Gordon Gekko

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Everything posted by Gordon Gekko

  1. Yes, SL can flex its muscles and say TFGs passports are null and void. But the entire world is telling SL the same. Real question is, which passport wins the final battle? I'm betting the ranch on the TFG issued one.
  2. Yes, SL can flex its muscles and say TFGs passports are null and void. But the entire world is telling SL the same. Real question is, which passport wins the final battle? I'm betting the ranch on the TFG issued one.
  3. Yes, SL can flex its muscles and say TFGs passports are null and void. But the entire world is telling SL the same. Real question is, which passport wins the final battle? I'm betting the ranch on the TFG issued one.
  4. Somalidiidka ka qalee nooh Duke, their just from another country Things are going on behind the scenes on this front (the SL case). I've been told their being served some lucrative options and as a matter of fact, when the TFG is planning for its infrastructure build-out or regulation plans, its including Somaliland.
  5. Easy buddy I was sarcastic. Maseerka naga dhaaf ee niyadaada kheyr iyo caano u sheeg.
  6. I got my hands over some very interesting statistics on household economy of Hargeisa. Don't wish to disclose this though, its too lucrative to share
  7. I'd like to see United States of Somalia first.
  8. Nice report. Im sure the noble cyber wadaads of the forum will avoid this thread or jump in with the usual oneliners: "TFG waa maqar saar" "stooge baad tahay" etc. Remember how Juje fled the scene (and still keeps avoiding the issue) when confronted in that other thread?
  9. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Sharif has more support than A Y has in the country Interesting statement. I'd like you to be more specific here and preferrably back this statement up with some legit data. You used a very abstract word, namely country, which means Sharifka has more support than A/Y and Riyaale. I dont think you can say the usual "No Somaliland is another country I'm talking about Somalia only" because speaking of support to the ICU, SLanders do got love for them: Somaliland is traditionally the heartland of the AIAI, and support is quite high for the ICU in Somaliland territory, and conflict may occur in the future Wikipedia Rise of the Islamic Courts Union (2006) But Somalia doesnt only consist of Mogadishu and Somaliland so I'd like to see statistics or anything on the support for the ICU in other parts of the country. Preferrably support from the civilians, not the businessmen that created it.
  10. Madaxda Golihii Maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo xubnihii laga xayuubiyey Xildhibaanimadda Barlamaanka Federalka, oo la sheegay inaysan wax taaageero ah ku dhex lahayn Mujtamaca Soomaaliyeed. Ambassador Michael Eagle Ranneberger, ayaa hadalkaasi ku sheegay Wareysi Khaas ah oo dhinacyo badan taabanaya oo uu siiyey Idaacadda Somaliweyn, wuxuuna sheegay in dadka isku urursanaya kulankaasi ay doonayaan inay burburiyaan dadaalka loogu jiro Shiweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaranka Somalia, waa sida uu hadalka u yiri. “Waa hagaag, Dadkaasi waxay isugu soo urureen sidii ay u dumin lahaayeen dadaalka loogu jiro Shirweynaha Dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaranka Somalia, taasi waa arrin jirta, laakiin kuma guuleysan doonaan, waayo ma haystan Taageeradda, waan ku celinayaa mar kale, ma haystaan taageeradda cid ka mid ah qabaa’illadda iyo jufo-hoosaadyadda Beelaha Somalia,mana awoodi karaan inay guuleystaan” ayuu yiri Ambassador Ranneberger. Where is the love?
  11. Nice, their focusing on local flights which is a new model that can become very profitable in 2-5 yrs. Once again however, I'm raising warning flags to the ground controls of Hargeisa airport, Bosaso and Aden Adde International; I'm skeptic about their capability (in terms of ground equipment, trained personnel, controllers) to handle the dramatically increasing flights. The (somewhat overheated) airline industry in Somalia will most probably lead to consolidations in a time-frame of 10-15 yrs(if peace and government returns to Mog). Opens up for some very nice M&A deals.
  12. ^^ Cool, I havent seen that feature until now, thanks for the link bro.
  13. Dude, there arent alot of french speaking nomads on thís board, just post the pics or translate if you speak french.
  14. ^^ Yes, its a remix on the classic fairy tale "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". For fun.
  15. As I pointed out, the TFG, although it has the rights and the legals on its side, can't do much at this time and point about these business deals or any other matter in the SL region. Both the TFG and the international community is aware of the de facto independent administrations that has been ruling the northwestern region as well as the democratic frame-work that is in place and its not in either parties interest (international community, TFG) to cause any disturbance in the region, especially if the intent or message is to attack or question the sovereignity of the self-declared region/administration. Hence, my point is that foreign advisors should just have some sort of hedge for their deals in order to avoid a possible backlash when the TFG mandate ends and another more efficient and powerful government is in place.
  16. Those renditions looks pimped up, wonder if the real deal will turn out like that. Whats the cost of this project? $30-50m?
  17. Originally posted by Juje: Maso dhar bedeletey? I'm all set buddy. Maaweelada threadkaan iska dhaaf ee soo gal qadkii hore.
  18. The Boy Who Cried Wolf (by Abdiqasim Salat) There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Yeey! Yeey! Yeey is chasing the sheep!" The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive Cabdullahi Yusuf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no Yeey. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces. "Don't cry 'Yeey', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no Yeey!" They went grumbling back down the hill. Later, he saw a REAL Cabdullahi Yusuf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Yeey! Yeey!" But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come. At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping: Wadankii waa la haystaa!
  19. Originally posted by me: anyhow to come back to the original question, can other countries/foreign companies make deals with the secessionist enity or any other warlord and are these deals binding? are these deals in accordance with Somali law? anyone? The question at issue would be complex to solve at this time and point, mainly due to the drained state of the juridical apparatus of the Somali Republic and its current transitional government. Since Somaliland is based within the borders of the Somali Republic, as clearly stated in article no. 2 of the Transitional Federal Charter (which is mainly a rip-off of the 1960 constitution) and as we have witnessed how A/Y, Geedi & Co are inclined to occasionally flex the inherent legal rights of the TFG entity as the only recognized governent on Somali soil (oil deals, telecom regulation); Foreign Direct Investors that are targeting Somaliland should be aware that their contracts can be annulled without furter ado - must probably in a post-TFG administration (2009+). ARTICLE 2 THE TERRITORY OF SOMALIA. 1. The Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of the Somali Republic shall be inviolable and indivisible. 2. The territorial sovereignty of the Somali Republic shall extend to the land, the islands, territorial sea, the subsoil, the air space and the continental shelf. 3. The Somali Republic shall have the following boundaries. (a) North; Gulf of Aden. (b) North West; Djibouti. © West; Ethiopia. (d) South south-west; Kenya. (e) East; Indian Ocean. NOTE: Having made a quick comparison it actually seems as the TFG charter is emphasizing more specifically on the border/land area of the Somali Republic. A clear pun to the Somaliland camp as I see it. Make the comparisons for yourself: 1960 Constitution 2004 Transitional Federal Charter
  20. "$70/barrel" speaks louder than any internal conflict. Trust me on that one. If oil is found - it will be exploited. Case examples to study: Sudan and Nigeria. Oil business thrives in trouble spots.