indeed xaqul ciid was the best FOR ME, i remember the days before ciid al-fitr mothers and sisters used to prepare buskut, xalwad, shushumoow, icun, alot of nacancad and different kinds of casiir. and ofcourse its tradition for the kids to have their new clothes. tho i can't remember if i got new for every ciid but i sure enjoyed all my ciids and at the end of the day JEEBABKU WAY BUUXDHAAFI JIREEN
Oh ya ciid al-adxaa was even more exciting to see all those different looking animals walking around the neighborhood. alot of hilib i tell ya yummiee...
on the other hand 21st of oct was fun day. tho BULULEER (fireworks) used to scare the devil out of me sometime...and those miigs used to got me sweat like crazy man. specially when they fly over our house. remeber they used to fly real close. i always imagined them tearing off our JIINGADo off the roof
oh yah kumandoos is unforgetable with "mas macuntaa? haa. sidee u cuntaa? ham" dja remember da shizzle. and those ubaxa kacaanka kids singing with the famous song hmmm something with 'hoo yaaleey" can't remember the words but it was off the hizzle.
ps tarbuunka was real close to where i lived, and sneaking up to there early in the morning was shuqul ciyaalka xaafada, tho we weren't allowed to sit where marxuum afwayne is conspicuous
phew back old dayz