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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Intriguing? Ta. Don't forget curiosity killed the meow-wallah.
  2. To get your attention. Why do some men think they know everything?
  3. Reminds me of the Sikh guy with the tres huge turban saying to me, 'Why are you wearing that?' and pointing to my head. I had a internal giggling fit but I kept a straight face and explained. I turned the conversation to Sikhism and oh suddenly he doesn't want to talk religion anymore. Still, I rock on.
  4. I get deliberately ignored too! The woman will be looking right at me and will choose not to reply. Cajiib. It's usually the ones who're checking me out. I catch them at it, greet them and they don't respond. There's something else going on in that mind of theirs. Perhaps they don't like the look of me. Still, I rock on.
  5. Originally posted by Xoogsade: May be the bookworms are doing what those who name them names have wished to do but couldn't for some reason. They don't have the patience to read. When we were about 12, I encouraged a friend to read a book I had just finished. She didn't see the point. I put it in her hand and said, 'Just read it'. She did and was hooked. Now all these donkeys years later, she looks at me when she has spent yet more money on a book and says, 'It's your fault!' Can I be the Treasurer of the Geek Club? I would love to have control of the purse strings. Hijack away.
  6. Originally posted by JamaaL-11: Originally by Sheherazade: quote: It sounds like a lot of you just can't handle a woman who has it together. It's pathetic. But oh so funny... Of course we can. It is just that life is too short for it. So that's your excuse!
  7. Kibir maxey ah? I'm talking about my experiences. Do I have to explain to someone why I won't get into a car with them? Are the men that obtuse or insensitive? U guys are whining all over the Women's section about the state of the Somali woman. Get a life. How about you share one of your phantom stats. on this one too, OG? I'm dying for a giggle.
  8. LOOL. I have been told by Somali men that many of you guys seek a young one while under the illusion that you can control her and that she doesn't have any ideas of her own; that she is this clean slate that you can scratch with your own ideas and ways. It sounds like a lot of you just can't handle a woman who has it together. It's pathetic. But oh so funny...
  9. No means NO. Why's the guy fuming anyway? I've offered train seats to older people and been rejected, I've offered food to beggars and been rejected. I offer left, right and centre and sometimes it gets refused. It doesn't take away from my gesture. I don't walk around fuming about how my good will is not grabbed and appreciated. I've never had a Somali woman offer me a lift while I've been at a bus top freezing or soaked. Men have but they always get a No that means No. It's my business why I refuse the lift, I don't snarl or spit or cuss at them so what's the fuss all about? We're not damsels that need rescuing. If we'd rather walk or wait for the bus, then we'd rather walk or wait for the bus.
  10. Every once in a while a trend appears on these boards. We're currently going through a BS phase.
  11. Dude, if you want to stir u-know-what, how about you come up with a new topic instead of reviving an old half-baked one?
  12. Orda, orda, go find an old-school girl(and I mean a young school girl); she's out there somewhere waiting for you to save her from her miserable wait. Head East. You can't go wrong. Just don't come back. See if you can deal with her in her territory and then you'll have a little dignity. Did I say don't come back? No? Forgetful as ever: Don't come back. don't come back, mind
  13. ^^^why do I get the feeling your max. remains at 22 while you age and age gracefully(of course)?
  14. Books and skirts. Skirts and books. Books and skirts. Skirts and books. Books and skirts. Skirts and books.... There is nothing like a well-fitting skirt. I can't stand it if a skirt rides up when u sit- I always do the sit down test in the changing rooms. Even if there is no chair. I want to wear a skirt and forget that I'm wearing it. No tugging, twisting or pulling whatsoever. Just wear and go; swish around classily all day long. A good skirt day is a damn fine day. Books. Sigh. I want to move into an ooolllddd library and make it my home. I love the atmosphere in old libraries. They're also easier on the pocket. I have two friends that I meet up with in book shops. Waterstones, Oxford St, 3pm, don't worry if u're late, actually take your time, in fact must u come at all?. I can't leave a book shop without a book; it's against the laws of nature. I try not to go in if I have a pile of unread books but if I'm having a bad day at work, I spend the lunch period at the book shop and return with another stack. Therapy. Got a weakness for stuff that smells good too.
  15. Originally posted by Gediid: Sheherazade said quote: We've obviously never met or you wouldn't be saying that. Hehe. Now that has to be the sweetest propasal I have ever seen Haha. Hoho. You're seeing proposals now? Miskiin.
  16. Originally posted by Gediid: Quantum ...Balance saaxiib is something we can only wish for with women but never taste it in a lifetime... We've obviously never met or you wouldn't be saying that. Hehe. FF(gosh, is that yr current nick, am losing track), cute story. I hate it when boys hit puberty- communication starts to breaks down. Something about having to be a man(that society shoves down their throats) steals away some of their innocence. But we muddle on. Humour helps. So does Prozac.
  17. Thanks Shayma for posting this; thanks Ammenah for bumping this up; thanks Qac Qaac(don't want to leave you out ). I'll work towards this as soon as I'm back in health, inshallah.
  18. Inshallah, paradise for your mother, Underdog and for your grandmother, Totti. We take our health and our lives for granted too much. I have been bed-ridden for 3 days and sicker for longer. I honestly can not remember the last time I was this sick. I was ravaged by a fever that just wouldn't break. 2 of my neighbours stayed with me night and day, fed me(and I mean quite literally because I so sick) and fought to keep the temperature down. I refused to see a doctor, stubborn person that I am and I don't know how to thank these women for their motherly love. Today I've finally managed to leave the house for the first time since Eid day and prayed at the Mosque. You don't know what u have till u lose it. I'm still not out of the woods, I'm drenched in sweat and weak. I might see a doctor after all. Don't forget to thank Allah for your health people; we're nothing without it. I pray for you both and for your families. To Him is our return.
  19. I'm not completely certain what the man's personal opinion was. At times he hinted it wasn't his personal opinion at other times he happily used the word 'We'. Whatever. He was a bad interviewer that's for sure. He interrupted me constantly so definitely didn't want to hear what I had to say. We were going through the motions. When I left I said, 'Thank you very much. That was very interesting' and smiled widely. Still haven't heard from them but no matter. They will hear from me. Oh what have they gotten themselves into...
  20. Don't get me started on this one. One day I hope to do something different and useful which caters to Somalis and others. In the meanwhile, I cringe and plan. 200 posts. :eek:
  21. I forgot to say Ciid wanaagsan. Species 2610, I've had those too. A lot of them in fact. LOL. This time I made an extra-special effort and looked forward to surprising lots of kids. I felt like a kid again myself. I used almost 2 rolls of film(the rest today). I warned the non-Muslims in my neighbourhood that I would be coming round with a camera and that they had better comb their hair. They made a special effort for me on my day and treated me like a queen. Unforgettable. Dare I say the best Eid ever. Yup. Easily.
  22. Don't stop at that!! LOL. Shukran. U're too kind.