OG Moti

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Everything posted by OG Moti

  1. HATE comes first... you sure need hate to appriciate LOVE, somali people use the Word LOVE so often and not many really understand what it means.. they think love is a girl blinking when she sees a handsome man, and a man openning his mouth when he sees a pretty girl... so i just want to say it more complicated than that simple view.. you need to hate or to be hated to appriciate love.. love is when u feel good about someone, when u realize that there is someone who care about u.. men or females... 3 levels of love: 1. Humanly Love - Humanly love... this could happen to brother to brother, brother to sister, sister to sister, men to men, females to females and family love 2. Relationship love --- this has to parts a. Relationships such as friend, family and community .... this is the most important love of all times.. it lasts so long b. Female to male, or male to female or vice versa... this one leads to marrage and children and happiness, but requires loads of sacrifices from both sides..and putting to each others' faults.. 3. Imaginary love - this is not true love and it can not be explained this has many faces a. you think u love the opposite sex just it istimulates ur inner desires... and u get turned off when u come back to reality.. b. you admire someone and u think u love the person.. start thinking of the person till someone else who is more admirable then u shift your love... and u keep shifting till u realize that was not love.... Conclusion Love doesnt exist without hate... you experience hate and u observe how hate makes u feel then u realize love is a good feeling and it do exist every where... do i make sense? i dont know it is u to judge and read between the lines maybe then u get my point if not u can always PM me for more inputs... peace
  2. diamond princess - sister i didnt say i didnt see somali with high position cause i am one already, and beside i am self declaired Human rights activist and well known in Areas of such needs.. my point is not many and generalization is appropiate where majority doesnt exist, beside when u want to say most of something .. it is as saying all... anyway peace human rights is important kudadaala..
  3. OG girl .. smart girl.. .. i want to do 118% but i dont like asskissing, walahi this is how it goes where i work in Asia... those who asskiss the boss always get promoted and the justification is they work way over 100%... and as being somali who works too much extremly too much cause we do it not for the money but for the work itself .. he tells me u working hard and i kind of feel he is saying 98%... so bulshitting and assskissing are the only two means to get u to the top.. u have the choice.. i know as somalis none of u will choose any of these two choices, that is why u dont see any somali in high positions... peace
  4. Ever wonder about people who say they are giving more than 100% ? PLease Read Carefully We have all been to those meetings where someone wants over 100%. How about achieving 103 %? Here is a little math that might prove helpful. What makes life 100%? If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Is represented as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 _________________________________________________ Then: H A R D W O R K 8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11 = 98%. ______________________________________________ K N O W L E D G E 11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5 = 96% ______________________________________________ But, A T T I T U D E 1 20 20 9 20 21 4 5 = 100% ______________________________________________ And, B U L L S H I T 2 21 12 12 19 8 9 20 = 103% ______________________________________________ So it stands to reason that hard work and knowledge will get you close, Attitude will get you there, and Bullsshit will take you over the top. But look how far asss kissing will take you. A S S K I S S I N G 1 19 19 11 9 19 19 9 14 7 = 118%. ______________________________________________ So the next time someone ask you to give more than 100%, you know what is required of you. P E A C E
  5. Derman .. i agree with u.. king Faisal was a great man.. one of his kind.... salaam to the Philippine guy.... guys Hitler anyone fancy him? he was smart as u know... peace
  6. ^^^ Sorry but they mean a joke to me.. I also heard that USA government is revealing errors in their laws and trying to implement some Chinese Laws which they resisted so long and called it communist, and Mr Toa Sea Chung 57 years old, a chinese scholar was assigned to reshape the American law particularly the Human rights Law and Women issues... the report also revealed that Mr Tao will produce his supposedly perfect law by 2006.. till then god help people in America.. peace..
  7. My hero, first is Al rasuul salahu caleehi wasalam, then omar binu kathab, abu bakar sidiiq, Ali binu abii talib and uthman then the following 1. My dear Father 2. My mother 3. OG_moti 4. Sayid Abdille Hassan 5. Bilal 6. Amar binu Yasir 7. Salman Al farisi 9. Salahu Al diin 10. My Grand mother, she was haafid Al quran Alaha unaxariisto by the way to have a gaal none believer as a hero is not good, cause like our prophet said "Yuxsharu Al mar u maca man Axaba" meaning You will be lebeled with who u love next life, -------- means if the one u love goes to jahanam maybe u follow too.. so choose ur hero carefully... good luck Eid MUBARAK
  8. Dawaco good thinking... but i am sure most of us knew what they were getting into, beside he still has to guess among two years, 70s or 80s looool, so let the brother feel good and say ur sign.. :rolleyes: peace
  9. Boar ... pig!!! :confused: People born in the Year of the Boar are said to be tolerant and friendly. what the hellll PIG, i cant accept that, sxb northerner is there a way someone can change his sign.. cause i cant be Boar, it is impossible, find me away to change or i will stop reading, eating, promoting, and marrying chinese stuff... I dont even like the look of that animal how about taking it as my birth sign and telling people i am boar ... how can i look people in the eye and say i am Boar... no not me.. find something bro aan kuu duceeyee peace
  10. RAM = Random Access Memory, that makes me Ram too.. i dont know the chinese signs, even thou if i live in chinese community.. happy year of Monkey.. balaayo, monkey year is not a good year... and why? i dont wana depress people.. anyway happy new year and count me with the RAM thing... Happy advance Eid too dear Nomads PEace
  11. Thanx brothers and sisters... he was my friend and we known each other for 6 years in the philippines... Allah Yarhamuh and those who said if it is true or doubted about this sad story please see this link Heart breaking and please pray for him, My friend passing away this way is breaking my heart, and I dont understand how cruel and racist those western countries could be.. stick together guys and InshaAllah our country will be in peace once again so that we go home... peace
  12. Pray for him Please It is a sad day to me and many other friends, in Cambodia and Philippines, Walahi we can not express our pain, Cause we by accident open websites and found that our dear friend was shot by the police in Australia,as you most likely seen in all over the internet... Awale mohamed, was our dear friend, hard working, good student, funny, had good interpersonal skills, we lived together in the same town and went to the same school in the Philippines...we all loved him and everyone who knew him loved him, Walahi we were in shock, and the sadest things to me are: he was top in his class, dead very young, full of promises. and he had a problem and no one helped him, in the philippines we use to support each other, but in west we are becoming like westerns, everyone only cares about him/herselve, and that is so sad...it breaks my heart To Awale Mohamed, Allaahey ha inaxariisto, janadiina haka waraabiyo" I can not express my sadness and pain with words, we lost a great friend, in unneccessary circumstances... Please pray for him, he was a good man, very good man.... Anaga oodhana iyo cidiisa sabir Allaha nagasiiyo, Wasalaamu Caleekum P.S. Take care of each other, ask about your friends even if they are far away, send an e-mail once awhile, just remember we all need support... PEace
  13. First of All my dear Nomads .. this is a true story... and the important thing here is the moral of the story and some got it, the girls somali girls i am so proud of you, you have a good heart, you felt sorry for the brother, which shows that you all are our only assets, to the people who asked how didnt anyone noticed or why he didnt smell "read the story and u will know what, and beside it takes more than 5 days for the body to begin to smell depending on the environment it exist", those who said his family and why he didnt go to his house.. many somali men dont go home for different reason whenever they want.. and that is a fact we all know... anyway Focus on the moral and pray for the dead.. peace
  14. Worker (Somali) Dead at Desk for five Days _________________________________________________ From the New York Times: Bosses of publishing firm are trying to work out why no one noticed that one of their employees had been sitting dead at his desk for five days before anyone asked if he was feeling okey. Farax Warsame, 43, who had been employed as a proof – reader at a New York firm for 15 years, had a stomach crush, in the open – plan office he shared with other 25 other workers. He quietly passed away on Monday, but nobody noticed until Saturday morning when an office cleaner asked why he was working during the weekend. His Boss, Elliot Wachiaski, said: “Warsame was always the first guy in each morning and the last to leave at night, and no one knew he had Ulcer, he never told anyone, so no one found it unusual that he was in the same position all that time and didn’t say anything, He way always absorbed in his work and kept much to him self,” A post modern examination revealed that he had been dead for five days after suffering a stomach bleeding. Warsame was proofreading manuscripts of medical textbooks when he died. He was also writing a Letter to someone, In Latin words but wasn’t English or European, experts think it was Somalian scrip. His Family did not notice his absence for 5 days, when asked they said Warsame comes home once every 3 weeks. ________________________________________________ The moral of the story: Don’t work too hard. Nobody notices anyway. Stick to the welfare, at least you wont die angry. Peace
  15. from OG Moti 7:Why do u smile when a foriegn man says a silly joke and when a brother says a good joke u say war nadhaaf dhaan dhaanyahow? Reply from Hibo 7: Coz if I laugh too hard you may assume I have done prostitution and judge me. Come on..Isnt dat so true...?? That is so untrue, it is well known by international community, that somali men do not judge people that easy, they work on proves ..solid proves.. specially with the sisters, how many somali men could not be convinced that there are somali bad girls, cause simply they dont except the idea that there could be a bad somali girl, and u all know what i mean by bad...... so my queen u so nice with foriegners no matter where they from, and hard on the brothers that is just heart breaking.... peace
  16. Dawaco shall i tell the people about this topic.....? loooooool or tell them what you really feel about Somali women in the west? looool maybe not now! ..... :mad: peace
  17. caramel_kisses it seems you did not like my well thought facts and well researched material, I was so hesitant to post before i study all the facts, so my conclusion i should say scientific conclusion is that Somali men have good nature, and most trust worthy men ever walked on earth, and that is according to study made by UNHRC... and 2000 women from different nationalities were involved, including Philippines, Hawaiin, Tongo, Estonia, UK, USA, Colombia, China, Cuba, Eskimos, Sinigal, Bahrain,Germany, Sweden, Uganda, SouthAfrica, Russia, Barkina Faso, India, 2 from Afghanistan and even Isreal and many others, they all agreed somali men are the most trust worthy men, they also mentioned in the report, how somali men safed some Kuwaits and Algarian Airplane fly attendance, during the IRaqi invation of kuwait, and how they treated them, and never even looked at them with a lion look waiting to jump on them.... they said we even felt wanting them sometimes but they were not interested, i hope you will take my words for this report and ask no evidence... not because i can not provide the evidence it is just the report is too long and it is available upon request.... peace
  18. As a Somali i prefer to say this can never happen! but again it happens people make mistakes, it is unislamic but it happens, before i get deep and upset some girls, let me first say; according to sharia, the baby could never carry ur name or inherit you whether u marry his mom or not as long u did it before nikaax, let me go back to the scenario formed by our dear sis and my friend caramela kisses I have different options – and the girl I love has nothing to do with this, I should not consult with her, it is my mess which is a result of her breaking up with me (according to the scenario), so she has to be blamed some how… anyways, my options are: 1. I deny I did I was me… that is first option, and if they start DNA S h it, then I think about it and try to convince her abortion, don’t judge me people, listen, the baby is steal not formed, and he is haraam baby, and he/she will have hard time in this world… he/she might turn to psycho if he/she grows up… 2. I leave the country and start all over again and convince myself it is not my baby 3. Ilaahey ima dhigo meeshaa but if it happens I will trick someone to marry her… 4. Let her have the baby, and I will support them both even if she gets married to someone else, and I make sure the baby gets some of my wealth after my death, include the baby in my Will. 5. I will marry them both, the baby’s mom and the one I love So those are my options and those are good options, and it is inline with human rights and doing the right thing… some might seem unethical, but hey come on sometimes it is ok to be unethical if it solves the problem and if it is for the general good of the people involved such as myself and the girls… Actually it happened to a lot of my friends in Philippines, the girls found out we guys are full of mercy and ethics and moral, so they hunt us down and first mistake, within 3 hours she tells u she is pregnant… they think just because we come by airplanes we are rich.. thou some came by boats and for purposes I can not tell in this forum…they were going somewhere else.. but I still don’t want to tell ….anyways it happens and girls start to believe it is easy to get us using our big heart and our good nature, so they hunt u down and make u believe she is giving her self to u, but the truth is she is taking u to hell with strategy not even central intelligence would ever think of… so that is how I see this discussion and I am sure most of you agree with me.. peace
  19. PsYcHo_SuE welcome back...and what do u mean since when i avoid conflict, i do not avoid conflict but i become a peace man and i always knew i wasnt a fighter but a lover, i love human kind, lets say most of humans... and i see people want to drag me to violance and what i am not... peace
  20. dear CULTURE is never static, it changes, and it is called Cultural shift... but why are u being so smart on us, and making me and dawaco look bad looool, all Dawaco said was Somali girls i think she said some somali girls think Somali culture is backwards and western way is the way or the highway, that is all she said and she was asking the dumarka to Stop and think, are we doing the right thing and do we need to slow down, and is being indepedant means leaving ur culture and take the western culture where women seem to be kneck to kneck with men? those questions was asked by dawaco.. and i agreed with her that is all... peace
  21. Haruun Ala ninkan baa rag yaqaan, oo aqyaar ah, afkaaga caano geel lagu qabay, oo cad hilib ah lagu dar, sxb usheeg waliba AAyayaasha.... sxb welcome back, havent seen u around for sometime no.. peace
  22. Caramel_kisses i agree with u life is short why get serious and get into debates i should say endless debate with somalis...(some)...stick to general and women they are cool, jokes has one problem, we dont understand each other humor for instance UK humor i see offensive... holland jokes too intimidating, north america jokes sercasim, and chinese jokes funny ... Lakkad loooooool waligaa ma maqashay geelu markuu dhulka kudhaco, dadkoodhan baa tooree kula soo ordo! loooool marka waxaad istiri odey wii kuu dhacay ee kagaarsii loooool, Opinionted did u wake up in the wrong side of the bed, why bad mood and why call ur uncle silly.... man forums is a place to ease the pressure and release the tentions, why are u bringing tention here, take it easy, enjoy ur peace of the net... nomad yahow! loooool I only read General, sometimes women section, and it is just because when a lady gives me a headache i warn my brothers, cause it happens to one it happens to all, it is like they all came from the same school.... peace ......... peace again...
  23. Walee somalida nuune ayaa fahmay.. topicgan waa mid ku bilaawday si fiican oo dumarka xaqiiqadooda soo bandhigay, iyada "dawaco" oo leh dumarkii dhaqankii bey katageen weena waasheen, oo anigu iyo rag aqoonyahan ah kuraacnay arintaa, maaba meeshii waxkale loo badalay... x_quizit waaban yaabay sxb waa maxay qaskaad wado, war westernized bey rabaan iney noqdaan oo aduunkii wey nagu cariiriyeen adiguna waad hor ordi, bal ukaadi .. oo sxb waani dumarkeena meeshaad ku aragto .. hana nagu dirin, That's good, macaanto....But could you perhaps elaborate on that? And maybe you could even add a personal view or two.....It kinda work's wonders for discussions to do so, and x-quisite did make several points....So which parts worked for ya ma ila aragtaan waaa arin cajiib ah, iney inanteena caramel_kisses nagu dirto bey dooni, caramel wey aaminsantahay in dumarka ey traditionkii kunoqdaan hada kahorna weynu kawada hadalnay weyna igu raacday.. wasalaam .. peace
  24. War ileen tanookale, sidey ufiicneed Dawacadan bey ba kadartay... sidaan isulahaa tan baa aduunka fahamsan, bey ba keentay waxaan loojoogin oo la arag, Are our men discouraging hard working females in order to maintain the patriarchal set up of the family with them as providers? war bal waxaa ila eega!! ma anigii baan yaabin, mise cadan baa laga heesi waa kii odeygii waaya araga ahaa yiri... waa iga bas .. fara haan kala baxay arintan, sidan si ma aha, markii lasheego dhaqan iyo xeer bey isku yaacaan oo na hor ordaan.. Dawaco i think u changed ur mind after u we all thought u were the wise one and u were telling the sisters to STOP and think a bit and back to our beautiful tradition... peace
  25. OG Moti


    Suuro = Picture The word Suuro in somali language is originated from Arabic word Suura which is picture... and the point of calling a person Suuro.. means snapish in other word "Gafuur taag" like u posting for a picture.. thus the real meaning of Suuro in english would be Snapish as he/she is taking a picture... Wa peace