OG Moti

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Everything posted by OG Moti

  1. First welcome to this site, where nomads could have their peace....loooool second sister, 2 years ? comeon no one waits 2 years, but hey the more u wait the more exciting it gets.. and in here u post an idea in your head or a topic to discuss, you post your point of view and see who would agree or disagree and give reasons, so it is a good way of discusion and u would have fun here beleive me.. so how would make the best out of this site.. simple .. post a point or statement or a point and see how others would react to it, and their own point of view, dont get surprise if many will disagree with you cause we somalis love to disagree... peace
  2. Guys i ment in your case who would you choose, not help me to choose i did choice already, and i really would like to see Cutelil_girl.. cause i think i missed her in my list but to tell the truth she is one of first people i would love to see, why? i really dont know why, but i think this site is great and i met people here whom i think very kind and very honered i would be if i meet them and become their friend.. so tell us who would u really would like to meet and reasons if u know why u would want to meet them.. peace
  3. Which nomad you win his/her friendship, and i mean serious friendship, like knowing everything about them and meet or have hopes to meet? to me Hibo --- i am blessed to her closely, i havent met her but she is a good friend Lovely me she is so nice girl and i wish i will meet her soon Jamaal_11good friend and nice guy we are considered friends in my dictionary.. runaway_virgin nice chick i met her and we start to get closer... Miss abuser very good friend, and we talk a lot...and we will for sure meet muniira i hope i will meet her, we have score to settle loooooool OG_girl i known her so long we lived the same country before but never met her out of the net... nuune we dont talk but he is a good person and a good friend dont be surprised if most of my friends are female, they are more honest and more understanding the purpose of friendship... tell us your friends by the way those i would love to meet are so many... Libaax sanka maskiin macruuf Psycho sue nuune buubto batuulo barwaqo nasra Clown Nafisa lakkad lefty xafsa Sthml-girl sweet gal and many more
  4. hey ayanick my father was born in xudur he says it is a beautiful town.. and hey my grandpa is bared there... and i even hear people there visit his grave cause he was a big sheikh... one day inshaAllah i will go there and check.. peace
  5. Admin why did you edited my post, i do not think i disrespected anyone and i sure do not think I violated the terms of this site which by the way i read very carefully, are u taking sides here.. are we turning to regional people now? please admin explain to me why my post was edited... thank you...peace
  6. Nafisa thanx sis, i just did not want to get personal and misunderstood... thanx for ur kind comments.. Lander like it or not.. as being a somalian.. every inch of Somalia is mine.. and i mean by saying that, i have the rights to be in it.. and that is being nationlist .. and what made somalia in a civil unrest and chaos is remarks like yours... and by me saying every inch of somalia is mine .. i only ment cause to me where a somalian regardless what region lives is my land and i can feel at home.. u dont like it .. i feel sorry for you .. nothing personal, my second advice .. peace [ June 01, 2003, 12:48 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  7. Brother Gediid i am not a southern somali, and i know about SYL, there is not south and north in my dictionary, we all somalis .. ofcourse your land of origin always counts but lets look the big picture. to me i search all information about somalia whether south or north, to me every inch of somalia is mine ... anyway i am not blaming her, i hope she deos reads about somali history all of it... thanx brother for the sugestion.. peace
  8. Somaliland_Queen too bad you are asking who they are and what they did...? but not too late you can still catch up and do research.. start here ... SYL2
  9. Simple Woman are we getting personal loooool .. sis i did relate my first date... and told the whole story.. by the way i was just teasing u sis.. it is not like u gona break anyone's legs.. so chill sis .. and sis by the way sometimes it is dengerious to sit a man's lap... like wht happen in my case and some other brother's case.... peace
  10. Dear sis Privacy Confort Art nice music magazines and newspapers internet 2 or 3 pcs for e-mail check ice - tea is very important.. should be not american ice tea it sucks, has to be sweet... all kind of coffee, kenya. vietnam, brazil, yemeni, etc dont forgeet nestle coffee the instant one .. some people still want that in a cafe...loool muffens, pancakes, and sandwiches, tuna is my favourate.. loooool so more to come ....so that one day u invite me in ur cafe and i dont have to pay ...looooooool peace
  11. Dear sis Privacy Confort Art nice music magazines and newspapers internet 2 or 3 pcs for e-mail check ice - tea is very important.. should be not american ice tea it sucks, has to be sweet... all kind of coffee, kenya. vietnam, brazil, yemeni, etc dont forgeet nestle coffee the instant one .. some people still want that in a cafe...loool muffens, pancakes, and sandwiches, tuna is my favourate.. loooool so more to come ....so that one day u invite me in ur cafe and i dont have to pay ...looooooool peace
  12. Lander all the fallen SNM fighters. (PBUT) peace be upon them Shame on you man.. ilaahey kacabso, Fear Allah, PBUT is used for Prophets only not even sahaba ... so watch what you saying... dont lose your Aqira for words you saying without thinking.. instead you should said Allah yarhamhum, not PBUT, i hope you understand my advice with heart.. peace
  13. First brother Rudy you need to re-evaluate ur IMAAN, is there a hell or a heaven is not a question you should be asking at this age... you wont demo.. take a good look on earth.. people , nature and everything around u.. some people commit ugly crimes and get away with it.. do you think they wont pay for it.. some people lose their lives helping someone else do you thik they wont be rewarded.. man work your faith... and Ask Allah forgiveness... cause sometimes simple words we say might put us in big troubles.. anyway my thoughts I want to achieve something big and then have calool weyn .. not have calool weyn because of coke while i am broke ass... achieved nothing... loooooool i am not high i am just saying wisdom and not everyone understands my wisdom, but you try harder you will get the picture.. peace
  14. OG Moti


    CUTE_LILGIRL sis ala i never said that, please again and read carefully i never said that.. dont make me look bad i never could never will ever say thaat... i demand an Apology and you welcome for your thanx...peace
  15. OG Moti


    WHO Voted for non Somali women?? we need to stop that guy and kick him out of here, when it comes to that there should be no democracy...god if i could only put my hands on him
  16. Simple_women are we getting personal? comeon sis.. read between the lines.. maybe he way gentelman cause u broke his legs and he could not talk or push u away cause he was in a lot of pain and could not do anything.. by the way girls think you re gentelman when u silent.. silence does not always means being nice... looool sister i hope we wont need a conversation to resolve our differences.. looool i am tired.. by the way are u still with that romantic guy who let u sit on his lap.."maskiin". ? just asking sis..
  17. sister RUBA From Aruba we have no secrets .. we want everyone of us to be an example to others to resolve our differences in public in a professional way and more openly and in a conversational maner where others can add their inputs, follow our example and be one big happy family .. i think it worked and now as i can see people are more close and i would not be surprised if the admin complain about running out of space because the pms of love people sending to each other.. so it is good... loool peace.. OG_Girl i love u too girl who ever you are.. but it seems you put me in troubles .. you attack people and make remarks against women and people think it is me... but i forgive u, after all.. we are human we have rights yes and we also make mistakes.. peace by the way i dont get high it is just sometimes i write words of wisdom not everyone can understands easily..
  18. Kool_Kat loooool i need the following information about u please provide... 1. Do you have a job? 2. How much you got paid? 3. Do you have a lawyer? 4. Is you negotiation skills good? 5. Are you familier that most of sueing cases are setteled out of court...? Please provide me those information.. by the way Thanks for seeing my words as words of wisdom... i always thought someone will recognize my wisdom and acknowledge that, i appriciate that... but still it would be nice of u to answer my questions... peace
  19. we are 4 and one suju... we pay $20 for one session.. i dont know about my friends they might not like the movie so prepare for 50% discount for us... i am counting on u tell them we got human rights too as somali caambodians .. peace
  20. man did she said sit on his lap all day, he was gentlemen.. maybe he was gentleman cause u broke his legs, i feel sorry for him.. imagin a somali lady or girl sitting on ur lap all daay ouch that must hurt.. anyway.. last time a lady sit on my lap, she was oh my God OG_moti u son of the gun ... what was that.. i said what is what.. she said something is moving ... i cant tell u the rest, but my legs hurted me for a week... so not a good idea to let the lady sit on ur lap, maybe the other way around would be better.. peace
  21. guys me i like women who are older than me for the following reasons: 1. They think they are smarter than you, so i can act damp and get all the juice .. u know she will say maskiinka needs help caqligiisa madhana... 2. they go to market for shopping and they think of u before themselves, unlike the sweet 16, i wana this and thaat it is like u dont exist 3. man at home u are the kind and ..... i dont have to tell u u all know how u get treated by older women at home 4. Milk never runs out in house, and canjeero every morning same time ready before u wake up... 5. all she think of is are u ok while u plaaying pool with friends, in some cases they even buy u a cell phone not to stuck u but to call u every 10 minutess to see if you are ok or what would u want to eat when u get home. and are u winning babe? ... so as u can see i want older women, sweet 16 sucks... peace
  22. hey Sweet_gal....if i am not in Ottawa i dont have human rights or what.. i need a tour in cambodia for that movie or i will make my own movie and wont show it in ottawa.. come on .. send some letters tell the organizers that ur bros in cambodia have rights to see the movie let them bring it here too.. i am counting on u girl... do this for me ...
  23. nuune thanx that was beautiful... aamiin bro aamiin let me add some... you are blessed if you are a muslim .. aaamiiin? you are blessed if you die as a muslim.. aamiin? you are blessed if your parents are happy about u.. aamiin? you are blessed if 1 person loves you not to mentioned loved by others.. aamiin? peace
  24. to my people .. i choose to my people.. to my people sounds better than to my people.. so i go for to my people.... peace
  25. Originally posted by The CLOWN: OG_MOTI, has a crush on you and for me i was just telling him to hang in there nothingelse! Ala did i send the wrong message to the sister, bro i got no crush on no one i am happy simi married to a chinese lady, and she takes care of me like i am a cat, and i am sure she wont eat me for those of u who will say "WAR YEYSAN KUCIN," .. so I Apologize deeply if i send the wrong message.. it was a conversation and it was going fine till others start to assume things looool u know what i mean.. by the way CLOWN, did u ever consider to have a chinese lady in ur life, they put with strage habits you might have, and bro u got a lot of it.. like the one forgetting to flush the toilet and forgeting to wash ur hands think about it bro... and u dont have to look for them hard they are many ... peace