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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. ^what's the matter? Gaajo? Madax xanuun?
  2. ^what time does your day end during Ramadan?
  3. ^something has to give with a schedule like that, Ibts and it's you. Re-work it. Get some more rest in somewhere.
  4. I watched the first one and it was farcical. Stayed well clear of this one.
  5. ^if you can work 7-2, go for it. Just don't go back to bed after fajr.
  6. would it be as bad if it were raining but bright- don't think so; it's the lack of light that's worse for me. Too bad the clouds get in the way.
  7. ^shoosh, it's a nightmare. I can get 100 a day. One of those is from the a-hole. I have a stratgey for email now and my life is easier. This day still needs to end. As for SOL, been on it too much lately. The day I promised to cut down I found myself flirting with Ibts for an hour and a half. Which would explain her absence, must have come on too strong.
  8. this work day needs to end. there's always one reasonable a-hole.
  9. CL, no and I don't feel anger for this person. I have been listening to Quran for the last hour and it's taken my mind off self-pity. the server is up and running and no sign of Ibts. Something's up.
  10. NG, Che will tell you. Johnny, the strategy is in review as it doesn't seem to be fool-proof; see I'm the fool this time and I hadn't planned for that. Oh, well, feel better, what a cup of tea and a whinge can do. Less is more, so thanks but no thanks.
  11. eek tapad is what I'm thinking(for the cat).
  12. A, no energy to spare anyone but myself today. Salam. Why is sadness a weakness? And for sure this is to be temporary, I don't do wallowing in negativity anymore. No chance of picking up opportunistic trolls, no chance. I'm sad not ******.
  13. you have a look-a-like who sits in cafes. Sad because a straw just broke a camel's back and I have my answer on something I was confused about it. It is sad to lose a friend; last night I made a friend, today I am going to put distance between me and an old, old friend. I can't work, I'm that sad & hurt. Getting no work done whatsoever, might have to make up for lost time later tonight.
  14. I'm so sad today. NG, were you on the Edgware Rd this weekend? I thought I saw an NG.
  15. ^don't u actually have to work?
  16. ^the anfur thread. More mentions of boorash than you could shake a stick at(what kind of expression is that horta?)
  17. unwind aa? Sleep I suppose. Not talking to anyone for hours on end helps. Prolonged conversation makes me alert and tired all at once; it's a biyatch. Che, Cara laughed too? She's Canadian, isn't she? Are you comparing yourself to them!? Egad.
  18. ^so American. Did you find Friends funny too?
  19. u must mean the now infamous 'boorash', Cara. I can't type that without my funny bone tickling. Wax lip i siinaya maxa i hor fadhiisinaya marka hore?
  20. they need to stay afraid. So tired I can't sleep; hate that feeling. What r u doing up?
  21. shoot had to watch again to figure it out(f-forwarded past the crinkles)- DVD on Somali culture available on amazon.