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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. LooooL. I was concentraing hard on working out what u were saying until ewww not the chicken whiskers!
  2. be more specific DD. I tried and didn't know what to ask for lol.
  3. recipe for trouble: chop some besbaas. wash fingers carelessly take wudu, wash face fire in eyes highly unrecommended!
  4. loool, Ibts, I don't have some lying around like some! I'm going to take u to a chocolate factory one of these days! Faheema, I had cake for breakfast two days in a row now. Really must go to the supermarket for food. Even when the cupboard is empty, there is something highly calorific to hand. Got my priorities straight.
  5. got a sleeping sickness. What to do? Just want to drop off.
  6. A&T, I don't remember insulting you, don't start rumours- wait, that's what you do! I only diss in public, dear. Norf, they gave me till the end of the month- probably cause none of them would be around for the last two weeks. Pretty ****** leaving me in charge. I could 'switch' on them. Ibts, I know, it was a slice though, not a whole cake! Tea ready.
  7. ^tea's a good idea. I ate it so fast, it's bunched up around my throat! Cough.
  8. so hungry. All I have is cake. Shall I?
  9. conference call. 1 hours 35 minutes and still going. Dad waalan. :rolleyes: :eek: :confused:
  10. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^^What baruur, I don't think you have enough to share out, but don't worry, stick with me an dmy chocolates and I will get you as big as a house lol I don't have your high metabolism/shut down syatem in place. I'm not into chocolate. Give me cake and biscuits any day. Wait, no, don't! Aaliyah, xagaad jirtey?
  11. u can have some of my baruur. It's all yours!
  12. ^that comes with pregnancy, nooh?
  13. go ahead. I entered early menopause when at Uni so I will have to strap myself to one of you.
  14. impregnation for the lot of you- as protection!
  15. ^so tall you squashed the clouds? Never-ending conference call.
  16. Originally posted by S*S: ^^hey how are you? shidh. Fine. Just remembered I need to send you a lil something-something.
  17. I am exaggerating of course but some are more obvious than others. So what caught your attention about the adam's apple you saw?
  18. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: CL, don't tell me you can tell one adam's apple apart from another? Do you like the ones that nearly poke your eye out? You seem smitten. Hello, everyone. Ciil baa i haya. I was contemplating snapping at someone but they left in the nick of time. Now I have all this pent up grrrr and have to be on a looong conference call soon. For a price,i will let you snap@ me and let you call me all sorts of names. A lady never pays for her outbursts! I'm on the call now; crunching sambusa(what soothing properties it has!). On mute. I hope. Haha.
  19. CL, don't tell me you can tell one adam's apple apart from another? Do you like the ones that nearly poke your eye out? You seem smitten. Hello, everyone. Ciil baa i haya. I was contemplating snapping at someone but they left in the nick of time. Now I have all this pent up grrrr and have to be on a looong conference call soon.
  20. Originally posted by Farancab: I just called to say I love you ... I just called to say how much I care... Hiya Sheherazade thanks for the help I'm happy happy happy it worked!! Hello, is it me you're looking for? You're welcome.
  21. ^LooL. Congratulations deeeeeee. So Friday won't be a celebration of depression after all!
  22. Originally posted by +Faheema: loool@Sheh, I just remembered Saturday on the bus me too! Ufff.
  23. Originally posted by Ariadne: thats it I am goinbg to start a vigilante group known as PAFO people against foul odours or also known as pah fooooo!! sign me up. Sorry to gatecrash what you have going here Ngonge.