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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. I think there is a genetic pre-disposition to hair length. Unless I made that right up.
  2. LOL, KK. How DO you walk in those, seriously? The shops are full of high-heeled beauties but I can but look. The best I can do is a wedge.
  3. finally, thanks, B, didn't know! I got one in Zara in Istanbul of all places. Not quite to my wrists but nothing a black long-sleeved t-shirt and chunky ethnic bangles won't take care of. Now all I have to do is wait for the Spring & Summer. :rolleyes: I didn't see any nice Maxis in the shops yesterday. Want these, what do you think?
  4. do they sell Victotia Secret in the UK? Got a thing for maxi dresses too. do they ever make em long-sleeved? Grr.
  5. my brother gave me this blinging watch once. I don't know why they approve the manufacture of such hideosity. You can see it and the Great Wall from outer space, I tell you. I shuddered and said thank you. I may have even lied about how I felt about it. I've left it in its box. It'll come out if there's ever a London blackout.
  6. Originally posted by -Lily-: Sheh, I tried yoga last year, I thought my wrists were going to snap lol...maybe I should have started with beginners class though. that move looks incredibly hard. LoL, I think it IS a beginner's pose. Apparently it's a resting position. Huh. My wrists hurt too as do my shoulders. You've got to spread your fingers out, rotate your arms in and push your ars* up in the air, your thoughs towards the back of the room, lean your chest in to your thighs and drop your neck. All this while breathing(and cursing). It gets easier. My legs have become more defined and my shoulders don't rush up to my ears as much. I'm getting into it; in fact going to buy a DVD right now. Will choose something everyone is raving about on Amazon.
  7. did some say there's a shoe sale? Sh*t. I'm trying to clear out my wardrobe.
  8. walaal, if he has NEVER behaved this way before, he's looking for a way out- for you to freak out and break free. I'm sorry if that sounds tough. If he's done it before, though, he's got trust issues; it's for you to take it or leave it. Either way, this isn't healthy. Be kind to yourself.
  9. stop mentioning travel. I have things to do! LoL.
  10. find somewhere hilly. There's a world of difference between walking on fairly flat land and trekking in hills. I've had guides point at what I thought were vertical walls and say we're going that way and nearly cry with the pain. It's fun though LoL. Walking along rickety planks(over rushing water) to get to the other side, shuffling walking along paths only wide enough for one small person- with a bottomeless pit conveniently to the other side, snakes, dozens of dogs at your heels, angry buffaloes, lots of falling were the other novelties. Take off all jewellery. I wore a ring once and as I was walking down from a horrendous hike up, I held on to a tree and took a step down. The ring got caught in tree paraphernalia and I was left hanging LoL. One side was longer than the other for a long time after. Take some medication on the treks. It will hurt. Haha. Have fun though! Don't give the kiddies sweets. I took loads of bananas once but they were so heavy I ate them along the way.
  11. afraid I can't drink tea without sugar. Coffee, yes. Tea, no. What cake is it lol?
  12. Rudy, you always give me the feeling you know a lot of women! Isis, you probably gained muscle. Did your appetite increase? Even Yoga brings out a ferocious hunger in me and I eat everything in sight after any exercise. Yesterday I had nothing really suitable so ended up eating a big bag of cheese puffs and 3 fingers. Oops. II, buy less of the fatty stuff and wean yourself off gradually. I've started taking sweetener in my tea. Took some getting used to but I don't notice it anymore. It's the simplest thing I could do. Probably not as effective as removing cake from the diet LoL but I don't do deprivation well.
  13. Intense calls around the clock aa? I certainly wouldn't tolerate it. :mad: Some men have a way of pushing you so you do something they don't wanna do(a cryptic message for Ibts to crack). Chocolate, men's opinion may just be what you need. Don't add any fuel of your own. Kaligii ha buuqo. How utterly tedious.
  14. I WAS SCREAMING. Cause I didn't want you to be offended by my words but since you ask...... Ha ka neefin. Seriously. He should take your word for it and drop it. This isn't about you watching porn- you have already said he knows you as the one who makes a fuss over risque scenes. It's more fundamental. You know what it is.
  15. ^tell him you were hoping to watch it together.
  16. Thanks. I meant Yoga DVDs. This woman seems to do a Yoga DVD too but am not convinced. Do you have a specific non-Yoga one of hers to recommend? She seems to have done loads! Yoga class had only 3 of us today. Got to learn how to do this properly: She wrapped a strap around my thighs and pulled back for more impact. What a stretch.
  17. off to Yoga. Anybody have a DVD they could recommend?
  18. whatever that is, I want to see BK do it!
  19. ^ha is nasakhin. Wax walba waad la socota. Luuqa maxaad ka gureysa Miss All or Nufink? Mwahaha.
  20. Originally posted by sheherazade: 1001st post. Had to have it. LoL. Noooooooooooooo. II u, u, u beat me to it! Delete it. LoL.
  21. 1001st post. Had to have it. LoL.