Gordon Gekko
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Everything posted by Gordon Gekko
^^ Generaale dadkan SOL waxba ma ka akhriyaan ee Muqdisho tag dee. Maxaad meelahan la dhuusdhuuseysa?
^^ second that
********************* _______________ Do not post-paste dead bodies on this forum[/i]. [ March 29, 2007, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
Muj. Red Sea Are you the newly appointed spokesman for Paragon or just a cheerleader? Mind your own posts please, qoraalo aan nax lahay baad ku hadashaayee
Paragon, I don't have time for the kindergarten talk today. I just want everyone to know that I'm pro-somalinimo and anti-secession/unfunctional governance. I'm not saying the TFG is bulletproof but it's a good start, a base, hence my support and it's a staunch support. As for your claim that I'm not a muslim, based on some weak premises taken out-of context, all I have to say is that I condemn your claims and to cut it short; Allahu a'lam. That's my 2 cents. As for the somaliness you mentioned, I'm still active in several projects in Somalia so I guess it's tiptop.
Originally posted by xox ogaal: emperor who is holding back somalia ? Buntland booming and somaliland is flourishing south is holding it self back and the peopl who is holding back south is the Yey and his boyz So your inclining that the economy of south had a golden age during the last decade? during the ICUs 6 month of reign? Show me the numbers please.
^^ War dadkaan waa xafiifeen jihaad baa ka dhagtay wax kalena ma kaa maqlayaan. Hadii aad rabtid in aad baraarugisidna waxaa lagu magaacaya wasiirka arimaha coptic church lol. Sheekadu waxay noqon doontaa sidii gabartii sir lagu soo guursaday o markii la aqal galay runta loo sheegay lana karbaashey. Mar dhow waxaad arki doonto koo "mujahiidina al shabaab" isku yeeri jiray oo Quraan la saarey kadibna warshada baastada shaqo ka raadsadey.
Dear Paragon, I'm doing very well alhamdulilah and I'm also very firm in my muslim faith. I appreciate your concern towards my psychological condition and hope inaadan adiguna isku-dhax-waalan. I'm afraid your in the risk-zone for being schizophrenic since you one day announce your departure from the forum and the other seem to be back and debating like there is no tomorrow. Your semantic gymnastics however, is a bit weak since you didn't answer the question you challenged in first place (if you guys have the ability to judge who's muslim or not). Replying with lines supposed to resemble scientific analysis may impress and amuse the local Mujahideen Club. On a further note I suggest you pay heed to the saying; 'Don't throw stones at your neighbors', if your own windows are glass', and start your admirable research on your own ICU peers as well as the recent 'mujahids' and their nature. I'm looking forward to your work on the 'Psychological profiling of modern day surwaalgaabs (& virtul mujahideens).
^^ War dadkii mujahidiinta ahaa oo 1560 askari maalintii gowrici jiray waxayba ka bixi la'ayihin tageero "biniaadanimo" iyo inay dad u magacaabaan muslim iyo gaal, intee ay shaqo-la'aanti kabadatay lol.
Jacaylbaro: You see theyr having this "jihad" against the christian ethio but off-the-record it's a qabiil war against the buntlanders. The jihad thing is good for PR/Propaganda
Originally posted by Paragon: quote:So now your saying I'm not a muslim When you wake up in the morning and stand before the mirror, what do you see? A Muslim or an Ethiopian Lackey? Your one-liner doesn't give support to the claim. Now I'm asking you Islamic Scholars gone cyber space mujahids here on SOL if you got the ability to label one muslim or not-muslim?
^^ Hmm I'm suspecting property/minister post loss here too. Threadka tacsida waa kan kale ee kaas soo gal wadaadow, waa lagu sabsabi doonayee
So now your saying I'm not a muslim, aqoon diimeed baa isku sheegeysaa ee isku laabo bal horta sheekh. As for the qabilism accusations - I barely know what my own clan is and frankly don't give a damn about tribalism, thats simply nothing I grew up with. I will not however, and you mark my words, reiterate from my standpoint that I support a military intervention in order to restore the post-colonial governance (with exception of the S.Barre regime) and stability.
X - Waxba farta ha iigu fiiqin wadaadow. Hadii aad dhiiga somaaliyeedna sidaas aad u qiimanaysid waxaa fiicnaanlahayd in tariikhdaada arimaha Somaaliya xaggeeda la ogaado iyo meesha aad joogtay iyo waxa aad samaynaysay markii gabdhada intaaso sano aabohood hortooda lagu kufsanayay, isbaaroyinka dadka maalinwalba dhicjiray. You talk big now only to support your own opinion and group but I'm sure history would tell that you didn't do shit for the benefit of Somalia and the Somali ppl in the last decade.
^^ Oo dadka maxaad propaganda iyo been u shegeysiin oo ooga baahantihiin hadii aad ogtihiin in mashruciina cadaalad yahay, mise meesha laf jaban baad ku qarinaysiin?
^^ Walaal waxba halbahaar ha isku ridin, hadii aad su'aal qof kalena ugu jawaabeysid si fiican uuga jawaab. Warkii oo kooban maanta hadal iyo fadhi ku dirir ma taagno sheekada ee waxaa taagan 'military force' si looga suu celiyo dalka nabad, dowlad-diidka iyo kan isku maleeyo inuu mujaahid yaheyna loogu soo qabto, marka ama iska caytam oo indhaha cadee ama wax qiimo ah o debateka wax ku kordhinkara sidii Geel_jire12 qoraaladiisa camal la imoo. Hadii aad ka cabsanaysid in aad guri iyo hanti lumisid markii dowlada soo laabato noo sheeg oo waan kuu tacsiyeeyneynaa. lol.
Originally posted by Kashafa: ^ Wallow in the filth, chump. That's all one can do after getting wholly owned. I used the word mukhannath because it symbolises and sums up everything despicable about you and your position. Sold out his faith for worldly gain: Guilty Shameless naked tribal alleigance: Guilty Championing the bombardment of civillian neighborhoods: Guilty Political prostitution: Guilty Condoning the rape of a 37 year old mother, calling it a PR stunt: Guilty I'm sorry. I'll take the word mukhannath back, as it's too good for you. Back to the dictionary to come up with a word more suited for your incredibly base character. You obviously don't understand what mukhannat means. Let's take a closer look at the definition of it: The scholar and hadith collector An-Nawawi wrote: 'A mukhannath is the one ("male") who carries in his movements, in his appearance and in his language the characteristics of a woman. There are two types; the first is the one in whom these characteristics are innate, he did not put them on by himself, and therein is no guilt, no blame and no shame, as long as he does not perform any (illicit) act or exploit it for money (prostitution etc.). The second type acts like a woman out of immoral purposes and he is the sinner and blameworthy'. Having read this definition I can hardly see how my debating posts can be comprehended as womanly, but I guess you just wanted to be derogatory in order to show your a better muslim than I (how bold and pious). As for your claims about me selling out my faith and what not: not that it's true but in any case it's none of your business and nothing you should go be depressed about. So you mind your own salaat and I'll mind mine. But remember to wash your mouth (or fingers) thoroughly when making your wudu so you can cleanse yourself from all the derogatory words you produce on forums like this.
Well gentlemen, you have your opinion and I have mine. Let's agree to disagree. And to Mr. Kashafa: your posts are the most off-topic and ad hominem based one's really and it's ever more amusing to read how you proclaim yourself a pious gentlemen. Keep on delivering those foul words dear sheikh, kitaabka inta aad dhinac iska dhigtay 'dhillo' iyo '*********' lee dadka ka soo horjeeda ku dheh (or are you saying there is support for your foul words in the Quran?)
^^ Northerner, I'm not against that and I have never said that I'm against it either. However, implementation of Shari'a alone won't be fruitful, but rather devastating, if the islamic courts and their personell are corrupted by clannism. If the ICU would have continued their reign I wouldnt be surprised if we'd see killings of certain clans/families/individuals being backed up by 'fatwas' and using Islam in this kind of way is more close to being harmful for the ummah than positive.
^^ You seem to be into this hole mukhannath thing, tell me was your last western girlfriend a she-male? lol
^^ Kashafa, It's funny to note that you want to depict yourself as a pious muslim gentlemen when you mock me of being a 'prostitute' in post after post. If you want to come out as a real cyberspace mujahid you should be more clean in your mouth. But I'm suspecting that the clan hate is at the upper-hand here so it's understandable that your unable to discuss things in an Islamic way
Walaal Geel_Jire, Waxa aan ku riyooday ma ahan occupation ee waa in Somaaliya lagu soo celiyo kala-dambeyntii, dowladnimadii iyo bilacdii hore ee ka jirtay dalka waxaana diyaar u ahay in aan difaaco wax alaa wixii soo celinkaro artintaasi. Waxasee aan ka labalaboodaa dadk isku yeera 'mujahid' oo aanan garanayn micnaha araygaas oo keliya raba in ay u isticmaalaan diinta islaamka as a method for accumulation of person wealth.
^^ So you don't make political predictions only but also knows where one will end up in the hereafter. Can I too send ppl to hell and paradise if I become a cyberspace mujahid cause I thought this ability was exclusive to Allah swt only?
^^ Mr. Kashafa, the Clown Courts era is over and you have lost all your future ministerial posts and looting opportunities. Sorry to break the news on you.