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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Originally posted by +Faheema: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: that's what you get for wanting boys. LoL, let's hope they make her proud don't know about that but they'll grow up big and strong as she'll have saved all the B milk for the boys. The girls will spend the next 17 years slaving after the big strong boys, catching every air borne disease floating around Iskandaria and then marry and take it out on their daughters. The cycle of life.
  2. how sad; home it is for me. I'm not after the community; just a good-voiced Imam.
  3. the prayers will be quite late this year, no? Don't think I can make them.
  4. that's what you get for wanting boys.
  5. ^u haven't lived if you haven't seen a pressure cooker . I won't smile in case you in case you go ga-ga over me again. Do they deliver? Your family I mean.
  6. the surgeon was the boy's own hooyo. now, does anyone use a pressure cooker any more? Are they worth it? Ramadan is around the corner and I can't be bothered to slave over the cooker whilst hungry and busy. Ibts? What say the old ladies re pressure cookers these days? :mad: (in case you get any ideas. Again)
  7. why am I asking you? so bored.
  8. doesn't it? where does the link at the top go then?
  9. not feeling violent tonight. does SOL chat work?
  10. not the night life type. Where could I go pubs, clubs, brothels..
  11. she? I see a glowing dinosaur. Should have gone out.
  12. so boooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddd
  13. Oh, that was what they call deliberate. LoL. Everything's excellent alhamdullilah. Very busy but very blessed. Are you meeting up any of the SOLers in Mini?
  14. ^nah, the most relaxing in months. Why do you ask?
  15. naag baa ba'day; hadaaney hoosteeda jarjareen, they're turning her into foie gras for some b*stard to paw. Not possible to achieve male-free anything Ibts, they'd crawl up the crack of your ar*e if they thought they could get something out of it other than female excrement.
  16. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ My grown-up son? Err, erm, err but I, I was a good boy and never did anything silly in my youth. He's an imposter. ps Have you seen how soft most of the other girls have become? I was expecting fireworks. I meant your 4 year old in 30 years. You'll still be baby-sitting if you follow the trend.
  17. I loathe cooking and cleaning I did so much of it in my youth. Loathe it. It's interesting that it's kitchen skills that are top of the list for girls. I'm wondering what's top of the boy list? NG, don't tease us when you know full well you won't allow your princess around hot water. If I were you I'd focus my attention on practising taking care of your grown-up son. Seems to be the rage amongst Somalis here.
  18. bes bes, ka daa ka daa. Hahahaha. Are you confusing them deliberately or are you confused yourself? Now I'm confused. But what a hoot.
  19. ^are you calling their mannequins fat? have fun.
  20. ^on the contrary, it is you that should go back to the drawing board. You'll make a mint once you work out what I've handed to you on a plate. It's a dogs b*llocks of an idea. most fun I've had all week