Sherban Shabeel

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Everything posted by Sherban Shabeel

  1. ^why, is it a competition now? Who has more believers? That being said, it's nice to see the people of Scotland welcoming Muslims.
  2. Originally posted by General Duke: Zack: Adeer Yusuf kept the clowns in the Bushes. Bullshit. Shabaab was in Mogadishu, and was fighting in other towns as well all throughout 2007 and 2008. ARE YOU TRYING TO RE-WRITE HISTORY DUKE?
  3. Don't call other people a joke before taking a good look in the mirror.
  4. Mr. Somalia, Don't you dare talk about "pestilent xabashas", you worshipper of the biggest xabashi slave in the history of Somalia, C/llahi "Wild Dog" Yusuf. Mr. Turki takes a 250 kg sh*t on you and your stinking master.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: source This is bad news for many in SOL, "we are special" secessionists and the supporters of the Hotel lover. It's bad news for hypocrites like you, and for Shabaab supporters. Hypocrites like you will realize incompetent Puntland can't deal with the pirates and needs NATO, just like the President of Somalia can't deal with the insurgents alone and needs AMISOM. And the realization will break your heart. Shabaab supporters will go "OMG they're letting NATO call the shots, they're a puppet government, murtad, kill them all, their blood is halaal!" (it's a long time I hadn't heard this expression) "Puntland to assist NATO anti-piracy mission?" LOL please, the correct title is "Puntland to be used by NATO in its anti-piracy mission"
  6. I hate this oversimplified cowboy reporting. Way below standard for a respected publication such as the New York Times.
  7. Only persons missing Yeey are the Ethiopian generals he used to make coffee for. "Two sugars please!"
  8. Pay mind to what I'm saying. "Local support" in Somalia is a BIG ILLUSION.
  9. All hail the political process of Somali-la-la-land.
  10. As we have seen countless times, relying on the "word" of Somali commanders is a BIG MISTAKE. If his cousin calls or somebody pays more, the guy will forget his oath to you in three seconds. Alliances in Somalia are as unstable and worthless as quicksand. How many times did Indha Cadde switch back and forth from TFG to opposition? So it's no wonder the President is seeking his help outside. The international community, "unbelieving" as it may be, actually keeps its word and helps you until you become too large an inconvenience. And when they decide to let go of you, you'll see it coming. No overnight "coups", no nasty surprises. Popular support I say he has it. Detractors say he doesn't. Either way, it doesn't really matter. When it comes to military terms, Shariif is doing the best thing he could possibly do - he's looking at outside powers for support he can depend on. Such a thing does not exist in Somalia.
  11. "Pirates" my ***. It's the opposition trying to turn Xamar into a no-go zone.
  12. Somali pirates have boarded a ship heading for Mogadishu harbour and killed its Syrian captain, according to Somali officials. The captain had refused the pirates' demand to turn the ship away from the port, officials added. Three crew members were reportedly also injured in the violence. African Union peacekeeping troops and Somali police launched an operation against the pirates and rescued the Panama-flagged ship. Somalia's Minister for Ports Abdiasis Hassan told the Reuters news agency that normally police are sent out to escort commercial ships into port. But he said this time the pirates were already on board and opened fire injuring one policeman. Pirate attacks have been common off the Somali coast, and international navies have been deployed to counter them. Somalia has been without a functioning central government since 1991, allowing the pirates to operate in the Gulf of Aden, one of the world's busiest shipping lanes. (BBC)
  13. LOL I can't take the reading anymore, I'm getting a girl tutor. I need to put a couple of teaspoons of sugar into this arduous learning process.
  14. Men cheat, women cheat. Get over it.
  15. It was about time. I still can't believe Turki got dragged into this masquerade.
  16. Originally posted by Arac: It wasn't funny actually, and not meant as a joke. Your statement implies universal applicability, yet here you are offended that someone you care about is viewed through the same filter. Did you not think it through? I don't care if she's viewed through this filter, I care if someone mentions it. To further my point, I didn't just come into this world on my own. Things have happened that led to my conception, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to have people talk about them or make jokes about them. My mother is a taboo subject for you, and everyone who hasn't shared a baby bottle with me. Therefore I advise you to be more delicate in the future.
  17. Y a des petits trous ci et la, mais c'est comprehensible quand meme
  18. As funny as that might be, didn't your mother teach you never to make jokes about other people's mother?
  19. A wise friend of my mother's once said: "Treat a whore like a lady, and a lady like a whore. This is the key to every woman's heart"
  20. For edification purposes: http://www.facebook. com/home.php?#/profi le.php?id=502697128& ref=profile