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Everything posted by sheherazade

  1. sheherazade


    Originally posted by M.M.: Amazing stuff! quote: Now waan wareeray & i need Qaxbo LOL Brownooow you sure you need a Qaxbo Awoow? oo sideed oran waa yaabe Aggaah Thanks Baash, aside from the LSD experience, I got to read comments like the two above. Hilarious.
  2. ^miyaad soo tirisay? Elaborate, Lavie.
  3. Originally posted by Khalaf: Edit why u flipping on Pure Blood on "adoon"...somalis use that word all the time...and act u aint heard it before :confused: .....we are all of us are the Most GOd fearing. Somalis are racists against blacks also. salaamun Aniga ima fahmo ee yaa ka dhaadhacin?
  4. LoL at losing weight for hubby. There are far more important reasons to lose excess fat. But u know.. U sound like a guy. A woman that wants to lose wieght can not get out of her head that she needs to lose weight, it consumes the mind. Once she gets it into her niya that she wants to lose weight, and wouldn't that be a great side-effect of fasting, well, the way I see it, it impacts on the rewards of the fast. I think it probably diminishes it. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
  5. sheherazade


    Not Google but America's Most Wanted. OK. One thing I now know is that u either do not understand what I'm saying or u ignore it altogether. Either way waan ku gu wareeraya if I continue to engage u and it won't help the topic one bit. P.S: constant references to how u see my character will not make your arguments stronger.
  6. I couldn't be bothered to finish the book. A friend hyped it up so much I could only be disappointed. Shiiish, ma u celiyey? I wouldn't pay to see it.
  7. Multi-skilled, that's me. That's not fighting, that's fighting off. I'm a stubborn sun of a gun, I worry I won't run. LoL. When I was at Uni, I once after a long headache-inducing day took the beloved underground home at about 7pm. The hugest man on the planet decided to leave the carriage next to me- he saw me through the window- and come and sit next to me. The carriage had a few other people in it, he could easily have sat anywhere but no he decided I looked like easy prey. He sits next to me, splays his legs apart bumping into my knees, I shift my legs away and watch him through the reflection in the dark wondows in front of us. I watch him as he pulls in close and stops within a centimetre of my face. He breathes through his mouth and hot air bakes my cheek. He says nothing. I do nothing. My seat. I was not going anywhere. The other carriage members get nervous and stop looking my way. A woman in front of me nearly hyperventilates. This goes on for, I don't know 10 to 15 minutes. He wouldn't give up! Anaa ka daran laakiin. I stayed put. I knew if he touched me I'd move away but I didn't want to be scared out of my seat. Finally he tires of the showdown and looks away. He gets bored though and decides to return to being in my face. Eventually he has to stop- it's his stop- and I go home, adrenaline iyo dhidid running through me. I wouldn't do that now. I will say something sarcy like: did u lose something in my face, mate? Neither is a good solution. This is in the wrong thread entirely. And a terrible example for Scar's sister. LOL.
  8. Originally posted by Castro: ^ Let me guess. You're a lover, not a fighter? LOL. I wouldn't go that far. I can slice with my tongue, baby.
  9. ^ Uff. Sensitivity is not the way ma tidhi? :rolleyes: Ya Allah, y'all scare me. Violence jacela dadku. The kid's ten for God's sake. As far as she's concerned the N word could be the word for black people around her house. Beating her isn't going to help her reach an understanding. Dialogue not Violence.
  10. ^'Walaal' iyo 'dee' ka fahmey waxaad qortay.
  11. Originally posted by Tuujiyee: ^^^^ "waan wareeray".kkkkkkkkkk... yarta bajaq wareersan aa la dhahay waa laqaboojiyaa ee hadaa tuujis rabtid, isha igu soo xad..... Wareeray ku Walee inta badan ku ma fahmo. Bujuq iyo bajaq lees waligaa.
  12. ^hey, I disagree. If the intention is to lose weight, I doubt u would gain full brownie points with the Lord. Besides fasting slows down metabolism. Moderation is the way to go, like we are advised to do in all matters: even eating, small and regular will keep u small and regular. Oh, dear. I lowered the tone. Ho hum. It's Monday, gotta smile.
  13. sheherazade


    Originally posted by Khalaf: Yes sheh, ur “toughness†bothers me ur full of urself u know. Ill let it slide. salaamun Teehee. I know what I am and what I am capable of, good and bad. I'm full of self-knowledge. Slide that. I see you have been busy Googling- a lot of tips there, some of which echo my own. Do you remember? quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Khalaf: What u listed relates to an attacker w/out a weapon….what if he has gun and catches u off guard….what would u do tough sheh? And Allah forbid u or any other sister be in that situation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That was your response to my tips- u couldn't resist finding a bullet hole in what I had to say. Yet you still haven't provided a solution to your eye-rolling challenge yourself. I hope you are rolling your eyes at yourself now or have u changed your mind about it all just because Google said?
  14. Originally posted by Brown: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: quote: Originally posted by Brown: quote: Originally posted by sheherazade: ^that 'maaha' has me thinking and I've thought this before. Maybe it is,maybe it aint But this could be true,maaha? It could be true but I did think it b4 and was I assured I shouldn't be thinking it, maaha? Assured by who?,not I definetly. Eithercase,Its Xaax U definitely, but it may be false, so maybe it wasn't u. Maaha? Xaax. Waan wareeray.
  15. sheherazade


    ^don't listen to the music, u need all your senses. Naden, getting helped is a bonus. I don't expect it if I get into trouble. But no way will I carry a knife, I don't believe that sh*t about using it to defend yourself, it's their to maim. I can't be sure I won't cause death. Shiver. About coming to the defence, I was once on an underground train and two boys who were together, happliy talking and laughing, facing one another start to play-fight suddenly. Both are Eastern European about 13-14 years of age and quite big, one much bigger than the other- I'm talking body fat here. For some reason, one starts to get rough, really rough. Pow, splat, hit, kick, knuckles and slaps rain down on one another. Everybody in the carriage fidgets, some refuse to look their way, some watch in abandon, some look and turn away(moi), nobody wants to get involved. I really want to except I'm on my way to an interview- they never bothered to give me feedback after, those b*stards- but I am smaller than even the small 13 year old and I don't want to get hurt cause they're all over the place and I know what happens when I get in between fighting boys, I get hurt. Not to mention the sweat and saliva being exchanged(my suit!). BTW, the smaller one in size is doing all the damage. The other one does what he can but he's been bashed and battered and it's obvious. By this time I think how sick it all is, after all they are only boys!! Suddenly, the vicious boy lands a rather hefty blow to the bigger one and the bigger boy slumps to the floor. I throw my magazine to the floor and get up. The vicious boy on seeing me approach runs for it and heads for the doors. PHEW. The train is at a station now and he stands on the platform holding the doors open but pleading with his friend and calling out a name over and over. I have no idea what he is saying but the look on his face tells all- he feels terrible cause his friend isn't moving. A man also gets up(group mentality) and goes after the attacking boy. He talks to him sharply and quickly in a language that I assume the boy understands(though he may not have been but wanted to get it off his chest anyway). He walks back to his seat. I bend over the bruised boy and rub his back: are you OK?(st*pid Q 9988123). He looks up, face tear-stained and in pain. U're going to be OK, sit up. He follows my instructions obediently. The doors beep to signal their closure but the other boy is still holding them open. He calls for his friend again. The other commuters tut and fidget some more cause we're not going anywhere with open doors. I go into headmistress mode and look at the boy: Friends do NOT do that to one another. U either get in or let go of those doors now! He releases it, the train pulls out while he looks through the glass at us mournfully. I stay and talk with the other boy- some lecture about not fighting. Those b*st*rds never bothered to call me back... Help is a bonus. Everybody's worried they'll get dragged into a pain-causing incident. Especially one involving the spillage of body fluid. Edited: that wasn't meant for u Castro but I'll leave it there anyway.
  16. Originally posted by Brown: quote:Originally posted by sheherazade: ^that 'maaha' has me thinking and I've thought this before. Maybe it is,maybe it aint But this could be true,maaha? It could be true but I did think it b4 and was I assured I shouldn't be thinking it, maaha?
  17. ^There would have gone the neighbourhood. Just as well u didn't get it, innit, Ahura?
  18. Even though u paid a HOLDING DEPOSIT? Make sure u get that back BTW as they backed out. It's all for the best, if they were dodgy at the outset they would have only gotten dodgier. U're better off. Pick a reputable agency and ask, ask, ask questions before u start looking at places. Don't let it get u down. A house is a house is a house. It's making it a home that matters- I hope u're now sufficiently oouucced enough to snap put of your mood. Have a good weekend.
  19. U people made me read all that(for the sake of moderating)!! Naga daaya, please.
  20. No duubduub every night but mine r long so I have to control them in some way. I have been known to try and get out of bed, with an unknown elbow in own hair and return hurtling back to pillow with a sprained neck. Not the best way to start the day. Don't know what to recommend for dandruff. I am having an attack right now, ax. Better weather means better hair, skin and scalp. Another reason to move.... Has anybody slathered good old Hellmans Mayo on hair? And henna, any negatives?
  21. Hooga, black African man lusts after white woman. Nothing controversial about it; they're just tapping into their psyche.
  22. sheherazade


    Originally posted by Khalaf: Ok walaalshiis....ill please u and say women are stronger then men :rolleyes: happy? What u listed relates to an attacker w/out a weapon….what if he has gun and catches u off guard….what would u do tough sheh? And Allah forbid u or any other sister be in that situation. You obviously do not understand the point! It is not to get involved in an all-out wrestling session with the attacker but to stun him and escape. It is irrelevant who is stronger; it is about tactic and smarts. A six foot attacker still has the same weak spots I do. It's that simple, all u have to do is stay calm and try an extricate yourself if he grabs you. Perhaps this concept of FLIGHT is not what the averge man would consider and more fool him. I am TOUGH, alhamdullialh. It bothers you. Ask yourself why and spare us the nuucnuuc. Don't give me your Allah forbid, give me your suggestions. Allah will do what He wishes whatever u wish. Give us something constructive if u have it, cause so far waaxaad sheygasaa iska yar. Go on Google it. And deliver it with confidence knowing women here may take your word for it. I will NOT give advice on how to deal with a knife or gun holder other than to say if he wants your material goods hand them them over. Getting the weapon away from a knife or gun-wielding attacker is not child's play. I have some idea but not enough and not with enough confidence to dish it out to people. We as women have to live with the possibility of being attacked every fcking day of our lives. It is as serious as it gets for us. Find another subject matter to snigger at. Go away unless u have some constructive input. That goes for u too Xiin. Fair enough? Spend the time teaching your sons and brothers not to attack and rape women instead. And we'll spend the time learning how to defend ourselves. We have the harder job. Have a good Friday.
  23. sheherazade


    Originally posted by Khalaf: Should be prepared for all situations. Why don't u list ALL situations possible, brother and then recommend some to-dos? And once u're done take your patronising tone with you or I'll put it up your left nostril for you. Nicely. :rolleyes:
  24. Originally posted by Lost-One: .. that real emotions can not be displayed online. Emotions like guilt, anger, hatred, love or just having a self conscious. Meet: :cool: All the emotions u'll ever need. I am just plain rude to people here sometimes, something I never thought I could ever do whatever the medium. I have surprised myself. I confess I enjoyed it. Xaax. But it isn't really me, negative energy and all that. Experimenting over until somebody really messes with me. :mad: