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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Originally posted by NGONGE: Do you always land on your feet in such a way or does your buttered side get smudged every once in a while? I get smudged every once in a while. I avoided it today at work by staying away from a certain someone. I will have to think of a way of releasing my concern verbally in a manner that does not interfere with my buttered side. That's my task for tonight, my ego keeps getting in the way, it's going to be a long night. X, this IS the women's section. Go on, tell us what they were saying in Burco boodhweyne.
  2. Ngonge, did you watch the video? I understand there was a choice given but I doubt those for him this would truly be educational would be browsing these forums. I had the choice to leave it or delete it, I erred on the side of caution.
  3. I thought your intention was for us to see 'Ayeyo's' clip(in which she voiced her opinion)- which I did- and to then click on the related link- which I also did- and that this was the one which contained the scene. You wanted us to find it through another link. Same same, dear. I had no problem hearing the old woman's opinion, seeing her brutalise a girl was another matter.
  4. Originally posted by Pacifist: ^^^Mabuyu ohhh am literally salivating walahi. Mabuyu with pili pili and achari. Layla let me know if find any the US. I have no idea what that stuff is when it comes off the tree but I LOVE me some Mabuyu. We are talking about the dhanaan stuff with the sweet colourful covering, right? I will pay through the nose for a bag of the stuff. OMG, dhareer. LoL. Paragon, laba kiilow iyo badh biliis. What's pili pili, I forget. Achari and poppadoms. Naga daaya. Drool.
  5. In lilaahi wa ina ileyhi raajicuun. Paradise inshallah.
  6. ^LoL. Make like a chimney in the meanwhile.
  7. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: schools, aa? Darn Americans. Yes,The Professors are loaded.. Watch it Now When I read 'school' I see crayons, loose milk teeth and pin worms. Only the Americans would want to keep going to school long after their teenage years.
  8. Jimcaale, I leave this topic open but saw no justififable reason to leave the links available for viewing. I saw an old woman ask for mat to be put down and really after having heard her views on the matter already I wasn't expecting to see a sensitive potrayal of her opinion. I didn't watch it further and will trust Kool_Kat's, Serenity's and your reaction on the videos to make my decision. Gruesome voyeurism has no place here.
  9. Originally posted by Paragon: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: ^if it's a choice between the two, he can be my slave any oollldd day. And the terms are? Slave terms maxey ah ayuu u baahanyahay? :rolleyes: He's mine. Bas. End of.
  10. Originally posted by Caano Geel: ^ looks like i peddled all over that free dinner Free maxaa meesha keenay? Val, I am here.
  11. ^uff. Just as well you pedal that stuff off.
  12. ^whenever you like, lose the bike. I glide. I checked my bank details to see how much I paid that last time. £24.75. I think it's the only Chinese restaurant with a Michelin star. Not that I care, the food's sublime. Akh, did you say kebab? It's like eating harag maroodi. Shawarma la qaatay.
  13. Castro, I don't what those people eat to justify that kind of money; the stuff I've eaten hasn't added up to that. Perhaps it's the alcohol. CG, I've only been a couple of times and the food has been divine and so filling I've not been tempted by dessert. A couple of friends were once buying some funkily flavoured biscuits- the ones you cycle past, u fool( ) and the girls behind the counter kept offering me cardamon, chocolate lime flavoured biscuits to nibble on for minutes on end. My friends went home with dainty boxes of treats and I left with a belly-full of pretty. Cycle in one day. Edit: Err, colour coded suits? Edit2: Oh.
  14. Louis Vuitton laundry bag: £800.
  15. ^share them! Mumtaz, I ate there when I once went to Bradford and the food was delicious. Try Mildred's in Soho. Vegetarian and frumpy by name; good food, cosy environment. Oh, just remembered, forget the others, try this one first; awesome food, quirky atmosphere and here's a 360 tour: look. MAke sure you choose the different views to see the different areas of the restaurant. It's called Yauatcha. There's a tea room upsatirs with the prettiest desserts on display and they taste divine- I had sample after sample and I mean sample. Ask and you shall receive.
  16. ^so long as u're willing to pick up poop cause that's what comes with snooping.
  17. Originally posted by Emperor: ^Just wanna make it 1201 replies kya?
  18. So what part of Australia is bearable around Christmas time? Probably the most expensive time to go but that loving is a-calling. Is it just the Sheila's that dish it out?
  19. ^if it's a choice between the two, he can be my slave any oollldd day.
  20. U lucky girl, Val. I want some of that Aussie love too.
  21. any new addcits in the house? any recovering? My addiction has deepened. Books are my new obsession. Also when non-Muslims ask in wonder, 'how many scarves do you have?' or stop to say, 'your scarf is nice, where did you get it' you know you're an addict.
  22. ^with emphasis on the 'heard'.