Muslim Somali
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I'm a Somali from the North who do oppose the idea of the Self declared Somaliland "Somalideed", for different reasons, but what makes me confident about my choice is you see young SL like Marx who is Degree Educated in UK and still think with the same mentality of a nomad in the desert, furthermore he cries over free speech while he is propagating violence and calling to kill other Somali who just oppose his agenda. I have to apologies to all my Somali brothers from the five parts, because us in the north love peace and welcome our brothers from different regions with warm heart not like Marx with identity crisis, I learned to love Somali Unity from Darwiishs who fought the British Army to liberate the land under their shoes, while others were thinking how to make nice shoes.
Beesha JS oo Garaad cusub dooratey- Garad Jamac Garad Ismaaciil
Muslim Somali replied to Sophist's topic in Politics
Great Choice, I know Garaad Jamac when we worked togother in Somali Unity and development Organisation, he is foreward thinker and may Allah aid him in his mission. He is well known as Somaliwayn supporter so the Somalideed days in L.A are counted. -
PRESS RELEASE:Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM) SSC Resounding Rebuff to Somaliland NSUM Press release:-The one-clan secessionist administration based in Hargeisa, driven insane by their own self-delusion of independence from Somalia, and lately drunk with their capture and occupation of Lascanod, capital of Sool, in October 2007, had been trying since then to infiltrate and capture by stealth the rest of Sool and the other regions of Sanaag and Cayn. While hegemony over these regions by all means remains their ultimate goal, their current immediate objective is to conduct sham electoral registration in the SSC regions. Though the traditional leaders of the SSC regions, echoing the sentiments of their people, have repeatedly declared their opposition to the secession and their unshakable membership of Somalia, and despite their warning of the dire consequences that would follow of any attempt to conduct any electoral registration or elections in their regions, the secessionists chose to turn a deaf ear and instead proceeded with their sham electoral registration project. The complete Press Release
Weerar Xalay lagu qaaday saldhiga ugu qadiimsan magaalada Laascaanood oo xilligii gumaysiga la dhisay kuna yaala badhtamaha magaalada Laascaanood gar ahaan dhinaca waqooyi oo ay u baden yihiin xafiisyada magaaladu ayaa dadweynaha magaaladu waxay markiiba ku soo xoomeen saldhiga hareerihiisa iyo wadada laamiga ah saaka markig waagu baryey iyaga oo isweydiinaya xaaladan cusub ee magaalada La soo gudboonaatay. Dadweynaha magaalada ayaa waxa ay aad si weydiinayeen ragga xalay soo weeraray saldhigan iyaga oo aad ula yaabanaa dhiiranaantooda, sababtoo ah saldhigan ayaa waxa uu ku yaalaa goob aan lagu dhiiran karin in xilli haben ah urur ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaa ahi uu weerar ku qaadi karo maadaama meelkasta ay ka xigaan malayshiyo, walibana taaasi ay sii dheertahay iyada oo sadexdii todobaad ee ugu danbeeyey feejignaan badani jirtay, ka dib markii weeraro isdaba joog ah lagu qaaday Hutel Xamdi iyo saldhiga Tuuloqodax. Saaka waxaa la arkayey iyada oo malayshiyada kuwada sugnayd saldhigaasi ay kala baxayeen iyada oo kuwa ka yimi Hargeysa iyo Burco shakiweyni la soo gudboonaaday, markii mid iyaga ka mid ahi ku geeriyoodey weerarkii xalay , dhinacana isula baxeen, waxa kale oo halkaasi saaka ka muuqaday horjoogaha Malayshiyada saldhiga ninka lagu magacaabo Cali Qase oo cadho aad u baaxadweyni ka muuqatay qorina sitay. Dadweynaha magaalada ayaa dareen culus ka muujiyey ninkii saaka ay malayshiyada Hargeysa ku dileen magaalada waxayna aad uga xumaadeen ninka oo ahaa nin ragga dhaxaanta ka shaqeeya ah oo jarmaado ku jiray sida xabbada ugu dhufteen ee aanay ugu gargaarin markii danbe, taas oo dadku la yaabeen iyaga oo isweydiiyey haddii uu ka mid ahaa raggii ay yidhaahdeen way na soo weerareen waxa ay ugu dadaaliwaayeen in ay daweeyaan oo badbaadiyaan hadhawna soo bandhigaan, isaga ob u dhintay dhaawac uu u dhiig baxay oo la badbaadin karg lahaa. Shacabku waxa kale oo ay hadal hayeen sida ay arrimahani u yihiin kuwo bilow xoogan ku biloday, iyagoo dareemayey in ay tahay mid aan dhamaan karin ilaa ragga isa soo abaabulay guulo ka gaadhaan. Waxaa socodkii marqudha la waayey malayshiyadii magaalada dhexdeeda sida caadiga u mari jirtay, waxana malayshiyo dheeraad ah lagu soo kordhiyey saldhigyada iyo goobaha magaalada ay ka fadhiyaan iyaga oo gaadiidka gaashaaman oo si xawliya magaalada u dhex maraya wata. Xalay ayaa goordanbe waxa rag isa soo abaabulay ay weerar ku qaadeen saldhiga magaalada Laascaanood ugu weyn, halkaas oo ay ku dileen Askari ka soo jeeda malayshiyada Hargeysa, weerarkan oo ahaa ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq ayaa magaal ada Laascaanood aad looga dareemay, waxa kale oo xalay isagana ay ragaasi sii weerareen Xarunta wasaaradda Maaliyada oo Saldhiga aad ugu dhaw, sida ay sheegeen dad ku sugnaa xaruntaasi.
Somaliland Vice President paints Bleak Future
Muslim Somali replied to Muslim Somali's topic in Politics
the Tele-Conference did happened and I have the prove. check the website http://www.somalilandamerican.com -
Somaliland Vice President paints Bleak Future
Muslim Somali replied to Muslim Somali's topic in Politics
Responding to a pre-submitted question on the Somaliland Constitution and how it relates to the controversy surrounding the export of livestock, the Vice President said that the Constitution was written 10 Years ago in English by a Sudanese constitution expert. No one is able to translate it into Somali. Therefore, neither “the President or myself know what is in the Constitution.” “We need you, guys in the Diasporas, to translate this import document.” is that true -
By:Osman Jama Adam In a candid conversation with Diasporas Somalilanders the Vice-President of the self-declared Somaliland Republic painted a bleak picture of the economic and political crisis facing Somalia’s secessionists’ enclave. He shared with the audience, apparently in confidence, that he is in complete disagreement with President Riyaale with how the government handled the controversial issue of exporting livestock from the enclave. On August 3, 2008 I was invited, I believe by mistake, to participate in a Tele-Conference organized by Somaliland American Council, a Washington-based Ad Hoc group dedicated to the lobbying for the recognition of Somaliland as a State independent from Somalia. The subject of the conference was “Current Situation in Somaliland’ and the Keynote Speaker was Ahmed Yusuf Yassin, Somaliland Vice President. The following are the highlights of the Vice President presentations to an audience he believed was solely made up of the core constituency of the “Somaliland” Project. 1. The Government does not have the capacity to control events on the ground in Somaliland. “ If a lawless teenager (Jirri) burns the Quran in the centre of Hargeisa, no government can do anything to stop it let alone bring him to justice.”, Mr Yassin stated. He added if the government intervenes the whole incident would be turned into a clan against clan issue. 2. On the controversy over giving exclusive rights to a Saudi national to export livestock from the country, the Vice President stated that he is not in agreement with President Riyaale to give monopoly to a foreign national to export our livestock. However, in order for a free market to take effect for the export of livestock from Berbera we are required to come up with 3 million dollar deposit as a guarantee that the live stock is free from Rift Valley disease. The government does not have that can kind of money neither the business community. 3. Responding to a pre-submitted question on the Somaliland Constitution and how it relates to the controversy surrounding the export of livestock, the Vice President said that the Constitution was written 10 Years ago in English by a Sudanese constitution expert. No one is able to translate it into Somali. Therefore, neither “the President or myself know what is in the Constitution.” “We need you, guys in the Diasporas, to translate this import document.” 4. In concluding his speech, the Vice President, who is in Burco, stated that the only good news I have for you is that we succeeded in our long campaign to capture Las Anod. The key element in this campaign was, in advance of our militia invasion of Sool in 2007, we quietly and clandestinely sent dozens of former convicts, trained by our Ethiopian allies, to infiltrate the Sool communities in Adhi Cadey and Yagori. They settled and married from the community while all along providing intelligence and recruiting local collaborators. The Vice-President added that they will continue following the same strategy in completing the occupation of Sool. At one point the Vice-President was enthusiastically interrupted by the Tele-conference Moderator who opinioned that” “we learned this strategy from our Protectors, the British, and thank God it is working! Laga Baray-ba; Laga Badi !!” 5. Also the Vice-President reminded time and again during his presentation that the Ethiopians are our friends and that you, meaning the Diasporas Somalilanders, not to listen to those who malign Ethiopia. He also praised and thanked international NGOs. He said without them Somaliland can not survive for a day. So every Somalilander overseas should try his best to bring one NGO. As a staunch defender of Somali Unity in spite of our current crisis, this is the first time I participated in a “Somaliland” meeting whether by telephone or in person. I was flabbergasted by the contrast between Ahmed Yassin’s honest briefing on “Somaliland” current situation and the deafening boasts and naked propaganda of Diasporas Somalilanders that their ‘country’ is peaceful, booming, and it is destined to be an international tourist destination. For a country that can not afford to come up with a 3 million dollar deposit, what do you expect the condition of the average Somali in Hargeisa and Burro? Another question that comes to mind isn’t the Vice-President a member of the Somaliland Government? During his presentation he time and again spoke in the plural ‘We’. “We are against the Government handling the livestock issue.” Does the ‘We’ refer to a Somaliland Secret Society that excludes President Riyaale but includes the Vice-President, Ahmed Yusuf Yassin? I am just wondering, The Vice-President should be commended for his candor. He is popularly known in Somaliland as “WayDhaqaaq’day!” meaning “Somaliland is on the Move”. It is a popular phrase he uses when addressing the masses on public events. But based on his presentation on August 3, 2008, it seems Somaliland “May Dhaqaa’qin.” i.e. Somaliland is not moving. On the contrary Somaliland is “stagnant” in a cesspool of dysfunctional governance that is plagued by crude divisive toxic clannish and corruption. In conclusion I wish to thank Somalilander Americans for organizing an open Forum for all those interested in the affair of “Somaliland”. It was a learning and interesting experience. However, in the spirit of Somaliland’s championship of Democracy and Freedom of Speech, please next time remove the muzzle from the Tele-conference participants who remained muted throughout the conference and hence were unable to pause direct questions to the host. Source
Radovan Kradzic arrested! Now lets get Gen. Morgan!
Muslim Somali replied to MAXIMUS POWERS's topic in Politics
I never knew what tribe you are but I wanted to know are you willing to prosecute war criminals from your area because you should be a role model in seeking justice not only revenge, which is by starting in your area, so when we see you doing this believe me all of us will trust your motivation and we will support on you mission. By the way you are a secessionist because whoever seeks the defragmentation of Somalia is a secessionist, its true being from the north it doesn’t mean being hardcore ultra Somaliland because the majority of the people in the north are pro-unity but they can’t speak and express their support to Somalia so they waiting for a Solid Somalia state to rescue them, that what made secessionist use the tribal card all the time and cover it with different logos to deceive the people and that when I deliberately accused you with tribal motive and you just disclosed yourself easily lOl . Its true the north consist of different tribes and you belong to them by blood only but the you lack their loyalty to Somalia, which make you like other outsiders who always work hard for Somalis do not reconcile, so when you come back to the loyalty zone we will work to but every criminal on a Somali court where justice will be applied. -
Radovan Kradzic arrested! Now lets get Gen. Morgan!
Muslim Somali replied to MAXIMUS POWERS's topic in Politics
The problem of Marx is he only consider his tribe is the only victim of Somalia calamity, while the truth is all tribes are victims, so if we seek justice then we apply it on every one regardless their background and a government that represents all Somalis should prosecute them. I know that Marx will claim the largest number of victims, but he need to remember that one death is too many, so if you want to start a war criminal search then believe me it will be faster if you start in your neighbourhood. Kind regards -
It seems people of SSC had other things to do which is more important
Seventeen years ago this month, the environmental issue came of age in SSC Regions life. , When May 18th, 1991, dawned, literally millions of SSC Regions people of all ages and from all walks of life participated in SSC Earth Cleaning Day celebrations from coast of Sanaag to Doollo Lake. It was on that day that SSC people made it clear that they understood and were deeply concerned over the deterioration of their environment and the mindless dissipation of their resources. That day left a permanent impact on the politics of Somalia. It forcibly thrust the issue of environmental quality and resources conservation into the political dialogue of the Region. That was the important objective and achievement of SSC’s Earth Cleaning Day. It showed the political and opinion leadership of the Region that the people cared, that they were ready for political action, that the politicians had better get ready, too. In short, SSC’s Earth Cleaning Day launched the Environmental decade with a bang. Now, seventeen years later, it has become popular in some circles to write the obituary of the region’s environmental movement, to refer to the passing of the "golden era" for Nationalism. It is asserted that public interest has waned, that new worries have captured attention that inflation, the bordering crisis, and Somalis conflict have superseded if not wiped out public concern over ”Unionists”. Those who write that view are uninformed and far removed from the SSC’s Earth Cleaning Day scene or the politics surrounding it. In fact, the politics of nationalism are so pervasive, from the grass roots to the whole SSC Cities, that it is hard to believe even the most casual observer could miss it. To anyone who has paid attention, it is clear that the SSC’s Earth Cleaning Day movement now is far stronger, far better led, far better informed, and far more influential than it was ten years ago. Its strength grows each year because Somali’s people knowledge and understanding grow each year. Pictures
Can we see UK one day implementing Islamic rules more that some Muslims countries
Maxaad Xog kahaysaa Maxabiistii Ku xirneyt Mandheera iyo Burco
Muslim Somali replied to Muslim Somali's topic in Politics
I though SomaliLand believe in Democracy and its the oasis of Peace and Human rights in east Africa or these values are for Publications and TV interviews -
Xiriiro Kala Duwan oo An lasamaynay Magaalada Burco iyo Mandhera oo An kawaraysanay Xaalada maxaabiista Ayay noo sheegeen in Xaladoodu caafimaad ay aad uliitado isla Markaasna Aanan loola Dhaqmin Si Wanaagsan Oo Ay kuyiraahdaan Ereyo Aan Haboonayn. Wiil SOo booqday Maxaabiista Ayay waxay Usheegen in Xataa markii Loo yeerayo Loogu yeero ******, meesha ay cadaawadu kamarayso malayshiyaadkaas haysta. waxa kaloo xabsiga mandheera kujira wali wiil dhaawac ah oo uu dhaly mid kamid ah isimada SSC oo ladiiday in ladaaweeeyo oo Magaciisa layiraahdo Farxaan Ugaas faarax dheere. Dhinaca kale waan wan socotay maalindhawayd oo ladoonayay in Lasiidaayo maxabiista ayaa malayshiyaadka haysta Sheegeen in Labixiyo Lacag Madaxfurasho ah, wararkale ayaa sheegaya in Malayshiyaadkaas dadka soo qafaashay Ay sheegen in ay siidaynaayaan Dhalinyarada Kasoo Jeeda Deegaanada SSC oo ay haysanaya kuwo kale ee kasoo jeeda NUgaal , Mudug, iyo Bari. Marka lamicneeyo hadalkaas oo ah hadal qofkasta fahmi karo in ay rabaan in ay madaxa isugu dhuftaan beelaha walaalaha ah ee *****ga oo ay qaarna soo siidaayan qarna haystaan, taasna ka caraysiisay odayashii waanwanta waday eekasoo jeeday deeganada SSC, waxayna sheegeen in Ama wiilasha lasoo wada daayo Ama lawada haysto. Xalada deeganka SSC Ayaa aad ukacsan kadib markii shalay 3 gaari oo laga leyahay deeganada SSC ay aftuubteen malayshiyaad kasoo jeeda magaalada burco, dadkii lahaa gawaaridaas waxay sheegeen hadaanan degdeg loogu soo celin ay iyaguna jawaab kabixin doonaan. wixii war ah ee kasoo gordha wararkaas iyo maxabiistaba kala soco boocame online news,, warbaahinta qarniga cusub!!! Source
Sidaanu wararka ku helnayo maalintii shalayto ahayd maleeshiya beeleedkii fadhiyey duleedka magaalada Laascaanood, waxay iska dileen laba nin, kaddib markii nin raggaas dhintay ka mid ahaa Aano qabiil loo toogtey isla markaana ay Xabbadihii lagu ridey nin kale iyo kii lagu ridey labadaba dileen oo ay halkaas ku nafwaayeen Dhacdadaas shalayto oo Khamiis ahayd dhacdayna waxay keentay inay labadii qolo ee uu weligoodba tartanka qabiil ka dhexeeyey kala shakiyaan iyagoo ay qolo weliba dhinacooda Tiknikadii ay gacanta ku hayeen xalay la guure galay oo la goosatay si ay ugu biiraan Qabiilooyinkii ay ka soo jeedeen, iyagoo ka baqaya inay dhacdadani saamayn weyn ku yeelato maadaama Ictiraafkii la doondoonayey la waayey, Ragga xalayto Tiknikada la guure galay waxay ka soo kala jeedaan Beesha Sac** *****is ee H*** ****nis iyo Beesha Bi**** Ee Ha*** ***lo oo iyagu wada dega Degmada Ceel Afweyn ee Galbeedka fog ee Gobolka Sanaag. Shakhsiyaad kale oo aanu wax ka weydiinay dhacdadan, waxay noo sheegeen in aanu xaalku aano qabiil ahayn, balse markii uu ogaaday taliyihii Maleeshiyadani in aysan jirin wax Ictiraaf ah oo la helay, taasina ay keentay nijad jab baaxad weyn maadaama kolkii hore lagu soo dagaal galiyey waa la ina aqoonsanayaa oo dawlad baynu noqonaynaaye, waa inaan xadka soo xidhnaa... Arrintani oo aanu wali daba socono wixii ka soo kordha Jidbaale.com Kala socda Source
Sida aanu ku helayno wararka naga soo gaadhaya garoonka diyaaradaha ee Djibouti, waxay sheegayaan inay culays badan saareen sidii ay isu hor taagi lahaayeen dadka dhoofayaasha ah ee iyagu sita Baasaboorka ay samaysteen maamulka Hargeysa, ee aan la aqoonsanayn, waxaanay tallaabadani ka Source cadhaysiisey qaar ka mid ah shacabka Hargeysa, oo loogu sheekeeyey in ay ku geli karaan Djibouti, maadaama ay yihiin deris wadaag soo jireen ah. Sidoo kale waxaa madaarkaasi ku sugan kooxo bilays ah oo iyagu qaabilsan sidii ay indha badan ugu yeellan lahaayeen dadka dhoofayaasha ah ee lagu soo khalday inay ku socdaalaan Passport kan ay iska samaysteen maamulka Hargeysa oo isagu dhawaana ku hungoobay in uu wadanka maraykanku aqoonsado, hase ahaate tallaabadan sharciga ah ee ay qaaday dawlada Djibouti waxay si cad u qeexaysaa inay sida ay ugu adag tahay in ay indha badan u lahaato shacabka iskala soo dhoofaya Dal-kugal aan dunida laga aqoonsanayn. Waxa kaloo ay dawladda Djibouti uga dan leedahay inay tusto, sida ay diyaarka ugu tahay inay ilaaliso shuruucda caalamiga ah, isla markaasina aanay u noqonin mid u sahasha in madaaradeeda lagaga dhoofo baasabooro aan la aqoonsanayn, waxaanay hada ka celiyeen shacab sitey basabooradaasi ay ka Hargeysa ka soo qaateen, oo ay una haysteen in ay caalamka isaga dhex gooshi karaan, iyagoo ay maankooda ka maqnayn in aanu caalamka ka shaqaynin sharci iska qarqoosh ah oo ogolanayaana Baasaboorka maamul aan la aqoonsanin.
Mudaharaad Lagaka soo horjeedo Maamulka SNMTA
Muslim Somali replied to Muslim Somali's topic in Politics
their is a difference that individuals are Somalideed and a whole regime is a Somalideed. Somaliland is the land of Somalis so is not the land of Somalideed, so why poeple of Sool are killed when they said we are not Somalideed. -
Mudaharaad Lagaka soo horjeedo Maamulka SNMTA
Muslim Somali replied to Muslim Somali's topic in Politics
First this is not my title its how is it from the source, personally I use the term Somalideed because they are SOMALIDEED. -
Mudaharaad Lagaka soo horjeedo Maamulka SNMTA
Muslim Somali replied to Muslim Somali's topic in Politics
Mudaharaad Lagaga Soo Horjeedo SNMta oo Kadhacay Buuhoodle Mudaharad aad Uweyn Aya Maanta kadhacay Magaalada Buuhoodle ee Xurunta gobolka Cayn, Mudahraadkaas oo lagaka Soo Horjeedo Caloshood Ushaqaystayaash SNMta U Adeega. Waxa Maalmihii lasoo Dhaafay kusugnaa Magaalada buuhoodle Qaybe iyo Wafti Uu hogaaminaayo , oo lacag laga Soo siiyay Magalada hargaysa loona soo diray sidi ay dadka ugala qaybin lahaayeen. Qaybe ayaa shacabka Reer Buuhoodle usheegay wax anan soconayn rabana in uu ka dhaadhicyo Wax ay kusoo akhriyen Maamulka riyaale oo ah in Buuhoodle Ay kataliyaan Maamulka SNMTa, waxana Aad uga carooday hadalka Qaybe shacabkii kudhaqnaa Buuhoodle xili Ay malayshiyada Beesha Dirta Waqooyi ay qafaasheen, Dad reer guuraa ah oo Dagana Dagaanka Dhamasaar isla markaas Siqafaalasho Ah u Afduubay Col Dayr iyo Ciidankiisii. isku Soo Wada duubo Mudaharaadka maanta Dhacay Ayaa Ahaa mudaharad Ay Shacabka reer Buuhoodle kumuujinaayan inaynan Rabin maamulka SNMta. Boocame Online News!! Buuhoodle , Puntland Somalia Boocame@hotmail.com Boocame online -
Mudaharaad Lagaka soo horjeedo Maamulka NMTA Oo Lascanod Kadhacay Kadib markii Mudaharaad aad u wayni ka dhacay gudaha Magaalada Laascaanood ayaa waxaa Malayshiyada Maamulka SNMtu soo galeen gudaha Magaalada kuwaasi oo rasaas ooda kaga qaaday banaan baxayaal Wata Calanka Somaliya Mudaharaadkan ayaa ku beegan Yadoo Maamulka Somalidiidku ay diyaar garow ugu jireen inay soo dhaweeyaan Madaxwayne ku xigeenka maamulka SNMta Ninka Laugu Magacaabo Weydhaqaaqday Waxaa Xidhan dhaman goobaha Ganacsiga oo dhan yadoo Shacabku ay joogaan Wadada wayn ee Magalada laascaanood Xabadihii ay Ridyeen Maleeshiyaadka SNM tu ayaa waxaa ku Dhinta Wiil Dhalinyaro Ah Oo Lagu Magacaabo Shaafici waxa kale oo Ku dhaawac'may 2haween ah iyo Wiil dhalin yaro ah Waxaaa kacsan dhamaan dareenka Shacabka Magaalada oo dhan Waxaa ku wareega laamiga Malayshiyada Dirta Waqooyi Iyada Malayshiyadaas Oo Uu Hormood kayahay Nin Kasoo Jeeda beesha Arab Oo Dhawan laga Dhigay Taliyaha Malayshiyada SNMta Ee Gobolka Bari. ilaa iyo subaxnimadii saaka ayaa banaan baxayaashani joogeen Wadooyinka yagoo markaasi maagaya SNMta waqooyi Walow ay xataa baabuurtii Ay Wadaan Nimanka Calooshood Ushaqaystayaa Ee U Adeega Maamulka Riyaale aan lagu arkay wadooyinka kadib markii muraayadaha Laga jaabiyey qaar kamid ah. Wixii war ah ee ka soo kordha Mudaharaadayaasha iyo SNMta kala Soco Boocame online news Laascaanood SOmalia for pictures check Boocame online
Are Puntland and Somaliland Administrations Preparing for a Military Showdown? More than two months have passed since Las Anod, the capital of Sool region of Somalia, was captured by Somaliland forces. The brief armed confrontation that sealed the fate of the former Puntland adminstration’s presence in Las Anod owes less to the military might of Somaliland but more to the Las Anod’s influential politicians whose clan militias switched allegiance from Puntland to Somaliland. A group of traditional leaders from Sool met in Boo’ame town near Las Anod several weeks after Somaliland adminstration had captured the town. They have called for Somaliland to withdraw its forces, a call that Somaliland snubbed. Since then the political temperature in the contested region has kept increasing. President Rayale of Somaliland reiterated that Somaliland forces would reach the colonially demarcated border between the former before Somalia become a republic in 1960. Puntland People’s Assembly has kept pressure on and urged General Adde Muse, the Puntland president , to recapture Las Anod. President of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has joined the war of words over Sool. In remarks for the press In Baydhaba, he said that Somaliland would not be allowed to divide Somalia into two parts and demanded that Somaliland adminstration withdraw its forces in Las Anod. Clan Factor The Sool political landscape has always been treacherous. The late Somaliland president, Mohamed Ibrahin Egal, opted for a policy that regarded Sool as an ungovernable part of Somaliland before and after Puntland came into existence in 1998. He knew that inhabitants of Sool did not have an armed opposition front like the former Somali National Movement and Somaliland Salvation Democratic Front that drew support from ***** and ********** clans respectively. The absence of political mobilisation experience meant that a project like Somaliland born of the armed struggle against the military dictatorship would not be easy to sell to people of Sool who did not share political goals with the proponents of secession. Some analysts believe that President Rayale has become susceptible to the whims of a select group of Sool politicians who have no support base within their constituencies. Writing in somaliland.org website, an opposition party member of Somaliland parliament has raised question about the long term impact of militarily conquering Las Anod, a decision that, according Abdirahman Yusuf Artan, can “undermine the democratic processes in Somaliland.” Artan cites the donor nations’ decision to channel the 2008-20143 assistance package for Sool through Somaliland while Las Anod was under Puntland adminstration as political blow that rendered Puntland’s “ clan-based argument irrelevant ” and labels President Rayale’s policies towards Sool stratagems that benefit some financially motivated Sool- born politicians in Somaliland. Given the renewed war of words between Somaliland and the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, the region that boasts relative stability may plunge into civil war that can undo peaceful coexistence that Puntland and Somaliland populations have enjoyed for more than a decade. Liban Ahmad Source http://www.holhol.net/view_latest.php?articleid=2415
The New Realities And The Conscience Of The Sool Man
Muslim Somali replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
I feel sorry for you because you living in a delusion, the region is walking towards a war, its not between Somaliland and Puntland, its actually between the people of SSC and the Somaliland admin, the war is between people who made the history of Somali and their resources can shape the future of Somali, and with the hargisa admin which its a phenomena raised due to the Somali state collapse but the moments the Somali state restored that admin will melt. The lies of developing of Sool can’t fool anyone, SSC residents enjoyed peace which was achieved by the people of SSC that lead to progress in opening more schools, University and although the health care developed slowly but recently the opening of a hospital in Cayn region emphasised the SSC people determination for developments. SSC people disbelieve of any Somalideed Ideology that aim to fragmentize Somali to gain some short term interests, this was the reason why SSC were part of puntland who committed mistakes but it can be rectified. But joining Somaliland means the end of Somali as one united state, which can’t be rectified. So people of SSC who’s on the last century fought against the British to maintain Somali, today they fighting with who believes they are the orphans of the British so they have the right to inherit them. That will lead to in SSC Schools the SNM will be the Heroes who liberate northern Somalia while darwish will not be mentioned like the current syllabus. Therefore people of SSC who hopefully after Laas Anood liberation will reopen schools again they and will ensure that real heroes are praised and zeroes are neglected. Somaliland security, stability will be on threat while people of SSC lost all of that since the Somaliland militia took over.