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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. Originally posted by Baashi: ^ Easy now camaleey. Horta ma laga dhergaa is the question? I suppose I misread it as, 'Horta ma lagaa dherga is the question?' I think the answer is, 'No' either way. Men. :rolleyes:
  2. Aniga? La iga ma dhargi karo. Suaal xuma ninku. Sorry u're bored. Hopefully yr internet connection will sort itself out and u can tell us more.
  3. ^ Those nice shoes have to be put to good use. So do yours. These boots were made for walking. I'll tell u what they'll do, one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you. Or something. Whose song is that?
  4. Originally posted by checkmate: SOL Staff office, waaan joogi waayey maanta, there was this Awkward smell, i think it was coming from sheh's qimaar. Iskuus me. Let's get a coupla things straight, mister. Wan, I don't wear no frigging qimaar(the word makes me cringe). Sekandli, yesterday my hijab smelled like my hooyo. And my hooyo does not smell. Drill that into your madax. Or I'll do it for you. Before I decide to verbally assault you and hunt and haunt your child, apologise, take it back. Sniff your words back up your hole. What's driving me bananas is this bloke, X at work that's been greeting me with: And how's Sheh today? Next time, I'll say: I can't speak for her. Why doesn't X ask her directly? She might surprise him with a unsarcastic response if he's really, really good.
  5. Originally posted by Baashi: Oh! pretty women too... Ka dharag.
  6. Originally posted by Johnny: ^^ Atheer, years back , i read it somewhere that Men spend a great deal of their time thinking of how to make money while Xalimos spend their time thinking of how to spend money. The hunetr and gatherer relationship still holds, we make the impossible to make money and happily let those who know how to spend it best do the spending for us. impressive, pretty daring , kina super-heroing woulden´t you say Atheer? Snort
  7. Yup, Ahura, sure am. Smells trigger migraines and migraines ruined my childhood. Today I smell like I want to take me home.
  8. I just helped a bloke out with something. Another bloke looking in says, 'Not just a pretty face', when I worked out what neither could do. I AM NOT AMUSED.
  9. Big, Bold, Red Font- I used to joke about that once upon a time. One doesn't have to scream to get a point across, often the opposite is more effective.
  10. ^Talk to them in Somali. Cuss if u have to. In fact, I insist. I smelled today. A faint unrecognisable odour hung around me. By afternoon, I'd had enough and went to the toilets to snifestigate. I discovered my hijab smelled of my mother- I think I'm turning into her. I finally found the source of the whiff(one of many layers) but it wasn't one I could remove so darn it waan uraya still, hopefully to myself alone. Can't wait to change.
  11. LoL. Last night my cousin(sis) said to me: If I were a man I'd have fallen in love with you. Freaky but nice.
  12. Ah, so u've been away writing! I've been doing some myself, surprisingly there's a Somali cast. Anyway, will read this when I have time; am sure it's good. More, even though I haven't read it.
  13. Sorry, I have to ask... are men that unashamed about their down-there nudity that urinals are acceptable or is it that as nature makes it possible to urinate standing up, they have developed a lazy acceptance of leaking within close proximity and eye-shot of others while in a quaint orderly line? Err, and don't they worry about gay men stealing a look? Well, u brought it up. BTW, there is/was a website that teaches women to pee standing up. I shan't search for or provide the link. It might start something messy. Khayr, I wouldn't have responded to the guy's greeting, not so much cause I never talk in toilets but because he'd have had his hands occupied southerly at the time. Eek.
  14. LoL. I have heard people on the phone in the cubicles next to me. It seems u can talk mid-stream/dump. I can tolerate that, I can not abide those that don't wash their hands after. Akh. I feel sorry for men, that nature forces them into men's toilets. They're an offence. EEK.
  15. ^u only wish that when yr life's empty. Yo, checkmate, u make it seem like u're a regular poster! Unless u're hiding in the bolotiks section.
  16. U'll want to keep what cat-birth smells like to yourselves! Shame, it's the closest I'd have got to a cat and her litter. Cat's disgust me. Uff. IP, Channel No Shan smells foul to me. Its popularity confounds me. Callypso, u're right, nothing conjures up memory faster than an aroma. This is why I need a new perfume in my life. The others all remind me of the time when..btw, that fiimtoo story is hilarious.
  17. Sis, I am pretty certain the guy had a problem. This was no ordinary chronic BO. Have u ever smelled a gangrene-affected person? Now intensify that with heat and the confines of a room full of people. If there was any danbi in the air that night, it was coming out of my pores. Working on the stories, cheers.
  18. Interesting. It took me a long time to accept compliments in a socially acceptabel way. Suffice to say I had issues. Now I just say, thank you, that's very kind. It's not quite an acceptance yet, more an acknowledgement. I reckon once u start lapping up positive comments, u should be open to negative ones too. If u have an ugly eye and someone says so, is that any less relevant an observation than having your beautiful nose commented upon?
  19. Bad smells turn me into a bad, bad girl. I can do things I would never contemplate otherwise. U know there is a condition that some people suffer from..some kind of lethal BO..except it smells terribly. When I saw a documentary on that I knew that if I had it would lead to my unintentional suicide- it would kill me. I'm often one step away from a migraine. Astaqfurullah, I once met and had to stay in the same room as a man suffering from what I suspect might be that condition(unless he had a gangrenous area under his clothing). My tears flowed and I was torn between the need to flee and staying and being polite. I thought I was going insane until one by one others walked into the room and it was quite, quite clear the moment they walked into the wall of odour. It was also quite clear when one by one each of the newcomers worked out the smell was coming from the man. We were sitting in a circle(witnessing some Buddhist ceremony) and I watched as they clambered over each other in an effort to sit at the end furthest away from the man. It was taken of course. By me. First come. Best spot. I am ashamed to admit, that the seriousness of the matter and the expressions and reactions of the others sent me into hysterics. I weeped into my hijab. Damn the hilarious dead-pan faced Dutch woman who was next to me. It was all I could do to stop her fleeing or speaking up about the whereabouts and nature of the smell. Ilaahow naga hay such a terrible affliction. Don't say 'story'. My fingers twitch and my memory digs out a relevant story. An affliction.
  20. Used it more times than I care to remember. Rarely to send though.
  21. ^LSD. Hm, am very sensitive to smell. I can get quite graphic when describing SMELLS. My sis, cousin and I have a name for a certain smell. It's been in our vocab for years, nobody else will understand or appreciate it. The mere mention of it sneds me into giggles. No point sharing it, u have to have been there when we used to smell it. Describing smells can be like describing a FUNNY INCIDENT. U just had to have been there. Anywho, I love the gross expression: bisad inay meesha wax ku dhashay. For eye-watering bad smells. P.S: anybody been around a cat giving birth? Any associated smell? God. I. AM. GROSS.
  22. Today for the first time in yonks I'm wearing Boss Woman. It's strong enough that I have to be careful with the lotion itself. I don't know what came over me- I've gone off it and almost everything else that's perfume in my life- but I sure am glad I wore it. Let's just say the nin next to me needs a dars in personal hygiene. No excuses for that in the middle of January. Biyaha miyaa laga xaraantimiyey dadka qaar? :rolleyes: My left wrist is glued to my face. Madaxa. Madaxa. Madaxa.
  23. Heard this today and stopped to listen. Been a while since I've heard it. All that you have is your soul, Tracy Chapman My mama told me 'Cause she say she learned the hard way Say she want to spare the children She say don't give or sell your soul away 'Cause all that you have is your soul Don't be tempted by the shiny apple Don't you eat of a bitter fruit Hunger only for a taste of justice Hunger only for a world of truth 'Cause all that you have is your soul I was a pretty young girl once I had dreams I had hight hopes I married a man he stole my heart away He gave his love but what a high price I paid And all that you have is your soul Why was I such a young fool Thought I'd make history Making babies was the best I could do Thought I'd made something that could be mine forever Found out the hard way one can't possess another And all that you have is your soul I thought thought that I could find a way To beat the system To make a deal and have no depts to pay I'd take it all take it all I'd run away Me for myself first class and first rate But all that you have is your soul Here I am waiting for a better day A second chance A little luck come my way A hope to dream a hope that I can sleep again And wake in the world with a clear conscience and clean hands 'Cause all that you have is your soul All that you have All that you have All that you have Is your soul
  24. ^What's manly about buying love?
  25. Women from the Black and Ethnic minority community are being empowered by a new mentoring scheme, which enables them to get into the careers they want. The scheme called Fempowerment 2, links women graduates and undergraduates with professionals working within different career fields, who can mentor them on working in that particular area and how get a job. It is being run by Manchester Metropolitan University’s Centre for Social inclusion and is aimed at women of all ages who feel they may be disadvantaged in their careers by gender, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, social class, religion or beliefs. Anish Kurien, Project Co-ordinator said: “We have identified that there are certain barriers for women from ethnic minorities who want to enter employment, so we aim to remove these barriers using research interventions and mentoring initiatives. “The way it works, is we recruit volunteer mentors from regional employers and alumni of the university who are willing to mentor female graduates and undergraduates. Potential candidates will have access to people working in teaching, architecture, IT, nursing, Law and more. Mentors will normally register themselves on the website which enables candidates to look up a mentor profile and make a suitable choice. Mentees will be educate CV writing, job application, interview preparation as well as other general problems Mentoring happens on an online basis or face to face if the mentor and mentee choose. The informal relationship involves the mentor educating their mentee on the career field, CV consultation, job application and interview preparation. A mentee can also consult their mentor on any problems they might have such as academic issues, personal and financial issues. A former IT mentee who was consulted on the value of the project said: “I was looking at things from a long term perspective. Obviously at that time I didn’t have a job and I was looking for a career in IT and as a female it’s probably not as easy. “Nobody in my family is in the IT industry and has an inside knowledge, so I just thought the careers service and this scheme would be really beneficial to me. “Mohammed, my mentor, initially gave me online support as well as telephone support. I think something which was really crucial was my CV. He helped to really sort out my CV with the layout and made it a lot more IT focused. “Before then it was really general, and he made it more skills focussed and obviously he gave me advice on the types of companies I should be aiming for and the fact that I should go ahead and apply to graduate schemes which was something that I was a little bit more sceptical about in the past. “I have been offered a job with Logica CMG which I am really happy with. It’s a consultancy which perfect and exactly what I want.†Fempowerment had 180 mentees and 160 mentors last year. This year they are aiming to get 250 mentees and 150 mentors. Together with mentoring, graduates and undergraduates can access the Careers service at MMU for extra careers support. To find out more about the project go the fempowerment website at or call Anish Kurien on 0161 247 5360. article