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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. I suspect u'd like to hear that I am having a bad day. I am not, alhamdullilah. Weep. P.S: I'm anti-belligerence.
  2. 7, u have taken all that is kooky and amusing on SOL and called them together in one place as trolls. We can not be contained. And we can not perform on cue. Smart of you to have become one of us in order to criticise us with abandon, though.
  3. Location: The United Kingdom, post 07/07 Problem: Police record more than 1,200 suspected Islamophobic incidents across the country ranging from verbal abuse to one murder in three weeks. At least 7 mosques attacked Attacks on Asians and religious minorities in London leap more than 500 percent after the July 7 bombings. 1500 assaults against hijab wearing women recorded in a 3 day period Possible solution from Badawi: I have issued a fatwa that Muslim women in Britain have an Islamic right to take off their hijab at this point of time if attacked or fearing to be attacked Now in case anyone missed it or is deliberately obtuse, I repeat: at this point of time if attacked or fearing to be attacked. Honest to God I don't know what the fuss is about. These are the kinds of questions(e.g: what if u're in a desert and u only have pork to eat?) that I got out of the way as a child, the answers to which were based on common sense. In extreme circumstances, you do what you have to to stay safe. So if I live in a neighbourhood where there are those looking for trouble and I don a hat, wear a turtle-neck jumper, pull the collar of my jacket up and throw an Arsenal scarf around my neck when I'm out by myself, is the Lord going to strike me down for using my head to avoid trouble?? When I'm covered up to the best of my ability and safe? This talk of women with weak Iman..we're in England, there are no serious pressures to conform to a culture that expects women to cover up, quite the oppposite. A woman that wears it in the UK probably does it more conciously than one who lives in a Muslim land and may just be going along with the masses. If a woman in the UK takes it off, how long will her conscience allow her to quote Badawi for? Scholars are not here to baby-sit our Imans. If u have a weak Iman, you will always find a get-out clause; we can all be guilty of it. That it is women and that it is the hijab is quite irrelevant. I find that most women who wear it in a non-Muslim environment are quite protective of it. The scholars can not teach us to be smart or strengthen our Imans for us. That's for us to do. I like wearing the hijab but I also like wearing my head. Salafi, what are the alternatives that you speak of that will be more practical 'at this point of time'? Let's exhaust them, do. You also say: this fatwa can only take effect on an individual basis depending on the situation and the options available. Right. So what's your problem here really? That you don't believe the people to whom this is addressed(hijab wearing women in the UK) are capable of dealing with the fatwa without endless scenarios, examples and what-ifs thrown in by Badawi? Haddad, why don't you ask our self-appointed spokesman what we are. Oh, and while I have your attention: speaking or writing in one-liners is an art. U're woefully bad at it so at least keep it relevant to the topic. It's only a little unsolicited advice. It's not a fatwa. Unfortunately.
  4. There's no point being pedantic. Scholar or no he has been given a position of responsibility. No one's shoving his fatwa down our throats. I don't like arguing but some issues need to debated.
  5. FF, I hear you. Never felt the need to wax lyrical about the hijab. Doesn't sit well with me.
  6. ^ could that be cause u're just a ****. Work that out using your 'brain'.
  7. ^if u're going to speak for us SOLers, be sure your conclusion matches ours and that our consent is yours. If not convince us to your way of reasoning and convince us well. So far I am unimpressed and I am only speaking for myself. Everybody wants to be a scholar. Il xaouuni. :eek:
  8. Kooks. It's why I come here. I like how some call me Shehe. Makes me feel kinda wholesome. But now I know it's their subconcious that's betraying them. They just don't know... For the record, I'm a woMan.
  9. Don't get ripped off, ladies. U pay for it after you marry him anyway. Why pay twice?
  10. I believe you took a wrong turn, Taqwa. U need to go this way
  11. Originally posted by Caano Geel: need anything else be said ... well actually, kids dont try this at home ... We wouldn't, not at home.
  12. My friend and I met after work and b*tched our way out of the blues. Astaqfurullah.
  13. Originally posted by Hibo: Sheh grill , I rather roast them. You see in grilling we leave some of the meat rare so I say roast them To each her own. I prefer rare: si aan dhiiga uga jaqo.
  14. What cheapskates u ladies are. Right on.
  15. Is it too late to talk you out of it? Kidding. Congratulations.
  16. To light the smallest of lights is far better than cursing the darkness a thousand times. Thanks N.
  17. Hibo, I don't do ganging up! And I certainly wouldn't pick you to start ganging up on. U take care of business. Reel those boys in and grill, grill, grill.
  18. ^ yeah conflict of interest. But way to go Hibo!!
  19. ^ I happen to think the vast majority of British people appreciate and understand the meaning of the Hijab as a symbol of modesty and nothing more. What! Whom are u talking with? They see it as a symbol of repression as far as I can tell. No one is going to attack you because you wear the hijab…they will attack you because you’re a Muslim. If one has the intention to beat up a muslim person, they will do so regardless. So putting aside your hijab really doesn’t do much. Of course they attack cause u're a Muslim but isn't the hijab a flag that u're practically waving in their face? It calls attention onto yourself. If u wear it u just have to deal with the response u get.
  20. Thanks for sharing Xu. Not my thing but the 'low paid' did get my attention. Nearly emailed them. Not.