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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. ^hello. Recovered? How did you get hit so much miskiina? In the first game, one of the girls in my team hid behind one of those giant squishy things with me. As we got shot at, she started pushing at the giant squishy thing and it began falling on its side. I was shouting, 'Don't push it, stop pushing it' as we would then have less cover but she was screaming her lungs out and kept at it. It fell on its side and I had to practically kiss the ground to avoid the shots. She ran off. Don't know who it was; everyone looked like the enemy. Maybe she was. Hmmmmmm. Ibts and B-K, gacantaan u taagey. Kamikaze-style. I thought the smell and the weight of the gun(?) were the worst of it. Laser sounds better. Let's do that next year.
  2. ^LoL. Apparently I shot at Ibts. What's a lil friendly fire between SOLers?
  3. I'm not doing too badly. Got most of my hits in the face. Except for the bruised thumb knuckle and Faheema's parting shot at me :mad: . Sore muscles though. I will do it again.
  4. ^can't wait to get there. The builder is hitting on me. Walaahey there is no accounting for taste. I am in dirac and a garbasaar my ayeeyo wouldn't wear and he's all ga-ga and the others are watching and laughing.
  5. ok, please find a bench to sit on or stand next to whoever is there first. Easier to focus on something when looking.
  6. ^Lool meeshu waxey noo noqotay maqaaxi! Aniga ha i soo doondoonan! Ranji ayaan kaala daalaya.
  7. ^thanks but no thanks. I can imagine the interior of your diyaarad. Hand cuffs, chains, sex toys and what not. Pass.
  8. I'll be changing tubes(doesn't sound right) at X so can meet you there too. Where exactly? And why not Ibts, LoL. Are you bl00dy rationing my fun. You know I am a hermit. It's like visiting another country when I meet these people. The funnier the better so dig them out!
  9. ^^^LooooL, we could do with meeting more people, eh? Kuwa heesi kara waliba.
  10. that explains the line Ducaysane sees.
  11. trust Ducaysane to twist it.
  12. ^hello. Poor Malika; she starts her own rumours.
  13. ^the benefit of being a moderator- can delete my sugar-fuelled clicks. Resist the chocolate. Break your fast, then brush your teeth asap!
  14. oh yeah and have applied for a couple of things. Have a list of recruitment agents to ring now. Very low motivation to do so- not in a state to sell myself.
  15. ^don't eat the chocolate!! Eat something decent please(she said munching the last of the xalwa lol). I want you alive when I shoot you!
  16. ^you're mad; fasting and eating sugar foods will have you fluctuating like a mad woman. What will you be like later?
  17. ^I'm going shooting tomorrow. That oughta do it. haha. Prepare to be wounded.
  18. denial is a river in Dubai.
  19. ^LoL. I knew they ended my contract for a reason! Yes DD, very enjoyable, took some bites, hid it behind the laptop screen. You reminded me now so two more bites before it's hidden away again. Ibts, are you showing the xalwa some love? *now I know why I have put on weight* It's you guys!
  20. ^who else can you introduce us to? So for so funny.
  21. DD, I am well, thank you. It was a hilarious night. I can't believe I am not sleepy. Allah!! Xalwadii baan xasuustey!! Woohooo. Thank you! Going to dig it out.
  22. Originally posted by Ms DD: Zanzibar soo maaha Malika? Sheh I think that sounds fab. I have chased the dream, but still i cant catch up. You will inshallah. Stick with me kid.