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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. It is interesting. I so know I'm an Uzbek.
  2. I'm curious as to what story my genes have to tell.
  3. Funny. Santa's dead? How ever will we break it to the children? short, a moron with suicidal tendencies quite a few of those about lately.
  4. Lucky, the stuff came to me! Yuuu: the voices in my head.
  5. Originally posted by SomericaN: and if that includes the police been trigger happy so be it. Can't go along with you there. Guess u don't have to take the tube every morning and evening looking suspicious just cause u're Black or Asian or Brazillian! Trigger happy cops is just one more thing we have to worry about.
  6. Og_Girl, u don't want to be a Somali qaxooti in Europe right now. Trust me.
  7. All they'll get is 17 inmates lining up if they make it past the one bullet in the mouth, the 6 in the head and the one in the shoulder.
  8. kixkixkix: Good stuff. Xaax. Who's got more?
  9. Cheers. U're welcome to my life but not my shoes. Don't know where I'd be without their qubqac.
  10. ^ yeah, u can imagine the stories,,,a guy walked into my mafrash one day..there was something about him,,,if only I'd known then what I know now,,, I 'd never have bought him a mijin.
  11. ^have u read our tabloids? That's exactly what they'll say. If they close down mafrashs for this I'll be pleased.
  12. Being a London lady is turning into a nuisance. Wish I were there. Have fun and have something mouth-watering and full of calories for me.
  13. Society Island, French Polynesia. I want one for every season.
  14. Had one bad day Friday. What's worse it heralds a bad many more days to come potentially. If anybody would like to swap lives for the period between now and say Sept, PM me. If only the sounds story above were what really happened! Oh, well, God bless imagination and humour, they help keep me sane. xaax
  15. dig: shutting door behind you qalalax: keys, if u hadn't left them in your other bag, inside and upstairs bararaq: weeping xaax: early morning breeze on tear-stained face bashaq: steaming pile of dog poo that u step on oouuc: gagging qararaf: scraping kaakaa off of new wedges on edge of pavement biib: Honda Civic S Reg, near miss jugjugjugjug: London Underground train shhhhhhhhh: mind the gap, they may push you into it balasbalas: late for work but walk in casually dhalalowdhalalow: regulate breathing, put on efficient been-here-since 8:30 phone voice, answer- hellow? dhalalalowdhalalalow: internal, ignore it dalaq: You have mail xaax: first cup of tea bilig: office grass hotfooting it to boss's office to 'touch base' burururuq: person in adjacent toilet cubicle, u will never talk to her again dhiidh: 1 new message received: tk 4vr 2 gt 2 wrk, feel lke xaar dhuudh: Message sent: stpd on xaar, feel at 1 wth nture qaowqaow: migraine, centred over right eye nacnac: boolshidh meeting biligbilig: keep those eyes open xaax: second cup of tea bug: shooting on London Underground bugbug: heart qururuc: stomach alarm ouuc: tuna dead b4 pulled out of sea and slapped into Sainsbury's sandwich klik: email, subject: Tuna anyone? dalaq: re:tuna anyone? What's wrong with it? klik: re:re: tuna anyone? I tried to make love to it. It turned me down. I'm not one to persist. I have some morals. Even when I'm really hungry. Wink. klik: bbc news website, latest on all those bugs.. that had better not be a Somali dhiidh: 1 new message: Somali on bbc, noo dhamaatey dhuudh: Message sent: waa qoloma talow. tht's wht the gos wld b abt, nooo? qururuf: itchy scalp, shampoo b4 next millenium xaax: going home gig: deliberate elbow into side by 6 foot Aryan on Platform 7 Liverpool St Stn dhiiiiiidh: curse out loud in Somali Xaax, I needed that. Yeah, it's me. Needed to lighten up. Care to join me? What Somali sounds can you make and what do they mean?
  16. sheherazade

    MAY 18th

    Chill, peeps. Talking only gets us so far. Which is why this effectively is my 1001st post. No more blah-blahing from me. I've set my self some challenges and am taking a strict control of what I do with my time and breath. If those who knew me knew just how much chattering I've done here they'd be flabbergasted- I'm the quiet type, would you believe? It's been fun. Maca salaama.
  17. Amethyst, u're always name-calling the blokes in here, it makes u come across as arrogant.(jook)
  18. Originally posted by Pink_Phoenix: Sheherazade Forget about Tasmania, you are probably the only Somali folks that live there. Look, I don't want to turn this into a conversation. I would like to hear other people's view of this. If you don't mind. ------------------------------------------ Lol, if u don't want a conversation with me, ignore me- if u can resist. U like making little demands, eh? Bless, how sweet. I'm no Aussie, girl but human nature is what it is wherever u go.
  19. sheherazade

    MAY 18th

    PP, if a sense of humour by passed you commiserations. I was talking to you. If u can't handle being replied to, then u're in for a nasty surprise here on SOL. But do go on, u give me so much material to work with- that was an example of humour. U'll get there. Sky, I trust u were being sarcastic.
  20. ^ LOL is this man-woman scenario unique to Australia? LoL. Where I live, girls have sexual desire too. Shock. Horror. U outta get out some more. Tasmania may be.
  21. sheherazade

    MAY 18th

    ^oh, get over it already. Bashi, and all because I won't count yr virtual beans. Now that's emotional.
  22. sheherazade

    MAY 18th

    Northerner,lol I'd be yr witness but I wouldn't be caught dead in front of a pervy old judge with a dirac on. Sorry. Will a signed statement do? Bashi, now I KNOW u KNOW virtual mullah counts for naadhaaaa.
  23. sheherazade

    MAY 18th

    Bashi, huh? Never mind, this isn't my forte. BTW, a million dollar bet doesn't count unless u have the mullah in yr account.
  24. Yup, come a lil closer and I'll throw u off yr moral high horse. some of the newbies have riden in on high horses. What a laugh!
  25. sheherazade

    MAY 18th

    LoL I hate politics with a passion. I don't necessarily believe that Somalia should be carved up, not necessarily but I believe in people power. If the people who suffered(and I am not one of them) want their freedom by God they should have it and see where it gets them. The only claim to Somaliland I have is that I was born there and well.. ..u can take the girl out of Burco but u can't take the Burco out of the girl.