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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. ^Hey, u say you're not familar with the book, but you beleive there's a better way- what's his way first of all? Besides doesn't the book cover a myriad of Somali-related subjects? It isn't sprecifically for FGM, is it? What sympathy could he possibly draw on(a pun, eek)? You say let's not personalise and yet u mention the supposed article-in the hope the beating of drums stops(I must be losing my hearing)- even though he apologised and claimed someone else added the offending paragraph. Fair's fair, J! What is your intention? Has anybody come across this book?
  2. Originally posted by Tahliil: Women are victims all over in this universe but I think they are exploited more and victimized more when they don't see and feel and understand the depth of the deceit they are in.... All over this universe including wherever the Klingons hail from. They look a particularly nasty bunch of men. I understand that u're referring to the women in the West but do you really think victimised women who have never been educated and never been outside their village will actually 'see and feel and understand the depth of the deceit they are in'? For deceit plays a great role in their lives. Those in the West may not reach understanding- but it there for the examining, accepting or rejecting- the others, what about the others? How can they be less exploited, less victimised? Surely, the opposite. Flip, you're flooding the site with same-y topics! Post your articles under one and the same thread, man.
  3. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: As for your inquiry as to what my claimed wisdom is, a rhetorical question may suffice: how do you miss the wisdom of opposing creating new perceptions, and negative one at that, on poor Xalimos in the name of bringing attention to the FGM? Negative perception on the Xalimos as child-victims or as adult participators in keeping FGM going? Make yourself clear. The 'poor' suggests u're referring to them as victims. Negative perception of a victim is diabolical for it carries with it the warped belief that the victim had a hand in her own suffering. Why would people think this? And why should that stand in the way of progress? It takes a village, as the cliché goes, to fight this bad culture of ours, you would agree, and parading the wounds of the affected sisters is a poor strategy to achieve that goal, me thinks. I do not see a picture- is it real or drawn, K?- as a parade. What is your suggestion for the village? And if a village is being discussed- as in the book- why hide some matters and reveal others? Would that be an all-round book? Oh, and you sure did take a dig at Amelia. She didn't explicitly say she was 'intact'. Women aren't made like men(duh), unless a woman takes a mirror to herself she won't know what's what, let alone how it compares to another woman, mutilated or not! The pictures help educate.
  4. sheherazade


    Poster, to hell with them. Live it your way. Originally posted by Khayr: Just a word of caution! [/b] Or?
  5. Originally posted by Kafaaxiye: haven't we suffered enough? Isqor bilaa xanuun. What are you referring to? The pain of FGM or something other than that(the warring) which is irrelevant. Either way, puh-leeze. Perhaps the pictures will do more for the Somalis. The writer no doubt is familar with nomads' inability to comprehend the written word, a picture will do the job for the incapable and reality-ignorers. For the non-initiated it will serve as a shock and a lesson. Somalis'have a severe dislike of their shame being thrown into the public domain. I say what a move by the writer(intended or not), if shame pains them, then shame may get them to face their original shame. Way to go Name Witheld. K, what reason for keeping him anonymous?
  6. Say it again, Sheh. Originally posted by sheherazade: Comprehend before you respond. --Sheh--
  7. ^he was making a good point, one which has sailed over yr head. Justify your use of 'adoon'. :rolleyes:
  8. ^especially when it's bwahahalicious. Ahura, girl that puts the 'ca' in oouucc.
  9. what happens when women rule: --they lock asinine, repetitive, anti-women stirring mock propaganda delivered from wobbly soap-boxes dripping reprimands and doomsday warnings from lowly heights. --they suggest alternative means of entertainment and therapy, something 12-step, life-long and other planetary(literally). --remind that first step in healing is acknowledgement of soap-box addiction. --recommend soul-searching, self-finding, mirror-looking and gob-shutting. --clarity, harmony and peaceful interaction is within reach.. that's what happens when women rule. Enjoy the rest of your day. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your online troll-life(or not).
  10. Hey, Juba, this thread is being hijacked, haven't u noticed? Get with the program(me?) Anyway, Ahura, what do you think of a special Somali edition of One Man Show: Muus and Tobacco?
  11. Originally posted by Ahura: X, I haven't heard of this One man show fragrance before. Is it very popular in faaraxland? Mon Dieu, u haven't heard of Eau de Faarax? :eek: blurb: This Masculine Scent Possesses A Blend Of Dry Woods With Hints Of Moss And Tobacco. It Is Recommended For Romantic Wear. Hysterical. bwahaha
  12. X, I am well aware of the copy-cat, homogeneity of our culture and I say oouuc(u saw it coming, noh?).
  13. Walee, u r on a mission. Edeb yeelo amaa naga dhex bax. Shidh.
  14. Ouucc and lmao at One Man Show. Ouucc at this thread- please start something constructive Flipmode, please. Oouucc at the fascination with Makalajabti. Move on people.. Ouuuc for the road. :rolleyes:
  15. ^Cid ka maad tagin. Lol. U sure tip-toe your way around women. Thanks. I didn't visit the Babri Mosque- it's not there anymore for starters. It was burnt down in 1992. Hindus claim the Mosque was built(way back in the late 16th century) on land that had a Hindu temple commemorating the birthplace of Rama. When the British left India, they divided the Mosque into two sections so that Hindus worshipped outside an erected fence and the Muslims within the mosque. In 1992, a couple of representatives of the BJP(a political party), the VHP(World Hindu Council) and their supporters descended upon the mosque and destroyed it. Other mosques and Muslims and their homes were also attacked. Official figures put the mosque attackers at 75,000 though others estimate it to be more like 200,000. 2000 people lost their lives and Muslims took their anger out on Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan. The BJP rose to power(Hindus make the majority of the population) and the campaign to build a temple on the site intensified. In 1990 the then President of India asked the courts to prove their was a temple beneath the site but the courts refused- they weren't going to make decisions based on historical evidence. Muslims have been campaigning to have a mosque built over the site whilst the VHP has announced deadlines(that have passed) by which a temple would have been erected. Nothing stands there now. I think it's still with the courts. In 2003, the Prime Minister said he firmly believed the Babri mosque was built on the site of a Hindu temple. And on it goes... From this.. to this..
  16. ^ I do what I can and give only what I see as deserving. More pics from the archives in due time, inshallah, perhaps with a story intertwined. Oh, I do spoil SOLers, stories for story-lovers and pictures for those with comprehension difficulties. Bwahahaha.
  17. Originally posted by besbaaso: By buying FAKE and IMITATION purses u r supporting CHILD LABOR. In January’s issue of Bazaar, a magazine devoted to high-end fashion, there was an article specifically targeting knock-off purses. It also describes the growing rate of child labor in less fortunate countries that are made to live and work in horrible conditions only to feed the world’s horrible appetite to show off a designer purse. I realize that pirated items will probably always exist, but if people educate themselves enough to distinguish the fake from the real, then these knock off artists will lose money and will no longer be a billion dollar industry that is created on the backs of children Besides being ugly, these purses having issues like the stitching will fall apart, or their cheap leather straps will break, or maybe a crummy dye job will stain your skin and clothes. They suck and they r not worth it. A magazine like Bazaar will naturally highlight child labour producing fake bags. Any articles on child labour involved in real designer bags? Magazines thrive mainly on advertising revenue, fashion magazines more so. Surely u do not think children aren't used to produce higher quality designer goods, are you? And do you think if demand for these goods drops, the parents of those children will not find an alternative means of augumenting their incomes with their children's earnings? The higher quality producers sell us their ware claiming the highest of quality but it should be up to them to ensure the highest of conditions for the workers at their factories. However, quality working conditions take a bite out of profits. So they'll be tempted to turn a blind eye. Gap, Nike, Coke, Gucci have all been caught out. Cheaper goods are more likely to come from factories not enforcing good working conditions whether they be fake or real. What shall we do? Campaigners generally focus on big names and name and shame them but what about the average shops? The ones we frequent the most? Staying away from knock-offs and expensive goods(obscene prices) will leave us with the average shop and what do we know of it? Can our shopping ever be ethical?
  18. ^lol at reliable, reliably good fake-bag-seller, eh? Bring it on. Tell him I'll move into the back of his van if he has this: Would u believe it's called a 'Farrah'. I fancy a Farrah, waa la ba'ay. LooL. Anywho, I love it, look out for it, please. A friend told me about a Hong Kong website she ordered a bag from(for her Mum, aww) which delivered the gorgeous leather bag successfully(always a bonus) the other day. I memorised the website address, chanting it like a mantra but what with all the other stuff I have been memorising in the last few days, it got lost in the crowd. I'll ask and post at some point. In the meanwhile, I [insert beating qalb] this baby too. Soo us aa will ya, love?
  19. U're the tip of the barafberg.
  20. Originally posted by The Rendezvous: Let us stop un- neccesary utterances that will NEVER help us Wish u'd follow yr own advice. Repetition is the mother of all migraines. Locking this baby away.
  21. Comprehend before you respond. --Sheh--
  22. Lond day at work and home. Should be doing something else entirely... ----Not that I need to explain myself, but my comment long day at work was writing that long response, since I been at the computer for hours. Anyway I sense there is lack of understanding here. Salaam Bingo, u simply do not comprehend my words. I was referring to myself when I said, 'Long day at work and home. Should be doing something else entirely...' and that final miscomprehension is the reason why I'm convinced there is little point in responding further. U simply don't comprehend me. I'll stay out of your way(more for my benefit than yours, going round in circles makes me dizzy )
  23. ^Yum. I've been eating junk for days. More, please. Well done, Tukale and Amelia. I have 2 more hours of study(which means 2.5 knowing me), sneaking in here(self-sabotage) and bed(divine). Will let u know how tomorrow goes in the Friday thread, lol. Variety is the basbaas of life. Off to get whatever doen't need cooking..
  24. Nacaam, nothing can touch islam or its noble traditions, we all know that, but when these sort of comments are made about the deen what do u recommend sheh, keep quite, and not try to clear up these misconceptions? Were we not ordered to forbid munkar and call to good? Where did I suggest we keep quiet? Further did I not suggest we engage Muslims thate we disagree with it? We are all adults, and more importantly Muslims. Respect is what is between us in these forums, we are here to have discussions and learn from one another-no matter how much we disagree. If this is what you see is happening, belittling, condemning and nothing beneficial in these forums maybe you can call for change or be that change. Nothing special about me to lead the way; we all know how to behave and yet.. I am not sure if this is addressed to me or the poster Generally. but many people have responded in good way and showed that these comments were indeed un-Islamic and wrong. And what is the constructive way you are suggesting? Sure some have ignored, others condemned, some dismissed, but many also gave good answers don’t put everyone in the same pool. Lol where? Go back to the thread/s and see! People don't show- that's my point- they tell without explaining, u know a la lecture. Nobody wants to hear a lecture. Copying and pasting hadiths and Quranic verses do not make a good answer, they make an incomplete one. What about the meaning, the history, the reasons(practical and spiritual), the effect on societal and individual make-up? Frothing at the mouth for Islam and morals is still frothing at the mouth. We, women do not like to froth unecessarily most especially when there's a lot of xumbo floating around already. ----I don’t see how responding to un-Islamic comments is unnecessary. Maybe you don’t see the need but some people do feel insulted when something wrong is said about their deen, and they think it is necessary to respond as best they can. Brother have u read what I have written or did u feel compelled to make a point? Goodness. I said 'frothing', what visuals and associated demeanour, behaviour does that bring to mind? Take it from there.. Also, the ladies are generally intense when demeaning and unIslamic suggestions are made in the name of their diin. A very definite line is drawn there. And it is at this line that I find men(fewer than the women) using the softly-softly approach and I am left wondering just where that gung-ho love for Islam lurks- the heart, the mind or the ego. -----Not just the sisters, but all muslims feel angered when something demeaning is said about islam-thus it is necessary to respond. I don’t really know the softy-softy approach you are referring to my sister or those men you feel employ that, or why you feel the right to question where someone’s love for islam is coming from. But weather u are in these forums or your day to day life, your manners should not be harsh, disprespectful, or unkind to others-that is not what Islam teaches us. Those who call to islam and are muslims-should deal with others in a kind and just manner that is what Allah has commanded us. Salaam. Nope, u are obviously not reading what I am writing. I said, 'in the name of'. I was not referring to Islam but to its use as a way of demeaning or subjugating. Wondering about somebody's love for Islam and questioning it are two different things. I put that thought out there so some may consider what exactly motivates them to speak/or not on Islam. Human beings are complex creatures, do u honestly beleive there is 100% purity in our discussions? Do ego, pride, anger etc not play a part? And finally, it is extremely dull and frustrating to have to respond to comments one has not made. Please do not fall into the trap of sharing what's on your mind as a response to something another has said just to get if off of your chest or to lead it to a conclusion that validates what's really on your mind! It doesn't work and it gets in the way of the flow of a discussion. Lond day at work and home. Should be doing something else entirely...
  25. ^brown is a safe colour so go wild with the bottom(trousers/skirt). Don't be safe. Try on existing bottoms collection, look in mirror and assess. Something will stand out. Oi, Nefertiti, did u say bags? I've become a bag pervert. I never cared before wheras now I'm eying up other women's bags all the time. How much was yr fake Chloe bag? Can't make a weekday trip to a market unless I quit job which would be no good as I would the not be able to afford the bag. Now leave me alone, I have to study, u selfish women!!!! :rolleyes: