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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. ^LoooL. Beautiful. Can you hear the shrieks coming from E Road?
  2. LOZ, that's how I feel every evening. What time is it? LOL I should be embroidering my CV.
  3. I'm going to use a thesaurus for all the action words in the CV and find the best sounding, most powerful nuance of each word that I can find. I am not going to say I was nearly a NASA astronaut but my bad knee stopped me from sitting in cramped seats for too long(that happened long ago and is irrelevant to the jobs I'm looking for anyway)
  4. No am not, NG. My work-life is a self-sacrifice in itself; one at a time. Got feedback re my CV- apparently I am TOO MODEST. What the hell do people put in these things? Some guy told me the same thing years ago and said I would struggle to get attention cause everyone else- including him- were exaggerating. Eg he has no degree but he says on his CV that he does! Back to the CV exaggerating board!
  5. NG, I'll go after you've been. Serenity, Bali away from the tourists is awesome- not been to Indonesia but I too once had an itinerary planned for it. I have a lot more holiday left than you but want to leave some so I can take it off my notice period and leave 3 weeks after handing in notice and not 4. When the new employers ask or assume I'm on a 4 week notice I will say yes- technically I am- and ask for a week between jobs. That way I will have a two week break and will have a higher income so will be able to afford a second holiday. Brilliant. Inshallah it works out. Wasn't going to go anywhere whilst still at this job but if I don't take a break soon I will do something big and bad or worse something big and bad will do me. Val, prices will be sky-high so my heart will have to be understanding.
  6. ^Work getting in the way?
  7. I was thinking of ridding myself of him too, he was getting a bit clingy. U DO live on the E Road.
  8. ^China is too far for a ten day trip and I have had my fill of the Far East for now. Africa seems to be calling.
  9. ^I can't keep up now, LoL. When is the August bank holiday? If I have another job by then I will consider your offer. You should have run it by Serenity first! Nom, Zanzibar for next summer inshallah when a friend will be in TZ.
  10. waste it on me, baby. A friend just sent me a text with a suggestion- Mozambique.
  11. 3:45pm. At home. Have to wait a week to see the Doc. About to send off CV to a couple of people. I've never had a job hunt in which previous co-workers helped me out like this. Haven't had to talk to an agent yet!
  12. Serenity, the weather will be extreme in quite a few places and I don't want to be gone for too long. Cuba, Mali, Mexico. Where are you off to?
  13. ^ u will have to do. What time is it? edit: I was talking to the one above you!U're right, Cara, waves.
  14. so where ARE the blooming day trollers? The one day I can indulge and no sign of any!
  15. Serenity, I am home today, could not get out of bed for anyone or anything, Booking an appointment with the doc. And surfing for a holiday in August- if the biyatch approves it. Lady B got busted at a meeting yesterday for a whopper of a lie she told another manager- in an email. She wasn't around but the other manager went RED in the face and said he'd take it up with her- and he will do so in a meeting I'm certain and embarrass her. The satisfaction I got from that moment alone kept me going for the rest of the day. I feel like I have something chronic.
  16. Originally posted by Khalaf: quote:Originally posted by Kashafa: ^^There are brothels open in Makkah a few miles away from the Masjid Al Haram. I myself saw 3 Saudi youths being whipped in public in the Haram for 'mucaakasa', ie, hounding and stalking women to give them their numbers. This was during the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Police and the Morality cops make regular raids on 'dens of vice' where alcohol is brewed, among other things. Defination of brothel: "A brothel, also known as a bordello or whorehouse, is an establishment specifically dedicated to prostitution, providing the prostitutes a place to meet and to have sex with the clients". Looool this is getting better brothels and alcohol in Makkah, maybe they got gay clubs too. So you seen these brothels with your eyes, i mean for a non-native such as yourself to know about this (i have never heard of it and my family is well connected to mecca) then this along with alchohol is an establishment and its no secret. Only place where i heard of these stories is the internet, (tho um not denying suuq madoow in which ppl commit haraam undercover) . Anway bullocks mate as the english say. Wax lala yaabo ma ahan. wax lala yaabo way thay. Sheh just as i thought your source is the internet. Seeing as I would have to introduce a few people to you who could relay the stories directly and seeing as I wouldn't do that to anyone I care for I am left with the Internet as a source. Some get their comfort from childhood teddies and blankets others from rose-tinted spectacles.
  17. day-time trolling.. those were the days
  18. ^LooL. love this old woman's accent
  19. Khalaf, wareer wakhti u ma hayo. Just because you and yours have not come across it does not mean it does not take place. planet earth
  20. ^ It doesn't. Now imagine there are no perverts. Justify their initial suggestion. I don't know what planet u live on but down here on earth men touch women even at Hajj.
  21. Now if they suggested perverts get their hands chopped off for their offences I would sit up and listen but no, put restrictions on the potential victims. Makes me wonder why they hesistate to come down hard on the perverts- probably cause they're locals. Whatever.
  22. Originally posted by Kreepy Kid: remember when people used to say your ignorant or your being ignorant?........ that did not make sense either. we're all ignorant of something therefore....moon bananas grow on jupiterian trees Adiguna, your making the same mistake. Consider you're self judged and spot the deliberate mistakes.
  23. British Accents 00:32- Scottish 01:11- North east(Geordie) 01:55- Yorkshire/lancashire 02:35- Liverpool(scouse) 03:20- Birmingham 04:06- General English 04:41- West england 05:27- Urban London 06:08- Cockney My fave: urban London, Scouse(ehem Ngonge) and Geordie.
  24. ^will you sabotage his efforts if he is an SOL-er?! Imagine the dirt he could dish on you. Dabshid, I'm short and shrinking. Any more stress and I'll go foetal.