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Everything posted by murefu

  1. Isbaheysiga maasha allah waa mesha tartanka quraanka kariimka ah ku gali jiray ..i used to live dwn there ... sorry OTOTO sida ay u ekaatay..wale maxa sonahan dhax wareegay..beerta darawshita maxa sharad ku ciyaaray dagalna ku galay(jooni jooni..ninki yaqaan ayaa yaqaan erayadaas)...thanks for remind me XAAFADEYDI
  2. murefu


    One way to filter the gold-digger from the genuine article is to tell her that you are broke but willing to work hard to provide for her to the best of your ability. And if u fail to keep ur promises for the sake of ALLAH e.i ur expectation of doing something did work out/or plans did NOT work out as u were hoping to be..then famaly failure will be there ..this is why most somali marraiges fail after some yearS and as somali women cant bear reality as difficults arise day afer day is another case of family failure... DONT DRIVE TO DISASTER WHEN YOU ARE NOT PROPER/SUITABLE CAPABLE ENOUGH TO RUN YOUR FAMILY . Marriage can succeed when both parties are on the same level. They have the same understanding and same goals. The same values which should guide their approach to building a stronger family: i.e How to instill family values in children Good point sis ..this is THE only possible way a marriage might last longer..
  3. lool...dadka waalan nooc walba hada ula hadashid .sidoodi leee waaye..indhaha kor iyo lakala aadina...ayageey u taaala..that happened to me..lakin mar kale waa iska fiirinaa
  4. in the train or everywhere else(social gatherings) i simply talk to them if situation dictates so
  5. one of my friend told me ..hadi geber anan lala hadlin maalmo NIYAD jab ayaa ku dhacaya SO i think they better approach you on the road for you(guys) to get happy or to be stisfied with your selves by simply telling your selves oh i look great NIN baa jidka igula hadlay maanta..lool
  6. bro ha isku warerin they are surely deviated from accepted norms..xooga in ayba walan yihiin aya u maleesa badankood....
  7. what ever uu sameeyo..ulajeedadu waxey tahay in uu wadanka nabadeeyo maxkamedna soo saaro dadki wabiga iyo maasaajidka canshuurta ka qadayay.. hadana shaati kale gashatay...
  8. if ur sis was not capable of discovering his real identity....i may advive not to confuse here self with today'relationships(Xariir, jaceelka walidaa) plus when marriage come into her mind she might have arrangement marriage with one SHIIKH oo qarabada ah lagana hubuyay that he will not cheat on her...
  9. AALIYAH, waxyaalo waxa jira lagu shekeesto lakin aan jirin, qaf kugu bilaaweeso NUMBERKAAGA? MAGACA? I dont think in ay jirta..Baahida heeso badanaa...?
  10. Poster, how about a simple answer like, MAYBE THEY DON'T LIKE TALKING TO STRANGERS??? I for one, don't like talking to strangers, somali or no somali, but I still return their greeting and continue to walk or whatever, and I guess some folks find it rude with a quick dismissal like that. Life is tough son, keep ya head up I also dont like strangers by now on..i mean if she is somali lady
  11. Zu...He is allergic to seeing xalimoos face..Like he has other places to look @...were you on Khat, Mrefu?? "iyada iyo aniga kaliya madoow meesha kanahay".. you are calling a somali woman black??? We are black sxb...KHAD waan u xiisay...i dont have to look@ other places it is ramadan BRO
  13. the last one ..somalida islii degen ayaa hada ku kacsan..
  14. Ok..But I think it is the Twin tower staring that got you into trouble u mean JEEBABKEEDA ..LOL.. mawa fiirin sxb
  15. ninyahow cayda adaa ii bilaabay ma iiga baxe..soomaan isku ogeen af-reer magaal an ku caaytamno
  16. i did not say to her ..are u somali? waxan dhahay somali baad tahay ayaanu maleenaa? they are different...
  17. ZU ..sis she came my job-place for imtixaan, waxa u maleena Next week she will join into this company(the company i am working for) hadana Same department(Marketing), Kaligeed ayey meelfadhiday weyna fikiresay..i was chatting with others..lakin geber somali ..iyada iyo aniga kaliya madoow meesha kanahay soo firi ayaa is dhahay lakin maxa iga racay...waxan ku dhahay somali baad tahay ayaan u maleena? ..qalad miyaa...
  18. Sanbuufis waaba suuro HMMMM...malmahaan xata wajigoda ma fiiriyo cuz i hate sanbuufis..
  19. If it was me, i would smile and reply back a better salaam " Wa aleykum salaam Waraxmatullahi wabarakaato". Oh..and i am female. Not every women are the same. You sound intellectually great ..lakin Halmalaay ayaa bada qurmiya abaayo..if all those ladies were like u..BEELO ayey ahan laheed.. I think there is needy in them that arises tension when they see aman around...
  20. Last ten years Furiinka are Increasing day after day , SoMALI men/women become hopeless after Furiinka cuz there is no something painful then GURIGAAGA OO BUR BURAY Brother, dont worry about that we just conceived Nolasha guurka AS lottery AND it is for(somali ppl) P.s..I am Recently shifted to KL(KUALA LUMPUR) woow cute city man..
  21. Bisinka iyo burdaha, waryee marduufkii baa kugu kala go'ay malaha caawa Ninyahoow waaba cuni lahaa lakin magaladan lagama helo