gaarsiiyay isbilka magaalada Hargeysa ay gaarayaan ilaa iyo 40 Askari oo dhaawacyo kala duwan qaba kuwaasi oo ku soo waxyeeloobay dagaalka degmada Buuhoodle. Dhawacyadaan ayaa waxaa lagu waramayaa in iminka lagu dabiibayo isbitalka magaalada Hargeysa, ilaa iyo iminkana majiro wax war ah oo ka soo baxay maamulka Soomaaliland oo ku aadan dhaawacyadaan la soo gaarsiiyay isbalka magaalada Hargeysa iyo xaaladooda. Jawiga magaalada Hargeysa ayaa sidoo kale ah mid kacsan waxaana dadka magaalada Hargeysa ay hadal haayaan dagaalka ka dhacay degmada Buuhood ee u dhaxeeya ciidamada maamulka Soomaaliland iyo waliba ciidamada maamulka la magacbaxay khaatumo, waxaana dad badan lagu arkayay isbitalka weyn hortiisa kuwaasi oo doonayay in ay la socdaan xaalada askarta ku soo dhaawacmay dagaalka Buuhoodle. Xafiiska Wararka Magaalada Hargeysa RBC Radio
  18. Thats what about im talking their all flooding in now aren't they. We will get back to you
  19. Shirkado shisheeyo oo saf usoo galay inay qandaraasyo ka helaan Dowlada Puntland(Xog hoose) Posted by Pi on January 26th, 2012 Dubai(Pi) sida aan ku helnay xog rasmi ah waxaa maalmahaan dambe soo badanaya Shirkado shisheeyo oo xiriir lasoo samaynaya Dowlada Puntland kuwasoo usoo shukaansi tagay inay helaan Qandarasyo,qaarkood waxay soo kaxayteen qubaro/aqoonyahano Soomaali ah. Shirkadaha waxaa kamid ah kuwo ka kala yimid wadamada Shiinaha, Turkiga, Yurub, Maraykanka Japan iyo Kuuriyada koonfureed, shirkadahaan waxaa u badan kuwa dhisa guryaha, wadooyinka iyo kuwo doonaya inay kala taliyaan Dowlada dhinaca dhaqaalaha iyo maalgashiga. sida aan xogta ku helnay Dowlada Puntland way diidey inay wax hadal ah u furto shirkadahaan. Tan iyo markii la shaaciyey in Shidaal laga helayo Puntland ayaa waxaa soo kordhaya danaynta la danaynayo Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Puntland iyo in shirkada walbaa ay gacanta ku dhigto Qandaaas ay ka doonayaan deegaanada Puntland. Waxaa kaloo jira xiriir lala soo sameeyey ganacsato reer Puntland ah oo ay lasoo sameeyeen ganacsato carbeed oo ka yimid wadamo ay kamid tahay Masar. Puntlandi.com Dubai
  20. Its not looking good for somaliland 30 dead, 3 war prisoners captured, 1 truck burned and another taken and god knows how many wounded but its easily in 40-50 range
  21. Xaaalad dagaal oo weli ka taagan degmada Buhoodle 27 Jan 27, 2012 - 2:03:37 AM Xaalada degmada Buhoodle iyo agagaarkeeda ayaa maanta dagan kadib markii maalintii shaley 26 Jan,2012 dagaal la isu gabal dhacsadey fooda isku dareen ciidamo maamulka Somaliland ka socdey iyo xoogaga difaaca gobolka Ceyn. Dagaalkii dhacey maalintii shaley ayaa wararku sheegayaan in khasaarihiisa dhinaca xoogaga degaanka Buhoodle difaacaya kaga dhinteen 26 qof halka dhaawaca gaarayo 21 kuwaasoo loo qaadey magaalada Galkacayo oo ah halka ugu dhow magaalooyinka Puntland. Somaliland ayaa dagaalkaan waxaa kaso gaarey khasaaro balaaran iyadoo wararka xusayaan in lagaga diley ciidan kor u dhaafaya 30 qof halka dhaawaca aan la garan karin madaama ay qaateen balse waxaa la qabsadey gadiid dagaal oo uu ku jiro mid ah kuwa saheyda qaada ah iyadoo kuwa kalena laga gubey. Wararka aan ka heleyno saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Buhoodle difaacaya ayaa sheegaya iney gacanta ku hayaan maxaabiis gaareysa sadex qof kuwasoo lagu qabtey dagaal shaley galab dhacey. Dhinaca Hargeysa waxaa ka imaanaya sidoo kale warar sheegaya in madaxweyne Siilaanyo uu magacaabey guddi dagaal oo uu ku jiro madaxweyne ku-xigeenkiisa taasoo dadka u dhuundaloola siyaasada sheegayaan iney sababtey guuldarada ciidamadiisa ka raacdey dagaalka Buhoodle. Dagaalka Buhoodle ayaa yimid maalmo kadib markii siyaasiyiin uu hogaaminayo Cali Khaliif Galeyr kaga dhawaaqeen maamul lagu sheegey magaciisa Khaatumo kaas oo shacabka daga deegamada Sool iyo Ceyn aad uga xumaadeen. Maalintii shaley 26 Jan,2012 ayaa waxaa ku dhintey magaalada Buhoodle hal qof halka labo kale ku dhaawacantey kadib markii xubno ka tirsan maamulka is magacaabey soo gaareen magaaladaas kadibna dad isugu jira dumar iyo caruur kuwaasoo u mudaharadayey soo
  22. Somaliland militia captured Somaliland lady talking about her dead militia http://taleex.net/2012/01/27/dhagayso-jabkii-maleeshiyada-somaliland-ka-raacay-buuhoodle-cod
  23. One of them is missing his whole head. Damn