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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. sheherazade

    Its a Girl!

    Originally posted by Castro: ^ Sheh, though Nur made a mistake (he still won't admit), it is clear he wants to make amends and do the right thing going forward. Mistakes are an equal opportunity employers. Even mighty Nur is not immune to them. Open that big heart of yours. I'm sure there's a goody bag or two in there for Nur. Fair? Castro, u call that thought-out, stubborn, abandoned thread a mistake? How easy it is to explain and wave away all that is destructive to women. Silly me. Where am I going wrong? The guy sells himself as our online saviour and so far the threads I have seen that pertain to women are at best ignorant and at worst diabolical. Were the others mistakes too? Oops, lets forgive him his lapse in judgement and understanding of Islam where it comes to women. Do lets. Him and all the others that suggest FGM etc to solve societal ills by targetting women. If he has changed his mind about the matter then it is for him to say so instead of fluffy attempts at praising womanhood- Long live womanhood. It means jack-xa*ar to me. It is empty, contradictory and aimed at his fans(some of whom are misogynists). The guy obviously cares what we think of him(Lord knows why) or he wouldn't have done this. I prefer people who either have the courage of their conviction or who have the balls to admit their consistent 'mistakes'. There are those that pay attention to what this guy says. He appears to have knowledge but after reading that FGM vs Abortion thread I'm not sure he has a full understanding of some of his knowledge. He's not perfect(blah blah) but since he sells himself as a right-er and a guide he needs to do better than what he has so far demonstrated. He has put himself under scrutiny with his e-Nuri projects and now under ridicule for his views on women. This is my opinion. My big heart is not a whore, there is little room for men that want my private parts to fulfill their own appetites, sexual or intellectual all the while dressed up in the holy name of Islam. Find somebody else to kiss and make it better for him, man. I gag at the thought.
  2. Originally posted by Kashafa: ^^ Whining-fest III: Return of the Harpy. Let by-gones be by-gones, shawty. A direct constructive approach will give you better results rather than misplaced sarcasm. Not to mention: With great Moderatorship Powers, comes great civillised discussion facillitation. Haha. I tried the direct approach u speak of a month ago(or has it been longer?). He ran. The so-called great powers u speak of.. to be frank, nothing has changed for me. Still telling it like I see it. Nothing misplaced about my sarcasm, it's all he deserves right now. U might want to have a word in his ear about all those big words u use. Easy on the excessive use of Ls though. U might scare him. Run along now. The man can speak for himself.
  3. More attention-seeking. We'll leave and shut the door behind us. We'll lock it, glue it, weld it shut.
  4. Marvellous idea. I was not tempted by it but now that I have read some of the 'lets keep women out if it' crappiola again I may just may bray down a microphone into some chauvanist ears. AAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGH. First topic chosen. U have been warned. Stay tuned. P.S: can we swear on audio? Feeling a four-letter word coming on. :mad: BEEP.
  5. Pathetic attempt Deux U're spoilimg us.
  6. He can marry as many as he wants so long as I don't count as the many. If he won't sign on the dotted oline, he won't be coming near me let alone crawling into bed with me.
  7. sheherazade

    Its a Girl!

    A pathetic attempt. Now that u're back, perhaps u'd like to return to what this is all about(that topic) instead of this attempt what exactly? Addictive isn't it, the applause? Here u go: CLAP, CLAP. CLAP.
  8. Tut tut, bad customer service. The customer is always right. If the guy said his ar*e was stuck on the toilet seat then his ar*e was stuck on the toilet seat. Smile, serve and hope to God he'd flushed out of courtesy.
  9. ^isn't it? Always thought of it as a dead area of the Gulf. Who knows though, Mike might liven things up with NeverLand II.
  10. ^probably. But what a 'room' I live in, wouldn't swap it easily for any man.
  11. Originally posted by Bishaaro: Welcome to the asylum Zafir. Now I've got Jail House Rock in my head. Welcome Zee/Zed, u can do anything but don't u step on my blue suede shoes. elvis all day and all night long
  12. Ah Dubai in the eighties and nineties. All those phone relationships have moved on to online ones. Aged 15 I was so rude to some guy who called and talked flirtatious khara. I made a note of the conversation cause I was funny and baffled- I still have it lol. It was something to talk about the following day. Some weirdo called me(cue eyebrow raise), said he was well-known(cue eye-roll), said I was funny(cue nod) like I cared, who falls for that sh*t.. I couldn't stand all those girls going starry eyed over boys let alone unknown callers. Ick. urge to dig out old diary
  13. Ciid wanaagsan dudes and dudettes. eaten too much cake and drunk buckets of tea, belch Don't come near me if u're diabetic, sweeter than usual, hoho. Nice to see u Castro. U have been missed by moi.
  14. A useful site, isn't it? An attention grabber: Duties of Muslims in the Last Third of Ramadan The last third of Ramadan is the time for the release from Hell-fire, as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said in the Hadith reported by Salman Al-Farisi: "O people, a great and a blessed month is approaching you. In this month there is a night that is better than one thousand months. Allah has made fasting during its daytime obligatory and prayers at night commendable during this month. Whosoever will do a voluntary good deed during this month, it is as if he performed an obligatory good deed at another time and whosoever will perform an obligatory good deed, it is as if he performed seventy obligatory good deeds at another time. This is the month of patience and the reward of patience is Paradise. This is the month of kindness and charity. In this month the believer’s provision is enlarged. Anyone who will give food to a fasting person in this month, it will bring forgiveness for his sins, will save him from the hellfire and he shall have his reward without the person who is fed losing any of his reward….The first third of the month of Ramadan is the time for Rahmah (Mercy), the second third is for forgiveness, the third is for the release from Hellfire…" The duties of the Muslim in this last third of Ramadan are to try his best to perfect his fasting, to avoid any shortcomings or sins that can harm his fasting, to offer more prayers, preferably in congregation, to advance in reading the Qur'an, making dhikr (remembrance of Allah), and helping others to be more committed to religion, to enter i`tikaf (seclusion) if it is possible for him/her, and to remember that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to give extra attention to the last ten days of Ramadan. He could hardly sleep, and his family used also to stay in vigilance with him. The Prophet's generosity in this month and particularly in the last ten days was compared to a fast wind. We should not miss to remind you and all Muslims to try to settle disputes. It is the best occasion to forgive one another and forget about all enmities and grudges. We should come out of Ramadan in a better shape, understanding, and moral behavior. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) made it clear that "If any Muslim comes out of Ramadan without gaining forgiveness and goodness, he/she is a real loser." source
  15. U must mean this retribution, Ngonge: Knife mob killed city riot victim A man stabbed to death during riots on Saturday in Birmingham was murdered by a gang of up to 11 men. The rioting involved youths from the black and Asian communities and was said to have been sparked by a claim that a girl of 14 had been raped. Isiah Young-Sam was yards from his home when he was attacked - police said the ethnicity of the attackers and their motive were "unclear". Another man was shot dead on Sunday near to the scene of further rioting. Two men have been arrested over the shooting in the Newtown area but police do not yet know if it is linked to the weekend violence. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said it was investigating the response by West Midlands Police but that no police firearm was discharged during the evening. Area's history of tension Thirty two people remain in hospital after the disturbances in Lozells on Saturday evening. Detectives said that forensic experts had been to the location of the alleged attack on the girl in the Lozells area but no formal complaint had been received. Speaking at a press conference on Monday Det Supt David Mirfield said Mr Young-Sam, his brother and two friends had been to watch a film at a cinema on Broad Street in Birmingham city centre before catching a bus and walking the short distance home along Carlyle Road. "Three cars pulled up with between 10 and 11 men inside." "The men got out of the cars armed with knives and attacked Isiah and his friends." 'Innocent victim' Mr Young-Sam, 23 an IT analyst at Birmingham City Council, died from a single stab wound to the chest. One of his friends was also stabbed in the back. Police said he was an innocent victim and not involved in the rioting. Det Supt Mirfield said it appeared the attackers had made attempts to disguise their appearance. He said: "I don't want to speculate on what colour they may have been or the nature of their ethnicity. "Isiah was walking along the road with his brother when he was attacked by these people. The motive for the attack is unclear." 'Bright future' He appealed to witnesses to come forward and any CCTV or phone pictures which might be relevant to be handed over to police. Glyn Evans, director of business solutions and IT at the council, said Mr Young-Sam joined as a trainee five years ago and would be sadly missed. He said: "Isaiah was a very pleasant and hard working young man. "He was very popular with his colleagues and had a bright future in front of him. "He will be greatly missed. I and all his colleagues extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends." Heavy police presence A number of meetings have taken place in recent days in Lozells in protest at a lack of action over the reported rape. The rape claim was also said to have been broadcast on a pirate radio station and put out on a community-based website. On Sunday night further disturbances took place in the Lozells area, where a heavy police presence was in place. Gangs of youths had gathered in response to an alleged attack on a nearby mosque. Police said they were dispersed by a series of operations between 2200 and 0100 BST and the heavy rain across the West Midlands also helped to break up the crowds of youths. Hours later police were called to Melbourne Avenue, about a mile from Lozells, in response to reports that a man had been seen with a firearm in the area. A number of petrol bombs were also thrown and at least 12 gunshots were reported. source
  16. Allah ha u naxariisto aabahaa, Zu. Ina lilaahi wa ina ileyhi rajicuun. May Allah ease your and your family's pain.
  17. Kashafa, WOL has already pointed out to you what the punishment if proven would be. The rest u have made up; it is vigilantism(rounding up the neighbours for retribution) and murder. If u think u will enter paradise for that, go ahead, enjoy the thrill of the chase and bon appetite. Do let us know what human flesh tastes like. Jamaican in particular. This is distracting from the topic which has probably run its course too.
  18. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: ^hehe, remembered to sneak that in, eh? The lady's certifiable and he's just not that into her. I wonder where is her typical rage at times of need, esp. when unmannered people play around with God's name, or may be there is something else going on here (sort of an alliance of daalimiin getting together)? My rage, my wit, my peace, my dignity, u want it but u can't have it. Find somebody else to play your imaginary religious war games with. We're asking for the Adminstration of this gradually deteriorating site to consider the unbearable activities in which the likes of NGONGE are waging on our Diin. He is one of an organized group of individuals, some are even fortunate to be among the moderators, not more than two, I surmise, but their blasphemous writings are prevelent and widespread in the forums. I detected their unpleasent activities in SOL several months ago, for I've engaged with them, and each time they present themselves with consistent messeges of disrespect and religious antagonism full of mockery with disdain. They are preaching something that I even now to understand. But their blasphemy are way too far now, and indeed obvious to the spectators of this great site. I suppose one of those blasphemous moderators is me. Every time I engage you in a topic u flee leaving behind a yellow dust cloud and when u do refer to me u can't even bring yourself to address me directly. U're a one-man paranoid show, seeing organised, conflicting online groups. I don't know which is more deplorable- your cowardice or your fitna inducing writings. I know Ngonge's on your mind a lot, but u're starting to sound like Dorothy: I don't think he even knows how he makes me feel. I wish he could know, without my telling him. They don't like you to tell them they've made you cry. They don't like you to tell them you're unhappy because of them. If you do, they think you're possessive and exacting. And then they hate you. They hate you whenever you say anything you really think. You always have to keep playing little games. Oh, I thought we didn't have to It hurts but u have to move on.
  19. Last night at Tarawih, a little girl of about 4 stood next to me, so high she nearly reached my elbow. I don't see her face at first; she appears out of nowhere with her sister when a lady next to me vacates her space. I look down at her head wrapped in a bright pink hijab. She wears bangles(a little big) on her right wrist and baby pink socks. She looks about her bored, in want of something to do but stays put nonetheless. When we finish the first raqaca side by side she shouts loudly: Ameeeeeeeeeen, right on cue. I stifle a grin. When she sits she plays with the bangles, when she's in sujuud, her head tilts a little my way sometimes. When we're back up, she moves the bangles to the other hand. She looks up, searches my face and runs her eyes all the way down to my feet. When we're back down in sajdah, she spots my gleaming watch and with a magpie's desire fingers my watch. I stifle a smile. We're back up and she's out of line. I worry that if I touch her to put her back in line with the rest of us she might be spooked by a stranger's touch. Before I decide, she looks up and to her right towards me and beyond. Hurriedly she takes a step back, looks to her left and finding her older sister also out of line pulls her back in. Another smile dares to escape. Way to go kid, way to go.
  20. I wore a fresh set of clothes to the mosque the day before yesterday. Yesterday I wanted to re-wear the hijab I had used the night before at the mosque. I smelled it- I am a chronic sniffer- out of habit and it smelled like somebody else's attar. Gosh, will ladies please stop using those oil-based perfumes, they last and last like duracell batteries. Muhammad u are lucky if u can block out easily; it takes me a while to get into the swing of things because I don't like overwhelming smells and get irritated by grown women who can't be considerate in their ways at the mosque. I wish the men and women prayed in the same space like they used to back in the day(sigh), the women might shut their mouths in embarrassment then. The noise levels can be staggering.
  21. Kashafa, u talk of a lack of an Islamic state in order to justify murder as a solution to this problem. Well, then why not justify abortion too for that self-same reason? Making your own rules and acting upon them is vigilantism and if they conflict with the teachings of Islam(the solution to this problem has been explicity defined and is different to yours) may the Lord save your soul. Where's the dignity and honour in encouraging and promoting something unIslamic while u hint at others' faithlessness? Contradictions galore. Your delivery is good, shame about the material.
  22. so many stand-up comics.. too much respect for tomatoes.. There is so much correcting the wrong with a wrong. Save us Lord.
  23. they do it on the basis of that hadith? I haven't seen that many trousers dragging if worn correctly. It's women who should be more worried about their long garments gathering filth in the streets.