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Everything posted by sayfulaah-almasluul
unislamic,unacceptable and act of terror.
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to sayfulaah-almasluul's topic in General
Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^ Haa walaal, waan ku gartay. Waxaa tahay Muslim laakiin daciif ah oo iska jecel inuu Islaamka iska dhaleeceeyo, sidoo kalena jecel inuu Americanka waxay sameynayaan iska indhotiro. Marka aniga judgmental maahi, ciraaq waxwalba oo ka dhacana waxaan dusha ka saaray America, xitaa hadaa adiga dad ku dishid meeshaas, waxaa masuul ka ah America. Soo waxaad garatay maaha? Marka sidaas ula soco, arintu maaha dad jidka maraayay maxaa loo dilay, laakiin xaqiiqdu waa in lagu baraarugsanaado dhibatadaas oo dhan iney masuul ka yihiin Mareykanka iyo Mareykan-raaca. Sidaas iyo Nabadgalyo. S/C muslim daciif ah miyaan ahay? EEBe ayaan ka baryaa in uu muslim qawi ah iga dhigo balse waxaa layab leh ninka is huba in uu muslim qawi ah yahay? why are you so sure that your strong muslim brother ALLE-UBAAHANE. I wish for that I as do for myself. laa shaka in america ay door balaran ka cayaarayso qulqulatooyinka ka socda wadan ciraaq iyo kan afghanistaanba, lakiin suaasha meesha taala waa ma muslimmiinta ayaa dhexddota tahay in ayislaayaan mise waan in cadawga lala dagaalamo? saxiib gadaar laguma gabadee sicad ayaa la isu muujiyaa? ( leysa al-fata man yaquulu kana abii inamaa al-fata man yaquulu haa ana thaa)those suicide bomber who are killing scores of inocent iraqi daily in mosques have done no good for the iraqis and islam tha is for sure. and if the killing of such mean being strong muslim then the daciif muslim are much better then strongers. aan markale dib uugu laabtee ( anigoon americaka kuwaafaqsaneeyn) dhibatada ciraaq ma america ayaa ka denbeysay mise kii dadkiisa laayey, sunta la dhacay, ku duulay laba wadan oo musliim ah isoo isreal arkaya, iska celinwaayey markii 1982 isreal ka burburisay difaacisi oo dhan, ma ninkaas iyo kuw la midka ah ee carabeed ayaa dhibtada asalkeeda leh? walahu mutcaal. -
unislamic,unacceptable and act of terror.
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to sayfulaah-almasluul's topic in General
Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^^ War meesha iskaga tag ninyahow af aadan laheyn laguma hadlo. Fox News iyo CNN baad inta kasoo dharagtay rabtaa inaad nagu shubtid sheekada raqiiska ah ee Gaaladu la wareegto! Muslim iyo Gaalo waxaa u tahay uma jeednee, ama Islaamka soo raac oo wax fiican ku hadal, ama gaalada la jir oo cadeyso hadafkaaga. Xumaan ha iga fahmin, hadaan qaldanahayna i qabo. Laakiin ninyahow hadalkaaga ma cada ee is cadee waxaa tahay. There is only two sides here. Which one are you? saxiib aad iyo aad ayaan uga xumahay luuqada aad adeegsatay!!! mana ah mid waaqica waafaqsan, waxaan filayaa in aadan si dhugasho leh u aqriyin qoraalkeygaas hore, hadii aad si kaadsiinyoon iyo fahmikujiro u aqrin laheed waxaa hubaal ah in aad fahmilaheed meeshaan raacsanahy.balse aan ka gudbo intaas oo ku weydiiyo suall kooban. ninkii canbaareeya dilka dadka masaakiinta ah ee masaajida ku cibaadeysanaya ma cnn iyo fox news ayuu soo cabay mise waa mid waafaqsan shareecada islamka ee macaan?( let me make it clear to all that i do not actually have cnn and Fox news in my TV neither do i have any american news chanell except cnmbc for bussness) waxaase layaab leh runtii how judgemental you are!!! saxiib diinta islamku shaati la xirto ama la sheegto ma aha, waa mabaadii la rumeeyo laguna dhaqmo.waxeyna leedahay (diinta islamku) standard wax lagu qiyaaso oo ah hadii hadal kaagu camalkaaga waafaqi waayo you are not who you are claiming to be!! sidaas daraadeed ayaan marna u aqoonsaneen kuwa sheegan in ay mujahidiin yihiin hada dhibaataynaya muslimiinta? adiga aan ku weydiiye maxay galabsadeen muslimiin reer ciraq ee lagu laayey najaf iyo karbla ama Baghdaad iyo mousal? taas macnaheedu maha in aanan ka xumeen falalka xun xun ee mareykanka iyo kuwala jira .dabcan sidaas iyo si kadaran ayaan u canbaareeynenaa falalka foosha xun ee ay ciidama americaan iyo kuwa la jiraa ka wadaan wadan ciraaq iyo wadan kasta oo muslim ah ee walaal u fiirso intadan falin!!! waxaad tiri mulim iyo gaal waxaad tahay umjeedneey mulimiita soo rac ama gaalda lajir oo cadeyso hadafkaaga? walaal marlabaa aan kuweydiiyee qoraalkaas aan sameeyey eed ka soo jawaabtay wax lagu gaalobo ayaad ku aragtaa ?( I invite all somalionline momads to please see what i wrote and tell me if anything in my commnet can lead to deislamising)walaal hadii canbeerey dad lagu gaaloobi dadkoo dhan maanta wax muslim ahaan lahaa ayaaba iska yar marka? walaal diinta islaam albab ayaa laga soo galaa lagana baxaa. sidaas ula soco EEBe dariqa waanagsan ha ingu hanuunsheee -
unislamic,unacceptable and act of terror.
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to sayfulaah-almasluul's topic in General
saxiib what i mean is very clear.i am sure you will agree with me that sadam husien as aleader of iraq was not better then the american who are viciously runing the country with fist of iron and might of michinery.having said that the comdeminations of killing the inocent iraqi regardless of who and why they are killed is totally different issue.i believe that we as muslim have the top resposiblity of what is happing in iraq and rest of muslim becuase we thew our beloved kitaab behind our backs.I do not really clear what name american gives the "freedoom fighter or insurgence" the "so-called freedomfighters" acts and deed wil be taking into account. what i mean by this is if they fight only and only against the ocuppers and not harm the inocent iraqis then fair enought and well done. but once they perpetarated the act of terror such these we wittnessed on our TV screen we have no respect at all for them. by the way i do not call those who are fighting each other a mujahideen mujahidiin are those who are fight on the way of islam and protecting the muslim not killing them. To brother salafi: this is internationally reported incident both in the islamic world and western world. i do not know what you mean by checking the source. to Haddaad: yes brother i understand their inability or rather should i say cawordness but at the same time at least they can add their voices with those who stand for the commetion of such act of terror. posted by brother northerner Now, they have taken your land, killed your ppl and now they are taking your wealth with the help of those around you. There is obviously a power struggle between Sunnis and Shucis for control, with elections coming up i would say expect more blod shed as the Shucis are probably going to get elected in. if sunnis wrongly dominated iraqi politics for centurys then it over and new page of iraq history is begining,vote count and by any means sunis would not be able to rule iraq again. on other hand the sunnis( and i am a suni) prove themselve of being the misguiding element in iraqi post invasion crisises. why killing poeple who are in musques warshing theri GOd!!!( islamiclly it is not even allowed to kill jew are in their churches) why commite such a perparic genocides!! why????????. originally posted by Ngonge: It all comes down to who and what you believe really. Do you believe that the perpetrators of these acts are Iraqi Muslims or do you believe that there is a conspiracy theory afoot? well you know we have to be bit realistic here brother, i am sure every incident in this world will be sorounded by conspiracy theorys but we are talking fact that claimed by the perpatrators themselve .don't you whatch the video and recorded by the resistance. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: Go ahead and hast with your condemnation, I guess its only you running around with an empty condemnation. Why can't you be a sharp critic to the invading forces and their perpetual atrocity and major brutalities on Iraqis? You are the coward here, aren't you? -
first could you ( somaliaonline nomads) join me to comdem the killing of inocent iraqis by the insurgence. what is happping in Iraq, specially tergeting the inocent people is utterly unislamic and unacceptable just yesterday two huge bombs exploded killing scores of inocent people. It is the time for the so-called muslim leader must act and act now to comdem the act of terrors commited by so called "sunni insurgence" all suspicious fingers points to sunnis,if they were responsible of what happined they themselve absolutely cawords and draging the iraqi politics in wrong directions. those who parpatrated these acts of terror should be ashame of themselves.they hugely damaged and dirtified the name of islam.
I must say i only ocassionaly visti this sections of the forum, and everytime i do visit i come across with interesting topics,this is not exceptional. BACK to the topic in hand. the idea that everyone under tree can implement the islamic rules is totally groundless and fualty,everysection of islam is like a system a whole system where by if one part of that system is missing the rest of the system can'work.the islamic crimial system is fundementally tied to a existance of islamic state that can thoroughly investigate.( the khilaf is not conditions as long as the country fully implement islamic laws) the islamic state which can conduct such rules must have the following characteristics: (a) must be justice and therefore have the full the support of it people, (b)must have suffiencet resources to conduct thorough investigations © must have the full authority to implement it rulings without any obstructions. and the case of crime investigations mus have both women and men department who is: 1-well trained specialised police officer that can conduct thorough interviews with suspected persons of commiting adultry or fornicatiosn. 2-established criminal courts 3-exuasting all the means of safing that person before coming to court in the addith just mentioned by og_gil there the prophet told the women to go and feed the child why? in other hadith a man come to prophet( s.a.w.s) and told that i commited a fornications prophet suggested you may look at her, the man said no yarasulalah i did it, the prophet again suggested you may just kissed her, the man insisted that he did it and then the prophet ordered to be stoned, when the sahabs start stoning him he ran away but they do not stop stoning him till to death when they come back they told the prophet that the man tried to run away, look carefully what prophet said,he told them you should have left him alone..why? can anyone see why prophet said that...? that is islam the mercifull islam. on other hand there must be preventions measure in place to prevent such a sinfull act occuring ..so what do we need to do as prevention barriers: 1- educate the young men women 2- make it for them to get married and some arab and muslim coutries it very hard for man or women to get maaried becuase of financial barriers.mahar and other finaancial requirement should be affordable, 3- goverment should financilly help those who can afffort it anyway. 4- ( this might be controversila) allowing mutah..this will reduce the zina -unlawfull sex- becuase both girls and boys can lawfull and with eyewatch of sharia law have mutah and in that way wil be safe for live and from sins.
Signs of Imam Mahdi Lunar Eclipse in Ramadan
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to Khayr's topic in General
I am realy sure of the hsdith mentioned by qac qac and other, but one thing is fore sure, mahdi ( cajallallahu farajah) will come to rescue themoslim around the world. and wil fill the world with justice as it been filled with injustice.mahdi is alive and he is one of the memebr of prophet's famaliy (s.c.w.s). -
originaly post by man of fredom If we are somali's We should be all concerned about Iran's ambition to acquire Weopons of Mass murder. We know Iranians are Shiet Moslems, and we have witnessed the horrific military actions that Iran carried out against Iraq in 1980s. As we know today there is fire in many parts of the world, the peace and the security of the civilized world is under a major threat by a rogue nations who have a propensity to export violence to peaceful nations. The Safeguards of peace are busy with Iraq and Afghanistan, helping the afflicted people of Iraq and Afghanistan to build strong, properous nations. Today Two countries are free and Domocrazy is on the raise. Yet, their efforts to help them is attenuated by this new emerging threats. Nevertheless, the danger that Iran posses to the world is clear and it is growing, and it would be naive to ignore it. We all have the right to be alarmed, but how should we deal with this growign danger? Are the moslems willing to work collectively to successfully mobilize international pressure on Iran,and if that does works to no avail, will the moslem have the military capability to take punitive measure against Iran?, or should we support Israel to strike it's nuclear facilities since it has the power to do so?. The question remains open first of all i think -and just think-that these phrase are not precisely yours, and if you think borrowing the american ideology good enough to analays the muslim issue you totaly wrong. do not remind the nomad what happend in 1980s between iran and iraq, becuase they all i think know ( well that only these of you who were then old enough know what was going on in the world, i was not) what happend and how? who was the agressor and whom was opressed? did you say iran is a thread to muslim world just becuase they follow shia islamic teachs!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :rolleyes: history of iran is totaly against you.... originally oposted by man of freedom Israel has a genuine reason to have Nuclear capababilities in it's arsenal since it is embedded in heart of it's enemies. so what? are you telling me that iran do not have the right to acquire WMD? and why? the iranian nuclear is totally for peacfull porpuse but let us hypatheticaaly say that is not for peacefull or civil porpose, does that scratp the iran's right to have it.. self-defence is what this is all about, and iran as a coutry surounded by ememies has the right to aquire what evertype of weapons .. pakistan has ,india has it and north korea is developing the wMD capabilitie. by the way we somali have no proplem with iran as it is the only islamic state in the world today and also it is importance positions in the world stages, what i mean bythis is that if we recall the last two main event for last two yrs iran we can see that iran was the only islamic state that totally refuse in any way with american envasion of Afghanistan and iraq. i think muslims are not longer blind to follow the preaches of arabism, we have the freedom to think and no longer the imprisons of arab ( states) thoughts mentality. if today - God forbid- america decide to invade somalia i am sure the only muslim state will totally oppose wil be iran first ( hey some arab countries may oppose but will envantualy agrree it as they did in Afghanistan and iraq) so bro look beyond american vision of politics and see what the future hold.
please if you can?
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to sayfulaah-almasluul's topic in Developement | Projects
did anyone of you guys find the books I asked fro, -
orignally posted by salafi-online: i could swear our noble brother; NUr, gave a clear explanation concering this misconception ! the least you guys could do is refute his points instead of this same old rhetoric ! Umar did it , Umar did it! brother salafi( are you really salaf?) what i have said is correct to the best of my knowledge, that umar (RA) said in a puplic that he will punish for two mutahs nammely muta of marriage and mutah of hajj. if you just look any basic hadith book, like: bullgh maran by ibnu hajar alcasqlani,cumdatul axkan and so on, you will fine the story fuly covered and explained by the authors may God the almight reward them. on the other hand i think we are not disagreeing that it was once a lawfull and islamically praticeable, what the islamic scholard do disagree ,however,is was it after that prohibited of or it is still lawfull ?, depend whom you follow there are two main opions in muslim scholars: 1- shiat they allow it 2- sunis prohibite it but disagree by who and when was it prohibited? you take alook of the different opions and take the one you think is closer to safe side sali. becuase i believe you are sali and you can only take what prophet,s sunah not the sunah of others. by the way we all respect the sahabs from top to bottom but we can't in any way say they were muqdasiin, or cuduul. they could make a mistake and of course they did make a mistake a very big one that untill now muslim are suffered it wounds. May God Guide us all the right way the way of prophet muhamed (p.b.u.h) and his family.
salaam, guys, partially going through what you guys wrote her i decised to give my opinion, i think the orignal topic was 'when was muta prohibited? according to he history the mutah was halaal in early days, in fact untill the battle of khaybar, alot of sunis diagree when was the prohibitions and where?the only well-autheicated wheich agree upon is that the mutah was lawfull when prophet pass away. and it was also lawful when abu bakar was the khalifa, it was then prohibited by omar. not only did he prohibite mutah of marriage but alos mutah of hajj. al,ost all the sahabas was n with omar on this issue. now if you guys think it is awfull to pratice this marriage it is becuase you have not done it, and becuase it culturally shame to be you doing it, had the somali culture allowed the young man and women to practice this marriage you would have find it easy to do, afterall it is kind of nikah,it shares nikah all the charactrestic and conditions except that it's expiry date is known.
and when it come to somali politic i am out of the door!!!!!!A/lahi yusuf and riyaale are two faces of same coin.. did i say that? yes of course and I insist it.both of them served the interest of the successive feulism ethiopian regimes and most of the time in expense of their somali brothers. but hey laba daran midooro hadiila yiraah I may favour A.yusuf becuase for the last 7years he was not very close to ethiopia as riyaale kahin.did I contradicted there???????????? so far abdulaahi yusuf did not hand over tens of somaligalbeed young men and women to ethiopian regimes naming them terrosis of otherwise , and what was the ethiopian reaction no thanks!!!!! alot of the guys whom riyale's regime handed to ethiopian were evantualy release becuase they were inocent. My god riyaale handing over inocent and ethiopia releasing them that is absolutely disgracefull!!!what a shame what a shame??????? i am sure as rahima said that the people of "somaliland" do not agree with riyaale's political activities. in fact many of them rebel agains his decision to hand over somalgalbeed men to ethiopia. NB: absolutely the people of both somaliland and putland are somalis and loves somalis but it is their so called leader that mess, bythe way we will not forget what riyaale did and
in which context? and why are u asking for it anyway? do u wanna do it or what.God say in holy quran" o you who believe do not ask for things that if it answered you be dadden"
What are you majoring in?
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to mafiagirl's topic in Developement | Projects
well doing what they all science...well mean biology chemistry and physics, -
please if you can?
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to sayfulaah-almasluul's topic in Developement | Projects
originally by garabtuujiye bal aan kuugu daro su'aal kale..Shiico ma tahay misa ma tihid?........... well welll... tuujiye? sxb waan ku fahmay, i think -just think- you like to argue very much.. i am not ready to take up it with u .. i would have advice you to read more about shiico and then come and ask me. Admin: thanks for moving the topic to right place ( student talk) -
please if you can?
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to sayfulaah-almasluul's topic in Developement | Projects
noone thanx alot , i will phone friend of mine in Muqadishu to look these books for me. and it is very true that i speak pure somali and i think i even do speak the best somali, i say so becuase somali is from west somalia and i am from west somalia. QAcqac don't you know that almost all the somali poets originally come from west somalia ( kilil 05 )? read and read the somali literature please. qacqac and Garab tuujiye: i do not understand where you guys are coming from, Garab tuujiye yes waxaan ahay somali, mana run ahaantiina ma fahmin suaalaha talantaaliga ah eed so jeedisay!!!! goorma ayaad ogaatay in aan shiici ahay? mise adigu ma waxaad tahay mid xog'ogaal u ah wax qof rumeysanyahay? cajab!!!!! waan hubaa oo xaqq ayaad u leedahay in aad iweydiiso sua'aal kasta lakin miyeysan ka wacneyn in aad ka fiirsato ujeedada sua'aaleed????? N.B. walaal QACQAC and tuujiye waxaan cod sanalaah in aynaan afduubin (hijack)ujeeda aan muudacan u soo jeediyey. mahadsanidin. N.B : dhalinta kale waad ku mahadsantihiin talooyinka iyo tusaaleenta wacan eed sida wacan iigu soo jeediseen. -
please if you can?
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to sayfulaah-almasluul's topic in Developement | Projects
juxa, i thought if made it specific, i am looking for somali third level syllabus,specially subjects like: Chemistry, Biology Physics and Mathematics.( not necessary to be syllabus recognised by the then somali high education ministry) guys please bear in mind that i am serious about this query. i would really appreciate anyone who can offer help. -
please if you can?
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to sayfulaah-almasluul's topic in Developement | Projects
thanx very much for all of you offerd help i appreciated it very much , ireally need these book for myself and somali kids children whom i would like to help. QQ bro what can i say now..... do u think we are talking about shiasim ans sunisn everwhere? sorry bro i can't help u here... -
guys, have one major proplem here, i am studen in university and i am studing what they call science and engeering but the thing is that all the terminologies are either english or old Greek and latinic which i can't really translate it to my mother tongue if , say i want to help somali children in future ( do not be so suprise becuase i am not from republic of somalia).like the terms of physics,biology,chemistry and mathematics. my questions could anyone of you please help me with somali third level academic books specially of mathematics,physics and biology. or do anyone of you know where i can get it from? even if for sale .anyone website that facilitate such a services. if you have anything please send me private massage. i am serious. thans inadvance
well bro nur, thanx alot for the setting out the point on which i wll build my next post although the lack of time and material required for this kind of research will be an obstcle. bytheway for your informations i did not come for the rescue of sis sakina i rather intervine to to create an enviroment whereby all can feel common.ans sorry if anyone felt otherwise,
as i promise my in my last post i will post the fundmental difference between shiat and sunis, but i am read through the questions of sister sakina and nur's answers to these questions, and i felt bit and unconfortable with his analyst. i will,however, try to answer the questions posed by siser sakina. first of all you guys must remember that this sipute between shias and sunis started very stage of islam, some even deared to say it started immediately after prophet (p.b.u.h.) anounced his satisfactory of ali to be his khalifa.though that is the view of minoraty of sunis and majoraty of shiats. any way to, let have a quick look of the sakina's questions. you asked: From my own research I came to the conclusion that some of our history is very dark as the shias claim and we have to face it and find an answer for it " absolutely, that is so true,anyone with little knowladge of islamic histroy will know that muslim went through dark days after prophet (p.b.u.h) pass away.what was the cause of this is very clear, it was becuase muslim did not followed the rules outlined by the prophet( p.b.u.h.) you asked: I am going to ask you some questions that some shias posed to me and after doing my research and with my limited knowledge unfortunately I came to the conclusion they are pretty accurate . " i am sure some of thier question are ligetimate and they do deserve to be answered correctly nur's answer to the above question: Sister how can you verify the Shia claims in order to reach a solid concllusion that they are PRETTY ACCURATE if as you say YOU HAVE VERY LIMITED KNOWLEDGE, Can you explain this contradiction please? i think she only verified to the extent of her knowledge and no one can claim unlimited knowledge!!!! God said ( wa fouqa kuli thii cilmin caliim)" and above every expert there is somei=one more expert" suuratul yusuf. sakina you asked What happened in "The dark Thursday" when our beloved Prophet (s.w.w) asked for pen and paper so he could dictate us something that would not divide us and Omar said that the Prophet (s.w.w.) was delirious do not give him anything (Hint look in Sahih Muslim )" this was one of the darkest day in muslim history, it is the day prophet mohamed called for pen and paper to wrrite down a book which if the muslims follow they will never stray.it is the day ibnu Absa use to call it as ( yowmul khamiis wama youmul khamiis) and he use to cry and cry untill his become wet with his tears!!! this thursday prophet called for a paper and pen. but then the unexpected happened, when some of the prophet's family members tried to bring it, omar said with his loud voice " NO THE HOLY BOOK IS WITH US AND IT is ENOUGH " his objections surprised many of the companions around him, why did omar objected the prophet remains unclear in suni sects. sis you said: What happend in Saqifa? Who was present there and how was the first Khalifa chosen ?" according to omar binu khatab, no he was not chosen. sister you asked Why Fatima bint Rasulullah was angry at the Khalifa and his supporters till the time she passed away? one main reason was that she was not satisfied the way the things have been handled.she also was very angry about the abuu bakari's refusal to give her her parts of prophets inherit, as nur said abuu bakar said that he heard prophet (p.b.u.h.) naxnu macaashiral alanbiyaa laa nuwarith" logically the haddith is contradicting. look the hadith says " naxnu" that is plurl or jamac "alanbiyaa" prophets" that is too jamac" but when you read the holy quran you find that sulaman inhertied his father dawuud and both of them were prophets. furthermore the inherit verse in holy quran did not excluded prophets. you can verified that by checking ayatul irthi. and you said: Who was at the head of the first civil war between the muslim ummah the war of Jamal and who was at the head of that war ? oh my God!!this is restricted area!! if you are suni you can't talk about who was who in this battle? i mean you can't blame one person for what happened which i think is absolutely wrong,shaytan played major role in this,not only in this battle but all the battles that muslim fought against each other.in mutafaq hadiith prophet predicted that cammaar binu yasir will be kiled by a aggresors? now who killed cammmar? it is for you guys to check and see who ? finally it is advisable when debating topic like to respect the views of others, and not make mockery of it.i would have advised all parts debating in this topic to first of all start from the common points, i mean what both saids agree upon and then come to discuss the difference in brotherly way with respect of other's view and believes. than you all. may God guide us all to the right way. amin
Guys, i am very pleased to see somali brothers and sisters debating in very scholarly fashion on thier believes. what i am surprise though is why some people do not accept others to embrace what they like, actualy this topic being discuss several times, but seems that some of us blindly defind thier groups without even giving any reason. i am not suni neither i am shiat, but open to take good from both sides. i am absolutely agains blind support of a certain groups. shiat are well known and sunis are well known, how shiat break away from sunis and why are the point of battle. i have read in a sunis magazin ( i think it was al-mujtama from kuwait) that sunis and shiat agree 95% of of islamic issues and aspect and have difference in only 5%, that is the very interesting becuase i think provided the honest debates both groups can come together. rememebr this: that there are alot of shiat groups and sunis as well,so care should be taken when talking about shiat becuase not all groups are correct shia.in my next post i will try to talk about the foundmentle difference between shiat and sunis, untill then good bye wasalaamu calaykum
it seems the topic is in mud stuck,neither qac qac nor karamel did undo the knots. so let me ask my question: who was the man the prophet discripe as "he is among ahlul baiyt"?
well well, i just took it that way becuase you did not defined the term!!! prophet: someone revealed on him and choosen by GOd in order to revive,follow and preach the massageor religone of prophet before him. rasul or massenger:someone revealed on him ,choosen by GOd and ordered to preach with new religone. they say every rasul is a prophet but not other way round,I.e everyprophet is not a rasul. i reallly do know the corect answer,but if i guess was he idris!1 question: what is the thing the following people were in common? 1-sayid mohamed a xasan(somalia) 2-omar almukhtar(libya) 3-mahdi of (sudan)
well i really would like to meet all sol members. here are the guys: 1-nur. 2-yusufade(this guys i haven't seen him in sol recently) 3-kowneyn. 4-br nur 5- lsk. girls: 1-raxmah. 2-ameenah, 3-opinionated(sorry if your nickname is mispelled) 4-xafsa. 5-hibo
well, i hope brother djuk will find satisfactory answer for his question from the sources you pointed out there ,and rest as well without me and you.i, as a one urge brother djuk to read raxiikh almakhtuum( the seal nector ),of what i know from that book and how detail it may talk about the days before prophet's deat(p.b.u.h)may be my brother qac qac did not read well or forget what he read.
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