OG Moti
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Everything posted by OG Moti
Hoddan that is why we shall fight always till we got our freedon and return ogadenia to somalia where it belongs, but our fight just got harder it has to be in all over somalia to unite our people and to fight for our rights... the good news is we are in win situation in ogadenia.. if we win our freedom it is a win in this world and if die trying we are in win in Akhira inshaAllah and be shahiiid .. thanx sis for the report, and who wants to know more please go http://www.ogaden.com or click Ogaden Site ONLF Peace to all Somalia
i think the old members now dont wana share nothing .. like hibo no more posts, she was women issues activist anyway but i wonder what happen did women won the game and not need to be active no more? or they just found out they could not win this gender war? Just wondering nothing more, nothing less... peace loooooooooool
To me thou i left somalia at a very young age...but i think Holwadaag was the best place to live.. beautiful and friendly environment.. next comes xamarweyne where you can find xalwo and muuufo.. and nice people ... those 2 places i could never forget... i hope many will agreee... peace
Zu man .. you are smart, very smart how the hell did u come out with such Idea? Canbaraluul dear i am not paraniod i am just chilling dear, i know me and somali women got love/hate ralationship and dont be surprise if one of them will announce her love to me loooooooooooooool ... but sister i just wanted to trade me with water or food or even some underwears but not makeups looooooooool anywy i am coming with a plan like Zu said .. great idea i just have to think which one i shall keeep on the island and trade the rest... who wants to remain on the island hola on me girls only!! looooool peace
Haruuun brother thanx .. for looking up to me.. East Africa is good i just thought of changing my nick a bit .. what u think OG_moti aint nice name? loooooooooooool man u should go to africa it is nice really nice... loooooooooooool Peace
Bachelor sxb i did not know u still around .. i thought u disappeared but before you sell ur vote .. the Man OG_Moti promises good things for all and a man with your qualification .. you could be incharge in the departmant of Women's rights and be nice to them .. and please Dont get greedy that is a very important deparment only if you know how to manage it.. and by the way Nasra is a right person for the vice president as the man himself says.... Gediid ofcourse .. the Man OG_moti says you are the man for information minister, he feels you could do better than mohamed al Sahaf the iraqi when the heat comes to us.... either way the man thinks he wont take office unless all the members insist for him take office.. peace
I think OG_moti will do a great job, he is democratic and he lives and lets other live, even Animals will enjoy in his administration, i think any somalionline members who cares for the welfare of the members would vote for him no doubt, and i guess his humbleness will not allow him to take office then i guess the second person i would advice would be Che-Guevara or a female candidate Magnuuna_girl or [/b]Nasra[/b] peace
I wish Allah will protect his relegion and the followers of Islam and Destory the kufaar like they destroyed muslims .. such as the heart breaking that is happening in Iraq.. I wish Allah will revange from those who are anemies of Islam.. peace
looool dumar ninkey nacaan waligood ma ilaabaan, so i am thinking is it love hate relationship .. maybe you guys have some feelings for me and i do appriciate for that... loooool canbaraluul what was ur advice being nice to women? even when they are not nice themselves!! or not telling them the truth? i can not lie sis, but now i try to be nice by not saying my honest and brotherly and advices and telling them what they doing wrong.. looool Scorpion sista man i love u too girl you did misspelled my name on purpose? ouch ouch that hurts, but sis i forgive u for me being a nice guy, i am no more a fighter man i am a lover man now so i forgive u, and what is wrong with chinese food .. it is SURVIVAL isnt it.. means do what is takes to survive, but instead you prefered to trade me with a box of makeup see then u wont survive u will die beautiful, but if u keep me u might eat disgusting food but will survive, does it make sense? looooooooool and hey it is trading me not kicking me out comeon show some human rights after all u might fall inlove with me one day they say love comes after hate so how is trading going on how many left in the island .. anyway i am in better place you traded me with a makeup materials but now i am in the other side, i just wana tell u they are feeding me well looooooooooool peace
So far here are the results: Who do you want to be your partner 1.Someone who had previous relationship(s) 17%(6) i am guessing the 6 people are females 2. Someone who never dated before 26% (9) i am guessing all guys voted for this 3. Single father/mother 3% (1) no idea if a female or male voted for this, but seems everyone is avoiding this option 4. Someone who loves you and you hope to learn to love him/her at later stage 43% (15) this choice i wish to know how many females and male voted, :eek: i am still analysing 5. Good looking "just good looking" 11% (4) teenagers choice guys this survey is doing well please vote more, i am writing a book so i need this survey i will let u read the book when i am finish with it. or even send you a copy of the book peace
Carbaraluul, P aa braxton ends with N Navy Sing < cambodin hip hopper .. No ok then let me think of something else mmmmmmmmm Nash so Next letter is H
Bad news i tried to tell admin to give ur rights back, but no reply mean women's forum has no importance here.. so sad, i am truelly sorry sisters.. it is life.. but u will survive, be strong and leave it to God ... peace
Lefty say it straight bro .. u answer is right is the the female most secret part .. i dont know why they say secret but that is the answer... nasty nasty nasty joke... i am wadaad i feel bad when i heard such jokes and how did i know the answer i think yahoo.com has a negetive side too looool peace
Sister Rahiiima comeon the Art of War? I mean we are trying to make the nomads forget war and be lovers instead of fighters and u are taking them back to be fighters waliba teach them the Art of war so that they will become more violant... sister is there any love story book you could suggest ... waaan naxay when i read ur post.. The Art of WAR aa by the way i like the second one Stupid white man, it sounds intereting book but where can i find it ... lots of love n peace guys nomads forget the Art of War it is scarry book, peace
Canbaro luuul i have been around i thought to disappear so haters would forget me and stop busing me .. but it seems i have been traded for a box of makeup.. i m still in shock sis i have a lot of teaching hours plus i am advicing some graduating students for their thesis so a bit busy.... but i am back and yes i am still alive loooooooool but it seeems there is a lot of name changing happening .. somalis they always choose a hard passwords and when somaliaonline was offline they forgot their passwords and resign up again, i keep telling the nomads use one password u can always remember or pm me and tell me ur password so that u can ask me whenever u forget, but who listens no one, anyway sis nice to see u again,, peace
Canbaro luuul nice list and nice game.. it showed me a lot about some haters here..loool SCORPION_SISTA 9. OG-Mati--can you imagine what he would cook for us, hell naaah 9)A beauty case full of ur fav make up brand (as for the guys playsation 2) Ala you trade me with make up in an island? where there is not merror even .. man you abused my human rights ouch and u spelled my name wrong, and who said i can not cook, i think i will be the most important person in that Island, i can make food from worms and green, i am trained in china remember? u broke my heart LayZieGirl 9. OG_Moti (just becuz...) Again u too trade me with a box of make up, i dont beleive this not even for food, for make up? am I that easy, am I that cheap? you did not even give a reason, u are even worse than Scorpion girl...u broke my kidneys Grey M&M 6)OG_MOTI (...call it *bein feminine*) Man u blaming me for being a lover man rather than a fighter... I thought it might come from the girls cause they just could not beleive a brother<< me.. will be this romantic but from u bro ouch a hundered ouch.... S.O.S [/i]7)Toothbrush + tooth paste.[/i] 7.Og Moti and Nunne (I can just imagine what they would cook) just becuse i made a mistake calling u a bro which i apologized about you trading me for a Toothbrush + tooth paste, man this is against human, animal and every rights.. i dont beleive this u are in an island all you trade two brothers for Toothbrush + tooth paste, i mean it is an island u wont have dirty teeth cause no food anyway.... and i dont cook? man none of u seem to like chinese food it is healthy by the way... i feeel sad my turn ... I will die with hunger but i will never trade any one of u for nothin wait maybe for toothbrush and paste i would trade Samiha she is new so i wont feel guilty about it.. this is a sick game, trading human lives ... man where human right organization from Canbara luul i wont ride a boat with her...actually i wont ride a boat at all... peaceeeee
Ooooops samiiiha posted just a second ahead of me so it is S saamiih ok let me think spice girls so it S again
Ricky Martin ... girls dont screammm .... looool i hate that guy by the way, but other name is coming to my head can we add movie actors too so it is N
I was worried for the sisters now i am sad .. it seems sisters gave up and admit the male dominance... what can i say i tried to help, nothing else i can do, this is serious deep inside ur hearts u know it but u choose to ignore or pretent moving ur forum to the bottom is normal..I think u guys are scared to even ask ur right when u suppose to shout and show some anger.. Naziha sister u are a fighter when it comes to me the maskiin who wants ur well fair and cat or even chicken when it comes to the Admin the lion the waraabe who took ur rights from u.. But i have hopes one day you will direct ur anger to the right place the man who took ur rights Aameenah sis i forgive ya, and sis the one who moved ur forum is a man they own the whole thing so u know they dont need to put title since they can move anything...sister fight i know u can do tht... intuition did u say something as simple as that? sister if someone took ur place which was in the front seats for Awkombe show and tht person ask u to sit at the back will u accept ofcourse not.. it is the same sis... exactly the same...and it is not about confidence .. it is about rights.. so sister think again... simple women u laughing sis .. u should be sad and angry and try to do somethin about this tragedy... princess sexy sister to be honest i like u and ur smartnes but sista it is not being here by carring a male nick it is about disrespecting ur rights and underminding u.. i hate that to happen to u..and u asking me to ask why the forum was moved.. sister u telling me open my eyes.. comeon for god sake i know why cause i know how man think cause i m one myself.. they think it is not important simple as that...sister ask ur female friend if this is silly.. sister all the major problems and abuses started with something we thought it was silly.. so sister i just want what is best for u and tht is ur forum to come back where it was..simple as tht.. but u have to fight, dont give up that easy.... Ilhaam it would not matter to those guys but it would mean a tragedy to me .. those guys if they really cared about ur issues and ideas they would move ur forum to the bottom so that u have to scroll down and new internet users wont even know that it exist cause simply they dont know u have to scroll down.. this is a major problem... and none of the sisters aside by Rahiima seem to care about this unfortunate incident... this is sad .. i never thought i will see this day where my sisters can not even fight for their simple and basic rights... i thought education will help u to realize that u have rights, but it seems it made thing worse, it made u give up ur rights.. good luck sisters... God know how hard i tried to help nothing else left in my hands i rest my case.. and if i see women forum desappeared i wont be surprised... peace
OG Moti replied to Animal Farm's topic in General
Tangane yah waaba handadeeesaaa adminka, war adigaa ba indho adeeegnimo dhameeyey.. man can i join ur gaung it seems u got ur back covered or u wouldnt talk like that.. loooooooool by the way i am a teacher not a student just for the record after all these years of studing u wana return me back to student position no way ... peace bro and take it easy.... -
Kool kat good thinking.. no one has time to teach the other, i dont know wht the brothers are thinking looking for brand new partner, akhi Mujaahid cafwan brother, but we are one nomad family we share thoughts and ideas so shoot wht u got bro...Brown suga good thinking i suppose but close means what? close guy could be next to ur house or close minded or close eyes which one sis tell us open our eyes enlighten us, Rahima what is ur choice? i hope u will go for single mother cause so far zero votes for that option not tht i am suggesting i myself is one single father... i am not just wondering why everyone is avoiding that option... Curly Sue correct u will end up hurting them but sis what is ur choice.. share with us... the survey so far is doing well.. Arent we starting to understand how we think, learning from each other? for me i did learn a lot so far..
Magnoona you are really magnoona if that is the egyptian word for crazy ... anyway good Question sis ... you are right they think the formula works but 95% of women get disappointed .. and it is the thinking of all women not only somalis.. see I am a wadaad so dont get me wrong but i was in the philipines and this classmate of mine she is indho yar came to me and said she thinks she is calool buur by me and i said WHAT did they invent a new way that by shaking hands the girl could go boom cause i did not have ... like Clinton said so she goes oooh maybe it was your friend then... see what i mean .. anyway my point here is there are so many women there left with kids and they had those kids just to keep the man but never worked for them. so magnoona if you thinking of it forget it sis ... u will end up single mother who never had a wedding ceremony.. peace
My sister Ameenah your words broke my heart but as any caring and forgiving brother i forgive u, you called me an ultimate female basher ouch that is too much.. sister maybe you are one of those who misunderstood my previous topics which i apologized about and made peace with sisters, let forget the past sister.. in this topic i am just trying to support your cause and encourage you to fight back, but it seems my good intentions are slashed back to my face... it is life no problem, but the good news is i will never give up on my sisters and will always be there for them and help them to protect their given rights... Sister Rahiima thanx very much it seems you are the only one who appriciates my concern for your affairs, and sister Nova 2003 has shown some appriciation, as for sisters Naziha and princess_sexy do you really think there is not cause to fight for? I am sorry to say this but you guys are missing the big picture which is what is next ban you from posting or remove women's forum at all. That could happen by the way if you let this pass without a fight... I mean women forum was number 2 in the list now it is second to the last .. does not that shows you that the admin thinks this forum is not so important so it has to be at the end? please open your eyes sisters.. this is serious issue as far as i am concern, but ofcourse it is up to you to decide whether this deserve to fight for on not, i just felt bad for you guys cause i love you all.. sista Nova 2003 Cambodia is cool i just came back from kuwait and back to work, and there is not kaneeco here.. do u think this is north America or Europe where almost everyone has malaria.. this is Asia sister no such thing.. FIGHT FOR UR RIGHTS GUYS put your hands together and good luck... peace in Somalia, Palastine and IRAQ
Dear lovely u I apologize for calling u bro, from now on i will call u dear sista.ok? i hope u dont mind, for sister haseena i think assinating those guys would help so much cause they are the root of the problems and they caused so many bad things to our people, i even think it might be Ajar from go killing them.... they are the source of the problem, another thing is like the brother and ur self haseena said educate our people and make them understand each other, go back to our beautiful religion which we at the moment far from it... over all lets put our hands together and pray to Allah for giving us the streinght to make changes cause sitting and waiting things from Allah never work, Allah says work hard for Allah will help you, peace
Naziha sis i am just trying to help the sisters to stand up for their rights, it breaks my heart to see the sisters been dempressed and bullied like this way, so i am trying to encourage them to stand for themselves and fight back, it is your rights you know, article 58 of Women's rights states clearly that under no circumstances should a women taken her given rights and change or take away what it has been given to her, and in this case that is what exactly happen here, so ofcourse it is up to you to fight back or just take it easy and allow further abusing.. loool peace