Gordon Gekko
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Everything posted by Gordon Gekko
^^ lool si xun baad o afjartay odayga. He thought he would ruin the thread with a disastrous article but didnt get that its all over now and tht we barely need any more peacekeepers soon.
Mogadishu tamed: security clear up project: PICS
Gordon Gekko replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
There is no government viable here...Habarkast waa ogtahay... we should stop lying to ourselves and do the looting and killing and VACATE quickly... [/QB] The vision and strategy of the dowladdiid in a nutshell. -
Great article from this brother.
Baruud I think you should go back yourself and have another read. If your saying I'm having difficulties with my reading comprehension, please do point out whats wrong. And I also find it more ridicilous that the same ppl that claim that their hurt and extremely saddened by these bombarded innocent civilians of the south at the same time are ever more eager to remain separated from them. Pretty much like western donors who feel very close to the poor ppl of the world but don't want them crossing over to their country. The bottomline is , what you say here or elsewhere doesn't change nor does it alter the direction in which Somaliland is heading, for that apparanent reason, your talk is nothing but hal bacaad lagu lisay, cheap. I'm not at SOL to change the political landscape of any country but for amusement but I do seem to have made some progress as well since you seem to be irritated by my detour to Somaliland politics. My talk is indeed cheap but making you touched by it is simply priceless
The kidnapping of Cabdiqaadir Nadaara
Gordon Gekko replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
Must be that fat guy who loves to show-off how he hands over bundles of somali cash to poor ppl. Exhibitionist grande. -
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
^^ You shoot whatever you like as long as it's on-topic. -
^^ Actually I don't "dream" anymore. I plan and execute in IRL. Xabashida inay baxayaan laba cali ma is waydiinayso but one can't put down his tools and wait for that; it's called having a lead over another sucker when being the first one in town to set up shop. The rest of the diaspora slackers can stay in their homes here in the west and have fadhi-ku-dirir about genocide and lifelong ethopian occupation. Smart and insightful businessmen don't got time or ears for that crap. Money never sleeps pal.
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
^^ Sorry shrink, but your rescue attempt of your comrades in arm in this thread is amusing to say the least. Besides, the accusations arent on making "countless posts" but contentless posts. My accusations were subjective judgements that I verified with the obvious fact that the posters were seemingly off-topic and rambling about nonsense stuff. I'd also like to say that disappointing you is more like my call here in life so I'm flattered that I've managed to disappoint you now, by just hacking on your little tea club friends a bit -
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
^^ Paragon, my self-declared shrink, do you have anything of substance to bring to the topic of discussion? -
Bada Cas I'm not twisting things. It's just that I find this whole "were-not-foreigners-but-somalis-from-another-country-that-want-to-stay-separated from southsomalis" thing one of the most funniest inventions since the trinitarian doctrine. My say in matters concerning Somaliland and Somalia is not for approval by some "somalilander from SOL". I got both family and investments in Hargeisa as well as in Mog and I don't separate the two places and its people. "As long as you are not a Somalilander" you say; you really succeeded in making yourself believe the illusion of Somaliland as a separate nation is real.
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
^^^^ Again, your playing on the worn out and unsubstantial "yey-is-your-uncle" card. I thought you could do better than that. I personally don't care who runs the country whether that be Yey or Riyaale or Sheikh Sharif as long as that someone is running a national government and not playing local indian chief. Secondly, the whole TFG administration is just transitional which you ppl dont seem to understand. Contentless posts is the word of the day. -
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
^^ Your definition of the word - hiding - must be different from mine. I also didnt know that the fact that the TFG was dependent of extra fire-power to route out the many different factions that were against the creation of a government in Mog, was up for approval. I also don't "deny" that the TFG forces were - at that time and stage - not up to par for a military confrontation with the forces (note the plural i.e. its not only ICU who were on the lookout but also associates of Bililiqo & Co). What I'm saying is that its just ridicilous to actually go from that to stating that the TFG was literally "hiding". I thought the hole statement was just an expression but you seem to believe that the TFG forces really were hiding behind Villa Somalia all the time when they were just getting some fire support to blow off the different gangs of Mog. Yes, you should really leave this thread before you expose more of your contentless argumentation. -
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Ana_Juwa2: No repost! Tartiib, aayar, ha is dadajin. You know some ppl here on SOL actually do go to school & work and can't be around every second to answer your incredibly contentless posts. -
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
^^ Your post is nothing different from the ordinary ones that anti-TFG and pro-ICU members write and I find it peculiarly amusing that your using the "yey-is-your-uncle" card. However the case might be, I don't see how one could say the TFG is "hiding" behind ethio and american military support as the TFG forces are clearly at the battlefront themselves, but I take it as you were using just another meaningless metaphor. Denial is more a character that could be attributed to you and other supporters of the forces that were attacking the TFG, AMISOM and almost any other moving obstacle; it's official that the "mujahids" or whatever that you supported did hide behind women and children. Their leaders (who were the first to jump ship) are by the way currently dining with their christian comrade. Double-standardish as it might be it's all history now, Somalia has embarked on the peace of road and reconstruction and there are no road-side-bombs or suicide bomber that can stop it. -
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
^^ Seeing the prevailing peace and return of and law, it sure was a successful security operation. Saddening that many civilians died yes but what else could be expected when so called "xaq-u-dirir" forces hide behind women and children in their houses. Biixi: They come from the last desperate left-overs of anarchists and their associates. The ones that asked for war in the first place. -
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
^^ Don't flip it Mr.poet. Your the one that cheers and applauds suicide bombing and destruction. You seem to be putting on different capes as you like these days. -
Suicide bomber wareersan, caught and defused
Gordon Gekko replied to Gordon Gekko's topic in Politics
^^ the above incident is not a suicide mission but roadside bomb i.e a mine placed near the road. It could be an IED but it could also be a leftover landmine. Whatever the case, its nothing close to a suicide mission. Homework: Go back to Baghdad and get some more lessons. -
Jacaylbaro & Bada Cas: you got any accurate numbers on the population of Hargeisa?
Ciidanka Booliska DFKM oo sheegay in ay qabteen nin watay waxyaabaha Qarxa Ciidamada Booliska DF ee ku sugan dekadda ayaa sheegay in ay gacanta ku dhigeenee nin rabay inuu isku qarxiyo gudaha dekadda magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidamada AMISOM aay ku guuleystay in ay furfuraan Bamkii uu watay ninkaan sida ay sheegeen saraakiil ka tirsan Df. Waxaa su,aalo weydiinaya ninka la qabtay Ciidanka AMISOM iyo kuwa DF ee ku sugnaa dekadda waloow ilaa haatan aan la shaacin ninka la qabtay iyo Magaciisa . Halgan.net Kayse Yare Muqdisho ---------------------- Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed ee ilaalada ka ah dekadda magaalada Muqdisho ayaa goor dhow ku guuleystayu iney gacanta ku dhigaan nin doonayey inuu isku miidaamiyo gudaha dekadda Muqdisho. Ninkan oo gacanta lagu dhigay ayaa waxaa laga helay waxyaabaha qarxa iyo miino la sheegay in awoodeeda ay sareyso iyadoo ciidamada AMISOM ee ka socda dalka Ugandha ay ku guuleysteen in ninkan laga fur furo waxyaabihii ku rakibnaa korkiisa. Ciidamada Booliska iyo kuwa Ugandha ayaa weydiinaya su’aalo ku saabsan cidii soo dirtay iyo su’aalo kale iyadoo dhawaan saxaafadda loo soo gudbin doono warbixin faah faahsan oo ku saabsan arintaasi. Waa markii ugu horeysay ee nin miineysan oo doonayey inuu is qarxiyo gacanta lagu dhigay iyadoo horay qaraxyo dad is miidaamiyay lala beegsaday ciidamada dalka Itoobiya xarumo ay ku sugan yihiin. Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali AllPuntland, Muqdisho
Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa DFKM oo qaatey dhamaan hubkii lagu iibinayey Suuqa Bakaaraha Posted to the Web May 07, 14:45 Muqdisho:-Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa DFKM ayaa maanta hawl galo ka sameeyay suuqa Bakaaraha qeybta Cirtoogte ee hubka lagu iibiyo ayagoo halkaasi ka qaatay hub fara badan oo ay lahaayeen ganacsatada hubka iibisa taasoo ay cabasho ka keeneen ganacsatada hubka lahaa. Waa markii ugu horreysay oo hub laga qaato ganacsatada hubka ku iibisa suuqa Cirtoogte ee Bakaaraha, mana jirin wax digniino ah oo loo jeediyay ganacsatada hubka ku iibisa suuqaasi iyadoo hawl galladan ay qeyb ka tahay qorshe hubka ay kula wareegayaan ciidamada DFKM. Macallin C/llaahi Maxamud Cusmaan oo ka mid ah ganacsatada hubka iibisa ayaa sheegay in laga qaatay hub fara badan oo yaallay suuqa kaasoo uu sheegay in uu isugu jira hubka lidka diyaaradaha, boobayaasha culus, qoryo gacmeedyo iyo rasaas fara badan. Ganacsadahan ayaa muujiyay sida ay uga xun yihiin qaadashada hubkooda, isagoo ku dooday in qarash fara badan uu ka galay hubka isla markaana ay ahayd in lala tashado haddiiba hubka la uruurinayo, waxa uuna ugu baaqay DFKM in ay magdhaw ay siiso haddii ay ka uruurinayso hubka.
Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo howlgallo hub uruurin ah ka sameeyay Magaalada Muqdisho Isniin, May 07, 2007(HOL): Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Dowladda Itoobiya ee ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa howlgal hub uruurin ah waxay maanta ka fuliyeen xaafado ka mid ah Degmooyinka magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo intii ay howlgallada ku jireen-na gacan ku soo dhigay hub fudud oo aad u tiro badan. Ciidamadan oo ka howlgalay xaafado ka mid ah Degmooyinka Hodan iyo Huriwaa ee Gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxay ka heleen xaafad u dhow Suuqa Cir Toogte ee Bakaaraha Hub aad u tiro badan oo guryo ku xareysnaa, iyagoo sidoo kalena halkaasi ka kaxeystay labo nin oo hubeysnaa oo lagu sheegay in ay ka tirsanaayeen ilaalada Suuqa Bakaaraha. Sidoo kalena waxay Ciidamadan howlgallo ka sameeyeen xaafado ka mid ah Degmada Huriwaa, halkaasi oo iyana la soo weriyay in guryo ay galeen ay hub ka haleen. Ma jirin wax iska caabin ah oo ay Ciidamadan la kulmeen intii ay ku guda jireen howlgalka hub uruurinta ah. Waa markii ugu horeysay oo ay Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Itoobiyaan ay sameeyaan howlgallo ay guryaha hubka uga baarayaan tan iyo markii ay dagaal kula wareegeen gacan ku heynta Magaalada Muqdisho dabayaaqadii bishii April ee aynu ka soo gudubnay. Howlgalkan Hub uruurinta ah ee ay sameeyeen Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Itoobiya ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo Ra'iisal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi uu dhawaan sheegay in aaney dadka rayidka ah hub heysan karin, isla markaana waxa hub isu heysan kara ay noqon karaan labo dowladood. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda dalka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa yaala hub fudud oo aad u tiro badan, kaasi oo ay dadku siyaabo kala duwan u qaateen wixii ka dambeeyay markii ay bur burtay Dowladdii uu garwadeenka ka ahaa madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Marxuum Maxamed Siyaad Barre. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia