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Everything posted by Dr_Osman

  1. Carwo aan nooceeda hore loogu qaban Somaliland oo maalintii 2-aad Hargeysa ka socota Comments (0) | Write Comment Hargeysa(RBC):- Carwo aan nooceeda Somaliland loogu qaban ayaa maalintii labaad ka socota magaalada Hargeysaa, taasoo lagu soo bandhigayo farshaxannimada, isla markaana loogu tartamayo qaadista Sawirrada, Samaynta Sawir-gacmeedyada, Ciyaaraha Hiddaha iyo qaybo kale. Waxyaabaha lagu soo bandhigay Carwadaas waxa ka mid ah Muuqaallada Sawirradadoodu Bayka RBC ee warkan dhexdiisa idiinka muuqda. Carwadan oo ah mid nooceedu ku cusub-yahay Somaliland, ayaa shalay laga furay Huteel Maansoor ee magaalada Hargeysa, waxaana ujeeddada Carwadan iyo waxyaabaha lagu soo bandhigayo faah-faahin warbaahinta ka siiyey Maamulaha guud ee Shirkadda KMC oo iyadu soo qaban-qaabisay Carwadan Cabdilaahi Axmed Cabdillaahi, waxaanu sheegay in bandhigan oo socon doona illaa bilowga bisha horraanta March uu ka koobnaan doono tartammo kala duwan oo dhinacyada Sawir-gacmeedyada ah, Sawirrada Camera-dda, Video-ga, Filimada iyo Decomuntery-ga, waxaana ka qayb qaadanaya dad faro badan oo daafaha caalamka ku kala nool sida Ingiriiska, Maraykanka, Isu-tagga Imaaraadka Carabta, Malaysia iyo meelo kale oo Somaliland ka mid tahay. Inta uu maharajaanku socdo waxaa socon doona waxyaabaha kale ee lagu tartamayo sida Gabayada, Ciyaaraha Hidaha iyo Dhaqanka iyo Heesaha. Halka sidoo kalena Sawir-gacmeedyada lagu celin doono mar labaad. Waxa Carwada furay Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka Somaliland ahna ku-simaha Madaxweynaha Cabdiraxmaan Cabdillaahi Ismaaciil (Saylici), waxa ka qaybgalay Masuuliyiin tiro badan oo ka kala socday Golaha Wasiirrada, Xildhibaanno Baarlamanka ka tirsan, Agaasimayaal, Madaxda Hay’adaha caalamiga ah, Ururrada waddaniga ah, Ganacsato iyo dadweyne tiro badan, waxaana shalay illaa maanta ku qulqulaya dadweyne fara badan oo inay waxyaabaha halkaa lagu soo bandhigayo daawadaan u tagay. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waa markii ugu horreysay ee Carwadan oo kale lagu qabto Somaliland, iyada oo inta badan Carwooyinka lagu qabto Somaliland u badan yihiin kuwo Ganacsi oo kaliya. RBC Radio Xafiiska wararka ee Hargeysa.
  2. Che, there is something occuring here that you have no clue about!!! Its called progress for not only citizens of Puntland but also newly arrived residents and IDPS
  3. Excellent work lifting up the IDP standards in education, health, wealth, properties and livlihood projects. IDP in Puntland Live better then Locals in Mogadishu and Hargeisa. Wlc to Puntland guys and enjoy your stay
  4. Dar Al Ber and Continuing Education Updated:- 1 day ago| Commnets As is well known to those who know the workers and Somali affairs, the Dar Al Ber Society of the United Arab Emirates – Dubai – one of the major benefactors and sponsors to the need of humans to different levels and important: 1 – Mosque Architecture And do the repair, for example, the Mosque of Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him in the city of Bossaso, as well as slaves Rahman mosque in the city of Bern as well as a mosque Sahaabah. 2 – Water watering it is based on the idea of ​​delivering clean water to residents Ge areas where people can not buy the water and continue to work in this matter throughout the year. 3 – Food basket they provide a bag of rice as well as sugar, wheat and cooking oil as well as the dates for each family which is enough material for two months on the worst-case scenario. 4 – Orphans the Assembly give careful attention to them and humiliated on the other to build now a village of their own in the city of Bossaso and contains the city on all sides. Educational and teaching of “mosque – a center for teaching the Koran – School – Garden – Tennis – and motivator for a well to drink water, this is rarely built for orphans 5 – immediate relief and Alzkoat This is based on that is spent on Almsthakaan Assembly has commendable regardless emergency relief in the last year about “two hundred and seventy thousand dollars If we define work of the Assembly of took this a long time, but to be in this article is to highlight the other hand, is the Assembly’s attention the issue of education of generations of different levels have appeared to her and others need boys and girls to join the peace education and this has launched the Assembly a preliminary study to try to introduce ten thousand students on the different periods after its presentation to the good. We the journalists and we are pleased to raise our palms to pray for each of the plans for the success of this idea and this Maidf hatred and hatred for the Somali people Our thanks go to all members of the Board of Directors of Dar Al Ber Society We especially thank Mr. Mohammed Al Hammadi, “the President of the enterprise sector” And God the Source of strength
  5. Somalia: “Does Puntland Deserves hate and aggression” Updated:- 1 day ago| 1 Commnets By: Zakaria Jama Zakaria_cali@hotmail.com Through the past moving history the name “Land-of punt” came into existence at the time of Egyptian empire which had a historic business with the people of the “northern regions of Somalia”. If we refer the colonial period the people of these regions were involved many battles against the western colonial, as we are Somalis as whole our recordings of the history is very poor and nowadays for negative perspective. On 1991, short while after the collapse of the central government of Somalia the northern regions “puntland” were almost empty there were only few thousands of people in the cities and most of the people were nomads, there has been a countable number of houses in the cities, fortunately, the land which has been evacuated welcomed his off springs again with open hand and less resources “infrastructure”. The people started striving to create settlement and development simultaneously. We all know the history of puntland what I am here to point out is “Why our Somali brothers are in fight against puntland and its people?” While I was in my research I have gone through the solid idea of the people of puntland. I found out things which puntlanders believe 1. To find Somalia back on truck and pay price “wealth, blood and mainly positive thinking” 2. Somalia is like house and puntland Is like room ‘clean your room first them move to next door’ What we can assume here is the straggle to find south Somalia to let all the difference away and think with fresh mind. Recently puntland government hosted two conferences for Somalia peacefully, puntland leftover all their demands with the sake of the Somali people who are in hunger and danger. London conference: In London, Somalia conference puntland officials again with the respect of Somalis they gave-up delivering a speech as everyone aware all the internationals representatives over a 52 countries supported Garowe principals and mentioned the greatest job ever Somalis achieved is to hold a conference within Somalia peacefully “Garowe-puntlannd”. There have been many Somali channels and news websites debating the future of Somalia as well as the Garowe conference all discussions and the faces of the people were turning over garowe saying garowe is fine but Mogadishu could have been batter “why?” Let’s figure it out. On 25th night feb. The Uk Somali Diaspora organized meeting to welcome all the London conference participants that was really nice intention to unite all Somalis from corner to corner but the questions is was the show done by the districts of Mogadishu? Without do respect the crowd seems organized to support not Somalia but one particular friend who might behind them to do so and that is the mayor of Mogadishu. Today, we all know the TFG is federal not unitary state the organizers were recurring the name of the failed system “Democratic republic of Somalia” and even ignoring the efforts of puntland all the people were just focusing the lost capital and giving all the credit to the mayor, is that fair or puntland deserves hate or appreciation though the puntlanders did not wait honor from the others but from themselves. I am concluding my article to remind the southern brothers puntland people were those who faced the biggest fall out in Somalia they lost everything they had in Mogadishu and at moment started new life and willing still to guide the right way to restore peace and stability for the rest Somalia. I close with this scenario, “If you do something bad with your brother without his knowledge you’ll feel guilty every time you see him so to cover up that naturally you should create noise and complaining him” our brother you should stop covering up Puntland is to help you but not to diminish. Zakaria Jama Zakaria_cali@hotmail.com Leave a comment
  6. kingking dont u love the accountability of our ministries to the constitiuents? something unseen anywhere in Somalia. I love it and it promotes good governance a key foundation of a sensible democracy
  7. Freedom of press is key foundation of democracy, why is this foundation missing in Somaliland a so called democracy? or is it a democracy merely on paper and not through action. Multi-Party and election is one foundation that forms a democracy which somaliland has achieved, however a mature democracy all the key foundations such as freedom of press, freedom of speech, equality, and many more important foundations form a mature democracy t which is not something we witness from in the semi autonomous region of somaliland. I think at best its either a weak democracy that hasnt matured or its non-existant democracy wax kale uu dhexayo ma jiddo
  8. Somalia: Somaliland reporter arrested, beaten in custody 29 Feb 29, 2012 - 1:13:19 AM New York, February 28, 2012(CPJ) -The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns last week's arrest and brutal assault of Mohamed Abdirahman, a journalist in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland. Police arrested Abdirahman, a reporter for the local news site Subulahanews, on the morning of February 21 in the northwestern town of Borama, and accused him of publishing a false story that claimed Ethiopian separatists with the ****** National Liberation Front had settled in the northwestern town of Lughaya, local journalists said. While in custody, Abdirahman was beaten by four police officers with sticks and the butt of a gun until he lost consciousness, local journalists and news reports said. Police took the journalist to Borama Hospital, where he was treated in the intensive care unit for his internal injuries, according to local journalists and news reports. He was moved to Hargeisa Hospital today so he could receive more advanced treatment, local journalists said. "This vicious attack against Mohamed Abdirahman is the latest example of the severely deteriorating press freedom climate in Somaliland," said CPJ East Africa Consultant Tom Rhodes. "Authorities must ensure a thorough and independent investigation into this crime, and ensure that those responsible are brought to justice." Faisal Ali Sheekh Mohamed, the director general of the Information Ministry, told CPJ he was not aware of Abdirahman's case but would investigate the matter. On February 19, two reporters for the weekly Ogaal were arrested for publishing a similar report on the ONLF. One of the journalists, Mohamed Abdi, told CPJ they were arrested on the orders of the interior minister and were taken to the Central Investigation Department in the capital, Hargeisa. Both journalists were released on Sunday, local journalists said. Somaliland authorities have repeatedly arrested and arbitrarily detained independent journalists for reporting on cases of disputed regions in the semi-autonomous republic. Authorities arrested at least 28 independent journalists without charge in January, according to CPJ research. _______________________ Contact: Mohamed Keita Africa Advocacy Coordinator Tel. +1.212.465.1004 ext. 117 Email: mkeita@cpj.org Tom Rhodes East Africa Consultant Email: trhodes@cpj.org
  9. excellent and hopefully it will instill proper driving standards through-out the state. They should centralize the driver license tests like the government is doing with the educational reforms. This will bring about a massive change on the driver culture and hopefully lessen accidents in the state!!!
  10. Che -Guevara;796628 wrote: ^So what happened in Puntland was 'Holocaust' but everyone else is just exaggerating their loss? What this clan has been put through over hundreds of years no tribe in Somalia has suffered hadi aad runta isku sheegtid. Yet wa reerka keliya radinayso somalinimada wana ka dacad, haday raban inay xasid idin ku noqdan shidaal lamid ah gulf state baan haysana, do you think we have to share with you? Niyahow gobanimadu waxay tahay garan maysid lakin markad Bosaso timaado wa lagu baraya
  11. Che -Guevara;796620 wrote: ^There's no proof of any xasuuq in Puntland. It must be propaganda too. Excuse me? What occured in Puntland was nothing short of holocaust and extermination camps similar to Auschwitz, where people were starved to death without food and water. It is one of the great holocausts to occur in modern day somalia and yet noone talks about it. If you wanna open up the genocide files I doubt any somali clan can claim that this happened to their clan. Historical wars 1. Sultanate vs Italy and the total bombardment of cities through aerial strikes and unspeakable amount of human losses for the patriotic somalinimo cause. 2. Sultanate war against sayyid who committed a true genocide there by throwing thousands of men to their death from cliffs something absolutely unseen or unheard of in any other part of somalia. Then there were the battlefield casualties ranging in the thousands for simply defending our homeland. Siyad Barre Somalia 1. The holocaust in mudug through a scorched earth policy similar to auswitch gas chambers. The raping and systematic killings of elders, politicians and rebel movements. Generals even from Hargeisa were known as ugublaaye like Dhegaweyne who lead the assault on galkayo. 2. The assasination and detention of coup leaders 3. Massive casualties on the battlefield where a rebel movement captured cities from a national army at its strongest and most united without any assistance from external clan allianes. Civil war era Somalia 1. The first clan to be totally genocided in most parts of Somalia and who ironically was the first rebel movement against the government. Total annihilation programs occurred in mogadishu where people were slaughtered based on tribe. 2. There was ethnic cleansing happening in villa baydhabo, kismaayo. 3.There was unspeakable atrocities that occurred against galkayo attacked by usc forces where again thousands paid the price. 4. Then there is the annihilation program continuing through al-itihaad and dahir aways old shirt in Bosaso 5. Total ethnic cleansing in hargeisa at beerta xoriyada by folks like lixle who killed civilian government workers who were mainly from Puntland. To put frankly manta hadi la xisabtamo ciddi la xasuuqay somali way yaqan lakin wa cidda keliya manta kow radinayso somalinimada, wa ciddi kow ka sartay usc mudug oo weliba gogol nabadeed uu dhigtay kuna soo celisay degaanka ay xaq uu lee'yihin, wa reerka keliya manta haysto shidaal lamid ah gulf states oo weli rabo inu kula qeybsado, taas ayaa la yirah gobanimo
  12. Che -Guevara;796613 wrote: ^So howitzer missiles don't kill people? No I didnt say that, I meant the so-called genocide in hargeisa is way over exagerrated. Sure ppl died, but ppl died across all somalia. No genocide occurred in hargeisa its mere snm propaganda and I've never seen one proof of a live jet-fighter striking hargeisa. Its total hog-wash
  13. Where is the warplanes attacking hargeisa? are howitzer missiles now jetfighters? war xasuuq meeshas kama dhicin wa beentooda. Hadi qof la xasuuqay waxaa la xasuuqay beelaha puntland
  14. Ciidamada ammaanka oo soo bandhigay gaari u rarnaa kooxda al-shabaab ee buuraha Golis [Codad+Sawiro] Updated:- 15 hours ago| 14 Commnets Saldhigga dhexe ee Booliska degmada Boosaaso waxaa maanta lagu soo bandhigay gaari raashin iyo qalab u sidey kooxda al-shabaab ee buuraha Golis ee dhowaan shaaciyey inay ku biireen Al-shabaab. Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan wasaarada amniga ee Puntland, Taliska sare ee ciidamada Booliska gobolka Bari, iyo saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Daraawiishta oo saldhigga dhexdiisa Saxaafadda shir ugu qabtay ayaa ka warbixiyey qaabkii ay gaarigan usoo qabteen iyo meeshii uu ku socdey. Jaamac Siciid Warsame (afguduud) oo ah taliyaha ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland ee ku sugan aagga Galgala iyo Sugurre ayaa ugu horeyn hadlay wuxuuna sheegay in gaarigan oo sida raashin ay qabteen ciidamadu isaga iyo sadex nin oo watey. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaarada amniga ee Puntalnd Cabdijamaal Cismaan Maxamed oo isna goobta ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay ku faraxsan yihiin sida ay ciidamada ammaanku gaarigan gacanta ugu soo dhigeen isagoo xusay in agabka gaarigaas lagu soo qabtay uu ahaa mid la rabay in dadka iyo dalka lagu waxyeeleeyo. Axmed Cabdi Gurxan oo isna ahaa ninkii gaarigaasi u rarnaa ayaa gudaha saldhigga Saxaafadda kula hadlay wuxuuna sheegay in gaarigaasi uu isaga u rarnaa islamarkaana uu raashinka iyo qalabka lagu qabtay u sidey kooxaha ku sugan buuraleyda Golis. Siciid Maxamuud Cartan oo ah dareewalka gaarigaas wadey ayaa sheegay in isagu uusan waxba kala socon arintan haseyeeshee gaarigiisa laga kiraystay kadibna ay ciidamadu soo qabteen xilli ay marayeen meel aan magaalada Boosaaso wax badan ka durugsanayn. Audio http://horseedmedia.net/2012/02/28/ciidamada-ammaanka-oo-soo-bandhigay-gaari-u-rarnaa-al-shabaab-codadsawiro/ Yaab Yaabkiisa
  15. Hay’adda HADO oo Barnaamij nafaqeyn ah Qardho ka wadda [sawiro] Updated:- 45 mins ago| 0 Commnets Hey’adda HADO oo ka mid ah NGOyada ka howlgala magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar ayaa ka hadashay sida ay u socdaan barnaamijyada nafaqeynta caruurta gaar ahaan labada mashruuc BSFP oo ah mashruuc loogu talagalay in caruurta ka yar Saddaxda sano ay ka faa’iideystaan iyaga oo qaadanaya Buskudka Plumpy Doz oo ah raashiin iyo daawo isugu jirto kaas oo loogu talagalay in ay kor u soo qaado heerka nafaqada caruurta iyo Mashruuca TSFP oo ah Mashruuc ay ka faa’ideysanayaan Hooyada uurka le, Hooyada Nuujineysa iyo Caruurta ka yar shanta sano ee la iildaran Nafaqo darada waxa ayna helaan Raashiinka shaqsiga iyo raashiinka qoyska. Gudoomiyaha Hey’adda HADO Mudane C/qani Daahir Yuusuf oo la hadlay Warbahinta Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in labadana mashruuc ay si weyn ugu faa’ideysteen caruur gaareysa illaa labo kun oo caruur ah iyo haween gaara illaa shanboqol oo isugu jira Hooyada Nuujisada iyo tan uurka leh oo bil walbo helo raashiinka loogu talaagalay in lagu soo celiyo heerka nafaqada, gudoomiyaha ayaa xusay in mashaariicdaan ay la wadaan hey’adda cuntada u qaabilsa aduunka WFP isaga oo intaasi ku daran in Mashruuca TSFP ay ka wadaan Guud ahaan gobolka Karkar iyo Gobolka bari. Dadweyne aad u farabadan oo ka faa’ideystay labadaan mashruuc ayaa waxa ay ka midyihiin Barkacayaasha ku nool magaalada Qardho, waxaana ka mid ah qoysas ka soo cararay abaarihii ku dhuftay koonfurta somaliya waxa ayna si weyn ugu mahad celiyeen NGO HADO sida oo raashiinka iyo Buskuda Plumpy Doz ugu qeybiyey, waxa ayna codsadeen in Hey’adaha kale ay la soo gaareen Maacuun iyo Teendhooyin, iyo bustayaal ay ka galaan dhaxanta maadama magalada Qardho ay xiligaan ka jiro qabow aad u daran iyadoo IDPSyada ay ku noolyiin guryo ka sameysan cooshado. Mashaariicdaan ayaa waxa ay ku soo aadeen xilli barakacayaasha ku nool magaalada Qardho ay baahi weyn u qabeen in ay helaan xarun ay ka helaan nafaqeynta caruurta, maadama ay u nugulyihiin in ay soo wajahdo Nafo daro taas oo keeni karto hadii aan laga hortagin in caruur badan ay u geeriyoodaan. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cali [black] Horseed Media Qardho
  16. Burah have u ever seen our govts ever talk about somaliland? nope and they only did so recently, its a non-issue and the somaliland topics are by ppl who are somaliland either masquarading under other clans or names. You are not fooling anyone, sheekadiinu online ku haysta lakin offline ha keenin markas ayay arintu xumanaysa
  17. If A Puntlander is sitting at the table this how I would look at this situation and im sure other puntland politicians would also. 1. What does somaliland have, does it have any supporters in the foreign front to support its claim. No noone does 2. How united is Somaliland? Burco is already divided and there folks loyal to dahir aways, awdal is out, zaylac is out. I wont even include khatuumo because it was never really in to begin with. 3. What is their size? they must be small or why else would they run away from Somalia and not force us to accept their sovereignty rather then beg for it like the magan alle folks. 4. What their military capacity and training? no new inventory has entered somaliland ever so their working with 50s gear and the training is shocking and in battle even kids can outbeat them in buhodle let alone a full military force. 5. Whats their economy? can it be harmed or not? yes it can half of somaliland is reliant on bosaso we can take economic sanctions are on the tables. So from a political, military, economic and even down right at the social level their is holes and weaknesses throughout the state which a Puntlander wont ever overlook and will say directly hada is-dhiib intay gori goor tahay ama isolationkaga ku laabo iyo marki aan aduunka ka helno fasax we will attack you not only militarily, dekeda ayaan ka jarayna, dadka gudahiina baan dhex galayna and do pay offs like aideed to abdirahman tuur we are talking about ur snm clan, we dont need to even go into awdal or lughaya issues wa idinka gudahiina. Marka niyahow been ha isku maweelin puntland hadu meesha fadhiyo haba soo farisan because we are game-changers
  18. Lol, somaliland iyo somalia miyaa siman? what can siilanyo hold against mogadishu to even warrant such treatment? has anyone recognised you or do you have anyone supporting your politics inside or outside the nation? You see politically somaliland is screwed and has no weight to stand on even hadi wada hadal la furo because u have nothing to threaten somalia with, this is a compassionate way of somalia saying listen either get in line now, or the world make u get in line and if the world allows us to get u in line by force we will. Thats the 3 options somaliland has and thats the reality, war dadku meesha joggo ma aha dad fadhiyo maqahiyad wa dad siyasi ah and they look at what the opponent has on his side before assessing what their move will be and somaliland is at the table by itself so you can imagine who is walking away from that victorious. Puntland is different story, it can bribe nations with oil money to recognise it if it wanted to, and it can bribe anyone in mogadishu to sign away that puntland is indepedent if it wanted to. Somaliland doesnt have any whatsoever bargaining chip at all and regardless if you overlook it the boys in the meeting wont
  19. This has alot of somalis worried. Galmudug wrote an official letter to the U.N saying Puntland is arming up and its arming up big time. The hargeisa boys are having hissy fit and captured a cargo plane of military uniform and boots to soldiers. But thankfully the tfg has remained quiet on this issue and even visited the PMF at the garowe 1 conference and Farole has said the PMF program has re-started and the build up continues. This is awesome, I am so proud and I am threatening somalis at my cafe if they talk i'll send air assets cause thats what it is a mix of helicopters and military cargo planes and world class navy vessels to their tuulo. They respond back BM baan kula dhacayna hadad wax samaysan and im laughing and thinking every soviet weaponry you have Puntland has but we also have on top of that what you can only dream off OR REAL NATIONS HAVE and yes puntland wa madaxbanan yahay aqri dastuurka!!!
  20. Jacaylbaro farole said the u.n doesnt control Puntland and nabadeena cidna waydinayno. Airforce, Navy is built. Next military build up is updating all the soviet weaponry to u.s weaponry
  21. I feel sorry for Somalis I wouldn't wanna be next door to that
  22. Puntland 15000 tons of the latest weaponry docked at bosaso 4 helicopters plus 2 AN26 military troop aircrafts 4 F350S that can be mounted with turrets anytime for battle and also can serve as a mine locator 120 bullet proof technicals 6 ocean-going naval capacity vessels. Plus there is another 10 mid-sized blue coloured vessels on-top of several inflatable troop boats. Plus there is the ever so existing soviet weaponries stockpiles ranging from tanks, bms, technicals, various heavily armed trucks and other non armed troop transporters and thats what we do know plus $50 million a year funding for over 3 years just for one wing of Puntland security and thats not including military hardware. Who the hell can compete with this!!! Plus on top all of this are the key military institutions such as carmo police academy, marine academy and the infamous base 54 and other key military bases in the state. The best trained and armed troops anywhere in Somalia with security sectors such as PIS, PDF, PMF, SPU that only amisom can be competition and that is even debateable because amisom doesnt have air or sea capabilities which is a weakness that can be exploited if puntland went to war with amisom