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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. The boys want to part of Women's Day too, awww. Greedy gits. Go and watch the Chelsea-Barcelona game or something...
  2. Now I know what a flipper is, I will figure out how to use it in a sentence and look cool. Yeah, right, sheh. :cool:
  3. She means vote, man. Didn't u have your bowl of whatever-u-Canadians-eat this morning?
  4. somali love letters, in a class of their own..
  5. ^^LooL. An opportunity has presented itself, eh?
  6. Survivor Roger McGough Everyday, I think about dying. About disease, starvation, violence, terrorism, war, the end of the world. It helps keep my mind off things.
  7. Ehem do the wide ranging facilities include dark rooms? I'm not into major anything. I like nosing around character-filled places. The last time I walked into a mosque for the first time, something magical followed. And the time before that, come to think of Anyway, I have prayed at the East London Mosque, thanks. My first visit there is linked with the death of a family member. I passed through the area for the first time in a long time last week; the mosque came into my head but I was in a bit of a rush and didn't want to get red-eyed and down. A friend's mother was waiting for me; I didn't want to knock on her door with an upside down smile, she's had enough to deal with recently. I prayed at her home. And told her a story or two...
  8. She'd have to figure out how to read a jaceel movie first. The girl should move on. No man's so unique that the girl won't find another quite like him again. If she so desires.
  9. oh, if u know which of those listed accommodate us fabulous ones, please list them. Thanks.
  10. Thanks Totti. I like taking pictures of mosques and praying inside them. It's unfortunate that I have to try and work out whether my camera and I are welcome at each new mosque I discover. It's a most horrible feeling. I won't start..
  11. ^^U said it. And u're wrong.
  12. Two Cures for Love Wendy Cope 1. Don't see him. Don't phone or write a letter. 2. The easy way: get to know him better.
  13. OhMY. I like it but it reminds me too much of a certain someone I just couldn't shake off. Poignant it may be from the writer's point of view but from the point of view of the non-reciprocating one..still get the shivers
  14. No, we do the Bobbit. You should first avoid presenting yourself to the rapist by wearing ISLAMICALLY...and taking great care thereof.. the only sure way to avoid it is to indiscriminately Bobbit. You come up with real howlers. :rolleyes:
  15. Hasn't worked for me. Someone always goes and ruins it. And it ain't moi.
  16. Not to me it ain't. Old age(with dependency) and marriage both freaked me out as a kid. Still freaking out....... :eek:
  17. Glad to be of help. Not just a bunch of pretty faces, are we?
  18. Lol Totti, men prefer shorter women usually. You're going against nature. Naughty, naughty.
  19. So long as there's no Israel on that map.
  20. Pacifist, sis, I am well. This was years ago. The lesson stayed with me. Vanquish and Salafi, I smell that defeatist attitude. Is giving up what she does necessary to attain what she seeks? Are you so well informed of the details of her life that you can both suggest those alternatives confidently? Do you think she is unaware of her ability to procreate and sit at home? Or of her ability to find some kind of a job? She has made a choice and is mulling over how best to live it. We all face what she does. It isn't what you do with your time necessarily but how you manage it that matters. A woman is not a womb. Give Elysian some encouragement, some empathy, share a positive how-to or save us the predictable applicable-to-all-women 'advice'. It's boring.
  21. Vanquish sitting home and having kids is tougher than grad school. We're supposed to be advising the lady. Elysian wants to have a deeper connection with her Creator and her family. Changing her lifestyle alone will not bring her what she seeks. It requires a conscious effort to make a change internally and then put it into practice with small steps. But we can get hung up on the where-to-starts and the magnitude of the intended change. Just how do you get from where you are now spiritually to where you want to be? It might seem like a mammoth task. What a cliche that expression is and yet we all fall for the notion. My God, I am so far from who and how I would like to be...the Shaytan no doubt likes to encourage this defeatist attitude. U useless fool, why bumble your way through your prayers, why take time out to reflect and read, why bother..carry on as you are, grand illusions, tut tut. As you were, mortal. Elysian it is good, no great, that you are aware of your situation. You're not alone in your struggle to learn or make a living while seeking balance. I remember as a girl I one day hit upon what I thought of as an epiphany. Out of nowhere, I heard in my head, 'Life is about balance'. I wrote it down. I had found the answer. Living by it has been a whole other matter. There is no escaping struggle. Our raison d'etre is to worship and that worship isn't only about the prayers or reading of the Quran. We have social responsibilites which if neglected will leave us well short of what being a good Muslim is. Balance. We each have to find our way of keeping the scales steady. I have waffled enough. I remember.. Final year of degree. It's around this time of year. I have a hell of a lot of work to do. I'm consumed by it. I have to do well. There is no alternative. Sheh doesn't fail. A family member is in hospital, I go visit her. Before I know it a whole week has passed and I haven't been to see her again. I know I should go see her but I have Maths coursework to hand in the following day. I'm one of those freaks that loves both words and numbers with equal devotion. The lecturer marks the courseworks not with As and Bs but with alphas and betas. A girl can't have enough alphas so I decide to complete the piece and visit her the following day. That night the phone rings at a frightful hour. She had passed away. She had been expecting me that day as I'd been to see her that day the previous week. An anniversary of sorts. Maths coursework. Alpha kind of girl. That's me. More alphas than visits to the sick. Alpha kind of girl. That's me. Maths coursework: alpha Duty to family: Fail. No need for fancy Greek equivalent. No need to go into what it did to me. Praying at the Mosque on the day of her burial helped ease the pain. I wanted to be there when they uncovered her face for close family. I needed to see her one last time. I did. Was it time that froze or just me? Don't know but seeing her helped ease the guilt and shame. She visits me in my dreams every once in a while. Glowing and dressed in white, may her soul rest in peace. I was temporarily consumed. Perspective returned. U'll be fine. Take baby steps, just take them.
  22. Big brother just got bigger.
  23. My face is a filthy wasteland at the moment. I stopped by the beauty saloon(a very rare event) and was offered a facial. I wasn't enquiring about facials. Yup, that bad.