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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Lol, I think we started a theme off last night. Stoic, it's having to wait for Isha that makes me hang about late online. That's the excuse anyway.
  2. ^bl00dy hell. You take care to avoid detection? How? With the ruddy sunnies? Well, they lose their purpose if you wear when them when out and about too. It's what makes you stand out now. If the fish stock was that abundant, what need for one that lives on the other side of the pond? She could have made it easier to be caught. Perhaps she's just not that into you. A mind-bender, I know. I saw you in Southall.
  3. ^multi-tasking. I like it. Ibts, apparently the entire underground system could not deal pay as you Oyster cards this morn. I'm having an efficient day too; I dread next week, I've sent off several emails starting projects off. Monday will be lots of WHY NOW? Not enough time, no money, no resource, find another solution, blame him, go away emails coming back at me. Lovely. I will need to make sure I have a stupendous weekend.
  4. too intimate? Not to me. Very soothing. You ought to try it. Face massage does not really do anything other than clear my face up. And, yes, they do.
  5. yeah, working. I can get on with some work as my Inbox is quiet so far. There are days I easily receive a hundred emails. My typing speed has increased dramatically in the last weeks. I need a hand massage- ever had your hands massaged; it's very comforting. Hungry but can't be bothered.
  6. ^and what have you been up to?
  7. LoL. Dude, it's no big deal; I saw you earlier this year too. Those glasses give you away. You're going to have to get her contact details from the guy who gave you the lead.
  8. yeah, for a change. My work pile is huge but what the hell.
  9. ^got what? morning trollers.
  10. ^ I don't have the capability to do so in this part of the forum. If he's around, he can try and modify his text.
  11. ^they're no different to any other. LoL at broom stick, don't make yourself sound like a witch. P, no thanks. Wrong accent.
  12. he's gone and done it. Ibts, he's looking out for you so look out. P, war naga daa. Pretending to know what that means so you won't start looking out for me and typing out a rude dictionary.
  13. Ibts, I know it's the night shift on Troll Corner what with all the gender cosiness etc but please do not encourage a discusion on dhiiq or biiqi or whatever it was. It will lower the tone.
  14. P, miyaan is badaley? I don't think you think so.
  15. the lady doth protest too much.
  16. LooL. Ibts, Che couldn't handle it but Xarbi's still around for a menage a trois. What do you say?
  17. bl00dy hell, this same gender ish is no good, can't deal with the drama. Rageygaa la ii qaatey. Ibts, dear, now that the chase is over, the thrill has died and you've become jealous, confused and creepy on me. To the kerb
  18. Ibts, Che is the reason I've swapped sides. I'm here! They can pick and choose all they like.
  19. ^u're not into the southern twang too are you? Well, well, more in common. Beginning of a beautiful relationship.
  20. ^was wondering the same as I too couldn't be bothered to moon walk through this thread again; does my head right in. I offered Ibts some sheh-love but she say no-no; can ya believe?
  21. Originally posted by Sophist: A mere mortal like I being a role model? That wont be fair. it wouldn't- to the kids. I was taking the p*ss. Before. Now I'm serious.
  22. ^they need role models. That's where you come in.
  23. DD, really, your very own corner in a corner shop?