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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. ^it was I that did it! I could not view the video you posted; I kept getting redirected to ebay. However, as you said yourself it was graphic in parts and was about vaginas. I made the call to get rid of. When posts disppear like Iranian opposition votes, pls get in touch with relevant moderator and all shall be explained. The Guardian Council(the baby) isn't keen on topics about complaints either. Ze Rules. Enjoy.
  2. who is that lol? ma adigaa?
  3. DD, I forgot what that was, seriously. LoooooL. I need to use Tammy's website. Sayid, I am downgrading this week. I threw away too much food last week!
  4. humus and garlic bread. It's going to be mad. DD, do you by any chance use it on others who happen to be about too? Or is this entirely self-inflicted?
  5. AWWWWWWWW. HOW DID I MISS THIS? LoooL. You are welcome, Sayid. And well done to you for the all the expected and above and beyond stuff. You genuinely care about Somalis(kids in particular)and it shows. Yes, yes, SOL has to be thanked too. A lot happens as a result of it. Some obvious, others hidden but still valuable.
  6. I'm here, DD. Totally wish I were on an adventure though. Have not seen anything different in a long while. LoL @ hair shave, that's madness lol.
  7. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: ^obviously wax kale. i phone this congestion charge yesterday, when i asked for the receipt to be sent to my email address - the operator said "oh my gosh - are you the same sayid somal on SOL?" freaky!! LoL. I love it. Separate the online from the real world, saaxib. Too funny.
  8. Originally posted by Faheema: Perfect timing. Rejoined the gym yesterday, got bored with the Wii. Mind you I still intend to get this what is that, F? buuxo, city surf?
  9. this Q place has brought the Mafia out in some people I spend quite a bit of time around. *Scared*. LoL.
  10. ^LOL @ Cara. I have something in my eye. So friggin annoying. Whattodowhattodo other than washing eye out?
  11. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^What are the rest going to be doing while we jump?? watching? LoL.
  12. is the gulp/lump/jump on the 27th? Verticals challenge me. Will have to practise by standing on a tall handsome man's shoulders. What do u think?
  13. Ibts, sounds like u're in a hellish loop. Lawyers are expensive. Try the Citizens Advice Bureau & report them to Trading Standards.
  14. it's close to Oxford actually. Seems ambitious to do Kew and Bicester in one day. Just how early is everyone willing to start the journey? Bicester closes by 7pm. Blessed, cocktail dresses and evening gowns come to mind.
  15. Started using a new shampoo. My scalp will not stop itching! Back to what works! Fu-fu, drop a monkey onto your shoulders. It'll take care of the rest.
  16. Surrey? Dunno, LoL. I just know it's there somewhere waiting for me...
  17. ^wave. LoL @ arrangements here. Sheh: bargain hunter Faheema: designated driver
  18. yeah I was thinking that too, Faheema. I shall be leaving my card behind(aaah) cause I AM A RECOVERING SHOPAHOLIC. Tell u what, I'll help everyone else find a bargain.
  19. KK and Senora, is a shoe like this more comfortable if it's designer?
  20. ^ & Malika, surely there must be SOME bargains if it's an outlet village. So. want. to. go. Without the bank card.
  21. every second Farah and Halimo is 'planning' on going back.
  22. ^ u made it to work from the back end of the world? Noooo....
  23. Tammy, please re-post.