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Everything posted by Skipper
Originally posted by -MARX-: I got a hot date waiting for me later on tonight! Marx since you mention that you are going to have a date on this special day, do you mind tell us how it went?
If Benitez is sacked then rest assured that i will give up supporting liverpool for good.But Tom and Jerry dont have the balls to do such a thing. If Benitez goes then all the liverpool superstars will follow suit for instance mascherano, torres, reina, to name a few.
Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Rijaalohaa. what is that suppose to mean?
Whether the girl is into me or not is not the issue here. At first the confusion was about mixed identities but things went from bad to worse when one of them suggested that i buy them drinks. This was ofcourse a test straight from the textbook and i was not gonna let myself be bullied by women. My reply was that since the ratio was 5-1 that it was them that should buy the drinks.
Is it only me or do somali girls look alike to the point you would think they are related? This is strange really. It dawned on me the other day when a girl i was supposed to meet up with brought four of her friends along. They were so similar in every way such as height, appearance,the way they dressed,body language, you name it. And when i said to the girl i knew from the pack that "it was very nice of you to bring your sisters along" They shouted at once "we are not sisters but friends". The simple fact that somali girls choose to go in large numbers makes things even more confusing. In America there is a show by the name"so you think you can dance" in Russia there is "So you think you think you can drink" and if my getting together with those girls was a show then it would have been called "So you think you can tell who is who" No disrespect to xalimos but i had to get this off my chest once and for all.
Originally posted by Northerner: Hookay, hookay. The domestic season is over and it is time for the big tourny. I shall be the first to throw my hat into the ring and predict PORTUGAL to clinch it. Northerner it would have been much better if you had kept your hat, i mean trowing your hat for loosers is a big setback. Well i have been saying spain will win the trophy for ages, now its a fact. I wont be suprised if they end up winning world cup in 2010 in south africa.
Nuune sleep safely because spain wont dissapoint us, la roja will lead the way.
Originally posted by Maaxda: Heart says Turkiya but head says Alamal. Northy i am not quite sure what you mean by that
Due to electric breakdown the game was not shown in full,but turkey played like lions and should have gown through.
Abtigis i can safely say we are in the same page now, why not become his political adviser? I might have a change of heart.
Originally posted by Paragon: Skipper, c'mon now. And individual can be critical at his own kind and yet not be ill-wishing. I mean being self-observant and self-critical takes a great deal of energy, and also, it shows how one really hopes to see positive change within his community. Now, in that process, MARX might have committed few gaffes here and there, but so long as he offers a sincere apology for his mistakes then it's all a clean start . Now be more forgiving and welcome aboard; the rewards - as A&T'll tell you - are quite good. What say you? Paragon just because he apologised doesnt mean you have to be emotinal and forgive him so easly. What he did is unforgivable to put it that way. And when you say the rewards are quite good i am not so sure about that either, what exactly can be quite good? Abtigis its appailing you calling that conditions, i would call them advice in my world.
Abtigis and tusbax how much did this guy gave you for your never say die support? I would assume its alot, but why show him so much support when all this fella did was to criticise somalis at any given opportunity? The sums are not adding up adeer. After living few years in england the guy feels he is british rather than somali,so its beyond me why he would want to be president of somalia.
Originally posted by The Zack: ^Well said Skipper! So if bantus were from Tanzania ethnically, living or being born in Somali doesn't change the fact they are still Tanzanians, right? Zack congratulations sxb you have conneced the dots. But still i sence that what i am trying to say has not been understood fully. Let me put it another way: If you throw a goat in an ocean it will allways remain a goat amoungst fish, but it will never be be a fish.
meant to say be carefull with what you write
Xiinfanin just so you know i happen to be a diplomat(or soon to become one) that you be very carefull of what you right adeer, you wouldnt want me to sue you.
Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: Which begs the question? Who is Somali? Is Somali someone who was born/raised and lived in Somalia? regardless of his or her ethnicity? Or is Somali purely (pun intended) hereditry? See,a Sujuu person,who has never set foot in somalia can claim to be somali,But a bantu or arab or portugeese who has never stepped outside of Somalia,will be questionable? I am Somali ethnically,But i am an American---So,what does that make me? Somali-American? Sxb let me break it for you. You see there has been alot of confusion about this issue for a long time now. Just because we somalis moved to a foreign country and get citizenship does not mean that we become japanese, american, norwegian, swedish so on and so forth, we remain somalis no matter how long we live in an another coutry.
Spain play the same style of football as ac milan geeljiree. Spain do keep a lions share of ball possesion and that means as long as you have the ball the less the chance is of your oppononents hurting you.
Originally posted by NGONGE: Skipper, Spain are not rubbish, Spain WERE rubbish last night. A team with all those stars should have beaten Italy by at least ten goals. What exactly did they do last night other than pass the ball around in the middle? The Germans outplayed Portugal. If there was a rubbish team then it has to be the italians, and may i remind you sir that spain were denied a penalty when villa was fouled inside the box. You are right when you say spain should have beaten italia by ten goals or something but how can you play against a team who turned up not to play at all? They had 10 outfield players defending,itali are unplayable in short. Germany did outplayed portugal and the end result was 3-2, the third goal, should never have been allowed, germany went though thanks to a linesman blinding mistake.
Thanks for your suggestion about reading what you wrote once more, i did and i stand where i stood before. My quesion is still the same one.
Ibtisam what makes you so sure he is right? This is debatable issue, who is right i am not sure since i dont have all information neccesary to pass a judgement.
Quote by nephys: "but my beautiful husband was having the ewww factor" What a wonderfull thing to say about your husband.But i am certain that you meant to use the word "handsome" rather than beautifull. Other than that queen victoria would have been proud of how fluent you are at her native language.
Nephy you got the point finally. Honorable mr money wanted to somehow stimulate a debate amoungst us even though he knew it would be of a contraversial nature. I pointed out that a gilr who is sitting at the furthest corner is pretty, but my comment got twisted around and i was accused as a racist. No are no bantus here in scandinavia and i have nothing against them whatsoever.
One would say "Spain is rubbish" if one intends to fail a lie detecting test. Such comment is absurd to say the least. Spain were the team attacking and trying to find their way to the net, while the mighty italians were defending as if it depended on their lives. All the italians did was throw long balls to luca toni hoping he will fashion something out of nothing. It was a dull match to watch given the talents on show but on the night justice has prevailed. When it comes to Turkey i think you cant be lucky everytime, it has to run out at one point or another, its an accident waiting to happen and its a matter of when. The germans were indeed lucky to go past portugal given that their winning goal shouldn have been disallowed as it was a foul.
Originally posted by Kaara-Dille: ^You are Over-doing it, racist waaxid Dating material kulahaa, and what happened to the Marriage material I wont comment on the accusation on me being a racist, i am not on trial here and therfor it would be very childish of me to act fool and comment on it. I said dating material because in my infinite wisdom i believe dating comes before marriage, not the otehr way round.
As you might have noticed by now Tujiyee is not an english teacher and i believe none of us are, so i guess it would be for the best of sol if we stop acting like some sort of english teachers and scrutinizing a faraxs way of writing. Having said that i think what we can comment about is the motive of the what he wrote, its an invitation of getting together for those of you who reside in north america, a very noble and smart thing to do if you ask me. What remains is to either accept it or say no thanks i wont be available. Thanks for your attention malis it will surely come in handy.