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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Everyone has turned on her(hurrah!). So my outburst last week when I said I had had enough of the endlessness of matters is a drop in the ocean for her now. She took me aside to say it was unacceptable. Blah. Team meeting today was a testosterone choker. One guy was banging the table and covering his face and growling. She sat there like a mannequin. He was seething at her and another guy he has been bullying. The bullying is ignored by the boss BTW. I am in the Twilight Zone, God only knows. I doubt I weigh 51kg, probably less. Just ate the rest of my lunch now. An appetite, hallelujah. The woman whom I replaced is supporting me from afar and says there might be a job where she is now and will put in a good word for me. There are always good people out there, I just don't work with them currently. LoL. What happened with yr sitch?
  2. LoL. What an absolute relief after a day when I thought people at work would attack one another physically.
  3. they may as well have thrown cold water over you! Xaasidsana.
  4. aaah, those questions. WTF are they talking about?
  5. Problem with men is you can't get them bothered without getting them hot. Ho hum.
  6. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: about 51kg. U're picking on someone your own size. Mwaahahaha. 51 Kilogrammes is about(doing math with fingers),err.....113lbs. Thats hotttt Wali ma farahaad wax ku tirisa? I'd say it was hot work. Get a weighing scale. Shiish.
  7. Saambuuse. Xalwad not Xalawad. :rolleyes: Rolling up sleeves.
  8. about 51kg. U're picking on someone your own size. Mwaahahaha.
  9. Tell him you call him Mr Ugly.
  10. ..sorry as I was saying, a good option if you want to lose a stalker.
  11. Originally posted by Nephthys: What's up with Crocks? Who the 'ell made these things? They are some of the ugliest things ever made and they make your feet look as big as clown feet, but - they are absolutely comfy I heard. Best part, if they get dirty you just run them under a tap. Will get one in a sparkly pink this weekend I'A. I think they would go well with : especially as it's on sale at £84 and..
  12. ^^are you calling me fat? Say Yes. I want a fight.
  13. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown: quote:Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: The Jaad lime green color looks a bit...err..umm...Someone help me? Whats the word am looking for here? Dhanaan?
  14. ^is oodkac muqmad or another myocardial infarction on a plate? Nobody says 'Laxoox' anymore!! Will the culinary police attack if I do? We used to eat laxoox every Friday. If not we had khamiir- what do you call that?- buur? Bur? Sometimes we had Omaani Xalwa and called it Xalwad not Xalwo. Xalwo waa islaan aan wax isu nahaye ii daaya! Shidh. Af Soomaali xuma. Xaaax. Another xaar day at work, had to rant.
  15. The guy's name is Qamar. Maybe they thought he was female- seeing as they had a Somali employee who could have tipped them off. It's gender discrimination, I tell you.
  16. congratulations. Don't let him give up on you.
  17. ^have some cake. Did wonders for me.
  18. LoL. Waad ka wada dhaceysaan..
  19. ^ got to hang in there; give it a chance first. My adhax is kaput. CV complete. Yippppeeee.
  20. Me, u cracked me up. I think you mean Color Me bad too but that was early 90s I'm sure.
  21. Luckluckleeya For those that have not been following my little work story my master plan was to leave one of the office gossips with enough info to spread when I'm long gone. A perverse legacy of sorts. Now I find out that she has resigned. And will be leaving before me. Dagnabit. I'm no good at this bull. I was giggling about it all day. I have to see her off! Hohum, back to another evening of CV creating. I am coming down with a cold and have eaten more bariis than I suspect I can keep down. God forgive me, I was so distracted I swallowed the lot in minutes. Now I have to sneeze, wipe away snot, hold down vomit, stay awake and re-do my CV so it is a skills-based one rather than a chronological one. That deserves an OouuCC.