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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. I'd say start off quite short or you will not get readers. One you hook them, plump it up.
  2. Right, that's when I'll go back. Does it go all across the city?. Ibs, love. Never underestimate the weaker sex.
  3. ^mid baan baastada ugu soo dhex laabilaaha. LoL.
  4. My dear Ibtisam, there's no way the women would have missed that! Or the men to be honest. Don't blame me. Anyway, I hope you feel better; I would recommend something but that would further this discussion.
  5. ^loL. North, when's the train system coming into operation?
  6. ^Hullo!! Did we have to know?? LoL. Shall we go down this road and make the boys WEEP? Shall we, shall we? I think the board could do with a SERIOUS distraction. What do you say?
  7. Originally posted by NGONGE: Ah! Another of the problems of the privileged! Anyway, what's to fear about childbirth? It is usually a few hours of pain and then you go home. A snakebite on the other hand would most probably KILL you. maaxa labada isuu keenay? Am I missing something? [edit]Oh, I see- your frigging phobia. Allah, people do love talking about their bowel movements, the weather and their phobias. Ngonge you're COMPARING your phobia with hers? She's more likely to face hers, overcome it and NEVER talk about it again. How do we help you get over yours, eh? I still know a few people in SE Asia, I could arrange for a erm viewing. Nothing like a flooding experience I tell you.
  8. LoL @ Ngonge. 1st Lady, I'm moving this to General; I hope it starts off something constructive.
  9. Originally posted by Northerner: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: wives- multiple jobs- none contribution to society- dhulkii dentist- mafrash A bit harsh there Sheh. I think the premier Somali love is no other than HILIB. We are nurtured from a young age to not only eat it but to perfect how. It is not a meal if it don't contain hilib There is truth there; satire needs to leave a mark. Ask Ngonge.
  10. LoL at Cara. Now I remember why I don't do it anymore. Don't have the patience or the arm-strength.
  11. I did. I do. I keep my hair longer and tied back tightly just so there is no escape. Your way sounds healthier to be honest lol. BTW when I double-layer it, having the lower layer above my ears never works. Maybe I have a side-burn thing going. LoL.
  12. wives- multiple jobs- none contribution to society- dhulkii dentist- mafrash
  13. Aaliyah, intact as in it won't escape out around the face? Isn't that what tightening the hair back is for? LoL. While we're on the subject of using a smaller layer underneath- do you have that go across the tips of your ears? Every time I try it it makes me wince but I like the two-layered look- seems to suit me. Cara, I used to once when I was a teenager but can't muster up any desire anymore. Something about all the practise I needed to do...
  14. LoL. Your friend is changing his marketing. I think it can work but be warned hell hath no fury liked a second wife who finds out she's actually first.
  15. for those of you that cover their hair regularly, do you find the hair that comes into contact with the cover is of a worse quality than the rest? Any idea what kind of head cover material is best for hair? I'm bored and can't stop fiddling with my hair trying to work out if I have a couple of different hair types or if the top level is being destroyed by the hijab. :confused:
  16. I see it so differently I don't see it at all. Do something, Nephy!
  17. Originally posted by Malika: I got to share this recepie for Banana Mandazi,yummy! Now I HAVE to try it. LoL.
  18. ^underdog might find a way; necessity is a mother. LoL.
  19. mixing work and pleasure. Presumably you'll be sharing your findings with us?
  20. ^go to Dixon, . It's Inner City wa nus.
  21. Originally posted by marcassmith: UD, Sheh was right when she said she doesn’t do subtle humour! I am guessing your mentally fatigued to realise what I meant by 'It would be nice to see how the inner cities' marcasian III Dude, not me, do not try. Underdog will look like a poodle by comparison.
  22. he can get online from anywhere what diff does it make?
  23. ^yup. That's me through and through. Marc, I'll help take you to TO and leave you there. I'm KIDDING. Don't add me to your list of haters.
  24. ^too subtle for me. I just do this:
  25. ^lol why are you winking. Did I miss something?