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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Hungry. Get used to it dheh! Just added xalwa to my list of pre-Ramadan food lusts. What will become of me this Rmdn? Afternoon all.
  2. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: I thought she was one of the bullies of this place Watch your mouth.
  3. Juxa,my clothes would have made up for my lack of gold.I am on a shopping ban- about 3 weeks old n so far so good; even Eid won't break this pledge. I wouldn't have shamed my Xamari(?)family too much back in the day.
  4. Malika, when counting men always start at ONE, then start again at ONE with the next bloke. Repeat as necessary.Haha.
  5. Originally posted by juxa: sheh is young, give her couple of years. LooL. Quote of the week. Older than 99 percent in here I'd wager. Unaged by all these fooking customs though. I make my own rules. Last I heard I was eloping to Belize,barefoot, with a new husband as an accessory.
  6. Originally posted by juxa: your own gold bought by his money. yaa rabi i gave up LooL. It's unfamiliar territory; give me a little time to digest. MY gold, HIS money. MY gold, HIS money. MY gold, HIS money. MY gold, HIS money. MY gold, HIS money. MY gold, HIS money. MY gold, HIS money. MY gold, HIS money. MY gold, HIS money... Oh. Genius.
  7. I've been accessing even SOL from my Blackberry lately. My phone is my clock, alarm and diary. And ocassional photo-taker. Those that know- switch to Blackberry Storm or iPhone? Hmm.
  8. Why would I wear my own gold as a bride. Isn't that one of the tortures saved for the man(to provide)? This is all getting complicated. I'd flog the stuff first sign of a price hike. Sentimentality be damned.
  9. *Get an Indian dude to open me a coffee shop*.Ramadan duca 001. In seriousness, does anyone know how to invest and keep away from interest?
  10. LoL @ those that think the sh*t tha come out of office machines is actually coffee or drinkable. It is NOT a viable swap. Horror.Better to go cold turkey!! Che, you have to know what and why you are saving or it's unsustainable. Also giving up treats is asking for trouble; keep some. We save just to spend it on something else, perhaps more worthwile or important to us but spend it we will. We save to spend! Or we save to hoard. So, at what point does one go from saver to miser?That worries me more than not saving.
  11. A thread just for kilkilo products? Roobleh's just trying to notch up posts.Blah. I dreamed of a spider on my neck. A big black bast*rd with its web hanging off.I saw it as I looked in the mirror. I brushed it off and along came with it a GIANT web and qolof and what-not attached to my back.. Giant- covered my half my back. It woke me up. Natch. I've been killing a few recently, they have taken over my house and I could not leave them unchecked anymore. Pay back? Rather talk about dreams than kilkilo pong.LoL.
  12. Can't believe I'm having this convo..antis don't need to be perfumed. Anyway, rather go to bed than talk kilkilo all night. Uff.
  13. ^deos mask the smell. Anti-perspirants slow down sweat production. Darn it!!!!!! You made me respond informatively.
  14. sheherazade


    I don't know wtf you're all talking abaout. Buffy and Angel(was that it?) sound familiar from years ago though I never watched. And the Wire has been recommended recently; how or where I'd watch it is beyond me.
  15. has it come to this?!! I get my arm pits licked by a lion. I sweat enough in those moments to keep me dry the rest of the year.
  16. sheherazade

    One feature

    I just want to eat the damn thing. Can we stop talking about it, please? It's too much effort to make from scratch. Make it before Ramadan; it's a waste of Ramadan time seriously.I eat less n less every year. Fat, meat and carbs. Heart attack on a plate. *Does anyone have some now?* LooL.
  17. I think I put on weight when I gym it. Muscle presumably. It also makes me ferociously hungry. I lose weight walking n when I forget to eat-when really busy or stressed or bored, sometimes I just go off food. Stress eats my fat even if I eat well.Several-hour long shopping trips lighten my wallet and my load. Gradual consistent gentle activity is the key for me. Stick with what works for you. If I didn't have a sweet tooth I'd be a scrawny creature. I like the gym for muscle build up n my cardiovascular bits- which I need right now- but it'll have to wait until after Ramadan. If I've ever tried to diet,I've failed miserably.Denial defeats me. We're nomads, walking long distances is perhaps what our bodies crave.Interesting...
  18. sheherazade

    One feature

    What did u expect, Che? Their budh doubles up as a rolling pin.Probably had bits of man-brain, scalp n hair on it. Yum.
  19. sheherazade

    One feature

    My dear DD there is only one guaranteed outcome to the initiation- failure n humiliation. You have nothing to worry about. Back's alright.It found a new love.
  20. sheherazade

    One feature

    DD, hellloo sambusa for a tenner screw that. Make ur own.And invite me round; I've got it on the brain. Sambusa-lust walee. Phoar. Ibts, please warn any wanna-be DDs that I am in charge of the initiation ceremony into the Xalwa gang and the mood is bit*chtastic. P.S: hazing ceremony before Ramadan,please. It's gonna take a month of cibaada to wash away what I have in mind. Mwahaha.
  21. sheherazade

    One feature

    I am alright. Been eating too much sugar lately. I think it's done something to my mood; turned into a moody cow. Moo. Boo. What's the so much more? I love a mystery LoL. I am craving sambusa, wtf. Mental preparation for Ramadan leads to this?
  22. sheherazade

    One feature

    Lool @ am I married to Buufis.
  23. sheherazade

    One feature

    So general consensus is to af rog a dude, hang by heels, see what cards and coins fall out of his pockets, root around in his mouth(tuck in cyanide pill for future use) and have an all-round feel for the important badhan. I think there's a niche service right there.Ladies?
  24. sheherazade

    One feature

    Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: An on-off button would be swell. I promise to be nice today Nice schmice. I like how u pick a feature u can admire whether the woman is facing u or not especilly as neither feature is a t*t or an ar*e.Qolomaad aheyd? LoooL.
  25. sheherazade

    One feature

    An on-off button would be swell.