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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: This is a repeat for miskiin Sheh: marry with the permission of your wife ! Miskiin you, dude if u think u're going get permission of that kind.
  2. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Mary with the permission of you wife! Do they HAVE to be called Mary?
  3. ^I discovered him at 14 and read several of his books back then. Haven't come across anyone that writes like him; his sentences were so long and humourous. Delish. Some of his quotes: He was a tubby little chap who looked as if he had been poured into his clothes and had forgotten to say "when!" It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them. Marriage isn't a process of prolonging the life of love, but of mummifying the corpse Reminds me I have an unread book of his about. Where's Jeeves when u need him?
  4. how did I miss this thread? Lumber 1 thread of 07.
  5. Brilliant. It's in my favourites for when I need a laugh.
  6. It's the women who go on and on about flesh on view being ugly and yet can't seem to avert their eyes or stifle their tongue. Green-eyed lesbians, the lot of them! LoL.
  7. Originally posted by Northerner: ^^Are weeks away exploring far off lands included in your time management Sheh? A simple list in your work note book (in between all the meeting notes and doodling) to be crossed off on a daily basis is good enough. You will hardly ever completely clear the list as new tasks come along thick and fast. Prioritise what needs to be done. Nope. That's on pause for now. And I HAVE been to Africa....
  8. ^ do so; it's one of those books that has become a classic for good reason. Val, just say to him/her, please help me out dearest manager, here's my original list of to-dos, which of these shall I drop inorder to make time for these new tasks? Entre, Wayne Dyer's You'll See It When You Believe It, Bill Bryson's Down Under and Anthony Robbins's Unlimited Power(re-reading). I actually put to use what I pick up in books (that is in line with my values) and recommed to friends. We play around with the concepts and relay how methodologies have worked for us. It beats moaning over dinner or the phone. It makes for inspiring nights out.
  9. Originally posted by Entrepreneurial_man: quote: I do fine most of the time. It didn't take practise; it took reevaluating. Step one is to get rid of time-wasting activities and this would include people. You need a compelling enough reason to carry out the tasks- u have to know why/remember how that task links in to your main goal or value. Think of the last time you didn't complete a day plan. Did you under-estimate the effort/time required? Did u just NOT do it? Or did other matters bleed into the time intended for your tasks? Thanks sis, You must be successful person... I am getting better at living a more balanced life and focusing; I manage to work, study, exercise, read and rest. What had to go and it's no bad thing- TV, people that don't appreciate what they have and will tell u over and over, long lie-ins that used to make me feel rough anyway and cooking! LoL. Umm Z, consider this: procrastinate about procrastinating. I'm reading the 7 habits of highly effective people(that and 3 other books at least lol) and finding that I'm pretty effective anyway. Read it! Serenity, do u mean not having anything to do at work? I listen. Youtube something u want to know more about and u're bound to find somebody discussing it...that's if u're allowed to. There are also lots of audio tapes, CDs etc out there that u can listen to when on the move. Ipods are wasted on music.
  10. ^ I do fine most of the time. It didn't take practise; it took reevaluating. Step one is to get rid of time-wasting activities and this would include people. You need a compelling enough reason to carry out the tasks- u have to know why/remember how that task links in to your main goal or value. Think of the last time you didn't complete a day plan. Did you under-estimate the effort/time required? Did u just NOT do it? Or did other matters bleed into the time intended for your tasks?
  11. ^nature. Whom do you need to forgive?
  12. more info <img src=" "]" alt="" />
  13. ^ not quite the same as humping a bike against a tree on the Edgware Rd so who needs a car?
  14. ^ Google weydii. There's negativity about miyaa?
  15. ^ follow around a doctor and a midwife at work. Ask what's best, what's worst and what's in between. Go with your heart then engage your mind. Win Win. PM Ninbrown for more info.
  16. ^LoL! Zenobia, soooo glad to hear that. Well done. Next time we won't have to wait 50 years for a Dubai cab then negotiate in broken Urdu. I had an extraordinary day, praise the Lord.
  17. ^ it's supposed to be a compliment- the casaan thing. But it's also used in other ways eg. when they add cadey to the end of your name, like Sheh-cadey meaning you're not. I have an aunt like that and I used to get an urge to slap her cadaan forehead. They gotta find something on meeting you, express scanning followed by soodigan naaxey(alhamdullilah, now p*ss off), soodigan xumaadey(I work hard unlike you, get a life), waad casaatey e maxaad is marisey(nuur, now take a leap), alla hoogeyeey maxaa sidaa kuu galey, cunto maxaa kuu diidey(adiga, ouuccc, go wash that off your cadaan face). Goodness, feel better.
  18. ^ got to give it to you- riding a bike in skates! LoL.