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Everything posted by Jaabir

  1. Originally posted by stpaulchick: Thnx that was very educational....all that is true Are we suppose to figure out which one we are?????? Well thanks for stopping by my topic Samax and Chick I read this piece in some Arabic site and found it so educating and eye opening that I decided to share it with my beloved SOL’er… But I would love to hear how everybody in SOL defines The Winner and The Loser ?
  2. Nomads, i would I would like to share with you this piece of information I found on some Arabic site, share your thoughts... :cool: The Winner: Thinks about the solution The Loser: Thinks about the problem The Winner: Never runs out of ideas The Loser: Never runs out of excuses The Winner: Helps others out The Loser: Expects others to help him The Winner: Sees a solution in each problem The Loser: Sees a problem in each solution The Winner: Says: Solution is hard, but it’s possible The Loser: Says: Solution is possible, but it’s hard The Winner: Considers achievement a commitment he has to attain The Loser: Considers achievement a promise he has to fulfill The Winner: Looks at his future to see what’s possible The Loser: Looks at his past to see what was impossible The Winner: Chooses what he says The Loser: Says what he chooses The Winner: uses a strong logic with a polite tone on his arguments The Loser: Uses a weak logic with a rude tone on his arguments The Winner: Makes achievements The Loser: Achievements makes him ==================== الناجح : يفكر في الحل الفاشل : يفكر في المشكلة *** الناجح : لاتنضب افكاره الفاشل : لا تنضب اعذاره *** الناجح : يساعد الآخرين الفاشل : يتوقع المساعدة من الآخرين *** الناجح : يرى حلا في كل مشكلة الفاشل : يرى مشكلة في كل حل *** الناجح يقول : الحل صعب لكنه ممكن الفاشل يقول : الحل ممكن لكنه صعب *** الناجح : يعتبر الانجاز التزاما يلبيه الفاشل : لايرى في الانجاز اكثر من وعد يعطيه *** الناجح : لديه احلام يحققها الفاشل : لديه اوهام واضغاث احلام يبددها *** الناجح يقول : عامل الناس كما تحب ان يعاملوك الفاشل يقول : اخدع الناس قبل ان يخدعوك *** الناجح : يرى في العمل أمل الفاشل : يرى في العمل ألم *** الناجح : ينظر للمستقبل ويتطلع لما هو ممكن. الفاشل : ينظر للماضي ويتطلع لما هو مستحيل. *** الناجح : يختار مايقول الفاشل : يقول مايختار *** الناجح : يناقش بقوة وبلغة لطيفة الفاشل : يناقش بضعف وبلغة فظة. *** الناجح : يتمسك بالقيم ويترفع عن الصغائر الفاشل : يتنازل عن القيم ويتشبث بالصغائر. *** الناجح : يصنع الأحداث الفاشل : تصنعه الأحداث.
  3. Originally posted by Heblaayo: Salaams, Walaal, the fact that Irshad is a lesbian is manifestation of her stance with regards to the rules set out in the Quraan by Allah. Here we have a woman that is blatantly defying the rules of the Quraan... how can we be taking our deen from her? It doesn't mean to say that arabs are better Muslims than none arabs but that the English translation is someones English interpretation of the Quran. Where the arabic Quraan is exactly as it was delivered to the Messenger (saw), as was thought to the Companions. Anybody that has intrepreted a document will know that it is alomost impossible to do a word-for-word interpretation from one language to another. this is not to say that we should all learn arabic but that we would be in a better position if we knew it - and when one is claiming to be a scholar as is our Irshad - they must speak the language!! *Allah knows best* Heblaayo.. AKA Ameenah.. I LOVE YOU WALAAHI.. ladies like you make SOL a good site to visit.. you said what i wanted to say walaahi..Jazaaki alaah Khayr and may allah guide us to his path..
  4. Originally posted by Prettyboy: Dang they used to say Korono cops were kool as mf, but this incident shows different phase......I like how he called Immig's "Soft Target" as a "Maaaaaaaaaaaato".................... Peace Love & Unity thats right, that community member was outspoken.. i hope they do somthing about that though...
  5. daamn.. he roughed him up real bad walaahi.. man when are those MF cops gonna respect minorities :mad:
  6. Originally posted by rudy: but have u check or looked at when the babies are born, i.e, usually summer!! how come? explain that to me! i believe faarax snuckled when the skinny legs got cold!! saaaxiibow shaqo laa'n aa ka badatay walaahi.. :rolleyes:
  7. yo.. gabadhii jiq aa uga dhigteen qofti shib ay tiri ba.. lol African.. ha oo bixin hadalkooda..
  8. Originally posted by Hibo: African: I won't hate u for ur choice sista... but for me .. My SOMALI KINGS Look much better than these.... and I mean it....I won't trade them for anything else.... They Rock!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks walaashiiis
  9. Zak.. Saxib I haven’t checked the how much is the ticket as of yet, they don’t write the dollar amount on it, you will have to call a toll free number and punch in some numbers to see how much it is, its another way to confirm you have received the ticket… but I think it’s a minimum of $130 Sec… lol home boy MPD wa wasaq wasaq dhashay saxib.. I think they got used to harassing those fresh nomads who don’t know their rights.. but you are lucky they didn’t find that paper bag in your trunk saxib Raxmah sheeekada saas mia ? waa igu camiranee haye lol I once had a similar encounter, I was riding along with this fresh flight 13 dude right.. he got pulled over by a cop.. he became scared as hell, asking me questions like… is he gonna cancel my sharci and deport me? is he gonna make me bad credit ? lol.. anyways.. the cop came over and asked him.. License and Registration please.. homeboy wanted to say.. “Take it easy” instead he said.. lol…. “Easy ticket” lol.. the cop was like “Oh hell yeah.. I am gonna give you one easy a$$ ticket” lol… ninka odaga ticket oo $190 aa nash lagu siiyay lol I was cracking up the whole time… Socrates.. that’s the male testosterone at work.. I cant help it saxb Caramel… We don’t mess with the law either, the damn law mess’s with us !!
  10. Originally posted by Lakkad: quote:No more Faarax with mijo baasto, jaad huuro, red teeth or missing teeth, just found Mr right.... ------- U dated nin JAAD HUURO LEH?..b4(coz u said no MORE..lol)..i didnt u said....but yeah u gonna subsitute that with NIN LIPSTICK MARSADAY...U go gurl! looool...
  11. Last night, I was driving down Lake street in the ghetto a$$ South Minneapolis, you know, talking on my cell an minding my own damn business when all of the sudden I see Christmas lights glowing all over my freaken car, “it aint the damn Christmas yet” :rolleyes: I thought, and kept on drivin, I hooked a left on 24th ave heading to the Somali mall…. when I got there, some three police cars showed up from no where, with sirens blasting like hell…. ordering me to stop the vehicle.. my black a$$ got some reality check, :eek: POLICE BRUTALITY… flashbacks of the recent somali victim of Minneapolis PD aggression who, “alaah ha u naxariiste” got shot 20 times for no reason came to my mind, so I pulled up, and those two ugly a$$ white trigger happy cops cautiously walked to my car…… “License and Registration please” ku lahaa… looking at his hand already on his gun I said “sure officer, they are in my wallet, do u mind if reach out for em?? “ "Fulaynimada ka waran" “sure…” so I pulled out my wallet, gave em my license and shit… he takes a look at it and says, “sir is this your current address?” “it is Officer” then he goes like “Sir the reason I stopped you today is that you have ran the red light of Lake and Pillsbury Ave. (that’s like 20 blocks away, the punk been on my tail since then lol) and also you didn’t stop when I turned sirens on… I am going to have to run an ID check on you to see if you have any warrants. But first, sir, have you been drinking tonight ? “I am a Muslim Somali, I don’t drink” he gives me this grin and says, “sir, I have seen Somalis who not only drink and smoke crack, but they eat that green substance called Jaad…. “Macbooodka,,,, I don't know what kind of somali’s you been running into officer, but I am sure as hell I aint one of em,,, “that’s why I am gonna have to run a DWI sobriety test on you sir.. do you mind of you step out of the car please??” “oh no officer,, not here,,, :mad: “ “Step out of the car SIR” so I step out of the damn car, and he goes,, can you please put your right finger on your nose and walk on a straight line?” I look to my left (the Somali mall) and see all kinds of farax’s, Xalimo’s, Deeqo’s staring at me lol.. damned it I thought.. everybody now will think I am drunk lol… So like a fool, I go touching my damn nose, walking on a straight line…. The punk had me do that shit like 3 times… then goes… “sir, you can remain your car, and I will be right back” I sit on my car, and 5 minutes later he comes back to me with this big a$$ citation.. and says “ sir I am giving you a citation for running a red light, you have the right to appeal it and go before a district judge, you have a deadline of 21 one days to pay this citation, if no payment is made, your driving license will be suspended and an arrest warrant will be issued,,, did you understand that sir? “ “Abahaa cun” :mad: “excuse me sir” “ Officer I meant to say this is my first traffic violation ever, could you at least please give me a warning, I am on a student budget and cant afford to have my insurace premium raised” “I am sorry Sir, but I cant give you a warning for running a red light” “Duluf” :mad: “Excuse me sir” “Naah officer, I will make sure to pay this ASAP” so he hands me the big a$$ violation ticket and storms away… So anyone had any similar experience with the cops? Holla back ya all,,,,
  12. Work my assssssss out to make some $$$$$$$$ and pump iron too insha alaah
  13. I would like to inform SOL nomads about the Third Somali Islamic Convention taking place in Minneapolis on Dec 26th, 27th and the 28th…. Culumada ka soo qaybgalyso shirka waxa ka mid ah..: Shiikh Cabdiraxmaan Sh. Cumar (Minneapolis, MN) Shiikh Maxamed Idriis Axmed (Columbus, OH) Shiikh Ibarahim Sh. Maxamed (Seattle, WA) Shiikh Cabdirisaaq Xaashi (Boston, MA) Shiikh Nuux Ciise (Virginia, VA) Shiikh Cabdillahi Cumar (Vancouver, BC) Shiikh Khalif (Atlanta, GA) Shiikh Khadar Cumar (Minneapolis, MN) Waxa kale oo ka soo qeyb galaya xubnaha kala duwan ee ururada somaaaliyeed. Muxaadorooyinka looga hadlaayo kulnaka waxaa ka mid ah: [1] Naf Walba Waxaa U Dambeeya Geerida [2] Qabyaaladda (Qabiilka) Iyo Xumaanteeda [3] Xaalka Soomaalya [4] Dhibaatada Qoyska Iyo Xalkooda [5] Sababaha Keena Nolosha Wanaagsan [6] Tarbiyada Caruurta [7] Doorka Ay Gabdhu Ku Leedahay Mujtamaca [8] Axaadiista Fidnada Aakhiru Zamaanka Maxaadarooynkan waxaa lugu qaban doona insha alaah 5801 John Martin Drive Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 Wixii Faahfaahin Ah waxa kala soo xiriirta tel: (612) 275-2512 Ama (612) 559-0699 Hope to see you there insha alaah..
  14. Originally posted by G0ldenchild: Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracke yesterday she suspects President Bush knows the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and is simply waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture. and the best time would be 1 month before election day...
  15. Ladies,,, don’t be quick in jumping on the gun.. ya all just heard one side of the story.. that town is known for its racist white communities, this shit could be a set up… just have a little faith in your Somali brothers and think positive….
  16. Jaabir


    very creative.. and funny too
  17. Originally posted by OG_Moti: My nomads .. i have been away for awhile, work related stuff, so what did i miss, who got married and who got banned or unbanned, who is coming to Asia .. who get out of welfare and got a job atlast? Just wana say it is good to be back Peace wlcm back yabo shabaab wi "shabaat" we missed ya funny topics.. hayaa shoof shuglaak ma3a SOL 3aad
  18. Originally posted by Hibo: Rudy : You know, its really sad that most folks especially typical somalis, tend to judge people based on their observations. SOrry hon, I got no peeve with my somali kings, I love them. If I hated them so much, I won't complain, I would just extend my hand to the next foreign chap I see. But I am not doing that am I? I am still stuck with my Faarax coz I know deep down inside, THEY RULE . I did write alot of positive things about my brothers but this experience of mine was to designed to get me answers as to why men r intimidated not rage into another of the gender battles... Next time inshallah I write I will definitely give u guys the credits you deserve...Regardless of buluqbuluq u guys are...we love you, and its ur love that forces us in making you perfect... we want women of other nationalities feel jealous of our faaraxs Thank you so much Hibo.. you truly is a queen and should be treated as such.. I wish the rest of the SOL ladies be as blunt and upfront as you are… Much respect walaashiiis..
  19. thank you saxib.. that was qouite informative... much respect brother Baashi.. Hashem
  20. I wonder whats keeping the Xalimo’s off this thread?
  21. the Halaal and the Haraam in islaam are quite clear, between them are obscure areas, not known to most people. However, what protects a person from the haraam and ensures that he remains in the halal is knowledge; but beyond knowledge, it is the state of the heart. If the heart is good, then it makes use of the knowledge and it avoids what is prohibited. If the heart is bad, then the knowledge is of no benefit to it and it will indulge in what is prohibited. Originally posted by Caakifah: Qofka ma madaxaad uga kawineeysiin fikradiina? Now every Dacyiah may face a hard headed muslim who simply don’t want to accept the truth . If that daaciyah remains passive, in the essence of making no effort in correcting that person’s wrong believes, no change for the better as muslims will be achieved. Transforming obstacles into opportunities for positive dacwacah is a challenge to our ingenuity. It requires patience, compassion and the use of our intelligence. To ignore such opportunities is to waste purification potential. It is extremely important to realize that the graver the mentality of the person we are calling on is, the greater our need for patience shall be…. Above all, we must not lose our determination…. So please do not discourage brother Bashi and the rest of the nomads who are trying to salvage Opinionated from the destructive mentality she had adopted.. I genuinely feel sorry for her walaahi.. she thinks she know… but she has no idea what she is getting into.. ilaaahay ha hadeeyio....
  22. Opinionated.. what do u think of the Hadiiths I presented to ya on my last post?