Gordon Gekko

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Everything posted by Gordon Gekko

  1. LOL Sakhar, this is the second qarxis you've been doing on the desperate dowladiids of the forum, be easy on them man! Aan iskaga shaaciraysanee xooga yar udaa beenta iyo markqaanka ay ku ju maqanyihiin lol.
  2. ^^ correction: you guys don't amount to a million, your a small click and correction 2: you haven't won anything, but lost almost everything and will loose more. Sorry to break the news.
  3. This guy exposed himself. He has no real force as he claims and thought the ethopians had left for good so he could jump back into action again. He is now easy prey.
  4. Geel_Jire12. Let's take a look at one possible and most certain development, as I see it: When the elements of conflict becomes evaded and their weapons confiscated or destroyed the direct threat of their attacks is at once limited to non-existent percentages. The government can then launch it's political and public relations campaigns without having to loose more energy, money and focus on the security of it's members and people or other major disturbances such as low-intensity warfare. Issues such as medication and treatment of wounded, food distribution and safe placements for IDPs, local security via police force, land- and property ownership can initially be implemented while other more wider programs such as the implementation of a central bank and other regulations, laws and licenses on the business world which could bring the society into a nourishing growth economy could be established later on. These are just a few of the many actions that the government are planning to embark on as soon as security and kala-dambeyn has been restored. These are programms that benefits the society and the civilians and which enhances their life in many ways, making them more positive towards the government, and thus, harder for any left-over rebell to recruit and gain the hearts of the masses once again. With other words; if these rebells loose the war now they wont have any vacuum to fill later on and would subsequently loose everything plus more if the government gets some peace and stability and starts gettings it's business on. Mr. Geel_Jire12 As an opponent to the government and a supporter of the factions fighting them, please present a possible long-term impact, from your point of view, of the ongoing crisis, highlighting the premises of these possible outcomes - (assuming that the ethopians succeed on the current operations).
  5. Keyword here is clan elders. Another keyword is that they are from one specific clan and a the conclusion is that these fighting rebells that goes under various names are clan-driven and thus view the Government as a rivaling mono-clan entity. That's the reason they now swallow their pride and suck on the kneecaps of the allied forces that showered them the last days and who won't listen to their beggings anyway.
  6. LOL @ Bakaraha "the biggest shopping town in Mogadishu". Why make it sound like were talking about the lifeblood shopping center of Somalia? The place is a contaminated square were ppl sell timir and baasto next to ammunition and gasoline and other hazardous stuff. The sooner it gets closed and demolished the better - both for quelling the arms trade and for preventing an epidemic health disease.
  7. Interesting analysis Taako. The issue of land & property ownership is without doubt one of the factors in the cocktail that made up the 'local success' of the former ICU and which is now creating this massive hatred and fighting of it's remnants i.e the shabaabs, the mujahids and whatever they call thelmselves. So basically what they are doing here is concealing all these matters and downplaying their clan-driven greedines by replaying on the Islamic movement/Jihad card. A newfound source of "awr-kacsi" is also the foreign troops that are sidelining with the government to restore order and weapons disarmament. Unfortunately, things won't go their way this time around but I'm looking forward to reading a more extensive work on the 'ownership of land & property' factor and it' role, on the current crisis in Mogadishu.
  8. "Habar fadhida lagdin..." Dad badan oo rayid ah baa wili jooga meesha aad leedahay isbartiibo dagaal nooga dhig. Mooryaashii ciwaamadana wili way ku dhax dhuumanaayan si ay awrka ugu kaciyaan markii ay wax ku dhacaan rayidkaas.
  9. It's the April fools day today...
  10. Jacaylbaro, keep a close eye on Rudy. His days of holiness is counted here as ppl will see the lies his been conveying to the masses of SOL.
  11. Most of the worst "media outlets" are based outside Somalia.
  12. rudy your post "confirming" the overtaking of the stadium will be saved for later. Real question is, what will you say when it comes out that you were lying? Will your 'holiness' dissolve? Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Muqdisho 01/04/07 Iyadoo maalintii afaraad uu galay dagaalka ka socda Muqdisho ayaa waxaa isbedel weyn ku yimid jawiga dagaalada oo ka duwan dagaalkii saakay dhacay kuwii ka horeeyay, iyadoo dagaalkii maanta dhex marayay ciidamada Dowladda oo ay taageerayaan kuwa Itoobiyaanka iyo kooxaha ka hor jeeda ayaa waxaa yaraanaya madaafiicda iyo rasaasta wiiftada ah ee ay isu adeegsanayaan labada dhinac. Degaanada ay dagaaladu ka socdeen labadii maalmood ee ugu dambeysay marka laga reebo maanta ayay la wareegeen ciidamada huwanta ah oo iyagu saacadba saacada ka dambeysa ay soo gaarayaan gurmad fara badan oo isugu jira qalab iyo ciidamo, hase yeeshee kooxaha ka horjeeda ayaa iyagu haatan ku sugan goobo teel teel ah oo ku yaala agagaaraha meelihii ay dagaaladu ka socdeen. Waxaa weli isaga sii qaxaya magaalada Muqdisho dadweynihii degenaa, kuwaasoo gaaraya goobaha nabdoon ee hareeraha magaalada Muqdisho, gaar ahaan degmooyinka Afgooye, Balcad iyo Jowhar, inkasta oo dadka barakacaya ay qaarkood ay u soo qaxeen degaanada nabdoon, sida degmooyinka Kaaraan, Madiina, Shibis, C/Casiis, Shangaani, Boondheere iyo meelo kale. Dhinaca kale waxaa soo badanaya qeyla dhaanta laga muujinayo sii socoshada dagaaladan, waxayna hay'adaha gargaarka caalamiga ah iyo kuwa wadaniga ahba welwel ka muujiyeen xaalada ay ku sugan yihiin dadka ka barakacaya magaalada Muqdisho, inkasta oo Dowladda Federaalka ay sheegtay inay dhowaan soo afjareyso howlgalada Milateri ee ay ka wado gudaha magaalada Muqdisho.
  13. Dowladda Itoobiya oo sheegtay in in kooxaha ka soo horjeeda ay ka dileen 200 oo Ruux Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Muqdisho 31/03/07 Dowladda Ithioobiya ayaa sheegtay in ciidankeeda ka dagaalamaya Caasimada Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho ay dileen 200-Ruux oo ka mid ah kooxaha dagaalka kala dhaxeeyo ee kula dagaalamaya Muqdisho. Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Itoobiya oo war ka soo saartay dagaalada ku dhex maray magaalada Muqdisho iyga iyo kooxaha ka soo horjeeda ayaa sheegtay in ciidamadeeda ay qabsadeen goobo badan oo ka mid ah meelihii ay gacanta ku hayeen kooxaha kasoo horjeeda ayna ka awood roonaadeen. Sidoo kale Waxay wasaarada warfaafinta Itoobiya sheegtay in Ciidamadooda ka dagaalamaya Muqdisho ay gubeen 13 gawaarida dagaalka ah oo ay adeegsanayeen kooxaha kasoo horjeeda, sida ay sheegatay Wasaarada Warfaafinta Itoobiya. Warsaxaafadeedkaas lagu sheegay oo ay ku qirteen ciidamada Itoobiyaanka in laga soo riday diyaarad Helicopter ah , iyadoo sheegaty inay sidoo kale Maxaabiis ahaan ay u qabteen 25-Ruux oo maxaabiis ah. Dhinaca kale ma jiro sheegashada Itoobiyaanka wax beeniyay inay sax tahay iyo in kale, inkastoo la arkaayo gurmad baaxad weyn oo i maanaya ciidamada Itoobiyaanka, waxaana Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho ka soo dagay Ciidamo lixaad leh oo lagu sheegay inay Kumaados yihiin, sidoo kale waxaa dhinaca dagaalka iyana soo gaaray ciidamo kale oo lugta ah oo soo maray dhinaca Gobolka Sh/dhaxe.
  14. LOL @ C/qasiim. Isaga iyo Shariif lugooye (Sharif Sheikh Adaan) play in the same league.
  15. Naxar check the other thread, it's pretty funny. I'm just kidding around with these dudes here thought but theyr taking this to seriously which I find amusing when I want to killsometime . Well I'm out now for today.
  16. Captain Xalane I talked to Baidoa, same news coming from there. Theyve taken over alot of areas and are still pushing forward on some left-overs.
  17. Paragon, lol! Oo adigana ma wili tii baa kaa taagan: "maxaad ismoodey, amxaar ismoodey" oo wili kugu jirta. Aniga iyo muraayadayda ka sokoo, adiga S. Sakhar baaba ku qarxiyay marka iska yara aamus bal awoowe, sheekada waa caddehee
  18. ^^ Oo adiguna maxaad Mother Theresa ugu dhaaranaysaa LOL. Ma is iloobday in aad wadaadnimo isku tilmaamaysay (Qabiiliste exposed). Is ilaali hadaba marka dambe adigoo JEEZUZ ku qaylinaya yaan lagu arkin. Hayeey!
  19. Kuwaan la magacbaxday mucaawamad/shabaab and what not oo hadana Darwiish isku yeerya waa dee arintii sheekada Dameer fardho la daaqay oo isku mooday faras camal lol
  20. According to Somali law? What about the Shari'a that you were adhering to? I understand your stance against the TFG and all but your being too selective now, I think you need to calm down. Your just cheating yourself if you label ppl 'traitor' and 'misled' however you want and use it as an excuse to justify their execution. You know it, and I know it.
  21. ^^ Darvishes you say? I think they will be tahriibs pretty soon. Maybe theyll live with you in the US(hypocrisy exposed)
  22. Didi Kong Ha is daalinin walaal, dadkaan waxaa u kala qaybsanyihiin dad ey u muuqata kaliya "jihaad" oo i iska dhaadhiciyay inay jannah ku galiyaan dagaalada socda iyo dad ololeeya kuwaan o mashruucoda iyo hantidooda u baqayo in suuqa ka baxo markay dowlada howl bilaawdo. Waa dad 17 sano oo dalka anarchy iyo walbahaar ku jiray iska aamusna oo xaarkooda ku fadhiyay kadibna iskaga tagay dalka oo hadeertan qaxooti ku ah wadan kalay - markaas ayaay shuban iskaga ridayan in ciidan shisheeye maanta sacidaad u fidiyay dowlada kmg oo rabto in ey soo celiso dowladnimadii dalka. Marka dadka noocan oo kalay waa la iskaga aamusa oo waa lagu shaaciraysta kaliya wararkooda iyo doodahooda maadama uu caqligooda in kabadan caay, aflagaado iyo meyd dul loogu jiido u saamixin. Sincerely,
  23. ^^ Superfluous, ma xafiiftay? I saw you as one of the more reasonable voices here, hope you don't venture into celebrating mutilations and killings of Planders and stuff now.
  24. ^^ An educated guess but your comment sounded very 'waryaa-nayaa'. Understandable if your a female anti-TFG but if your a dude you need to get back to the masjid for dhaqan-celis before its too late.
  25. Xox, easy with the decesive news bro'. This is urban warfare, you cant blow the horn on any side until things are fully under control.