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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. ^ and that line is turning into yours! Off topic but what the hell have you done with Haddad?
  2. I was paying homage to the few consecutive days of sunshine we've been having. It shall soon change to, 'slushing thru the rain'. Watch this space. My screen is going kaput. Whatever else?
  3. Nobody suggest Edgware Road. :mad:
  4. Arrgh, I'm sitting here drinking peppermint tea. I haven't had it in a long while and I have lost the ability not to go gag while swallowing. But it's better than coffee.??? What I really want is shai nacnac accompanied by shawarma and fruit juice.. I am peppermint with envy. Beam me up, somebody, anybody.
  5. Having a good day. I won't go into it and shine on your parade.
  6. U do know how to pick 'em, N. Let the games begin.
  7. Beautiful. To be a girl again...oh, well, the sparkle's still there. Can't live without the sparkle. Take the abras in the evening, everything blings and sparkles by and be careful there's nothing to hold on to, jump on and off like a gaz.. err orgi.
  8. ^nope; also visit the Boredom thread. The Orgi has landed! Nice. Cool off here . Don't forget the kids...
  9. When asked about his opinion on Bush's response to the tragedy Castro said, 'this is not the time to kick an adversary - while he's down.' :cool: He's offered to send 1100 doctors and 26 tons of medicine and equipment to the US. Altogether now, 'Aww'.
  10. This song just came on: Don't you know They're talkin' bout a revolution It sounds like a whisper Don't you know They're talkin' about a revolution It sounds like a whisper While they're standing in the welfare lines Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation Wasting time in the unemployment lines Sitting around waiting for a promotion Poor people gonna rise up And get their share Poor people gonna rise up And take what's theirs Don't you know You better run, run, run... Oh I said you better Run, run, run... Finally the tables are starting to turn Talkin' bout a revolution Tracy Chapman, talking 'bout a revolution Castro, hate to break it to you- there are others.
  11. Marine, your Commander in Chief has admitted the initial response(5 damn days) was 'not acceptable'. U know something he doesn't? The best u speak of is shamefully pathetic. For a moment pretend you're a civilian. Here's the Mayor of New Orleans speaking on radio b4 today's convoys arrived: "We authorised $8bn to go to Iraq, lickety spit. After 9/11 we gave the president unauthorised powers, lickety spit, to take care of New York and other places," he said. "Now you mean to tell me that a place where most of your oil is coming through, a place that is so unique... that you can't figure out a way to authorise the resources that we need?" He went on: "I don't know whose problem it is, I don't know whether it's the governor's problem, I don't know whether it's the president's problem, but somebody needs to get their asses on the plane and sit down the two of them and figure this out, right now." "This is ridiculous. I don't want to see anyone doing any more goddamn press conferences. Put a moratorium on press conferences. Don't do another press conference until the resources are in this city and they come down to this city and stand with us when there are military trucks and troops which we can't even count." source ... Dubya did come to New Orleans but he flew over it like Katrina. Smart. They'd have lynched the boy.
  12. The police force is predominantly white; those in despair are predominantly black. The tension between the law and the public is acute and probably aready existed. When you're already black, poor and angry, despair and isolation won't be something new but something old and ugly and it has reared its ugly head with gusto. The lawlessness is predictable. Whether the seemingly slow response is down to race will become something else for the theory-makers to argue over. What can't be denied is that the winds have turned the US onto its back and its underbelly is poor and black.
  13. Hehe I've heard one or two before. Just listened to No2. Giggle. Who's got more funnies? This ought to be a sticky. I'd like to see some Aussie humour! Anyone?
  14. Zeph, I may, I might, if I come up with something appealing to me.
  15. Info below: Moving is something that most of us have had to do at some time. Whether changing countries, cities or even streets the experience can be an emotional one. Fear, excitement, joy, hope are just some of the sensations that you may have felt when you had to move. African Writers Abroad are looking for poignant memoir pieces about moving. Why did you move? How far did you go? How did moving make you feel? What did you leave behind? What did you hope to find - and did you find it? This anthology will reflect a broad range of voices, viewpoints and experiences. Whether you have moved once, twice or several times we want to read your stories of real life experiences and journal /diary entries Guidelines for submissions: - 2,000 words maximum 3,500 words double-spaced. - Please submit by email attachment in Microsoft Word, Arial, 12 point font. - Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2005 Please send submissions as an attachment to africanwritersabroad Please c.c. your submission to Andrea Enisuoh on Andrea Enisuoh is a writer and journalist. She writes the Arts page for New Nation newspaper. source African Writers Abroad Suits you nomadinas to a T. Don't know if there is a payment involved but only one way to find out. Write, write, write. Break a far.
  16. Do they have a weather girl? That'd get the viewers. One wearing a garbasaar, henna hands waving(roob ba na waalaya, inshallah), shuuliyo qalalaxing, lips pouting(as per), dripping attitude, nostrils flaring, gogorad peeping, dirac a-blinging. Would love to see the auditions! P.S: do they need creative-types?
  17. Thank your Lord, Sky and congratulations. P.S: keep trolling. LOL at me any time.
  18. Thank you for sharing that Zephy.
  19. ^Do live in a perpetual self-dug hole, bro?
  20. Lol @ Brown. Bashi, you didn't get as far as rubbing wrongly cause you know not to.
  21. In the Gulf wondering just how far a scud could travel. Hoping one would meander up Bush senior's red-neck ar*e. The Internet..I think we met in 94/95. I'm still in love.
  22. Shyhem, I had to think about this one and the answer is that there isn't one. I don't find women hot. I leave that to the men. At ease men, it ain't worth the bother.