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Everything posted by sayfulaah-almasluul
YOUR NICK tells something about u.. guess what?
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to OG Moti's topic in General
sayfu-alaah almaslul was the famous name of ali son of abuu talib,i like it becuase he was wonderful man,exraordinary,brave,kindly and evry thing that good man can be -
Abdulkadir Khalif Nairobi - The East African Little Maimuna, eight years old, was wounded by multiple fragments from a shell that landed on their family house at Medina district in Mogadishu. Together with other victims, she was rushed to Medina hospital for life-saving treatment. Maimuna was lucky to have found herself on a surgeon's bench and skilled hands removed metal pieces from her abdomen, but her right leg could not be saved from amputation. A metre away, Maimuna's grandmother had an almost similar amputation. They were victims of a savagery that had recently taken place in one of the southernmost suburbs of Mogadishu following a bitter confrontation between forces loyal to warlords Musse Sudi Yalahow and Omar Mohamed Mohamud (alias Finish). The merciless battle in Medina district is but a microcosm of what has been happening in many parts of Somalia, including Mogadishu, where killings, mutilation, rape and displacement have become the people's permanent companions. Power-motivated confrontations are usually followed by equally devilish acts from opportunists who loot and inculcate fear. Social services and trading (except arms sales) are paralysed, limiting people's incomes. Leaders who once shared not only political affiliation but also close kinship have become bitter enemies. Struggle for supremacy in the Bay and Bakol regions (to the southwest of Mogadishu) broke the bonds of brotherhood and initiated armed confrontations that sent entire populations on the move in search of safety. Hunger for leadership of Jowhar district, Puntland region or Medina suburb is the driving force pushing warlords to mobilise all their resources against each other. They certainly believe that victory in the battlefields would boost their bargaining power at the ongoing Somali reconciliation conference in Kenya. That is why they are threatening to quit the process, convinced that without them peace agreements cannot be implemented nor lasting peace realised. The cessation of hostilities agreement signed at the end of the first phase of he Somali peace conference in Eldoret, Kenya in October 2002 was largely welcomed by the Somali public. It was particularly exciting that a galaxy of diplomats from the international community witnessed and co-signed the document, a clear indication that the warlords were offered no chance to exercise their notorious tricks. It is shocking that faction leaders, the very signatories of the cessation of hostilities agreement, are finding loopholes to deceive the international community to breach the agreed terms. Their mercilessness is given a green light by lack of authority to ensure the terms are enforced, and they are getting away with crimes, some of which have gone unpunished for 12 years. As if all these killings, maiming and violations of the signed agreement mean nothing, the so-called political leaders are boycotting the conference, the very event meant to revive the hopes of the Somali people to restore their statehood. To justify boycotting the talks, the factions have given various reasons. That Ethiopia was not sincere about its mediation role, especially about the long-term stability, unity and territorial integrity of Somalia. That Somali delegates have been denied the right to lead the conference proceedings instead of the Igad committee, or that Djibouti and Ethiopia were siding with their own favourites, compromising their neutrality. Others said that they could not stand the sight of warthogs roaming the venue, having trespassed from a nearby game park. Even the president of the Transitional National Government, Abdiqassim Salad Hassan, has repeatedly discredited the peace conference, saying that Somalis "would get nothing" from it and that his "government" was already organising a substitute conference to be held inside Somalia should the one in Kenya fail. This power-driven conflict has created conditions for freelance gangs to take advantage of the confusion and inflict further harm. How can one justify the crime of kidnapping a citizen, torturing, and then killing him before the body is taken to a remote suburb and thrown into a cactus bush, only to be found later putrefying? Many people wonder why the international community pretends not to know what is going on. The world is getting tough on rogue authorities such as Saddam Hussein's Iraq and North Korea, by force in the case of Iraq. Why not get equally tough with Somali warlords and faction leaders? It is good to call on the groups to stop atrocities, but it is better to establish mechanisms to force them to do so. Action needs to be taken against those breaking the arms embargo on Somalia. The people of Somalia expect more than mere sympathy from the international community. The international community can force the implementation of the outcome of the first phase and facilitate the conclusion of the remaining phases of the Somali conference. Events in the Middle East should not be allowed to overshadow the only conference that could liberate Somalis from the ruthless clutch of warlords. As the war in Iraq raged, people in Mogadishu and elsewhere in Somalia flocked to the mosques to pray for the people of Iraq for being subjected to attacks by non-Muslim forces. But the plight of Somali victims like little Maimuna and her grandmum seem to have sunk into oblivion. ___________________________________________________ Abdulkadir Khalif Sh. Yusuf former assistant production manager at Mogadishu Milk Factory Search News Advanced Search: Stories Photos Audio/Video Full Coverage Contact: webmaster@hiiraan.com Copyright © 2001 Hiiraan Online Inc.
Gabaygan Ina Cabdille Xasan wuxuu u titiryey ninkkii la odhan jiray Coffield oo Soomaalidu u taqaan Koofil ahaana sarkaal Ingiriisa ooy Daraawiishtu ku dileen dagaaladii Daraawiishta. Waxaa la yidhi markii Daraawiishtu dileen Koofil ayey madaxa kasoo gooyeen oo keeneen xaruntii daraawiishta. Markaas ayuu Sayidku gabaygan u tiriyey. Wuxuu yidhi: Adaa Koofilow jiitayaan, dunida joogayne Adigaa jidkii lagugu wici jimicla'aaneede Jahannama la geeyow haddaad aakhiro u jihato Nimankii jannow kacay war bay jirin inshaalleye Jameecooyinkii iyo haddaad, howhartii aragto Sida Eebbahay kuu jirrabay mari jawaabteeda Daraawiish jikaar nagama deyn tan iyo jeerkii dheh Ingiriis jabyoo waxaa ku dhacay jac iyo baaruud dheh Waxay noo janjuunteenba waa jibashadiinnii dheh Jigta weerar bay goor barqaa nagu jiteeeyeen dheh Anigana jikrey ila heleen shalay jihaadkii dheh Jeeniga hortiisey rasaas, igaga joojeen dheh Jiiraayadey ila dhaceen jilic afkoodii dheh Siday kuugu jeexeen magliga jararacdii sheego Billaawuhu siduu kuu jarjaray jiirarka u muuji Nafjeclaysigii baan ku idhi jaallow iga daa dheh Jaljalleecadii baa wadnaha jeeb ka soo ruqay dheh Jeedaaladii baa indhuhu kor u jillaadmeen dheh Jimic kagama helin tuugmadaan jiriyey ruuxii dheh Markaan juuq idhaahdaba afkey iga jifeeyeen dheh Dhaxaan jalaacaye dheg baan jalaq la ii siin dheh Goortaan jarreerana gefoo nolol ka jaanqaaday Sida janannadii hore tashigu igu jaguugnaa dheh Taladii jinnigu ii hormaray jaasadeed helay dheh Jiidaha xanuunka leh markii la igu jeeraarshey Jibaadka iga soo baxay dadkii jiifka qaban waa dheh Markay rubadddu jaw tidhi or bay iga ag jiibsheen dheh Jidhkaygii bahal baa cunoo jiitay hilibkii dheh Jurmidiyo baruurtii dhurwaa jugux ka siiyaa dheh Jiljilladiyo seedaha tukay igaga jaadeen dheh Haddaan lays jikaareyn tolkay laga jil roonaa dheh Weligood waxaa lagu jaraa jilibdhig duullaan dheh Daraawiishi waa jibindhow iyo jowga soo bixi dheh. [back to Sayid's Page | Back to Main Page] [ September 02, 2003, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
a lot has been said about democary in this wild world but let us shed some light on it's theoritical and practical meaning. democracy a term which had been used 500 years B.C is now florishing in this modern world with hi tech and extraodrdinary education system. democracy that had been said based on these 10 pillar has turn hell on earth!!!!!! democracy based on this 10 pillar 1- sovereingty of the people. 2-Goverment based upon consent of the governed 3- majority rules 4-minority rights 5-grantee of basic human rights 6-free and fair election 7-Equality before law 8-Due process of law 9- constitution limit on goverment 10-social,economic and political pluralism 12-values of pragmatism,tolerance,cooperation,and compromise. let us now examine on or two of these pillar and how the largest democratic country in world has broken them.take number 4 minority rights this pillar had been abused by u.s after 9/11 arab minorities and others did not get that rights they were arested totured and intimadeted without charges. afghan in gotaano had some and worst proplem ,ther are reports that u.s had arested children under sixteen in gotono and their parent do not know where they are. u.k had passed several acts meant to target the minority groups in u.k like somalis,police was given the power to take fingerprints any somali any where at any time what ever nationality, this what democracy means in practice
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to sweet_gal's topic in General
well done thank apreciated -
it was ages ago since shiite muslims perform this kind of worship,not only when saddam took power but even before that.they never got chance like this,the sense of relief that iraqis felt today is unmeasureable they were desprate for it but they got it now.it may not bless some but who cares it is not only in iraq that they faced depration and presure but almost in evry arab country.
we have the what happened in iraq, a new era is born in arab world, what do you think will be the future of royal families in mids
they have been under server and humiliation from saddam,but saddam was just fulfiling and presicely following the steps of his loved teacher, who is he? do not be so suprise he is waliid binu mu'aawiye they did sufered under wallid and now under sadamthey are sufering the scars of his totures they are bleeding and crying from his dictatriol punishment it is time for them to tight their grib on ruling iraq and even spreading that ruling to rest of arab world where their brother are geting totures, they must not lose this golden oppoturnity.
there is say which is " action is louder than words" what Arab leader doing is just none-sense everytime they met in one of their capital they talk about arabism and bit criticism of u.s but that is not enough what the people need is strong political position in any political issue,they are misleading their people and showing them false declarations.people are sick and tired of meets without concrate and sterning voice based on their will.
salaam to all. ......continoued from my last post I think the division of moslims began well before the death of our prophet p.b.u.h,if we just look back last days of prophet's life was very insense and division emerge from the moslim around him, one of most important day was the thursday when prophet ordered his companion to bring aletter and pen inorder to writte for them a book which he descripe as guidance,( lann tathluu ba'adah) when some of tried to ring the letter other prevent it saying that the rasuul was in state of absentminded,what a extraordinary disagreement. this is the day ibnu abaas refer it as the day of sadness he use to cry untill his beard get wet as aresult of tears.this day the sahaba divided themselves into two main groups one supporting the prophet and another supoorting omar binu khataab, to me the refusal of this book represent a knowledge of some sahaba that prophet may crown ali as moslim khlifa after him,that is why they refused it. all that happened in front of prophet!!!!!!!!!!!! anyone who want to know how things get changed after prophet's death have to read the history of the hasaba,they killed each other and hatred florish, sadness the family and children of the prophet did not get the respect and kindness they deserve, their right was denied. for more just lick www.ahlul-bayit.com to be countinoue...............
this very important for all of us to understand the true ;firqa; in islam,I am sure there is alot of argument about which one of these firqa is right!!! I do not have much knowledge about firqa and how they came on being but just let shed some light on one main thing which is in my point of view very important. sice the prophet b.b.u.h died there the was disagreement about to form a khalifa after him-I do not want to go into details now- in one way or another abuu bakar manage to fill the vacuum but alot of the sahabs were not bless by this,among them the cousin of prophet p.b.u.h,ali his group believed that the khlifa was their right and abuu bakar and another grabe it by force, here muslims divided themselves into two main groups namely sunis and shi'ites.then from here the sunis break up into many group which is in fact not a firqas but mathahib and it very important to undersatand the diffrence between them.all these mathahib were created as result of political factor.when the umawiin came to power they used to choose only those imaams who bless.......to be continue
I was so devastated when I listened last night an interview that an iraqi opposition was talking about how he and his coleague want to rule the country which has been already destroyed by u.s bombs. he said that he will try to seprate between religioun and goverment,he will also try to curb and limit the spread of what he called islamic fanatic. it is clear from my point of view that man like him are trained and depoyled to create pro west rule in heart of isalmic world
it was a war every describe it as horror and destructive,agressive and invasion,we watch the iraqi civilian terrorised by u.s missile, screeming for help but no one listen to their calls,we watch the demolishing the iraqi infracture, we watch tank rolling in the two holy cities,karbala and najaf.the aterning question we have to ask ourselves is will we do the same when u.s tank roll into Makah and madina?
I think is not necessary to attack somalia millitrly now but what they can do is to acelerate the distablisation of the fragile country,look,they oppose any peace in somalia that do not include the people thay want!! do not be surprise we in a world that foreing power decide who leads,and I do not think that will cost them much.
these aaare the words used by u.s deputy decretry of defece whe he was asked if the may strench beyond Iraq.it is very clear message to all the countries that u.s consider them as ponetial threat or in wider term, may have strong oposition against u.s foreing policy.so the quessstion is what are we waiting for? are we waiting for bombardment of u.s warplanes? :eek: or we are waiting our enemies to defend us against u.s threats!!!!!!.do not be very much surprised by this simply because most of arab countries is defended by their only enemy!!!which is u.s.when are gonna wake up? untill when are we gonna be vitims of agressive atacks?
Islam, Democracy, Tribalism!!! which is the solution to ourproblems?
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to Miskin's topic in General
miskin it absolutely wrong qestion you are asked, simply because we all know what was main cause of somali destruction!! was it democracy!!! or islam!!! or triblism??? it is clear and ther is no confusion.get yourself up and try your best to revive islam in your country -
I wonder what the arab leaders waiting for after the destruction of their regional superpower!!! do they think that u.s will stop it's war only on iraq so fools, the intation of u.s war is beyon iraq it is beyond even arab it is to all muslims around the world,if you are in doubt just go back and read the first speech of g.w.bush,he made it clear that this war is crusade!!!!by the way do you know what g.w.bush believes?
I think everybody knows what this is meant.it meant provide comlete security fot tiny agressive state of isreal and to change the bio-geography of the region, there is doubt whatsoever that u.s will wage unpresdented war against many arab and muslim countries e.g syria libya and iran,but there the point I want to say is that the 22 arab states controlled by dictator will face in very serious options. 1- to end their dictatorship rules or 2- to disconect any diblomatic relation with u.s
Strong Ethiopia is a threat to Somali people!
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to Bachelor's topic in Politics
hi guys please let us not be divided by ethiopia, I think wether we call the region s.galbeed or Ogadenia is not matter, we can name our land whatever we like even we can call it masno aduun but let us not forget to fight and liberate our land from black colonial power. -
Strong Ethiopia is a threat to Somali people!
sayfulaah-almasluul replied to Bachelor's topic in Politics
I did not want to say it but it is the reality which no one can dinye it,Ethioia as an empire always claims that somalia is but of it,this was started by king milik and continoued by hayla salaase,it is an objective goal that every ethiopian leader believes they will not stop it as long as they exist, so what is our objective whether you believe it or not the srugle for the freedom of s.galbeed will continoue and will librate. we the alot of somalis who do not like to see s.galbeed enjoying it's freedom but we will prevail. -
it very strange to start acusing being a shiat when you do not know the answer to the question which I asked!!!!!! :eek: I think we do not need to look the questions from prospect of group but as general and islamicaly
somaetimes I think arab leaders are fool who does not understand what they are doing,last week arab lague leader met in conference in egypti where they called the us and uk to withdraw their millitry unconditionaly from gulf.that was unreasonable demand simply because " prevention is always better than cure" when the whole world was protesting against this unjustified war most arab leader were calling saddam to stepdown or even to leave the country.I think they will wake up when us troop targeted makah and madina!!!!!!!! even though u.s troops already bombed the holy city of karbala?
historicaly islamic world have seen alot of wars with difrent names but they all share one comon aim or goal,which is but them under our feet economicaly socialy and politicaly. whoever try to oppose this should be remove in one way or another.what is happening today in baghdad is not exceptional, it is one of series step meant to shape bioeography bio-politics and economic,Arabs had been decieved before when they were asked to helb the demolition of the ottam empire,they also decieved they helb "iraq and american" jointly destory the islamic rep of iran,now will they understarnd the motive behind the western wars? unfortunately they did not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my quetion is which verse in quran praised the prophet and his family and revealed that they are completly purified from all sins? and which surah? :cool: