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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Lol Ibts. What have u heard?I haven't told anyone about my pregnancy yet. I feel like I'm on Hello magazine. Sorry DD, me no know my no either lool. And last night I fell asleep at an awkward hour and cldnt ring u when I awoke cause it was a rude hour by then.And u know what they say about rude hours.
  2. ^hm. Are you serious? Don't make me marry just for that. *Whatever it is*. LoL. Ibts, I did. He stuck a finger in my mouth. All very kinky. Can you handle it, dee?
  3. DD loool at wax ma ogid!I hope u scrubbed every room in the house. PM me ur number please. I have new news.It's not the same without ur analysis LoL. Ladies, why wait for her to come to her senses? Why not hunt her down. Mwahaha.
  4. Just pinch 'em on the butt. Dibdanbe hadii loogu arko. Of course it might give u a certain rep. Oh,what you have to do to make a stand!
  5. Thinking of getting a personal trainer for a while. Haven't worked out if it's one of the best ideas I've had or a death wish. Faheema how r u getting on with yours?
  6. I had a Thai meal twice yesterday.It's like I'm laying down fat deposits for Ramadan.Made me want to go to Bangkok again, that place is kooky. Morning folks
  7. Oh,no, not the / Gurling Fat n Suga In a Glass and the Flaming Baruur place! I do have a sweet tooth but I also have greens,muesli,fish,f ruit n shock-horror water. Bariis n hilib once in a while at Blue Ocean lol.
  8. If ur arteries could talk, Ibts!
  9. The technical meterioc expression would be, 'It's pis*ing down sumfink chronic'.
  10. Excuse me, er, hello. I don't do flags; they don't go with anything in my wardrobe and these arms are only for carrying handbags; flags be damned. I bow out of anything bone-jarring on account of my current delicate disposition. Wouldn't mind watching Somali ars*s land on ice though. A day trip before Ramadan sounds good! Now who would volunteer to arrange that?!
  11. omg at the gibberish flirtations. Read forward they have hidden messages. Kinky as hell.
  12. in Q-town maybe where the Mafia puts a bullet in your knee mwhaha. Ibts, no, I can watch but no more LoL. I am in rehab, falling on backside will undo all good work.
  13. *burp* haagen daz. Can't stop eating high fat, high sugar these days. It's like Ramadan's started already lool.
  14. Lol Ibts, not my cup of tea; don't like being cold at all. The rest sounds fine. I had a massage yesterday, I don't know how I walked home, it was so relaxing. I'll give up budget from my food for more regular massages if I have to.
  15. Whoa.I suggested u as u and her exchange a fair bit of banter. I'd have made the same suggestion for a 'Sense of humour by-pass' section.
  16. ^full of contradictions. The men have never succeeded in getting their own Men's section. No one yet thought to call it Sex. Branding is almost everything. Lead the way and lobby Admin; you and Paragon can be joint look-afterers. I almost miss the whyaresomaliguyssosm elly threads
  17. Looks like this forum needs a sex section. Siren can 'moderate'.
  18. Ibts, sh*t, sorry. I am all over the place. I will PM you the Chiropractor and Accupuncturist I have seen. The Accupuncturist also does Cupping- Sayid is right; it's the bomb lol. Juxa, the marks go. Ibts can pretend they are big love bites hahaha. Also, Ibts I have a list of Muslim hijama practitioners if you're interested. Chiro sorted me out ultimately. Ibts you don't need a six pack or definition, u just need a strong core. Pilates is the way to go.
  19. *Wipes man-drool away from thread*. Akhas. Naga daaya. Looks like the men have been brainwashed into the stick insect look themselves! Uff.
  20. Stoic, LoL. I don't know Swahili. I just know rude Swahili. LoL.
  21. ^Khayr, did you have a boy and name him after yourself? Anyway, some names stick. Ask, Ngonge, he chose some effeminate name once and got boo-ed out of here. I will dream of Michael at this rate. He's everywhere. Already had my own death on my mind. This just compounds it. Sigh.
  22. ^LOL. That used to be one day's intake in my household at one point! *Shivers @ the work involved*. Like a new mother you forget the pain when you take that first bite lool. Nothing like home-made Sambusa. Yes, water after. And NO KNEADING other than helping to make it a dough. Let it rest for a while instead.
  23. I use oil, it gives it the crispness but not that much. Enough to get the mix slightly crumbly, then pour in the water. Freezing in bulk is a good option. Once you're in the swing of a sambusa session, it's less time consuming to make batches for future use as well than make fresh batches from scratch in the future.
  24. ^she could munch on the coal I suppose. Lol.