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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. ^ I have't applied to anything; Ramadan, work and pain been keeping me busy. *they don't pay me enough to deal with a certain somebody. I am going to search right now!*
  2. is your bro an odey who is qhariib to your home?
  3. should have left it to your bro. I would not stand for that. I don't understand why your aunt needs to miss prayers to serve them? The food was ready, no? Were they missing fore-limbs?
  4. Hayam, that was not salary but rent for a one-bed place.
  5. lol make that your signature: meesha ka soo carara. thanks.
  6. Norf, what was the thread where you and Dabshid posted jobs in Dubai links. Hunguri baa i qabtey mar kaliya. I can see myself saving a fortune and investing in this and that.
  7. oh, morning couch-traveller.
  8. Originally posted by Norf 1: Sheh, just read that thread again and I haven't changed my mind about Asia Langkawi? Looks good but I would like to avoid going through too many airports. A drive to the coast will do. Any recommendations? Hm, so why are you going to Malaysia? It's the Muslim thing isn't it? Johnny will be all over you. Ok, no airports then. West Coast Pangkor Island. Takes a 2 hour drive or so apparently. KL to Lumut where you catch a ferry to the island. Penang island 4 hours. East Coast(better islands) Cherating seems to be one that stuck in my mind. 3-4 hour drive. It's on the coast and has a good beach but there are islands off it as well. Monsoon's something to think about- it's significant in the east but not so in the west. If it's reached the East Coast in December then you're better off heading west. Look it up. In the west coeast, the rain never lasted long when I was there. Short bursts of hot, fat rain drops and then it clears to let you get on with it. Not like 'round these parts. Cameron highlands sound quaint but not sure if it'll be your thing. The Grand Prix is in the Spring so you'll miss that(rubbing it in). Might need jabs, malaria tabs. Don't take any drugs into the country. LoL. Death will follow.
  9. Norf, go to KL definitely; though I think there are better islands than Penang. Langkawi comes to should be alright for kids. I would have recommended Borneo otherwise. LoL. I think there's a thread on Vietnam in General and one on India(don't do it lol) in Women. Other than that I've rambled on here & there. Vietnam thread took me back I tell ya!
  10. I can swear otherwise. Ibts staring up macawiis- only if her spit could fly vertically upwards & gravity ceased to exist temporarily. She would say: maxoo asli kawiiinaayu(her spelling, not mine). LoL.
  11. it's the male ego that makes you think girls are curious enough to see what a random bloke's bits look like. Doesn't work like that with women. Ask Ibts.
  12. Originally posted by nuune: Yasid , haye, daandaansi maa ku billowdey Sheh ilaayo saaka.
  13. ^she might be referring to your inference that YOU would look and not that women would look and pretend not to. Malika, what are you saying? Would you look?
  14. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote:Originally posted by -Lily-: Amazing how you can climb a tree wearing macawiis! LooooooooL and girls would be walking under the tree. Erm, no they would make sure they wouldn't. We're different. Better.
  15. is it next week durba? maxaa ku dhigay wali?
  16. Lily, interesting, what made you feel it was the 23rd(rubiing it in Ibts hehe)? Allaahu yaclam.
  17. Ibts, just what did you do? LoL. Last night was hard for me, I was in pain but I kept thinking tonight could be it, 83 years with it! Norf, I think it was Yaabka. East coast is worth the trip too. I think you will LOVE KL and its skyscrapers. The Golden Triangle is the place for you. The accomodation is cheap compared(it was anyway) to Dubai which is a joke. Excellent quality for reasonable prices. I did sleep in a couple of dodgy places too but that's another story. LOL. The train trip up to Penang is beautiful. Penang has a high Chinese population so does feel different to the rest of Malaysia. You get it it by ferry(do that by night) or cross on a bridge. I can guess which route you'll take. Melacca is sooo cute. This place has had so many people pass through it and take root you can still see it in the people- Portuguese, Chinese, Tamil. The musuem there was great; yo could touch everything which I like to do, LoL. Disappointment was the clothes didn't fit me. Imagine a people shorter than me. Hm. I stocked up on headscarves.
  18. Norf, I did visit Malaysia but I never wrote about it. Very worth seeing. Someone on SOL lives there. I saw KL, Melacca, Penang over 3 weeks. Ibts, I thought it was the night of the 23rd; had a feeling about it lol.
  19. ^orod oo iska naso. Hadii kale maantodhan ayaad khurafaat noola imaneysa. Lambethna kaxeyso.
  20. ^ugh. What is up with men? I was on my way to the mosque for Tarawih ie fast already broken? Gosh. IQ levels diminish with hunger miyaa? As for Mr Lambeth, whatever. If I see you again(have you split?), I shall give you advice: quit.
  21. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: i bet you thought of him during your tarawiix prayer? did you pray istikhara is well? just hoping to see him again waan kuu duceeyey. Seeing as it was possibly THE night, expect to see some changes in your life. Istikhara is for when you're unsure. I KNEW you needed help. You ought to quit while I'm ahead.