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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Wait, did Ibts say 'booty call'? LoL.
  2. ^LOL stretching is good. Babies always know what's good for them. See how they sit, walk, bend to pick things up. They learn bad habits from adults eventually. Just look away dear or start a stretch wave.
  3. Best to get the raw ingredients found in cereal boxes(thus minus the added sugar and other nasties) and eat them with yoghurt or milk. I add seeds, flax and whatever else I am experimenting with at the time. Raw honey to sweeten. Does anyone add Plyometrics to their routine? Wiki says: Plyometrics is a type of exercise training designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system, generally for the purpose of improving performance in sports. Plyometric movements, in which a muscle is loaded and then contracted in rapid sequence, use the strength, elasticity and innervation of muscle and surrounding tissues to jump higher, run faster, throw farther, or hit harder, depending on the desired training goal. Plyometrics is used to increase the speed or force of muscular contractions, often with the goal of increasing the height of a jump. I was working out to a DVD that included a rotation of weights, cardio and plyometrics. I found the plyometrics killed me. Supposed to improve your performance in sports, not that I do any. Is there a pont then? here's a video:
  4. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Loool @ wuu ka baxsaadey. I went to sleep at 4am, then woke up at 7am. Then I had a noise bleed. Aint had one in ages. I could not sleep for the life of me. I feel like life is running away from me because it is alreayd 2010. I should be in nice hot place not freezing my toes off in this place. Would it help if I said I was AWAKE when you sent me that text at 3am. Not awakened by your text mind you. ALREADY AWAKE. I have an excuse- what's yours? I thought there was only one thing more obscene than receicving a 3am text from a woman(lol) and that's responding to it! So I didn't. I'll try and remember the surah good for insomnia. Hello everyone!
  5. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Loool @ wuu ka baxsaadey. I went to sleep at 4am, then woke up at 7am. Then I had a noise bleed. Aint had one in ages. I could not sleep for the life of me. I feel like life is running away from me because it is alreayd 2010. I should be in nice hot place not freezing my toes off in this place. Would it help if I said I was AWAKE when you sent me that text at 3am. Not awakened by your text mind you. ALREADY AWAKE. I have an excuse- what's yours? I thought there was only one thing more obscene than receicving a 3am text from a woman(lol) and that's responding to it! So I didn't. I'll try and remember the surah good for insomnia.
  6. LOL, Juxa, innit tho? But wait, there will be Part Deux and theis time the sequel will be better than the original. Hahaha.
  7. ^my dear you have made it worse. Now he will feel obliged to reciprocate and make a bigger deal of your 'date'. Do let us know though.
  8. hi, maraq mooyane wax kale ma cab/cuntid for lunch? Are we seeing you later?
  9. LoL Sayid. Hey, DD. Looks just like Burco to me.
  10. Hi, everyone. Ibts, that's priceless. Hahahaha. It's just lunch, think of him as eye-dessert(since you're staying away from cakes and such). Hahaha. I love it. I feel neutral today. Must be how Ngonge feels most of the time.
  11. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: So I started the fitness freak diet on Sunday. Woke up late, had lunch for Barris iyo goat food (AKA salad) and juice at 2pm 5pm I was starving and craving sugar so I had black tea with ginger and sugar. 7pm: Yogurt 8pm: I was starving so I had a glass of diet coke, glass of juice, handful of dry crunch nut flakes. 10pm; Glass of water. Monday morning, my stomach woke me up at 7am. I had a yogurt, then went for a jog which last for 5mins (it was freezing) but I had to go shop anyway so jogged there and back (does carrying shopping and running like weight lifting 8am I was still hunger- so on the train I had Oat Clusters with bio Yogurt and strawberries. (it said 13% of GDA) 10am I had almond croissants, cup of tea and bottle of volvic flavoured water. I have headach which I blame on lack of sugar and cake. Don't know what I will have for lunch either. I blow in the wind,lol? Be careful of hidden sugar- look at how much sugar is in that oat clusters concoction and the yoghurt(if it is flavoured it has sugar in it). 4.2 grams of sugar equals a teaspoon. Looked it up, it has about 3 teaspoons of sugar in it. A Starbucks almond croissant(not that you frequent Sbucks) apparently has 16g of sugar- about 4 teaspoons. If you had more than one, you could have easily had 8 teaspoons of sugar. Crunchy nut flakes sheekadiisa daa. More water, less hidden sugar, eat more greens and fruit. Ditch juice. You are still feeding your sugar habit with juice throughout the day despite the withdrawal and if it's not pure juice then it's got added sugar to boot. Snack on nuts, they kill cravings- slowly but instant gratification goes out the window when you reduce your sugar intake. Woohoo at the pak choi lol- there's some in my fridge. It's an Asian cabbage.
  12. LoooL, everything I'm suggesting is simple. Fish comes staright out of the water, veg and nuts straight out of the ground. Processed food makes it to your plate via a long process with all kinds of cr*p added on. Even the fish and veg have hormones and fertilisers in them so it's impossible to completely escape add-ons. If you eat like you're in the 17th century you'll have better health.
  13. wuu ku caayey, maxaad ku qosleysa? It's the dude's problem if he goes on and on about you or if the wife has exaggerated it in her mind. It's their problem. She wants you at her house so she can compare you with her. See if you're worth worrying over or not. Go over looking hot and confuse the fluck out of both of them.
  14. Juice has a lot of sugar, dear. You're having a lot of sugar without the benefit of the fibre. Not good for your teeth either ifthe juice is extracted from the fruit- tooth decay. Better to eat the fruit. Pick and choose, Ibts, that's a long list to help you choose from. I eat all that stuff and more. Eat wholemeal bread, even brown is not the best. LOL @ salads are for goats. You ate salad at my house(s) lol. Choose your favourite vegs and start with those. Soup can be as fattening, enriching or vacant as you want. Try making your own. I love seafood soup(the Indhyar in me I guess). That fish is everywhere LoL. Anything white is processed- bread and rice. Stay away.
  15. Juxa, gedgedin sounds kinky. I say yes to that. LoL. Ibts, have porridge for breakfast. Boiled eggs. Yoghurt. There are other fruits. What kind of mango did you eat? You might be sensitive to them. I know Kiwi can make my mouth itchy, I still eat it now and then by dropping it into my mouth and not letting juice run out LoL. Wholemeal bread for your sandwiches. Soups. Salads. Brown rice. Seafood?(kab dacas ah coming my way I think). Ever had salmon- veery filling. Other oily fish- mackerel, sardines. Cod(without the batter as an overcoat). You were hungry because: you were consuming significantly fewer calories than you're used to. Eat more greens. Nuts. Olives. Your diet is very qarax.
  16. I've been away so long I quoted myself instead of editing the last post. Duh.
  17. Originally posted by sheherazade: Sayid, yes I am in the country. Physically anyway. My mind's all over the place. Haha, Ibts, they say keep your enemies closer. She wants to get to know you hence the invite. Wave @ Faheema. I put two and two together and came up with five- I thought you were 2+2=5. LoL.
  18. Sayid, yes I am in the country. Physically anyway. My mind's all over the place. Haha, Ibts, they say keep your enemies closer. She wants to get to know you hence the invite.
  19. OMG Ibts, LOL. Written down like that makes you realise what's-what, huh? You need fruit and vegetables in your diet. The juice they say sell is mostly made from concentrate and what-not. Or buy PURE juice. Better still, eat fruit and you will get fibre and vitamins in you. You're a sugar addict, believe me. That's why you consume something sweet regularly through out the day. Break the cycle and you'll feel like cr*p for some days. I found it hard and I was nowhere near your level of consumption!
  20. Lol at Ibts. The cakes must go or be reduced considerably because they contain nasties you wouldn't add to a cake you make yourself. I used to work out and eat what the hell I liked but never over-eat and I was toned. It can be done but after several weeks of reading about nutrition I know sugar is the food industry's secret to keeping us addicted to their products and it plays havoc with the body's harmony. My current obsession is how to eat from nature to cure aliments and its a wonder truly. I feel the difference. When I told my mum what I now have in my kitchen, she said, tani dunidii khudrada ka dhamesey. LoL. I will post as I learn(if anyone is interested). The food and drugs industry can kiss my backside. I already have my eye on courses that will teach me how to create my own beauty products using nature(creams, scrubs, bath bombs etc) and after that may even train in nutrition. No more chemicals inside or out. The fitness is my weakest side. I can jump on a treadmill now and know I can go on for at least 30 minutes even though I haven't done so in 2 years. Does that mean I have endurance, stamina? Who knows what these things mean? LoL. But ask me to pick up a half kilo of sonkor and..*shame*. LoL. Juxa, you have only known me since I put on unneeded weight. I have felt sluggish and fat for over a year and am sick of it. If there's anyone with a small frame out there they'll know what I mean- a little fat looks and feels like a lot on me. Be gone. Coming down with something. Looks like it's Yoga and Balates today.
  21. ^what! The place they get the most exercise?
  22. Originally posted by Mr.Paragon: War waa funny qofta. Haha. Xataa Billy Blanks video baa la hayaa. Runtii caatada waa caafimaad. She's lovely, really. Not true about caatonimo being an indication of good health. I'm skinniest at my most terrible eating and exercise(non) habits.
  23. She's gorgeous mashallah..Cake obsession everywhere. Fu-fu, I'm hungry two hours after my evening meal. Tonight I made it to 3 hours woohoo. Less carbs makes for a hungrier me, I feel greedy but I'm losing weight this way and feeling better(things got worse before they got better though). It's just a chore as I don't like to eat what I've eaten 2 hours before and want to conjure up something new. Who has the time for that? Make a bigger meal and eat twice in the evening seems to be the way forward for me. Btw, I'm surprised at your fructose consumption. I was expecting you to shun all things -ose. I fear I've given you a new part-time job here. LoL. But this thread needs to rival Troll. Somalis have evil diets.
  24. Yes, please. Gotta tell someone about the rips and cuts.
  25. ^you eat protein. Fish, chicken, meat.