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Here is some of the latest pictures of bosaso airport, its massive http://shacabkamedia.com/9495/sawirro-hadiyaddo-ah-oo-sh-media-ugu-tala-galay-shacabka-puntland-iyo-shacabka-soomaalida-sawiradii-ugu-dambeeyay-ee-aan-ka-soo-qaadno-dhabaha-garoonka-boosaaso-oo-gebo-gebo-maraya-maasha-alaah-isha-baxarka-/
Abdiweli Gaas defeated politically and military
Dr_Osman replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
Militarily, I doubt Galnus will win, they lost big time there because they are a minority in gaalkacyo 10-15% maximum and that's the reality. But this war wasn't about a silly road in Garsoor, this was a clear plot by the federal govt to get Puntland to recognize Galnus and sit down with them and the only way they could manage to do that is start a war over a road knowing it will lead to peace talks. They did win politically though, they got recognized by Puntland. If I was Gaas I would've said to the PM, we will not sit with Galmudug and we will sign our side of the peace agreement with you as the PM and you can do the same with them. That is a more politically savvy move but gaas is useless, the worst leader puntland has ever had. -
Naalistar, I think you should focus on helping these poor people that are dying out there due to exposure and the elements. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1081301218560277 Btw those people your showing as captives are mere civilians, but it's well known that you go around fighting civilians, you wouldn't dare fight with soldiers.
Salax, what I am suprised about hargeisa and mogadishu is why dont they build more because they dont really need to invest anything into their port, airports because it was already built and completed by siyad barre. Puntland however is focussing on building it's infrastructure because this region was known as gaari-wa an isolated region that's why we need to focus on infrastructure like roads, airports,ports if that wasn't holding us back, I think we would've been booming alot more then we are now.
Puntland Armed forces currently stationed in Baraxlay, you can listen to the audio here from the deputy governor of Mudug. I like how Puntland forces are not killing civilians like those cowards in Baraxlay do. They can't fight man to man with troops, they fight civilians. Puntland is advising all galnus civilians to return and get treated at Puntland hospitals because they are dying out there due to the exposure and lack of water. http://puntlandone.com/war-deg-deg-ahdhegayso-dawladda-puntland-oo-sheegtay-inay-gaalkacyo-sifaysay-khasaaraha-dhashay/
Baraxlay is tonight under Puntland control, Galnus has also lost Hobyo the other day to shabab and ahlul sunnah controls dhusamareeb, so where does this phantom state operate? its not even a constitutional regional state, its only 1.5 states and must be dismantled immediately.
War Deg Deg ah — Ciidanka Puntland oo Gudaha u galay Xaafada Baraxley kadib markii Maleeshiyaadka Xaafada Baraxley ay hoobiyayaal iyo Rasaas kusoo ridey Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa Ciidanku ka fursan waayay iney Xoog ku galaan gudaha Xaafada Baraxley oo Maleeshiyaadku gabaad ka dhigteen. Ciidanka ayaa iminka waxay ku sugan yihiin gudaha Xaafada Baraxley Waxaana la filayaa in saacadaha soo socda ay Xaafada banaanka uga saaraan Maleeshiyaadka si loogu turo Dadka Rayidka ah ee ay gabaadka ka dhigteen. Isbitaalka guura ee Ciidanka Puntland waxaa hada lasoo gaarsiiyey sadex askari oo dhawac ah. Midkamud ah waxaa durba loo gudboyey isbitaalka Guud ee Gaalkacyo. Saaka laba Hoobiye ayay Maleeshiyaadku kusoo rideen Magaalada waxaana loogu jawaabey Dhowr madfac, markaas kadib magaalada wax xabada kuma aysan soo ridin.
Ururka Al-Shabaab oo la wareegay deegaanka Hobyo ka dib markii Maleeshiyadii iyo Hubkii yaalay la keenay Baraxlay. Ururka Shabaab ayaa saaka si rasmi ah ula wareegay deegaanka Hobyo ee gobolka Mudug ka dib markii dagaal Ooge Cabdi Qaybdiid uu xaafada Baraxlay ee magaalada Gaalkacyo uso raray hubkii iyo Maleeshiaydii ku sugnayd deegaanka Hobyo. Wararka aanu ka helayno Hobyo ayaa sheegaya in Al-Shabaab ay la hadleen dadka deegaanka,ayna ugu baaqeen inay ka qayb qaataan dagaalka ay wadaan. Kooxda Shabaab ee qabsaday deegaanka Hobyo ayaa ku hubaysan hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan,waxaana Waddooyinka kaso baxa Hobyo lagu arkayaa ciidanka iyo Gawaarida Shabaab sida dadka deegaanka ay Warsidaha Puntlandi u xaqiijiyeen. Ururka Shabaab ayaa dhabarka dambe ka jooga Maleeshiyada Galmudug ee ku sugan xaafada Baraxlay. Xaafadda Baraxlay ayaa gabi ahaanba laga qaxay,waxaana dadku ay isugu tageen baadiyaha kaabiga ku haya Baraxlay. Odayaasha dhaqanka Baraxlay ayaa maanta Odayaasha dhaqanka Puntland ka codsaday in jaanis loo siiyo in illaa galabta ay jawaab kama dambays ah ka siiyaan natiijada doorkooda Nabadeed. www.puntlandi.com.
incompetent warlord abdiweli gaas will be responsible for war in Mudug
Dr_Osman replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
There is no Galmudug, its galnus it comprises one and half regions and is unconstitutional to become a federal member state. This the current map of galnus, not even 20% of galkacyo -
Gantaalada ridada dheer oo Ciidanka Soomaaliya lasoo dageen Wasaaradda difaaca iyo Taliska sare ciidamada xooga dalka Soomaaliya ayaa soo bandhigtay gantaalo ridadda dheer, Qorshahan ayaa ka mid xoojiyaan awooda gaashaandhiga ee waddankan. Tani waxay sare u qaadi awoodeena is difaaca, sidoo kale waxay kordhinaysaa in aan lagu degdegin in weerar lagu so qaado difaaceena. Ciidamada Soomaaliya ayaa wali ku guulaysan inay soo qabqabtaan 2000 oo wiil kuna gaafwareegaya koonfurta dalka. balse maanta soo bandhigay Gantaalada difaaca diyaaradaha iyada oo UGUS aysan haysanin diyaarado lala bar tilmaameesto Gantaaladaa. Ceegaag.com Wakhtiyada Salaada
I don't think they're will be an election in 2016. They going to say the current 2016 consultations has come to a stalemate with baydhabo and galmudug folks wanting 4.5 and jubaland and puntland wanting district elections. Hassan sheikh will ask for a term extension untill 2018 which gives gaas an opportunity to run for president in mogadishu because he is gone in january 2019 and sharmarke will then leave and come to puntland and run for president since it's qardho folks to rule. Really sad if things play out like this because I can't stand sharmarke or gaas they are both terrible.
Breaking News : – Secretary-General Appoints Michael Keating of United Kingdom Special Representative for Somalia BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Michael Keating of the United Kingdom as his new Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). Mr. Keating will succeed Nicholas Kay of the United Kingdom who will complete his assignment at the end of the year. The Secretary-General is grateful for Mr. Kay’s dedication, courage and excellent leadership of UNSOM over the past two and a half years, a critical period for Somalia’s political transformation. Mr. Keating brings to this position extensive experience in supporting political and peacebuilding transitions, as well as leading complex humanitarian and recovery programmes in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Africa. While Associate Director of Chatham House since 2012, he concurrently served as Senior Adviser to the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Syria. He was Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Afghanistan from 2010 until 2012. Having served as Executive Director of the Africa Progress Panel, a policy group chaired by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, his earlier career was divided between assignments with the United Nations, serving in Malawi, Gaza/Jerusalem, New York, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the private sector, working with companies and public sector bodies engaged in environmental, human rights and development issues. Mr. Keating holds a Master of Arts in history from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Born in 1959, he is married and has four children.
Che, I Dont have much hope the Bosaso let alone the Garacad port will be extended. I will only believe it when I see it, I think it's just a storyline by the Gaas government. If it was being extended wouldn't we see agreement details of the company extending the port and what their share of the taxes will be.
libaax, I am not sure what the next phase of the airport is, but from what I heard, they saying that the run-way will be extended to 3.4 kilometers because right now the first phase only completes the runway to 2.4 kilometers. I have heard the second phase includes a new terminal also but we will wait and see. Che, I think there is a drainage system, it will be an all weather airport. Makhir university already started.
Check out the Bosaso airport apron where the planes park, it's massive concrete