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Everything posted by Jaabir

  1. Originally posted by MiZz_LeXuS: Hi every1 For one the thing I hate most about guys is that they are all Lazy...lol By the way ama just generlising so please....hope no one got offended....but its true... u have just generalized us ML :rolleyes: anyways for me.. i guess i cant stand that girl who 1- gossip too much 2- talk too much 3- hate on all men for no reason 4- think they are too cute 5- No brains 6- Hard to please 7- No brains 8- Arrogant
  2. In high school my biology teacher once told us something that has stuck into my head till this very day, he said "there are no dump people or smart people, there are only people with lots of experience and people with minimum experience. and please make no mistake about it, he added, those experiences are not inherited from father to son, rather, they are acquired and developed over the years thru some negative and positive interactions with people." I find that quite true and eye opening statement. I have noticed that experience is a guiding light that helps us avoid all kinds of troubles and seek all kinds of triumphs. Our eyes can see and identify objects of a given size only up to a limited distance. Telescopes extend our limited vision. Similarly, the lack of experience prevent us from seeing solutions to problems beyond our familiarity therefore we dwell in endless stress and anxiety on how to find a solution. and the possession of a great deal of experience extends our mental vision by blasting through the damn problem or perhaps a potential problem. and eventually enable us to see and explore farther into the limitless solution space. I have also noticed that those who have plenty of experience know the consequences of whatever they are getting into mainly because they have been thru most predicaments of life or at least heard of it and learned their lesson. They hold some high level of interpersonal skills and know how to gain friends, their charismatic knak forces you to share your problems (Not necessarily your personal problems)and experiences with them, and they, understandably, will fellow suite and share their's with you and enrich you with new ideas and potential solutions to any problem you may have. and they are those people we think are dump people And There are those who lack experience and don’t know shit about anything!! most of them are quite lonesome indviduals who spent all their lives aloof in one place following one routine, they had very minimum interaction with others, never exposed to anyone outside their family circle. most likely, they were indulged and spoiled as kids growing up in a household where everything they want and didnt want was provided by their parent’s. Those people are unable to make a good decision when they get into a situation. they are extremely easy to fool, not because they are stup!d, rather, its because they don’t know who to trust and who not to trust. and they are the people we think are dump! Anyways.. I think i got carried away with my little lecture here,,,, so let me get to the point..... my beloved nomads I want this topic to be a haven for experience and advice exchange between us. its a clear fact that most of us here lead similar lives and have similar goals, therefore most of us must have faced similar problems of which we consequently gained some “experience” on how to counter them. So I am hereby kindly asking you my dear nomad to take this topic seriously and extend any advice you have for your brothers and sisters… it could be related to anything.. School, work, relationship, financial difficulty, vacation, exams, time management skill.. or whatever comes to your mind…. please be honest, seriouse, compassionate and sincere about your experience, lesson or advice… and please don’t leave this topic without sharing a thought.. I will kick it off.. right now the first advice I could think of is to stop whatever you are doing if time for prayer comes in. our prophet PBH said (لأ بارك الله في عمل أودي في وقت صلاه) Meaning Alaah will not bless anything you do in the time of prayer. And walaahi that is true. I have noticed everything I do in time of prayer turns out to be unblessed if not disastrous. For example if you were studying and Asir prayer became due and somehow postponed it so you could study more you will do real bad on the exam. Or if you delayed your prayer just to make it to a doctor’s appointment, you will hear him tell you about you having a seriouse illness you never thought you had.. and so on.. In short if any prayer becomes due, stop whatever you are doing and pray to allah.... Another advice, if you really really had to give your car to someone and knew that person is a reckless driver then give him the key’s and tell him your car don’t have any insurance.. that way you will make sure he drives your car responsibly... Now that I gave you what I have… give me what you got…
  3. whats up with Banadir hospital?!! :confused: :confused: everybody who was born in Xamar was born in Banadir hospital? is it the only hospital there or what?!! :rolleyes:
  4. Originally posted by Opinionated: quote:Originally posted by Darman: quote: Originally posted by Opinionated: Exceptional by nature, Hon, You must feel you have alot of responsibility towards her on your shoulders, but you really don't! This is between God and her, and if she has conscience then she will repent, inshallah. But don't kill yourself worrying about something she did in the past and be there for her and advice her when people turn their backs on her. That's being a true friend. This is what I call American Individualism. Walaashiis she should worry about her simply because she is a best friend picking on a bad behavior, although she have sinned and don’t seem to care much about it, I am pretty sure she is somewhat ridden with guilt and is probably disgusted over what she is doing. If making sense is american individualism....then call me a f* patriotic redneck!! I don't appreciate you labelling me like that, darman, so I suggest you take coupla steps back. Funny thing is, Many guys come on here talking about how this girl misbehaved and sinned and bla bla bla, but they go around chasing girls all day (and it sure ain't for marriage purposes). Take your individualism crap and speak to her like you would want a friend to speak to you ...geez! :cool: Walaashiis.. you have to understand that for as many girls who don’t sleep around there are guys who don’t as well, I am not trying to stereotype anybody here, I was only suggesting to Exceptional By Nature not to give up on her girlfriend and desert her just like everybody did.. you, in the contrary, said its between her and Alaah and she shouldn’t worry herself about her friend’s behavior and that is not right, our prophet SAWS said Al diin Nasiiha (our religion is about advice) meaning we have to take the initiative of calling on our neglectful brothers and sisters to come back to the right bath, what happened to that girl may as well happen to me and you. the ethical foundations of the life style in the west are based on principles that are not Islamic. Therefore we have to strive to counter those ideologies by propagating the Islamic fundamentals to each another to salvage our deen and Islamic identity. Please don’t take whatever I said as I personal attack. I have much respect and love for you and your opinions. I was only voicing mine
  5. Jaabir


    Originally posted by Shayma: Has it come to this? This isn’t the first time I came across this, infact right here (SOL) in the poetry section I have seen a lot of poems being posted and people are claiming it as their own even though the same poem is posted in [ [/url] Clown where is you at saxib??
  6. Masha alaah.. you are one hell of a friend and I wish could have a friend like you.. , my beloved sister,, I do understand how difficult it could be for you to see your best friend violating the Islamic teachings you endear.. walaal your friend needs Advice, and I know giving advice is not easy, specially not so if the person is not inclined to accept the advice. If she is indeed your “best friend”, then perhaps you need to think about how you should approach the subject of her sleeping around. For example, you might wish to discuss this topic with her on a personal level and inform her that what she is doing is not Islamically acceptable. Rather than lecturing her about the impermissibility pre-marital sex, you might want to try and reach for her as friend who is concerned about her overall welfare. Also advice her a little more about using her time more constructively. do not be harsh with her as she may actually become frustrated with you and threaten to terminate your friendship all together. In addition, you should strive to be patient with her. She might not be receptive to your advice in the beginning, however, over time, she may come to realize the consequences of her actions and stop having sex. You must make du'a for her, asking Allah (swt) to guide her to the best of deeds and away from sin. Originally posted by Opinionated: Exceptional by nature, Hon, You must feel you have alot of responsibility towards her on your shoulders, but you really don't! This is between God and her, and if she has conscience then she will repent, inshallah. But don't kill yourself worrying about something she did in the past and be there for her and advice her when people turn their backs on her. That's being a true friend. This is what I call American Individualism. Walaashiis she should worry about her simply because she is a best friend picking on a bad behavior, although she have sinned and don’t seem to care much about it, I am pretty sure she is somewhat ridden with guilt and is probably disgusted over what she is doing. She is very volunrable and in an extremely delicate situation, obviously Shytaan has taken her soul hostage, calling her names and alienating her (specially from her best friend) will not help her come back. If anything, it will make her drown deeper in sin
  7. Jaabir


    Hala walaah ya reblion wi sahlaa.. 7ayaaj fii beetik althaani..
  8. Saxib lander.. I only posted this pic just to find out if there are any speed lovers out here.. my purpose was not to claim something I haven’t done. Its true most North America cars have a system that controls the speed. In some cars that system will shut of the fuel supply to the engine and the car will go dead. and in other cars the system will hesitate the fuel supply to the engine and will make it hard to pass a certain speed. Either way, you can override that system by unplugging the rev limiter. It is a very simple trick people use to shut off the speed sensor. OG.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you got jokes saxib.. maan you out of anybody should know the way we used to drive back in Arabia.. no one drives less that 140MPS in any given highway...
  9. i must agree with you Millennium... i just cant imagine myself being with a girl who has no sense of imaan or diin.. girls who talk too much do turn me off too, specially those who talk trash!!!
  10. Originally posted by LANDER: Darman, com'on sxb, you ain't foolin nobody dee. If you really a speed demon like you claim, maybe you should try those speeds instead of showing us some picture you found on the net Lander.. Saxib are you questioning my integrity??? :confused: You are making this speed thing sound like a trip to the moon?!! Anybody can do it…… as long as you have some guts..
  11. Jaabir


    let CLOWN hug both of you as he seems to be more than capable of doing that.lol. [/QB] You mean you are going to hug them both since you are clown right ??
  12. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Alla , woman cheats? I mean somali woman huh!! can u see when they have first baby they gain 100 bounds extra, even their men can't stand them . how the hell can cheat ? who wants that fat a$$ mama!!. Man, i think u talking those slim western woman , not somalis good... you are giving us one more reason to cheat
  13. May allah bless his sould and have mercy upon him on the day of judgement. Ameen
  14. Xalimo Walaal I do feel sorry for the Somali cap driver who was killed today, and I pray to allah to light his grave and have mercy upon him. But sister Xalimo you have to understand that behind the pleasing facade of each big city is a high rate of crimes such as this.. the victims could be white, black, somali, asian and pretty much anybody who hangs around the bad neighborhoods at a late hour. We should not take this incident as a targeted incident against the Somali community in Mpls. To me it looks like a robbery ended with murder. Anyways,,, alaaah ha hu naxriistu ninkaan somaalieeed oo sabir ayo imaan cidiisa ka
  15. Qaxooti maami.. thank for bailing me out.. looks like i have lots of haters up in here.. Guys get more creative.. look for someone else.. there are lots of vilans in SOL.... leave me alone dee lol
  16. Jaabir


    Silent sistah... need a hug ??
  17. Originally posted by JamaaL-11: I will just smile at him and say: Akhyaareey see la yahay? Gees bal iiga duruq adigoo raalli ah looool saaaxib gaagu aa ii haysu hadu kh dhahana lol..... if that happened to me i will go like.. Waraa ceeb calyk.. labo nin oo hal sariir isla hurdu xagee lugu sheegay ? xariifka qulka kale aad nooh
  18. i thought there was some speed freaks up in here who will share their crazy experince :confused: anyways.. ATL boy.. i know its dangerouse saxib.. but the feeling you get when you cruise 190 MPH is something else... why do u think there is sport called Formula 1 and with millions of fans....
  19. Wara Che.. saxub whats up with the guillotine?? u want to take us back to the 18th century? aar maxaa baaaac tahay? yo Opinionated... Welcome home sistah.. i am sure some fellas here will appreciate some fresh meat and who said you have a right for a lawyer?!! lol... Please bring an extra Dirac and Gorgorud for clown. he said he need em loool WARAAAA WHERE THE HELL IS MY PEOPLE AT... bail me the hell out :mad: :mad:
  20. Higabified sista… I really found this very interesting too.. perhaps the most eye catching thing is how the wife rapidly grew old… look at her with her husband in 79… they seem to be around the same age.. but check their pic in 2002.. she looks a lot older than him… Subxaaan alaaah
  21. How do you think a muslim african american brother feel if he reads your topic saxiib? What you wrote is very raciest…..
  22. Waraa Bail me out HORN.. dont wait on her ass.. lol.. just bail me out..
  23. looooooooooooooool i know he will crack up when he reads this lol i will go up to him and say.. eh eh eh eh duuude eh eh seriousely eh eh eh eh are you going to die ? eh eh eh eh looooool
  24. Me and you can visit him at any time saxib.. but I don’t think he will be thrilled about the idea of having SOL females visit him at home and see how raggedy his tiny apt apartment is lol