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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. double or two-thirds and no tax. That sure is tempting. Might give it a go and see what happens.
  2. ^right, was considering a pay cut but if it's like that, no chance! So ball park figure would be what- one bedroom? Cause I've done more searching and my area of expertise appears to be in demand.
  3. ^hm, seen a couple of interesting things there. I am totally what they're looking for. LoL. Salary is a mystery on one of them but am so tempted to shoot off a CV. What's the rent like, Norf?
  4. 100 OZ dollars or pounds? For that and a life in OZ I might consider breathing through the mouth for extended periods.
  5. ^really? Must be smelly though; it wouldn't suit me at all. Ick. I won't lose my fast for him, no way. But I think I am well within my rights to ask him not to tail-gate me. LOZ, that's mean! How much do plumbers earn where you are?
  6. Originally posted by Valenteenah: I go on Jobsgopublic daily. Best for local govt posts. Job hunting by any chance?
  7. LOZ, hello. I REALLY want to MOVE to Australia. I saw a show where they move families abroad and the man was a carpet fitter who earned £40K in London and was due to earn the same in Australia too. One, since when did carpet fitters earn £40K and two since when did earn that in OZ where there's a lower cost of living and a better life style. We've been had. Ngonge, yeah I'll sort him out. One email saying back off should do it. He's already been warned off when he dealt with somebody else inappropriately. Hm, had experience of one female bully and was worse as she kept it on a one to one and no one would ever have guessed!
  8. ^lol some guy at work wants to crawl up my nose. So far I have been letting it go; mentioned it to the boss and she said she wouldn't call him a bully(though I would; have seen him work on someone else) but that he throws his weight about. He can throw it somewhere else. Why do men resort to such behaviour?
  9. you of course . I had so much sleep, I can't shake it off; yawning away.
  10. ^lol thanks for bringing that to life with real life online egs.
  11. ^ I know I always prefer dealing with open people- even if unpleasant.
  12. Originally posted by Norf 1: Boorash? That won't be enough for a long day. Might as well have toast and tea. seriously, EVERY morning? And with what? Khubz?
  13. quivering arteries For suxuur? What's up with boorash?
  14. ^LoL. About as unhealthy as you can get. Don't get any on the brown trousers.
  15. oh God, I'm tired. The emails keep coming. Yaa Muslimiya so they'd fast and slow down like me(or want to at least).
  16. ^months? Years you mean surely.