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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. I can make it better, Ibts.
  2. che, the whip prefers to talk for herself. I'm just here for effect. You want a demo.? Ibts, dear, I have had a looong day sending a gazillion emails. I am hanging on here just for you; don't be cruel. Relent.
  3. come on, you know you want to.
  4. ^I'm not into power dynamics. I felt a frisson with Ibts but it must have been her mobile vibrating. Win some, lose some. Other mixed up fish in the sea.
  5. ^haa. And when I made my move to test her, she backed off. I hate teasers.
  6. ^ u were into women when you were one?
  7. ^u're a man? Stay that way. I like it that way.
  8. Not mean but I expect results, stamina, enthusiasm, good hygiene, humour, good spelling, punctuation and grammar, and you'd have to have a sex change.
  9. I had to surf backwards through several pages of the mysterious dirac story, then click forward. I need an assistant. You would do nicely, all that energy..
  10. I sent 60 work emails today. I could not count how many I got. Then I came on here thinking, no way can I type another word but this dirac gifting to a married woman business has grabbed my attention! Well. What does it matter how innocent, cheap or predictable the gift, this sort of gesture means only one thing. DD, did you tell hubby?
  11. ^u'd be interested if there were, pics. Lol at front row seat given to the sheik.
  12. Originally posted by -Lily-: Sheh, I know what kind you mean, the 6 yard health hazard diracs? There are some pretty ones but they are hard to control. Nacam. I could have hidden a lover in there and none would have been wiser. Other than me of course.
  13. Oh God, I wore a dirac twice last year and that was a record. Shiid, bac, this is all too much for me. It was big, silk and shiny. How much can there be to say about a dirac? If I weren't wearing those shoes and a very elasticated googarad I would have had a bruised vertebra to show for it. I made it through without embarassing my mother. I think. It's bl00dy 10pm and bl00dy Monday tomorrow.
  14. to hide my arms without having to wear a jacket. My mother stitched it together and I made sure I squeezed my arms into the small gaps without widening them much.
  15. ^Haha. I don't know what the hell it was, but it was large and silk and I needed help to tuck it in.
  16. ^LoL. I meant the bac balaadh or whatever they call it.
  17. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: I was happy and pissed at the same time. at a Somali wedding. Tut. Ibts, thing to do is wear one of em big mamma non-see through ones and have the kind of arms that are short and skinny enough to allow the sleeve to practically reach the wrists. Worked for me last time, was agonising over what to wear over what not and the darn thing drowned me so I was happy. Got a cousin to tuck me in, wore ridiculously high platforms and managed to have a good time.
  18. LiLy, I gave up but am still paying good money to a gym! I could go on a mini break on the amount I've wasted on membership. From now on I will pay as I go. I sure could do with Pilates though. I gave a CD I had to my mum; does anyone do the exercise video thing? I'm going to go that way I think.
  19. ^ I never thought you the type to say 'my ends'. here's the Tayyibun website.
  20. ^self-appointed rep. or a chosen one? Just got a couple of questions and since you've dived in just for this thread, I have a feeling you have the answers... ..there's such a thing as demand and supply surely? I wanted to do one of the paying courses in the evening but they all seemed to start at 5:30 which is too early for anyone not working in Tower Hamlets(assuming even they can leave their desk at 5). I'm sure students will benefit from it as they have a more flexible schedule. Having said that, I also see private tuition been encouraged for those like me with full time commitments. One-to-one or group tuition in a venue of choice. Sounded good so far. My assumption was that this would cost more and to ascertain whether I would spend that kind of money, I clicked on the private tuition fee link and this is what I saw: At Tayyibun Institute we do not wish to restrict anyone from learning knowledge therefore we have not placed any fixed fees for the private tuition fees and await to meet an agreement after assessing the clients situation. I understand the location of venue and size of group(if not one-to-one) would all have a bearing but it would have been more beneficial to see a basic rate for one-to-one and one for group with a caveat that the rates were for guidance. A little more transparency would be good. I would know whether to take further or not. The intention to cater to individual circumstance can't overshadow easy access to information. It's another hoop I have to jump through. The private tuition option would probably cost more and as it is more likely to be sought by the fully commited(work or otherwise) woman, I think it could be seen as discrimination rather than the extra treat it's touted to be. In fact, the women are encouraged to take this route as the private tuition leaflet states: private tuition leaflet particular for our sisters certain difficulties are faced as the environment in society at large, in public places, and even amongst Muslims today are not ideal for going on the path of knowledge whilst trying to retain their modesty I don't particularly want to pay, quite literally this time for what the environment in society(men presumably) get up to. I do enough of that unwillingly already. In an effort to make it easier, another obstacle is put in the woman's way- pay more to seek knowledge. Can they hike up the price of the basic courses that the men attend at 6pm to pay for the private tuition women are having to consider? Following on from the leaflet's logic, I say some balance would be restored. Also, are the evening courses for the women going to disappear for the winter? Will there be more classes at the weekends to compensate, more private tuition? If you don't really know what's what with Tayyibun(your zeal lead me to communicate with you and assume you're linked to them in some official capacity) please ignore me and I'll copy some of the above and pop into an email for Tayyibun. BTW, I know a couple of people studying there and the feedback from the course is good. I am interested too or I wouldn't really bother with feedback. Oh, and welcome to the site if you're not one of the oldies wearing another kofiya.
  21. u ARE in a foul mood. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: ^Perhaps,accepting the position of wife numero dos? that would raise more than an eyebrow were I so inclined. And I'm so so not inclined.
  22. I meant Troll Corner LOL. Urdu, Swahili and some form of Xamari flying around. I don't know any Vietnamese- I learned the words for pork, dog and cat when I was there just so I didn't die of ouuc.
  23. so don't want to work today. It's like language class in here.
  24. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Ms DD: Castro Typical male answer, your problem is are too honest Typical? Probably not, but I am honest. And you must be single. Ciao Sheh. We gotta stop meeting like this. How else if not crossing the pond and getting past your wife's eyebrows(raised)?