Sherban Shabeel

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Everything posted by Sherban Shabeel

  1. Duke may be a dunce, but at least he's not a secessionist dunce
  2. ^I don't think anyone would have thought Romania to be a part of Somalia. Did you?
  3. How are the drawn-out 'essay' shaped ramblings of a nobody on the internet relevant to the news section? Please stop posting crap.
  4. Egypt's highest Muslim authority has said he will issue a religious edict against the growing trend for full women's veils, known as the niqab. Sheikh Mohamed Tantawi, dean of al-Azhar university, called full-face veiling a custom that has nothing to do with the Islamic faith. Although most Muslim women in Egypt wear the Islamic headscarf, increasing numbers are adopting the niqab as well. The practice is widely associated with more radical trends of Islam. The niqab question reportedly arose when Sheikh Tantawi was visiting a girls' school in Cairo at the weekend and asked one of the students to remove her niqab. The Egyptian newspaper al-Masri al-Yom quoted him expressing surprise at the girl's attire and telling her it was merely a tradition, with no connection to religion or the Koran.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: And why are there Ethiopian troops in Somalia I thought your Sharif Hotel & Sakin got rid of them. Adeer you are a sleep indeed. Because the pseudo-Islamist anarchists Al-Shabaab (and fake resistance groups founded by Ethiopia, such as Ahlu Sunna) are keeping the President from exercising his authority, thereby leaving the borders unguarded, allowing Ethiopians to come in as they please.
  6. lool Still the guy never attacked Jews in his speeches, he only attacked Israel.
  7. A pox on Shabaab and their cybergroupies!
  8. ^Who are they revolting against? Life? Decency? Peace?
  9. Well, the pistol shot has been fired. Time for all out war, I guess!
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: It seems Al Shabaab have defeated Ras Kamboni & Canool militias, that's a setback for Xasan Turki & his latest comander Ahmed Madobe. You read this in the stars?
  11. Three songs from P Square, since they're so awesome: Do Me: No One Like You: Ifunanya:
  12. WHEW! That's a relief!! http://cypresstrees. /ny-times-wrong-agai n.html
  13. I hear it's one of the most beautiful coastal cities in Somalia. Didn't is use to be a famous seaside resort back in the day?
  14. When XI is granted amnesty by the TFG, and please note my use of WHEN and not IF, and Mr. Turki will find his interests lie with President Shariif, the "opposition" will be done for and the foreign fighters will be sent packing for Afghanistan.
  15. Originally posted by Castro: Any reports of deer or other wildlife caught in the crossfire? That would indeed be very tragic. LOL Seriously though, animals are living beings who feel pain and joy just like us. It's sad that weird *** people are taking advantage of the chaos to decimate Somalia's wildlife.
  16. Originally posted by Castro: Any reports of deer or other wildlife caught in the crossfire? That would indeed be very tragic. LOL Seriously though, animals are living beings who feel pain and joy just like us. It's sad that weird *** people are taking advantage of the chaos to decimate Somalia's wildlife.
  17. Originally posted by Castro: Any reports of deer or other wildlife caught in the crossfire? That would indeed be very tragic. LOL Seriously though, animals are living beings who feel pain and joy just like us. It's sad that weird *** people are taking advantage of the chaos to decimate Somalia's wildlife.
  18. This unholy alliance was never meant to last. Mr. Turki is too much of a man to be allied with these shabaab schoolboys.