Abaay Heylay

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Posts posted by Abaay Heylay

  1. This story is disgusting, shame on the poster for posting such a story. Even though it is just fictional story, I still see it as haram because of the way you describe it. So brother think twice and fear your creator before you post such a thing, b/c Allah says you wherever you are. wal ciyaadu billaah.

  2. ^^^you go girl, they only know how to make fun of the girls but they don't reflect upon themselves. I know these four sisters who are so short but beautiful (masha'allah). So not all short girls are ugly.

  3. The lady in question has been flashed out already! Your avator is vile! change it asap!

    Mr. Marx you can cry as much as you want, I will change my avator when ever I feel like. Is not like you have a better avator. Like I said you can hate but you cannot tell me what to select for my avator.

  4. Poster if I was short waan ku garacaa lahaa but since I am not included in the list waa iska kaa daafi. Laakinse you seem to be jelous of short girls because they are smarter than you.

  5. One would expact BlessedMuslimah would like to be in Mecca or Madiina. She chose paris instead.

    Ducaysane, who wouldn't want to be in mecca and Medina. Alhamdullilah I already visited last year and plan to go this year again to re-live that moment again. Anyways remember when you fingerpoint on others three fingers are pointing at you. smile.gif

  6. ^^^good pnts scoprpion sista.

    This story might sound so bad but lets not all forget it was calaf. I am sure many peopel can relate to A&T's stry. Two years ago my friend introduce to this guy she was dating. I notice the guy has been paying attention to me when I am together with them. After a while, he started calling and started telling me how he feels about me. I told him he was crazy and will never talk to him. The guy broke up with my friend and she found out that he likes me. My friend blamed the whole thing on and hates till this day eventhough I am engage to different person and made clear for her that I had nothing to do with their break up. When I see her i tried to say salam to her but she doen't even respond. My mom told me to forgive and forget and move on.

  7. Bella I disagree with you, but again you entitle to your opinion. You can work and live happy life without dovorce. For instance, both my mother and my dad work and have been married for 23 years (al-hamdulilah). Its all about how manage your time and having a supportive spouse. My mother has tought me to never depend on anybody. Besides, having an education is good for you because it is knowledge that will stay with for the rest of your life. I think it all depends on the lifesyle you grew, I am grew up in a lifestyle where you only depend on men.